A selection of publications held in the Typography and Printing Library of the Paekakariki Press.
LCN | LCC | Title | Author | Publisher | Year | ISBN |
0001269 | ||||||
0000463 | "Monotype" Caster Instruction Book | The Monotype Corporation Limited | 1935 | |||
0001267 | Z253 .M66 | "Monotype" Caster Instruction Book | The Monotype Corporation Limited | 1946 | ||
0000928 | A Book of Ballads - K12 | Chatto & Windus | 1935 | |||
0001286 | Z253 .C84 | A Book of Typefaces | W. S. Cowell Ltd | 1952 | 9780571009367 | |
0001211 | Z250 .W35 | A Catalogue of Type Faces, Ornaments Borders Rules | Walter Nash & Company Ltd | 1930 | ||
0000601 | Z250 .W47 1951 | A short list shewing Types and decorative Borders with stock blocks and Devices used by the Westerham Press | Westerham Press | 1951 | ||
0000691 | Z250 .C38 1941 | A Specimen Book of Printing Types | Caxton Press | 1941 | ||
0001421 | Z250 .C39 1940 | A Specimen Book of Printing Types | Caxton Press | 1940 | ||
0001214 | Z231.5 .U6 A17 | AAUP Book Show 1979 | Association of American University Presses | 1979 | ||
0001024 | Adana Catalogue - No 204 | Adana (Printing Machines) Ltd. | 1969 | |||
0000581 | Adana Catalogue - No 308 | Adana Printing Machines Ltd | 1971 | |||
0000582 | Adana Catalogue - No 316 | Adana Printing Machines Ltd | 1979 | |||
0000583 | Adana Catalogue - No 420 - Printers' Stationery | Adana Printing Machines Ltd | 1979 | |||
0000045 | QA76.73.P67 A36 1990 | Adobe Type 1 Font Format | Addison-Wesley Pub. Co | c1990 | 9780201570441 | |
0001647 | PA2095 .A626 1990 | An Anthology of Latin Prose | 9780198721215 | |||
0001245 | Z250 .P55 | Bodoni | Pillans & Wilson | |||
0001095 | Z537.3 .B66 1997 | Book & Print in New Zealand | Victoria University Press | 1997 | 9780864733313 | |
0001277 | Z250 .C66 | Book Founts | T. & A. Constable Ltd | [19--] | ||
0001448 | Z255 .B72 | Book Impositions, 1975 | British Printing Industries Federation | [1975] | ||
0001179 | Z250 .C635 | Book Types From Clowes: A Specimen Book of Type Faces | Clowes | 1965 [ | ||
0001141 | Z323 .B78 1986 | British Book Design & Production | National Book League | |||
0001140 | Z323 .B78 | British Book Production | National Book League | |||
0001422 | Z250 .B758 1958 | British Standard Specification | [1962] | |||
0000533 | Carrongrove | Argyll Publishing | 2000 | 9781902831169 | ||
0001208 | Z250 .S83 | Caslon Printing Types | H.W. Caslon Ltd | 1937 | ||
0001530 | PA2365.E5 C3 1977 | Cassell's Latin Dictionary | Cassell | 1933 | 9780025225701 | |
0001309 | Z151.5 .C35 1976 | Catalogue of An Exhibition of Books and Printed Ephemera From Twenty-eight contemporary private presses, [held] 3 December 1976 | London Borough of Camden, Libraries and Arts Department | 1976 | 9780901389251 | |
0001415 | Z117 .E3 1976 | Catalogue of the Edward Clark Library | 9780902703124 | |||
0001142 | NA2800 .S3 1964 | Collected Papers On Acoustics. With A New Introd. By Frederick V. Hunt | ||||
0001447 | Z253 .C6 | Copyfitting Tables for "monotype" & "monophoto" Faces | Monotype Corp | 1970 | ||
0000752 | Cornerstone the boxes that are measured in ems | Hawthorne Baker | 1960 | |||
0001007 | TT57 | Craft Tools of Yesterday | Photo Precision | 1974 | ||
0000233 | Dover Digital Design Source #11 Typographical Borders and Ornaments. The Unabridged Classic Enshede Catalog | Dover Publications | 2010 | 9780486482378 | ||
0001219 | Z250 .E567 | Drukkeriei Enchedé Haarlem Holland | Enchede | 1968 | ||
0001374 | Z325.L63 | Edward Lloyd and His World | 9780367206147 | |||
0001525 | Z250.A3 F79 | Efficient Remelting | Fry's Metal Foundries Ltd | 1950 | ||
0000896 | TS1109 .E76 | Esparto Paper | N. Neame | 1956 | ||
0000993 | Z245 .B86 1959 | Estimating for Printers | British Federation of Master Printers | 1970 | ||
0001523 | PA6121.A7 F70 | Fifty Latin Lyrics | Longmans, Green | [1955] | ||
0001288 | Z250 | Fine Print On Type | Lund Humphries | 1989 | 9780853315438 | |
0000661 | HF3504 .F6 1901 | Fortunes Made in Business | Amalgamated Press | [1901, | ||
0001419 | Z999 .C47 | Highly Important Incunabula, Bibles, Early Greek Printing and Colour-plate Books From Beriah Botfield's Library | 1994 | |||
0001501 | Z244.3 | Hints for the Pressman | Schnellpressenfabrik | 1966 | ||
0001088 | Z327 .H63 1972 | Hodson's Booksellers, Publishers and Stationers Directory 1855 | Oxford Bibliographical Society | 1972 | 9780901420060 | |
0000988 | Z232.T863 J345 2008 | Jan Tschichold | Thames & Hudson | 2008 | 9780500513989 | |
0001212 | Z232. T863 | Jan Tschichold | Kunstgewerbemuseum | 1976 | ||
0001526 | PR9634.92 .L363 2016 | Landfall 230: November 2015 | 9781927322529 | |||
0000198 | N6768 .L36 20020 | Landing : Eight Collaborative Projects Between Artists & Geographers | Royal Holloway | 2002 | 9780902194588 | |
0001643 | PA2091 .L3 | Latin for Lawyers | Sweet and Maxwell, limited; [etc., etc.] | 1915 | ||
0001673 | Z329 .S46 2001 | Light On the Book Trade | Oak Knoll Press | 2004 | 9780712347976 | |
0001385 | HB3584 | Local Population Studies No. 100 | 1968- | |||
0001354 | London Magazine | |||||
0001054 | NC1473 .L69 2014 | Loyal Subversion? | 9783525301678 | |||
0000145 | Mechanism And Operation of Modern Linotypes | Linotype and Machinery | 1951 | |||
0000770 | Mechanism and Operation of Modern Linotypes | Linotype and Machinery Limited | 1951 | |||
0001191 | PR1209 .G7 1952 | Metaphysical Lyrics & Poems of the Seventeenth Century | Oxford University Press | 1959 | ||
0000695 | Z231.5.P7 M6 | Modern Fine Printing | William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California | 1968 | ||
0000766 | Monotype Book of Information 1970 | Montoype Corporation | 1970 | |||
0001197 | Z253 .M66 | Monotype Caster Instruction Book | The Monotype Corporation Limited | 1935 | ||
0001198 | Z253 .M66 | Monotype Caster Instruction Book | The Lanston Monotype Corporation Limited | 1920 | ||
0001199 | Z253 .M66 | Monotype Casting Machine Manual | The National Committee of Monotype Uers' Associations | 1952 | ||
0001272 | Z253 .M66 | Monotype Casting Machine Manual | The National Committee of Monotype Uers' Associations | 1952 | ||
0001300 | Z253 .M66 | Monotype Keyboard Adjustment Book | Monotype Corporation | [1953] | ||
0001612 | Z116.A3 N49 2004x | New Book Design | Laurence King Pub | 2004 | 9781856693660 | |
0001174 | PN147 .N42 2005 | New Hart's Rules | Oxford University Press | 2005 | ||
0001098 | N8560 .M32513 19 | Old Master Prints and Drawings | Amsterdam University Press | c1997 | 9789053562437 | |
0000444 | Old-Time Transportation | Dover Publications, Inc | 1987 | 9780486995496 | ||
0001382 | CS413 .O94 2008 | Oxford Companion to Family and Local History | Oxford University Press | 2008 | ||
0001396 | CS413 .O94 1996 | Oxford Companion to Family and Local History | Oxford University Press | 1996 | ||
0000983 | PJ6640 .O94 2010 | Oxford Essential Arabic Dictionary | Oxford University Press | 2010 | 9780199561155 | |
0001584 | PA2365.E5 09 1982 | Oxford Latin Dictionary | London, Clarendon Press | 1968- | ||
0001500 | TS1105 | Paper Making | The Section | 1950 | ||
0000747 | TS1085 .S63 | Paper Terminology | Spalding and Hodge Ltd | |||
0001402 | TS1085 .P36 1900z | Paper Terminology | Spalding & Hodge | [19--] | ||
0000056 | TS1105 .N3 1965 | Paper: Its Making, Merchanting and Usage | National Association of Paper Merchants | [1965] | ||
0001046 | HD8396 .P37 2005 | Papers for the People | Merlin Press | 2005 | ||
0001488 | Z1033.F5 P374 | Parenthesis 20 - Spring 2011 | Fine Press Book Association | 1998- | ||
0001489 | Z1033.F5 P374 | Parenthesis 21 - Autumn 2011 | Fine Press Book Association | 1998- | ||
0001490 | Z1033.F5 P374 | Parenthesis 22 - Spring 2012 | Fine Press Book Association | 1998- | ||
0001491 | Z1033.F5 P374 | Parenthesis 24 - Spring 2013 | Fine Press Book Association | 1998- | ||
0001492 | Z1033.F5 P374 | Parenthesis 25 - Autumn 2013 | Fine Press Book Association | 1998- | ||
0001487 | Z1033.F5 P374 | Parenthesis 26 - Spring 2014 | Fine Press Book Association | 1998- | ||
0001481 | Z1033.F5 P374 | Parenthesis 27 - Autumn 2014 | Fine Press Book Association | 1998- | ||
0001483 | Z1033.F5 P374 | Parenthesis 28 - Spring 2015 | Fine Press Book Association | 1998- | ||
0001482 | Z1033.F5 P374 | Parenthesis 29 - Autumn 2015 | Fine Press Book Association | 1998- | ||
0001484 | Z1033.F5 P374 | Parenthesis 30 - Spring 2016 | Fine Press Book Association | 1998- | ||
0001485 | Z1033.F5 P374 | Parenthesis 32 - Spring 2017 | Fine Press Book Association | 1998- | ||
0001486 | Z1033.F5 P374 | Parenthesis 33 - Autumn 2017 | Fine Press Book Association | 1998- | ||
0001479 | Z1033.F5 P374 | Parenthesis 34 - Spring 2018 | Fine Press Book Association | 1998- | ||
0001480 | Z1033.F5 P374 | Parenthesis 35 - Autumn 2018 | Fine Press Book Association | 1998- | ||
0001474 | Z1033.F5 P374 | Parenthesis 36 - Spring 2019 | Fine Press Book Association | 1998- | ||
0001022 | Parenthesis 36 - Spring 2020 | Fine Press Book Association | 2020 | |||
0001477 | Z1033.F5 P374 | Parenthesis 37 - Autumn 2019 | Fine Press Book Association | 1998- | ||
0001476 | Z1033.F5 P374 | Parenthesis 39 - Autumn 2020 | Fine Press Book Association | 1998- | ||
0001478 | Z1033.F5 P374 | Parenthesis 41 - Autumn 2021 | Fine Press Book Association | 1998- | ||
0001475 | Z1033.F5 P374 | Parenthesis 42 - Spring 2022 | Fine Press Book Association | 1998- | ||
0001473 | Z1033.F5 P374 | Parenthesis 43 - Autumn 2022 | Fine Press Book Association | 1998- | ||
0001472 | Z1033.F5 P374 | Parenthesis 44 - Spring 2023 | Fine Press Book Association | 1998- | ||
0000518 | Z990 .P5 | Philobiblon Eine Zeitschrift fur Bucherliebhaber; ViII. 1934 Heft 4 | Herbert Reichner | 1934 | ||
0000161 | Z250.3 .P5 | Pictorial Archive of Printer's Ornaments From the Renaissance to the 20th Century | Dover Publications | 1980 | 9780486239446 | |
0000580 | Platen - Handbook of the International Small Printers' Association | International Small Printers' Association | 1964 | |||
0000736 | TR970 .E6 | Practical Methods of Photo-engraving | Employing Photo-Engravers Association of America | 1925- | ||
0000737 | TR970 .E6 | Practical Methods of Photo-engraving | Employing Photo-Engravers Association of America | 1925- | ||
0001145 | Printers, Pedlars, Sailors, Nuns | 9781916142428 | ||||
0000762 | Printing and Publishing The Times | 1948 | ||||
0001260 | Z121 .L73 1963 | Printing and the Mind of Man | Messrs F.W. Bridges & Sons Ltd. and The Association of British Manufacturers of Printers' Machinery (Proprietary) Ltd. | 1963 | ||
0001065 | Z124 .T58 1930 | Printing in the Twentieth Century | The Times Publishing Company Ltd. | 1930 | ||
0000023 | Z250.A3 F7 1936 | Printing Metals | The Foundries | 1936 | ||
0000685 | Z249 .G73 1969 | Printing patents. Abridgements of patent specifications relating to printing, 1617-1857. | Printing Historical Society | 1969 | 9780900003004 | |
0001672 | Z325 .P85 2005 | Printing Places | Oak Knoll Press | 2005 | 9780712349062 | |
0001425 | Z118 .P7 | Printing Reproduction Pocket Pal | ||||
0000769 | Z250 .M5 1925 | Printing Type Specimens - Miller & Richard | Miller & Richard | 1932 | ||
0001107 | Z250 .C375 | Printing Types | 1948 | |||
0001209 | Z250 .S83 | Printing Types | Stephenson, Blake & Co. Ltd | 1937 | ||
0000468 | Z245 .F43` | Profit for Printers or What is "Cost"? | Federation of Master Printers and Allied Trades | 1907 | ||
0000787 | PN5117 .P8 | Progress of British Newspapers in the 19th Century Illustrated | Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co Ltd | 1901 | ||
0000559 | Z254 .B75 1958 | Proof Correction and Copy Preparation. BS 1219:1958 | British Standards Institution | 1958 | ||
0001456 | RA424 .P83 2008 | Public Health | Rutgers University Press | c2008- | 9780813542317 | |
0000355 | KD1340.A65 P8 | Publishing Agreements - A Book of Precedents | George Allen & Unwin | 1984 | 9780046550165 | |
0000578 | Riscatype Pocketbook of Typefaces | Riscatype | ||||
0000711 | Z120 .D66173 | Rules Rolls and Records of the Double Crown Club | Double Crown Club | 1980 | ||
0001412 | Z664 S46 PRE | Senate House Library, University of London | 9781857598124 | |||
0001328 | Z250 .L9568 | Some Ludlow Typefaces | Ludlow Typograph Company | 1960 | ||
0000790 | Spare Parts List for Monotype Composition and Rule Casters | The Monotype Corporation Limited | 1960 | |||
0001048 | Z250 .M66 | Specimen Book | Moorgate typesetting Co. Ltd | 1955 | ||
0001215 | Z250.5 .M65 S63 | Specimen Book of Monotype Printing Types, Borders, Ornaments and Rules | The Monotype Corporation Limited | 1948 | ||
0001305 | Z250 .M643 | Specimens of Book, Newspaper, Jobbing and Ornamental Types | Miller and Richard | c.1865 | ||
0001271 | Z250.W65 .C37 | Specimens of wood type | H.W. Caslon & Co. Ltd. | |||
0000699 | St Bride Catalogue | 1919 | ||||
0000859 | Standard Printing Paper Sizes | The Monotype Corporation Limited | ||||
0001250 | Z250.A2 M686 | Stanley Morison | The trustees of the British Museum | 1971 | 9780714103297 | |
0001146 | Street Literature and the Circulation of Songs | 9781916142404 | ||||
0001423 | PN147 .S795 1995 | Style Book | G.P. Publications | 1995 | 9781869561239 | |
0001185 | Z250 .J36 | Style of the House | James Upton Ltd | |||
0001495 | Z253 .M66 | Tabular Composition on a 'Monotype' Keyboard | The Monotype Corporation Limited | |||
0001331 | PR9635.7 .T4 | Ten Modern New Zealand Poets | Longman Paul | 1974 | 9780582687950 | |
0000917 | The "Monotype" Super Caster Instruction Book | The Monotype Corporation Limited | ||||
0001365 | Z253 .M6 | The "Monotype" Super Caster Instruction Book | ||||
0000465 | The 'Monotype' Keyboard Operator's Manual | The National Committee of Monotype Users' Associations | 1950 | |||
0000616 | The 'Monotype' Keyboard Operator's Manual | The National Committee of Monotype Users' Associations | 1958 | |||
0000464 | The 'Monotype' Super Caster Manual | The National Committee of Monotype Users' Associations | 1953 | |||
0000773 | The Association of British Manufacturers of Printers Machinery | The Association of British Manufacturers of Printers Machinery | 1950 | |||
0000760 | The Bank of England Printing Works | The Bank of England | 1957 | |||
0000704 | PR2411 .S6 1911 | The book of Sir Thomas More | V. Ridler | 1961 | ||
0001017 | Z151.5 .B67 2008 | The British Book Trade | British Library | 2008 | 9780712349574 | |
0000814 | PR1195.H8 | The Chatto Book of Nonsense Poetry | Chatto & Windus | 1988 | 9780701137212 | |
0000972 | NK520.G7 L62 1970 | The Crystal Palace Exhibition Illustrated Catalogue | Dover Publications Inc | 1970 | 9780486225036 | |
0000592 | Z151 .H57 | The History of Printing | The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge | 1855 | ||
0001406 | Z1005 | The Influence of D.F. McKenzie | Merchiston Publishing | 2010 | 9780955356155 | |
0001560 | PN6175 .L45 1865 | The Jest Book | Macmillan | 1865 | ||
0001464 | AS122 .W653 | The Journal of William Morris Studies - Vol. XXIV 1-2 | William Morris Society | 2002- | ||
0000562 | The Library - The Transactions of the Bibliographical Society Vol 15 No 3 | The Bibliographical Society Society and Oxford University Press | 2014 | |||
0000561 | The Library - The Transactions of the Bibliographical Society Vol 16 No 1 | The Bibliographical Society Society and Oxford University Press | 2015 | |||
0001210 | Z253 .L2745 | The Mechanism of the "Monotype" Keyboard | The Lanston Monotype Corporation, Limited | 1920 | ||
0001202 | Z253 .M752 | The Monotype Keyboard Operator's Manual | The National Committee of Monotype Users' Associatians | 1950 | ||
0001042 | HN13 .N48 1989 | The New Cultural History | University of California Press | c1989 | ||
0000764 | The Original Heidelberg Cylinder 21" x 28" Operation Manual | Heidelberg | 1963 | |||
0001335 | PR1225 .O89 | The Oxford Book of Contemporary Verse, 1945-1980 | Oxford University Press | 1980 | 9780192141088 | |
0001529 | DE5 .O9 1970 | The Oxford Classical Dictionary | Clarendon Press | 1970 | 9780198691174 | |
0001076 | PN6081 .095 1979 | The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations | Oxford University Press | 1979 | 9780192115607 | |
0001170 | PR9624.3 .O94 1991 | The Oxford History of New Zealand Literature in English | Oxford University Press | 1991 | 9780195582116 | |
0001418 | NK1535.P39 P39 2006 | The Pentagram Papers | Chronicle Books | 2006 | ||
0001410 | N4700 1989 | The Printmakers of Atelier 17 | Austin/Desmond Contemporary Books | [1989] | ||
0001231 | Z151 .S215 | The Private Press Today | St Bride Foundation | 2015 | ||
0000066 | TR970 .B3 | The Process Engraver's Compendium | Federation of master process engravers | [1932? | ||
0000735 | TR925 .P76 1932 | The Process Engraver's Compendium | Federation of master process engravers | [1932? | ||
0000738 | TR925 .P76 1932 | The Process Engraver's Compendium | Federation of master process engravers | [1932? | ||
0000063 | Z250 .Y462 1966 | The Riscatype Catalogue of Popular Typefaces | Yendall & Company] | [ca. 1 | ||
0001270 | Z250 .Y462 1966 | The Riscatype Catalogue of Popular Typefaces | Yendall & Company] | [ca. 1 | ||
0001400 | Z7914.P2 T447 1950 | The Story of Paper | Federation of Master Printers | 1950 | ||
0000071 | NK3630 .S8 | The Studio Book of Alphabets | Studio Publications | [1953] | ||
0001089 | DA533 .V5 | The Victorian Countryside Vol. 2 | Routledge & Kegan Paul | 1981 | 9780710007353 | |
0001251 | Z250 .W524w | The Western type book | Hamish Hamilton | 1970 | ||
0000177 | Three Hundred Illustrations with Scripture Texts | W.H. Broom & Rouse | 1886 | |||
0000158 | Z250.3 .T72 1986 | Treasury Of Book Ornament And Decoration | Dover Publications | 1986 | 9780486251677 | |
0001025 | Type and Typesetting | Adana (Printing Machines) Ltd. | 1969 | |||
0000037 | Z250 .M147 1965 | Type for Books | Cory, Adams & Mackay | 1965 | ||
0000701 | Typeface nomenclature | British Standards Institution | 1958 | |||
0000590 | Types on Anglo-American point-system | Type-Foundry D. Stempel AG | 1960 | |||
0001443 | Z246 .T97 1991 | Typography Now | Internos Books | 1991 | 9780904866902 | |
0001109 | NK1447.6.M6 A4 2009 | V&A Pattern | V&A | c2009 | ||
0000160 | Z250.3 .B782 1976 | Victorian Frames, Borders, And Cuts From The 1882 Type Catalog Of George Bruce's Son And Co | Dover Publications | 1976 | 9780486233208 | |
0000175 | Z250.3 .B782 1976 | Victorian Frames, Borders, And Cuts From The 1882 Type Catalog Of George Bruce's Son And Co | Dover Publications | 1976 | 9780486233208 | |
0000913 | PN5117 V53 2005 | Victorian Print Media | Oxford University Press | 2005 | 9780199270378 | |
0000904 | Victorian Printing Machines | Plymouth College of Art & Design | 1972 | |||
0000159 | NE1092 .V5 1982 | Victorian Spot Illustrations, Alphabets, And Ornaments From Porret's Type Catalog | Dover Publications | 1982 | 9780486242712 | |
0001424 | Z1006 .T468 V | Vocabularium Bibliothecarii | UNESCO | 1953 | ||
0001164 | NK1535.M67 A4 1996 | William Morris | Philip Wilson | 1996 | ||
0000190 | NC242.M72 W54 1973 | William Morris: Ornamentation And Illustrations From The Kelmscott Chaucer | Dover Publications | 1973 | 9780486229706 | |
0001165 | NC242.M72 W54 1973 | William Morris: Ornamentation and Illustrations From the Kelmscott Chaucer | Dover | [1973] | 9780486229706 | |
0000195 | Z266 .A23 2010 | Bookbinding: A Step-by-step Guide | Abbott, Kathy | Crowood | 2010 | 9781847971531 |
0001072 | PR868.P5252 A27 2019 | Plagiarizing the Victorian Novel | Abraham, Adam | 9781108675406 | ||
0000916 | LF510 .C63 1954 | Ackermann's Oxford | Ackermann, Rudolph | Penguin | 1954 | |
0000647 | Z232.A145 A45 | A ledger of Charles Ackers, printer of The London Magazine | Ackers, Charles | Published for the Oxford Bibliographical Society by the Oxford U.P | 1968 | |
0000836 | Z232.A145 A45 | A Ledger of Charles Ackers - Printer of the London Magazine | Ackers, Charles | The Oxford University Press | 1968 | |
0001634 | Z232.A145 A45 | A Ledger of Charles Ackers - Printer of the London Magazine | Ackers, Charles | The Oxford University Press | 1968 | |
0001506 | PR6051.C64 | Chatterton | Ackroyd, Peter | |||
0001304 | Z268 .A25 1948 | The House of Kitcat. | Adams, John | G. & J. Kitcat Ltd. | 1948 | |
0001323 | PN5123.L37 A63 1966 | Mark Lemon | Adrian, Arthur A | London | 1966 | |
0001451 | PN5123.L37 A63 1966 | Mark Lemon | Adrian, Arthur A | |||
0001023 | Z4 .A63 1916 | The Printed Book | Aldis, Harry Gidney | |||
0001203 | Z4 .A63 1916 | The Printed Book | Aldis, Harry Gidney | 1951 | ||
0001291 | Z246 .D47 1991 | Designer's Guide to Typography | Aldrich-Ruenzel; Fennell, John (ed.) | Phaidon | 1991 | |
0001654 | PE1146 | The Oxford Spelling Dictionary | Allen, R. E. (ed.) | Oxford University Press | 1986 | 9780198691433 |
0001081 | PN137 .A5 | Writers On Writing | Allen, Walter Ernest | Phoenix House | [1948] | |
0000995 | Z1003 .A57 | The English Common Reader | Altick, Richard D | University of Chicago Press | [1957] | |
0001013 | DA533 .A574 1991 | The Printed Image and the Transformation of Popular Culture, 1790-1860 | Anderson, Patricia | Clarendon Press | 1991 | 9780198112365 |
0000551 | HD9838.N45 N482 | Papermaking Pioneers | Angus, John H. | New Zealand Paper Mills Limited | 1976 | |
0001522 | TX713 .A62 | The Roman Cookery Book | Apicius, Marcus Gavius | George Harrap & Co Ltd | 1958 | |
0000289 | TP949 .A6 | Printing Ink Technology | Apps, Ernest Arthur | Leonard Hill (Books) Ltd | 1958 | |
0000910 | HD1535.E54 A76 1988 | Farmworkers in England and Wales | Armstrong, Alan | Iowa State University Press | 1988 | 9780813800028 |
0001284 | Z232.E8 A7 | Robert Estienne, Royal Printer | Armstrong, Elizabeth | Cambridge University Press | 1954 | |
0000396 | Z244 .A83 | Ink on Paper | Arnold, Edmund C. | Harper & Row, New York | 1963 | |
0000921 | Unpublished Letters of William Morris - Labour Monthly Pamphlet: 1951 No 6 | Arnot, R. Page (ed.) | The Trinity Trust Ltd | |||
0001078 | Z232.C787 .A7 2012 | Do You Want It Good Or Do You Want It Tuesday ? | Artmonsky, Ruth | Artmonsky Arts | [2012] | |
0001079 | HF5813.G7 A78 2014 | Moving the Hearts and Minds of Men | Artmonsky, Ruth | |||
0001401 | Z222.N52 C5 | A History of the Canterbury Master Printers' Association, 1889-1989 | Arts, A. E. J | Printing Industries Association of Canterbury | 1989 | |
0000461 | Landfall 210: 'the mouth of beasts' | Ascroft, Nick (ed.) | Otago University Press | 2005 | 9781877276897 | |
0000749 | PR972 .A7 1970b | Chap-books of the Eighteenth Century | Ashton, John | Seven Dials Press Ltd | 1969 | 9780851290300 |
0001086 | DA685.B65 A84 2012 | Victorian Bloomsbury | Ashton, Rosemary | Yale University Press | 2012 | 9780300154474 |
0001372 | HC255 .A8 | The Industrial Revolution, 1760-1830 | Ashton, T. S | Oxford University Press | 1948 | |
0000147 | Z253 .A85 | Operation And Mechanism Of The Linotype And Intertype | Ashworth, Jack | Staples Press | 1955 | |
0000498 | Z244 .A87 | Art and Practice of Printing, The (6 vols) | Atkins, William | Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd | 1933 | |
0000602 | Z244 .A87 | Art and Practice of Printing, The (6 vols) | Atkins, William | Sit Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd | 1932 | |
0000004 | Z244 .A87 | The Art and Practice of Printing | Atkins, William | Sir. I. Pitman & sons, ltd | 1932-3 | |
0000031 | PN6271 .F32 1970 | The Faber Book of Aphorisms | Auden, W.H.;Kronenberger, Louis (ed.) | Faber and Faber | 1970 | 9780571060139 |
0001346 | PA6156 .A9 1919 | Ausonius - Loeb Classical Library No 96 | Ausonius, Decimus Magnus | Harvard University Press | 1919-1 | |
0000236 | Z245 .A888 | Printers' Arithmetic | Avis, F. C | [1971] | 9780211268468 | |
0000767 | Z250.A3 F7 1932 | Printing Metals, Their Production, Nature and Use | Avis, F. C | Capper Pass & Son Ltd | 1932 | |
0000474 | Z245 .A95 1951 | A Primary Course in Printers' Costing | Avis, F. C. | F. C. Avis | 1951 | |
0000411 | Z250.A2 P923 | Edward Philip Prince - Type Punchcutter | Avis, F. C. | F. C. Avis | 1967 | 9780571089659 |
0000768 | Z245 .A888 | Printers' Arithmetic | Avis, F. C. | The Leagrave Press Ltd | 1949 | |
0000585 | Z245 .A89 | Printing Machine and Paper Problems | Avis, F. C. | F. C. Avis | 1950 | |
0000124 | Z250 .A95 | Type Face Manual | Avis, Frederick Compton | 1959 | ||
0001536 | PN5129.M33 G82 1971b | Guardian; Biography of A Newspaper | Ayerst, David | Collins | 1971 | 9780002113298 |
0000415 | Z232.S525 F7 | Frank Sidgewick's Diary | Baer, Ann (ed.) | Blackwell for the Shakespeare Head Press | 1975 | 9780900659263 |
0000166 | HF5841 .B34 1978 | Street Jewellery | Baglee, Christopher | New Cavendish Books | 1978 | 9780904568165 |
0000816 | TT186 .B27 2001 | Routing - A Workshop Handbook | Bailey, Anthony | Guild of Master Craftsman Publications | 2001 | 9781861082077 |
0001161 | Z325.S53 B35 2021 | John Sharpe | Bain, Iain | Private Libraries Association | 2021 | 9780900002496 |
0000052 | Z325 .B35 2005 | Penguin By Design | Baines, Phil | Allen Lane | 2005 | 9780713998399 |
0000038 | Z250.A2 C372 1973 | William Caslon, 1693-1766 | Ball, Johnson | Roundwood Press | 1973 | 9780900093135 |
0001333 | QA95 .B2 1947 | Mathematical Recreations and Essays | Ball, W. W. Rouse | Macmillan | 1947 | |
0001103 | Z250.A2 B18 2013 | The Cambridge University Press Collection of Private Press Types | Balston, Thomas | |||
0000424 | Z271 .B199 1993 | The Craft of Bookbinding | Banister, Manly | Dover | 1993 | 9780486278520 |
0000715 | Z244.3 .B25 1986 | The print production handbook | Bann, David | Macdonald | 1986, | 9780356107882 |
0000771 | Z244.3 .B25 1986 | The Print Production Handbook | Bann, David | Macdonald Illustrated | 1985 | 9780356107882 |
0001176 | Z792.U57 B37 1995 | Arks for Learning | Barber, Giles | Oxford Bibliographical Society | 1995 | 9780901420510 |
0000739 | The Sun Compendium for Users of Photo-process Engraving ... Compiled and edited by T. S. Barber | BARBER, Thomas S | Sun Engraving Co | 1929 | ||
0000934 | British Birds - K1 | Barclay-Smith, Phyllis | The King Penguin Books | 1939 | ||
0000940 | QL690.G7 B37 | Garden Birds - K19 | Barclay-Smith, Phyllis | The King Penguin Books | 1946 | |
0000662 | HF5429.6.G8 B37 1998 | Victorian Shopping | Baren, Maurice | Michael O'Mara | 1998 | 9781854793027 |
0000024 | Z250.A2 B15 | Stanley Morison | Barker, Nicolas | Harvard University Press | 1972 | 9780674834255 |
0000028 | Z250 .A2B16 | Stanley Morison, 1889-1967 | Barker, Nicolas | Cowell | 1969 | 9780902304000 |
0000788 | PN1126 .B37 2016 | Visible Voices | Barker, Nicolas | Carcanet Press | 2016 | 9781847772121 |
0000499 | Z253 .B36 | Computer Typesetting - Experiments and Prospects | Barnett, Michael P. | The M.I.T. Press | 1965 | |
0000775 | Z232.M3 B19 1991 | Aldus and his Dream Book | Barolini, Helen | Italica Press | 1992 | 9780934977227 |
0001281 | Z232.O33 B34 | The Officina Bodoni | Barr, John | The British Library | 1978 | 9780714103983 |
0000718 | PN5129.L | A Farewell to Fleet Street | Barson, Susie; Saint, Andrew | Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England in association with Allison & Busby | 1988 | 9780850319712 |
0000987 | Z246 .B3 2005 | Futurist Typography and the liberated text | Bartram, Alan | British Library | 2005 | 9780712348867 |
0000631 | Z250 .B32 | Printing Types of the World | Bastien, Alfred; Freshwater, G. J. | Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd | 1931 | |
0000489 | QH81 .B33 1936 | Through the Woods | Bates, H. E. | Victor Gollancz Ltd | 1936 | |
0000689 | Z123 .B33 | The Printing and Making of Books | Batey, Charles | Oxford University Press | 1956, | |
0000690 | Z123 .B33 | The Printing and Making of Books | Batey, Charles | Oxford University Press | 1954 | |
0001366 | Z123 .B33 | The Printing and Making of Books | Batey, Charles | Oxford University Press | 1956, | |
0000563 | PR5238 .B32 1981 | Christina Rossetti - A Divided Life | Battiscombe, Georgina | Constable & Company Ltd | 1981 | 9780094619500 |
0001122 | Z124 .B34 1994 | L'effet Gutenberg | Baudin, Fernand | Editions du Cercle de la Librairie | c1994 | 9782765405559 |
0001645 | PA2107 .B4 1991 | Latin for All Occasions | Beard, Henry N | Angus & Robertson | 1993 | 9781592400805 |
0001633 | DG231 .B43 2015 | SPQR | Beard, Mary | 9780871404237 | ||
0000962 | D13 .B39 2007 | Writing Local History | Beckett, J. V | Manchester University Press | 2007 | |
0000019 | NE1225 .B4 1921 | Wood Engraving | Beedham, R. John | Faber and Faber Limited | 1921 | |
0000929 | NC1479 .B45 1943 | The Poets' Corner - K12 | Beerbohm, Max | The King Penguin Books | 1943 | |
0001278 | Z232 .B45 | Eye witness of an Era | Bell, Anthony | 1981 | ||
0001084 | DA685.B65 B45 1995 | Elders and Betters | Bell, Quentin | Murray | 1995 | 9780719554346 |
0000508 | PR6045.O72 Z549 | Virginia Woolf - Vol 1 | Bell, Quentin | The Hogarth Press | 1966 | 9780701202910 |
0000509 | PR6045.O72 Z549 | Virginia Woolf - Vol 2 | Bell, Quentin | The Hogarth Press | 1966 | 9780701203719 |
0000705 | PR6003.E45 M7 1973 | A Moral Alphabet | Belloc, Hilaire | Duckworth | 1973 | 9780715607503 |
0001177 | Z325.O94 B35 2003 | On the Press | Belson, Mick | Robert Boyd Publications | 2003 | 9781899536696 |
0001428 | NC242.B3 | Aubrey Beardsley, An Account of His Life | Benkovitz, Miriam J | Hamish Hamilton | 1981 | 9780241103821 |
0000965 | HD8390 .B848 1981 | The British Worker - Photographs of Working Life 1839-1939 | Bennet, Nicola (ed.) | Arts Council of Great Britain | 1981 | 9780728702806 |
0001153 | Z331.86 B46 2021 | The Dublin Book Trade 1801-1850 | Benson, Charles | The Bibliographcal Society | 2021 | 9780948170256 |
0001113 | ML1092 | Electronic Synthesiser Projects | Berry, M. K | Babani | 1981 | 9780859340564 |
0000548 | The Encylopaedia of Type Faces | Berry, W. Turner; Johnson, A.F.;Jaspert, W. P. (ed.) | Blandford Press | 1962 | ||
0000535 | Z250 .B5 | Encyclopaedia of Type Faces | Berry, William Turner. [from old catalog] | Blandford Press | 1953 | |
0001092 | PR6003.E77 A6 1989 | John Betjeman's Collected Poems | Betjeman, John | Hodder & Stoughton | 1989 | 9780719519376 |
0000015 | Z116.A3 N29 2001 | The Art of the Book | Bettley, James | V&A Publications | 2001 | 9781851773336 |
0000016 | NE1212.B5 A45 1962 | 1800 Woodcuts By Thomas Bewick and His School | Bewick, Thomas | Dover | c1962 | |
0000025 | N6797.B48 A2 1981 | My Life | Bewick, Thomas | Folio Society | 1981 | |
0000011 | Z250 .B57 1952 | An Approach to Type | Biggs, John R | Blandford Press | 1961 | |
0000698 | Z253.5 .B53 1973 | Basic Typography | Biggs, John R | Faber | 1973 | 9780571085873 |
0000077 | NE1225 .B48 1963a | The Craft of Woodcuts | Biggs, John R | Sterling Pub. Co | [1963] | |
0001157 | Z244 .B58 | The Use of Type | Biggs, John R | Blandford Press | 1954 | |
0000577 | Z250 | An Approach to Type | Biggs, John R. | Blandford Press | 1961 | |
0000538 | TR925 .B35 | Illustration and Reproduction | Biggs, John R. | Blandford Press | 1950 | |
0000680 | Z117 .B59 1969 | A bibliography of printing, compiled by E.C. Bigmore and C.W.H. Wyman. Repr. [in facs.] | Bigmore, Edward Clements | 1969 | ||
0001569 | DA355 .B65 1959 | The Reign of Elizabeth, 1558-1603 | Black, J. B | Clarendon Press | 1959 | |
0001441 | Z232.C17 B58 1984 | Cambridge University Press, 1584-1984 | Black, Michael | Cambridge University Press | 1984 | 9780521264730 |
0000168 | Z250.A2 B57 2004 | 20th Century Type | Blackwell, Lewis | Laurence King | 2004 | 9781856693516 |
0001010 | Z232.C38 B6 1971b | The Biography and Typography of William Caxton, England's First Printer | Blades, William | Muller | 1971 | 9780584109160 |
0000844 | Z329.S79 B5 | The Stationers' Company - A History 1403-1959 | Blagden, Cyprian | Allen and Unwin | 1960 | |
0000183 | Z232.C38 B635 1976 | Caxton: England's First Publisher | Blake, N. F. | Osprey | 1976 | 9780850451061 |
0001253 | Z250 .C344 | Type specimens | Blake, Stephenson | The Caslon Letter Foundry Sheffield | 1953 | |
0000302 | NE1217.B6 K4 | The Illustrations of William Blake for Thornton's Virgil | Blake, William | Nonesuch Press | 1937 | |
0000950 | PR4146 .B67 1954 | William Blake | Blake, William | Penguin Books | 1958 | |
0001547 | Z256 .B53 | Printing From Type On High-speed Platens | Blaker, W. A. J | T. C. Thompson & Son Ltd | 1957 | |
0001546 | Z256 .B53 | Printing in Colour On High-speed Platens | Blaker, W. A. J | T. C. Thompson & Son Ltd | 1957 | |
0000622 | NC960 .B62 1958a | A History of Book Illustration | Bland, David | Faber and Faber Limited | 1958 | |
0000617 | Z1023 .B63 1962 | The Illustration of Books | Bland, David | Faber and Faber | 1962 | |
0000709 | Z232.M887 B55 | Some Aspects of Seventeenth Century English Printing With Special Reference to Joseph Moxon | Bliss, Carey S | William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California | 1965 | |
0000822 | PR2638 .C4 | A Celebration of Ben Jonson | Blissett, William;Patrick, Julian; Van Fossen, R.W. (ed.) | University of Toronto Press | 1973 | |
0001511 | Z325 .T24 | Keats's Publisher | Blunden, E. C | J. Cape | [1936] | |
0000510 | N8375.C6 B55 1964a | Cockerell - A Life of Sydney Carlyle Cockerell {1867-1962} | Blunt, Wilfred | Alfred A Knopf | 1965 | |
0000530 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 21 2014 | Bolton, Claire (ed.) | Printing Historical Society | 2014 | 9770079532009 | |
0000781 | Z232.Z18 B65 2016 | The Fifteenth-Century Practices of Johann Zainer, ULM, 1473-1478 | Bolton, Claire | The Oxford Bibliographical Society | 2016 | 9780901420596 |
0001299 | Z232.Z18 B65 2016 | The Fifteenth-Century Practices of Johann Zainer, ULM, 1473-1478 | Bolton, Claire | The Oxford Bibliographical Society | 2016 | 9780901420596 |
0001666 | Z232.Z18 B65 2016 | The Fifteenth-century Printing Practices of Johann Zainer, Ulm, 1473-1478 | Bolton, Claire | 9780901420596 | ||
0000996 | PR728.M4 B6 | English Melodrama | Booth, Michael R | H. Jenkins | [1965] | |
0001195 | HT133 .B65 1991 | The English Urban Renaissance | Borsay, Peter | Clarendon Press | ||
0000106 | PN5129.L62 B67 1990 | The Essential Fleet Street | Boston, Ray | Blandford | 1990 | 9780713721362 |
0001437 | D810.E5 B68 | Birkbeck | Bourke, Joanna | 9780192846631 | ||
0000780 | PN5114 .B7 | English Newspapers: Chapters in the history of journalism 2 volumes | Bourne, Fox | Chatto & Windus | 1887 | |
0001393 | HC254 .B55 1965 | Industrial Society in England Towards the End of the Eighteenth Century | Bowden, Witt | The Macmillan Company | 1925 | |
0000470 | Printing Theory and Practice - No 03 - Mechanical Typesetting | Bower, W. M.;Mitchell, C.; Pheby, E.; Waite, H. E. | Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd | 1947 | ||
0001638 | Z1008.V55 1960 | Studies in Bibliography - Vol 13 | Bowers, Fredson (ed.) | The Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia | 1960 | |
0001637 | Z1008.V55 1969 | Studies in Bibliography - Vol 22 | Bowers, Fredson (ed.) | The Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia | 1969 | |
0001670 | Z1008.V55 1980 | Studies in Bibliography - Vol 33 | Bowers, Fredson (ed.) | The Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia | 1980 | |
0001677 | Z1008.V55 1992 | Studies in Bibliography - Vol 45 | Bowers, Fredson (ed.) | The Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia | 1992 | |
0001680 | Z1001 .B78 | Principles of Bibliographical Description | Bowers, Fredson Thayer | St. Paul's Bibliographies | 1986 | 9780906795378 |
0000162 | NE628.2 .C36 | Catchpenny Prints | Bowles & Carver | Dover Publications, Inc | 2011 | 9780486225692 |
0000040 | PE1075 .B66 2003 | The Adventure of English | Bragg, Melvyn | Hodder & Stoughton | 2003 | 9780340829912 |
0001124 | PR868.P68 B73 1998 | The Reading Lesson | Brantlinger, Patrick | Indiana University Press | c1998 | 9780253212498 |
0001058 | TJ1218 .B79 | Basic Lathework (Workshop Practice): 45 | Bray, Stan | Special Interest Model | 2010 | 9781854862617 |
0001411 | NE1143 .E54 2013 | An Engraver's Progress | Brett, Simon | Oblong Creative | 2013 | 9780957599208 |
0000390 | NE1143 .B87 1987 | Engravers | Brett, Simon | Silent Books | 1987 | 9781851830039 |
0000810 | NE1143 .B74 1987 | Engravers - A Handbook For the Nineties | Brett, Simon | Silent Books | 1987 | 9781851830039 |
0000401 | NE1225 .B74 | Wood Engraving | Brett, Simon | A. & C. Black Publishers Ltd | 2010 | 9781408127261 |
0000809 | NE1225 .B74 | Wood Engraving | Brett, Simon | A. & C. Black | 2000 | 9781408127261 |
0000092 | Z244 .B74 | An Approach To Print: A Basic Guide To The Printing Processes | Brewer, Roy | Blandford Press | 1971 | 9780713705317 |
0000119 | Z250.A2 G53 1973b | Eric Gill; The Man Who Loved Letters | Brewer, Roy | F. Muller | 1973 | 9780584103519 |
0000564 | NE863 .B7 1983 | Printing with Wood Blocks, Stencils & Engravings | Bridgewater, Alan & Gill | David & Charles | 1983 | 9780715383094 |
0000288 | Z325.L66 B75 2008 | A History of Longmans and Their Books 1724-1990: Longevity in Publishing | Briggs, Asa | British Library / Oak Knoll Press | 2008 | 9780712348737 |
0000335 | Z280 .E8 | Essays in the History of Publishing | Briggs, Asa (ed.) | Longman | 1974 | 9780582365216 |
0001388 | HT133 B85 | Victorian Cities | Briggs, Asa | Odhams Press | [c1963 | |
0000053 | Z246 .B74 2002 | The Elements of Typographic Style | Bringhurst, Robert | Hartley & Marks, Publishers | c2004 | 9780881791327 |
0001679 | Z286.S4 B76 1984 | The Lamp of Learning | Brock, William H | Taylor & Francis | [1984] | 9780850662535 |
0001620 | TR1010 .B76 1983 | Browns Index to Photocomposition Typography | Brown, Bruce | Greenwood Pub.,[1983] | 9780946824007 | |
0000546 | NE1334.G7 B76 2012 | An Alphabet of London | Brown, Christopher | Merrell Publishers Limited | 2012 | 9781858945736 |
0000600 | NE1334.G7 B76 2012 | An Alphabet of London | Brown, Christopher | Merrell Publishers Ltd | 2012 | 9781858945736 |
0000898 | PN5117 .B76 1985 | Victorian News and Newspapers | Brown, Lucy | Clarendon Press | 1985 | 9780198226246 |
0000998 | PN5117 .B76 1985 | Victorian News and Newspapers | Brown, Lucy | Clarendon Press | 1985 | 9780198226246 |
0001660 | NC977 .B827 2005 | Early Victorian Illustrated Books | Buchanan-Brown, John | British Library | 2005 | 9780712347945 |
0000515 | NE2130 .W7 | Etching & Engraving | Buckland-Wright, John | The Studio Publications | 1953 | |
0000192 | TR970 .B8 | Photo-engraving | Bull, A. J | E. Arnold & co | 1934 | |
0001066 | Z120.N543 B8 | The Story of the National Union of Printing, Bookbinding and Paper Workers | Bundock, Clement J | Printed at the University Press | 1959 | |
0000495 | Z258 .B87 1983 | Colour Printing and Colour Printers | Burgh, R. M. | Paul Harris Publishing | 1983 | 9780862280123 |
0000700 | Z244.3 .B95 | Printing it | Burke, Clifford | Ballantine Books | [1972] | 9780345026941 |
0000834 | P40 .S544 1987 | The Social History of Language | Burke, Peter (ed.) | Cambridge University Press | 1987 | 9780901420091 |
0000976 | Z244 .P95 | Printing Theory and Practice - No 09 - Printing Inks | Burns, R. | Sit Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd | 1946 | |
0000050 | TR330 .B95 | Practical Guide to Photographic & Photo-mechanical Printing | Burton, W. K | Marion and Co | 1892 | |
0000334 | PN162 .B8 | Copy-Editing | Butcher, Judith | Cambridge University Press | 1975 | 9780521205504 |
0000754 | PN162 .B8 | Copy-Editing | Butcher, Judith | Cambridge University Press | 1975 | 9780521205504 |
0001336 | PR4353 .M35 | Selected Poetry | Byron, George Gordon Byron | Oxford University Press | 2008 | 9780199538782 |
0000506 | NC1002.L63 C33 2004 | Logo Font & Lettering Bible | Cabarga, Leslie | David & Charles | 2004 | 9780715316993 |
0001554 | PA6156 .C19 2014 | Caesar - The Gallic War - Loeb Classical Library No 72 | Caesar, Julius | Harvard University Press | 2014 | 9780674990807 |
0001627 | PA6156 .C18 2006 | Casar II - The Civil Wars - Loeb Classical Library No. 39 | Caesar, Julius | Heinemann | 1914 | 9780674990432 |
0001628 | PA6156 .C347 2014 | Caesar III - Alexandrian War; African War ; Spanish War - Loeb Classical Library No 402 | Caesar, Julius | Harvard University Press | 2014 | 9780674994430 |
0001056 | TJ1225 .C85 | Milling Operations in the Lathe (Workshop Practice): 5 | Cain, Tubal | Argus Books | c1984 | 9780852428405 |
0001059 | TJ1218 .C85 | Workholding in the Lathe (Workshop Practice): 13 | Cain, Tubal | Argus | 1987 | 9780852429082 |
0001577 | PA6156 .A2 1934 | Minor Latin Poets - Loeb Classical Library No 116 | Calpurnius Siculus; Aetna; Laus Pisonis; Publilius Syrus; Grattius | Harvard University Press | 1934 | |
0000846 | Z278 .C35 2014 | The Bookshop Book | Campbell, Jen | 9781472116666 | ||
0001351 | Z253 .C295 2011 | The Compositor in London | Cannon, Isidore Cyril | St Bride Library | 2011 | 9780950416175 |
0000485 | Z325.M9 C37 2008 | The Seven Lives of John Murray - The story of a Publishing Dynasty | Carpenter, Humphrey | John Murray | 2008 | 9780719565328 |
0001650 | PZ90.L3 D6 | Ludovici Carroll Alicia in Terra Mirabili | Carroll, Lewis | Macmillan | [c1964 | |
0001649 | PZ90.L3 D63 | Ludovici Carroll Fabella Lepida in Qua Aliud Aliciae Somniurn Narravit | Carroll, Lewis | Novi Eboraci | 1966 | |
0000717 | Z250.A2 C36 | A view of early typography up to about 1600 | Carter, Harry Graham | Clarendon Press | 1969 | 9780198181378 |
0000744 | NE1217.J4 C3 | Orlando Jewitt | Carter, Harry Graham | Oxford University Press | 1962 | |
0000030 | Z1006 .C37 1952 | ABC for Book Collectors | Carter, John | Hart-Davis | 1952 | |
0001136 | Parenthesis 40 - Spring 2021 | Carter, Sebastian (ed.) | FPBA | |||
0000070 | Z250.A2 C364 2002 | Twentieth Century Type Designers | Carter, Sebastian | Lund Humphries | 2002 | 9780853318514 |
0000743 | TR970 .C36 1962 | Ilford Graphic Arts Manual Vol 1. Photoengraving | Cartwright, H. M. | Ilford Ltd | 1961 | |
0000402 | NE490 .C39 | Prints of the Twentieth Century: A History | Castleman, Riva | Thames & Hudson | 1976 | 9780500201527 |
0000757 | PN5123.C3 A3 | My Life's Pilgrimage | Catling, Thomas | John Murray | 1911 | |
0001556 | PA6164 .C38 1988 | Catullus, Tibullus, and Pervigilium Veneris - Loeb - No 6 | Catullus, Gaius Valerius | Harvard University Press | 1988 | 9780674990074 |
0000692 | PN1031 .S75 1946 | Illusion and Reality | Caudwell, Christopher | Lawrence & Wishart | [1946] | |
0001180 | Z1033.F5 C38 2001 | Fine Printing and Private Presses | Cave, Roderick | British Library | 2001 | 0-7123-6394-7 |
0000490 | Z232.G63 C38 2002 | A History of the Golden Cockerel Press - 1920-1960 | Cave, Roderick; Manson, Sarah | The British Library & Oak Knoll Press | 2002 | 9780712347785 |
0001096 | Z271.3.M37 C48 1986 | The Practical Guide to Marbling Paper | Chambers, Anne | Thames and Hudson | 1986 | |
0001173 | PR2893 .C5 | Sources for A Biography of Shakespeare | Chambers, E. K | Clarendon Press | 1946 | |
0000730 | TR925 .C4 | Camera and process work | Chambers, Eric | Ernest Benn | 1964 | |
0000948 | PR6023.A66 Z64 1986 | An Enormous Yes in Memorium Philip Larkin | Chambers, Harry (ed.) | Peterloo Poets | 1986 | |
0000445 | TA660.J64 C48 2002 | Classic Joints with Power Tools | Chan, Yeung | Lark Books | 2002 | 9781579902797 |
0000951 | HJ5404.Z7 C48 1981 | The Newspaper & Almanac Stamps of Great Britain & Ireland | Chandley, john H.; Dagnall, H. | G.B. Philatelic Publications Ltd. | 1981 | 9780907630005 |
0000054 | Z124 .C47 1999 | A Short History of the Printed Word | Chappell, Warren | Hartley & Marks Publishers | c1999 | 9780881791549 |
0001038 | D16 .C438 1993 | Cultural History | Chartier, Roger | Polity | 1993 | 9780745613239 |
0000783 | PR1850 1985 | The William Morris Kelmscott Chaucer | Chaucer, Geoffrey | Omega Books | 1985 | 9781850070825 |
0001106 | Z250.6.M3 C5 | The Printing of Mathematics | Chaundy, T. W | Oxford University Press | 1954 | |
0000179 | Z246 .C44 2005 | Designing Type | Cheng, Karen | Yale University Press | 2006 | 9780300111507 |
0000632 | Z8.G7 C46 1997 | Towards Today's Book | Chick, Arthur | Farrand Press | 1997 | 9781850830429 |
0001115 | TK7881 .C48 1979 | Electronics in Industry | Chute, George M | McGraw-Hill, Gregg Division | 1979 | 9780070109346 |
0001280 | Z232.B66 C53, B64 | Bodoni Museum | Ciavarella, Angelo | Artegrafica Silva | 1988 | |
0001653 | PA6156.C5 .C534 1958 | Cicero - Pro Sestio and In Vatinium - Loeb Classical Library No 309 | Cicero, M. T | s.n.] | 9780674993419 | |
0001619 | PA6296 .C2x 1923 | Cicero - De Senectute, De Amicitia, De Divinatione - Loeb No. 154 | Cicero, Marcus Tullius | Harvard University Press | 1923 | 9780674991705 |
0001674 | PA6296 .D8 1928 | De Re Publica. De Legibus | Cicero, Marcus Tullius | Harvard University Press | 1988 | 9780674992351 |
0001583 | PA6279.A4 M33 | Cicero X - In Catilinam I-IV - Pro Murena - Pro Sulla - Pro Flacco - Loeb 324 | Cicero, Marcus Tullius | 9780674993587 | ||
0001629 | PA6156.C5 A4 1923 | Cicero IX -Pro Archia Poeta etc. Loeb Classical Library No 158 | Cicero, Marcus Tullius | Harvard University Press | 1923 | |
0000341 | 1268 Old-Time Cuts and Ornaments | Cirker, Blanche (ed.) | Dover Publications | 2006 | 9780486997810 | |
0001240 | Z124 .C6 | A Chronology of Printing | Clair, Colin | Cassell | 1969 | 9780304933792 |
0000150 | Z124 .C614 | A History of European Printing | Clair, Colin | Academic Press | 1976 | 9780121748500 |
0000085 | Z151 .C55 1965 | A History of Printing in Britain | Clair, Colin | Cassell | 1965 | |
0000086 | Z232.P71 C55 | Christopher Plantin | Clair, Colin | Cassell | 1960 | |
0000652 | TS1105 .C65 | Modern paper-making | Clapperton, Robert Henderson; Henderson, William | B. Blackwell | 1941 | |
0001571 | DA435 .C55 1961 | The Later Stuarts, 1660-1714 | Clark, G. N | Clarendon Press | [1961] | |
0001587 | DA482.W2 | Lefty Lewis and the Waldegraves | Clarke, Stephen | The Book Collector | 2022 | 9781739912017 |
0000906 | Z232.S9 C58 2011 | The Strawberry Hill Press and Its Printing House | Clarke, Stephen | Yale University Press | 2011 | 9780300170405 |
0001144 | PR4496 .C57 1991 | The Secret Life of Wilkie Collins | Clarke, William M | I.R. Dee | c1991 | |
0001062 | TJ1222 .C58 1984 | Screwcutting in the Lathe (Workshop Practice): 3 | Cleeve, Martin | Argus Books | 1984 | 9780852428382 |
0000639 | TR925 .C59 1951 | Ilford Manual of Process Work | Clerc, Louis Philippe | Ilford | 1951 | |
0000153 | Z244 .C5 | A Guide To Printing, An Introduction For Print Buyers | Clowes, William Beaufoy | Heinemann | 1963 | |
0001186 | TP949 .C65 | A History of Coates Brothers & Company Limited, 1877-1977 | Coates, J. B. M | Eva Svensson Westerham Press | 1977 | |
0000593 | Z271 .C66 1937 | Bookbinding and the Care of Books | Cockerell, Douglas | Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons | 1937 | |
0001077 | PN6081 .C548 1980 | The Penguin Dictionary of Modern Quotations | Cohen, J. M | Allen Lane | 1980 | 9780713910926 |
0000317 | QK306 .C64 2007 | Out of the Woods | Cohu, Will | Short Books | 2007 | 9781904977834 |
0001384 | HC255 .C623 1992 | Myth, History, and the Industrial Revolution | Coleman, Donald Cuthbert | Hambledon Press | 1992 | |
0001330 | PR2976 .C54 | Coleridge's Essays and Lectures On Shakespeare & Some Other Old Poets & Dramatists | Coleridge, Samuel Taylor | [1907] | ||
0000798 | Z657 .C69 | History of the Taxes On Knowledge | Collet, Collet Dobson | T. F. Unwin | 1899 | |
0001377 | DA145 .C58 1959 | Roman Britain | Collingwood, R. G | The Clarendon press | 1959 | |
0001306 | Z271 .C69 1948 | Book Crafts for Juniors | Collins, Arthur Frederick | Dryad Press | [1948] | |
0000059 | Z254 .C76 1946 | Authors' & Printers' Dictionary | Collins, F. Howard | Oxford University Press | 1946 | |
0000615 | Z254 .C76 1946 | Authors' & Printers' Dictionary | Collins, F. Howard | Oxford University Press | 1953 | |
0001499 | Z695.9 .C64 1962a | Indexing Books | Collison, Robert L | Ernest Benn Ltd | 1962 | |
0000076 | NC978.5.N384 A4 1986 | John Nash | Colvin, Clare | Minories | c1986 | 9780948252013 |
0000536 | NC978.5 A4 1986 | John Nash - Book Designs | Colvin, Clare | The Minories | 1986 | 9780948252013 |
0001352 | Z269 .C65 | Books for the Millions | Comparato, Frank E | Stackpole Co | [1971] | 9780811702638 |
0000855 | Z249 .C65 | Chronicles of Genius and Folly | Comparato, Frank E. | Labyrinthos | 1979 | |
0001471 | PR5221.R35 | Reynolds Reimagined | Conary, Jennifer; Shannon, Mary (ed.) | 9781003152521 | ||
0001310 | PR3361 .M395 2011 | The Works of William Congreve / |c Edited in Three Volumes By D.F. McKenzie ; Prepared for Publication By C.Y | Congreve, William, |d 1670-1729 | 9780199297467 | ||
0001311 | PR3361 .M395 2011 | The Works of William Congreve / |c Edited in Three Volumes By D.F. McKenzie ; Prepared for Publication By C.Y | Congreve, William, |d 1670-1729 | Oxford University Press | 2011 | 9780199297474 |
0001312 | PR3361 .M395 2011 | The Works of William Congreve / |c Edited in Three Volumes By D.F. McKenzie ; Prepared for Publication By C.Y | Congreve, William, |d 1670-1729 | Oxford University Press | 2011 | 9780198118848 |
0001510 | NC973 .C66 2009 | Faber and Faber | Connolly, Joseph | 9780571240012 | ||
0000330 | New Poems 1953 A PEN Anthology | Conquest, Robert; Hamburger, Michael; Sergeant, Howard (ed.) | Michael Joseph | 1953 | ||
0001039 | DA530 .C8 1999 | The Longman Companion to Britain in the Nineteenth Century, 1815-1914 | Cook, Chris | Longman | 1999 | |
0000412 | Z240.A1 COO 2013 | Incunabula in the Westminster Abbey and Westminster School Libraries | Cook, Christopher D. | The Bibliographical Society | 2013 | 9780948170239 |
0000611 | NC978 .C64 2010 | Illustrated Periodicals of the 1860s - Contexts & Collaborations | Cooke, Simon | Private Libraries Association | 2010 | 9780712350952 |
0000455 | Landfall 216: Utopias | Corballis, Tim (ed.) | Otago University Press | 2009 | 9781877372957 | |
0001259 | Z116 .C7 | A printer and his world | Corrigan, Andrew J. | Faber and Faber Ltd. | 1944 | |
0000272 | A Book of Typefaces, Rules and Ornaments | Courier Printing and Publishing Co Ltd | Courier Printing and Publishing Co Ltd | 1967 | ||
0000935 | The Dirverting History of John Gilpin - K70 | Cowper, William | The King Penguin Books | 1953 | ||
0000605 | Z271 .C88 | Bookbinding for Amateurs | Crane, W. J. E. | L. Upcott Gill | 1885 | |
0000260 | Z1023 .C89 1896 | Of the Decorative Illustration of Books Old and New | Crane, Walter | Senate | 1896 | 9781859580592 |
0000619 | Z1023 .C89 1901 | Von der Dekorativen Illustration des Buches in Alter und Neuer Zeit | Crane, Walter | Hermann Seemann Nachfolger | 1901 | |
0000285 | NE1147.6.C A55 1974 | Quaint Cuts in the Chap Book Style | Crawhill, Joseph | Dover Publications Inc | 1974 | 9780484230209 |
0001148 | DA683 .C95 2012 | Violent Victorians | Crone, Rosalind | Manchester University Press | 2012 | 9780719086847 |
0000801 | HC258.L7 .C94 | East London Industries | Crory, William Glenny | 1876 | ||
0001131 | TS1105 .C7 1936 | A Text-book of Paper-making | Cross, C. F | E. & F. N. Spon, ltd | 1936 | |
0001453 | DA565.C9 A2 | Reminiscences of Thirty-five Years of My Life | Crowe, Joseph Archer | J. Murray | 1895 | |
0000791 | DA550 .C7 | Roaring Century, 1846-1946 | Cruikshank, R. J | H. Hamilton | [1946] | |
0001147 | PR461 .C7 1935b | The Victorians and Their Books | Cruse, Amy | George Allen & Unwin | [1935] | |
0000687 | Z232.C17 C697 | To Be a Printer | Crutchley, Brooke | Bodley Head | 1980 | 9780370303048 |
0001243 | Z232.C17 C697 | To Be a Printer | Crutchley, Brooke | Bodley Head | 1980 | 9780370303048 |
0001175 | PE1075 .C798 2012 | The Story of English in 100 Words | Crystal, David | Profile | 2011 | 9781846684272 |
0000068 | NC973 .C8 | Designing A Book Jacket | Curl, Peter | Studio Publications | [1956] | |
0000258 | Z257 .C8 1963 | Processes of Graphic Reproduction in Printing | Curwen, Harold | Faber & Faber Ltd | 1963 | |
0000728 | Z257 .C8 1967 | Processes of Graphic Reproduction in Printing | Curwen, Harold | Faber | 1966 | |
0001201 | Z257 .C8 1967 | Processes of Graphic Reproduction in Printing | Curwen, Harold | Faber | 1966 | |
0000842 | HJ5404 .D34x 1994 | Creating a Good Impression | Dagnall, H | HMSO | 1994 | 9780116414182 |
0000841 | HJ2601 .D34 1998 | The Taxation of Paper in Great Britain 1643-1861 | Dagnall, H | Published by the author in collaboration with The British Association of Paper Historians | 1998 | 9780951549773 |
0000677 | Z246 .D23 1967 | Design with Type | Dair, Carl | University of Toronto Press | 1967 | |
0001182 | Z232.Y44 D3 | Printers' Pride, the House of Yelf At Newport, Isle of Wight, 1816-1966 | Daish, Alfred Newman | Yelf Bros | 1967 | |
0001520 | NE1147.6.D3 A4 1978 | The Brothers Dalziel | Dalziel, George | Batsford | 1978 | 9780713415308 |
0000719 | PR871 .D3 | Popular Fiction 100 Years Ago | Dalziel, Margaret | Cohen & West | 1957 | |
0000786 | Z325 | The Bankcrupt Bookseller | Darling, Will. Y. | Robert Grant & Son Ltd | 1960 | |
0001040 | Z116.A2 D37 2009 | The Case for Books | Darnton, Robert | PublicAffairs | 2009 | 9781586488260 |
0000908 | HF5813.G7 D3 1930a | The Dickens Advertiser | Darwin, Bernard | Elkin Matthews & Marrot | 1930 | |
0001570 | DA390 .D3 1949 | The Early Stuarts, 1603-1660 | Davies, Godfrey | Clarendon Press | [1949] | |
0000974 | Z244 .P95 | Printing Theory and Practice - No 25 - Paper for Printers | Dawe, E. A. | Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd | 1947 | |
0000638 | TS1105 .D35 | Paper converting and usage | Day, Frederick T | Trade Journals | 1954 | |
0000785 | TS1085 .D3 | An A.B.C. Index of Papers. Trade Terms, Names, Qualities, Weights, Sizes, Finishes, Testing, Choice Etc. Etc. | Day, Frederick T. | Trade Journals Ltd | 1959 | |
0000347 | TS1105 .D33 | Paper and Printing Manual | Day, Frederick T. | Trade Journals Ltd | 1950 | |
0000507 | Z116.A2 D3913 1966 | Book Typography 1815-1965 in Europe and the United States of America | Day, Kenneth | Ernest Benn Ltd | 1966 | |
0000095 | HF5825 .D3 1956 | The Typography of Press Advertisement | Day, Kenneth | E. Benn | 1956 | |
0000543 | NK3600 .D3 1914 | Lettering in Ornament | Day, Lewis F. | B. T. Batsford Ltd | 1914 | |
0000425 | Z250.5.S24 J66 2006 | Sans Serif | De Jong, Cees W. | Thames & Hudson | 2006 | 9780500513118 |
0000721 | NE1143 .D45X 1981 | The Victorian Woodblock Illustrators | De Maré, Eric | Fraser | 1980 | 9780900406584 |
0000571 | HF5813.G7 V7 | Victorian Advertisements | de Vries, Leonard; Laver, James | John Murray | 1968 | 9780719518386 |
0000287 | Z232.C38 .D43 1976 | A Biography of William Caxton | Deacon, Richard | Frederick Muller Limited | 1976 | 9780584100228 |
0001373 | HC254.5 .D3 1965 | The First Industrial Revolution | Deane, Phyllis | Cambridge University Press | 1979 | 9780521226677 |
0000514 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 52 - 1958 | Delafons, Allan (ed.) | Percy Lund, Humphries & Co. Ltd | 1958 | |
0000123 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 53 - 1959 | Delafons, Allan (ed.) | Lund Humphries | 1959 | |
0000363 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 54 - 1960 | Delafons, Allan (ed.) | Lund Humphries | 1960 | |
0000129 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 55 - 1961 | Delafons, Allan (ed.) | Lund Humphries | 1961 | |
0000121 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 56 - 1962 | Delafons, Allan (ed.) | Lund Humphries | 1962 | |
0000152 | Z243.G7 D4 | The Structure Of The Printing Industry | Delafons, Allan | Macdonald | 1965 | |
0000320 | Z244.3 .D4 | Printing | Delgado, Alan | A. Wheaton | 1969 | |
0000309 | Z256 .D43 | Letterpress Machine Problems | Deller, Jack | Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd | 1963 | |
0000239 | Z256 .D43 | Printers' Rollers | Deller, Jack | Charles Skilton Ltd | 1959 | |
0000252 | Z256 .D43 | The Art of Letterpress Machining | Deller, Jack | Pitman | 1951 | |
0000854 | Z256 .D43 | The Art of Letterpress Machining | Deller, Jack | Pitman | 1969 | |
0000014 | NB1180 .D5 2004 | The Mouldmaker's Handbook | Delpech, Jean-Pierre | A. & C. Black | 2004 | 9780713667707 |
0001101 | TL500 .N6 no. 33 | The Construction of Research Films | Densham, D. H. | Published by Pergamon Press | 1959 | |
0000574 | PN5129.W35 D4 | Our Local Press - A short historical account of the newspapers of Walthamstow | Desmond, R. G. C. | Walthamstow Antiquarian Society | 1955 | |
0000623 | Z992 .D541 | The Biblomania or Book Madness | Dibdin, Thomas Frognall | Tiger of the Stripe | 1958 | 9781904799016 |
0000229 | DA679 .D54 1993 | Dickens's Dictionary of London 1888 | Dickens, Charles | Old House Books | 1993 | 9781873590041 |
0000774 | Sketches by Bos | Dickens, Charles | Chapman & Hall | |||
0001493 | Z231 D53 | The John Dicks Press | Dicks, Guy | 2005 | 9781411642850 | |
0000357 | PR6007.I39 Z52 | The Ante-Room | Dickson, Lovat | Macmillan & Co Ltd | 1959 | |
0000358 | PR6007.I39 Z53 1963 | The House of Words | Dickson, Lovat | Macmillan & Co Ltd | 1963 | |
0001087 | CT787.G375 D558 2004 | A Profound Secret | Dimbleby, Josceline | Doubleday | 2004 | 9780385603232 |
0000452 | Landfall 219: On Music | Direen, Bill (ed.) | Otago University Press | 2010 | 9781877372988 | |
0000668 | Z112 .D57 | The Hand-produced Book | Diringer, David | Hutchinson's Scientific and Technical Publications | [1953] | |
0000386 | HE2043 .D63 2011 | British Railway Tickets | Dobrzynski, Jan | Shire Publications | 2011 | 9780747808442 |
0001589 | DA483.W2 D6 1927 | Horace Walpole | Dobson, Austin | H. Milford, Oxford universiy press | 1927 | |
0001361 | NE1143.5.B4 D63 1884 | Thomas Bewick and His Pupils | Dobson, Austin | Chatto and Windus | 1884 | |
0001615 | PR4606 .B7 1917 | A Bookman's Budget | Dobson, Henry Austin | H. Milford | 1917 | |
0001111 | Z1003 .D68 | Books | Donaldson, Gerald | Van Nostrand Reinhold | c1981 | 9780442219017 |
0000776 | PR468.T48 D66 1992 | Author and Printer in Victorian England | Dooley, Allan C. | The University Press of Virginia | 1992 | 9780813914015 |
0000343 | PQ4329 .D625 1976 | The Doré Illustrations for Dante's Divine Comedy | Doré, Gustave | Dover Publications | 1976 | 9780486232317 |
0000802 | DA683 .J56 | The London of Gustave Doré | Doré, Gustave | Wordsworth | 1987 | 9781853269011 |
0000426 | Z232.T863 D68 2006 | Jan Tschichold, Designer - The Penguin Years | Doubleday, Richard B. | Lund Humphries | 2006 | 9780853319467 |
0001178 | ML1092 .D6 1957 | The Electronic Musical Instrument Manual | Douglas, Alan | I. Pitman | [1957] | |
0000575 | NE1227 .D6 | A Manual on Wood Engraving | Doust, L. A. | Frederick Warne & Co Ltd | 1948 | |
0000379 | NE1330 .D6 | The Art of Lino Cutting | Doust, L. A. | Frederic Warne & Co. Ltd | [1936] | |
0001459 | Z253 .D63 | Factors in the Choice of Type Faces | Dowding, Geoffrey | 1957 | ||
0000570 | Z124 | Into Print - Selected Writings on Printing History, Typography and Book Production | Dreyfus, John | The British Library | 1994 | 9780712303439 |
0001537 | PL1171 .D7 1964 | Chinese Calligraphy | Driscoll, Lucy | Paragon Book Reprint Corp | 1964 | |
0000862 | Z240 .D85 | Early Printed Books | Duff, E. Gordon | Kegan Paul, Trench, Trèubner & Co | 1893 | |
0001125 | Z250.A2 S58 2000 | The Skilled Compositor, 1850-1914 | Duffy, Patrick | Ashgate Pub | c2000 | 9780754602552 |
0000804 | HX243.L42 D86 | James Leatham (1865-1945) | Duncan, Robert | Aberdeen People's Press | 1978 | 9780906074039 |
0001172 | HX243.L42 D86 | James Leatham (1865-1945) | Duncan, Robert | Aberdeen People's Press | 1978 | 9780906074039 |
0001659 | Z326 .D9 1984 | Pictures to Print | Dyson, Anthony | Farrand Press | 9781850830016 | |
0001505 | Z250.A2 E27 1991 | Rookledge's International Handbook of Type Designers | Eason, Ron | Sarema Press | 1991 | 9781870758093 |
0000613 | Z250.A2 E27 1991 | Rookledge's International Handbook of Type Designers | Eason, Ron; Rookledge, Sarah | Sarema Press | 1991 | 9781870758093 |
0000366 | Z276 .E3 | The Art of the Book | Ede, Charles, [from old catalog] | The Studio Publications | 1951 | |
0001183 | DA688 .E3 | Bloomsbury | Edel, Leon | Lippincott | c1979 | 9780397010431 |
0001362 | PR9634.92 .L363 2021 | Landfall 242 - Spring 2021 | Edmeades, Lynley (ed.) | 9781990048111 | ||
0001353 | PR9634.92 .L363 2022 | Landfall 243 | Edmeades, Lynley (ed.) | 9781990048371 | ||
0001528 | PR9634.92 .L363 2023 | Landfall 246 - Spring 2023 | Edmeades, Lynley (ed.) | 9781990048647 | ||
0000458 | Landfall 213: Russia | Edmond, Jacob; O'Brien, Gregory; Pavlov, Eveny; Wedde, Ian (ed.) | Otago University Press | 2007 | 9781877372926 | |
0000453 | Landfall 218: Islands | Eggleton, David (ed.) | Otago University Press | 2009 | 9781877372971 | |
0000451 | Landfall 220: Open House | Eggleton, David (ed.) | Otago University Press | 2010 | 9781877372995 | |
0000450 | Landfall 221: Outside In | Eggleton, David (ed.) | Otago University Press | 2011 | 9781877578403 | |
0000449 | Landfall 222: Christchurch and Beyond | Eggleton, David (ed.) | Otago University Press | 2011 | 9781877578410 | |
0000448 | Landfall 223: Fantastic! | Eggleton, David (ed.) | Otago University Press | 2012 | 9781877578427 | |
0000447 | Landfall 224: Home & Building | Eggleton, David (ed.) | Otago University Press | 2012 | 9781877578434 | |
0000808 | Landfall 225: My Auckland | Eggleton, David (ed.) | Otago University Press | 2013 | 9781877578441 | |
0000446 | Landfall 226: Heaven and Hell | Eggleton, David (ed.) | Otago University Press | 2013 | 9781877578458 | |
0000501 | PR9634.92 .L363 2014 | Landfall 227: Vital Signs | Eggleton, David (ed.) | Otago University Press | 2014 | 9781877578465 |
0000544 | PR9634.92 .L363 2014 | Landfall 228: Spring 2014 | Eggleton, David (ed.) | Otago University Press | 2014 | 9781877578472 |
0000598 | PR9634.92 .L363 2015 | Landfall 229: May 2015 | Eggleton, David (ed.) | Otago University Press | 2015 | 9781877578908 |
0000784 | PR9634.92 | Landfall 231: aotearoa | Eggleton, David (ed.) | Otago University Press | 2016 | 9781927322239 |
0000943 | PR9634.92 | Landfall 233 - 70th Anniversary Issue | Eggleton, David (ed.) | Otago University Press | 2017 | 9780947522520 |
0001189 | PR9634.92 | Landfall 234 - Spring 2017 | Eggleton, David (ed.) | 9781988531168 | ||
0001642 | PE1582.L3 | Nil Desperandum | Ehrlich, Eugene | R. Hale | 1986, | 9780709026310 |
0001045 | Z325 .E45 | Some Patterns and Trends in British Publishing, 1800-1919 | Eliot, Simon | Bibliographical Society | 1994 | |
0001433 | HF5813.G7 E41 | A History of English Advertising | Elliott, Blanche Beatrice | Business Publications Limited in association with B. T. Batsford | [c1962 | |
0000572 | TP949 .E5 | Printing Inks. Their chemistry and technology. | Ellis, Carleton | Reinhold Publishing Corporation | 1940 | |
0001319 | PE1075 E46 1999 | The Routes of English | Elmes, Simon | BBC Education | 1999 | |
0001320 | PE1075 .E46 1999 | The Routes of English | Elmes, Simon | BBC Education | 1999 | |
0001321 | PE1075 .E46 1999 | The Routes of English | Elmes, Simon | BBC Education | 1999 | 9781901710243 |
0000964 | MLCM 2018/ | Crime, Police, and Penal Policy | Emsley, Clive | |||
0001398 | HV9960.E85 E57 2007 | Crime, Police, and Penal Policy | Emsley, Clive | Oxford University Press | 2007 | 1-281-16052-0 |
0000789 | NE1200 .E5 1985 | Dictionary of Victorian wood engravers | Engen, Rodney K | Cambridge | 1985 | 9780859641395 |
0000670 | U.K. Fine Press Book Fair 2009 | English, Toby (ed.) | Fine Press Book Association | 2009 | ||
0001575 | DA560 .E6 | England, 1870-1914 | Ensor, R. C. K | The Clarendon press | 1936 | |
0000318 | NC998 .E85 2007 | Graphic Design: A New History | Eskilson, Stephen J | Lawrence King Publishing Ltd | 2007 | 9781856695123 |
0000723 | Z250.A2 E8 | TYPE for books and advertising | Ettenberg, Eugene M. | D. Vam Mostrand Company, Inc. | 1947 | |
0000933 | NC1866.C5 E87 1947 | Compliments of the Season - K38 | Ettlinger, L.D. ; Holloway, R.G. | The King Penguin Books | 1947 | |
0000494 | PN4775 .E9 1974 | Editing and Design | Evans, Harold | Heinemann | 1974 | 9780434905522 |
0001063 | NC1479.C9 E83 | The Man Who Drew the Drunkard's Daughter | Evans, Hilary | F. Muller | 1978 | 9780584102598 |
0001375 | HD9831.9.D5 E8 | The Endless Web | Evans, Joan | |||
0001540 | PR878.S6 F3 | Proper Stations: Class in Victorian Fiction | Faber, Richard | Faber and Faber Ltd | 1971 | 9780571095667 |
0001469 | Z325.F32 F334 2019 | Faber & Faber | Faber, Toby | 9780571339044 | ||
0001254 | Z40 .F3 1949 | A book of scripts | Fairbank, Alfred | Penguin Books | 1949 | |
0000952 | Z40 .F3 1952 | A Book of Scripts - K48 | Fairbank, Alfred | The King Penguin Books | 1952 | |
0000207 | Z40 .F3 1952 | A Book of Scripts | Fairbank, Alfred J | Penguin Books | 1952 | |
0000971 | NE1217.F3 A4 | Graven Image | Farleigh, John | Macmillan & Co | 1940 | |
0000640 | HF5825 .F2 | Advertisement production for newspapers and periodicals | Farmer, Courtney Douglas | Pitman | [1950] | |
0001678 | Z325 .F42 1985 | The Provincial Book Trade in Eighteenth-century England | Feather, J. P | Cambridge University Press | 1985 | 9780521303347 |
0000209 | Z325 .F414 1991 | A History of British Publishing | Feather, John | Routledge | 2000 | 9780415026543 |
0001256 | Z4 .F413 1990 | The coming of the book | Febvre, Lucien and Martin, Henri-Jean | Verso editions | 1984 | 9780860917977 |
0001123 | Z326 .F44 1986 | Modes of Production of Victorian Novels | Feltes, N. N | University of Chicago Press | 1986 | 9780226241173 |
0001060 | TJ1218 .F46 | The Mini-lathe (Workshop Practice): 43 | Fenner, David | Special Interest Model Books | 2008 | 9781854862549 |
0000636 | A Portfolio of Railway Notices 1825 - 1892 | Fenton, E W (ed.) | The Holland Press | 1964 | ||
0000676 | Z244.A2 F45 | La Science Pratique de l'Imprimerie | Fertel, Martin-Dominique | Gregg | 1971 | 9780576721516 |
0000554 | Z250 .F475 | Vincent Figgins Type Specimens | Figgins, Vincent | Printing Historical Society | 1967 | |
0001247 | Z250 .F475 | Vincent Figgins Type Specimens | Figgins, Vincent | Printing Historical Society | 1967 | |
0000969 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual | Fishenden, R. B. (ed.) | Lund Humphries & co., ltd. [etc.] | 18- | |
0000968 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 40 - 1938 | Fishenden, R. B. (ed.) | Lund Humphries & co., ltd. [etc.] | 18- | |
0000423 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 41 - 1939 | Fishenden, R. B. (ed.) | Lund Humphries & Co Ltd | 1939 | |
0000534 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 43 - 1949 | Fishenden, R. B. (ed.) | Lund Humphries & Co. Ltd | 1949 | |
0000599 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 44 - 1950 | Fishenden, R. B. (ed.) | Lund Humphries & Co. Ltd | 1950 | |
0000282 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 45 - 1951 | Fishenden, R. B. (ed.) | Lund Humphries | 1951 | |
0000361 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 46 - 1952 | Fishenden, R. B. (ed.) | Lund Humphries | 1952 | |
0000362 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 47 - 1953 | Fishenden, R. B. (ed.) | Lund Humphries | 1953 | |
0000421 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 48 - 1954 | Fishenden, R. B. (ed.) | Lund Humphries | 1960 | |
0001274 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 48 - 1954 | Fishenden, R. B. (ed.) | Lund Humphries | 1960 | |
0000283 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 49 - 1955 | Fishenden, R. B. (ed.) | Lund Humphries | 1955 | |
0000420 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 50 - 1956 | Fishenden, R. B. (ed.) | Lund Humphries Ltd | 1956 | |
0000133 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 51 - 1957 | Fishenden, R. B. (ed.) | Lund Humphries | 1957 | |
0001220 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 51 - 1957 | Fishenden, R. B. (ed.) | Lund Humphries | 1957 | |
0000338 | Compendium for Printers and Buyers of Printing with special reference to Book Production | Fisher, A. Rigby (ed.) | Hutchinson Printing Trust Limited | 1947 | ||
0000641 | Z244 .F58x | Printing Theory and Practice - No 13 - Transferring and Proofing | Fisher, R. E | Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons | 1961 | |
0000967 | PR4569 .F5 | The History Of Pickwick: Characters Localities Allusions & Illustrations | Fitzgerald, Percy | Chapman and Hall, Limited | 1891 | |
0001532 | PR4149.B4 Z64 2019 | The Life and Loves of E. Nesbit | Fitzsimons, Eleanor | Duckworth Books | 2019 | 9781419738975 |
0000110 | Z244.5 .F77 | Organisation and Management for Master Printers | Forsaith, John W | Staples Press | 1949 | |
0000221 | NC1806.9 .F67 2006 | Masters of Poster Design | Foster, John | Rockport Publishers Inc | 2006 | 9781582534340 |
0000039 | PE1460 .F6 2002 | The King's English | Fowler, H. W | Oxford University Press | 2002 | 9780198605072 |
0001315 | PE1460 .F6 1940 | The King's English | Fowler, H. W | Oxford University Press | 1940 | |
0001264 | PS745 .A2 1967 | Apology for printers | Franklin, Benjamin | [s.n.] | 1967 | |
0000537 | Z231.5.P7 F7 1969b | The Private Presses | Franklin, Colin | Studio Vista Limited | 1969 | 9780289796207 |
0000502 | Z250.A3 | Efficient Remelting | Fry's Metal Foundries Ltd | Fry's Metal Foundries Ltd | 1960 | |
0000222 | Z250.A3 F7 1936 | Printing Metals | Fry's Metal Foundries Ltd | Fry's Metal Foundries Ltd | 1936 | |
0001350 | Z250.A3 F7 1966 | Printing Metals | Fry's Metal Foundries Ltd | Fry's Metal Foundries Ltd | 1966 | |
0000223 | Efficient Remelting | Fry's Metals Ltd | Fry's Metals Ltd | 1960 | ||
0000555 | Z250 .F799 1828 | Specimen of Modern Printing Types by Edmund Fry | Fry, Edmund | Printing Historical Society | 1986 | 9780900003080 |
0001162 | PN1042 .F79 2005e | The Ode Less Travelled | Fry, Stephen | Arrow Books | 2005 | 9781407088433 |
0000471 | TR927 .G3 1950 | Modern Illustration Processes | Gamble, Charles W. | Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd | 1950 | |
0000725 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 11 - 1905-6 | Gamble, William (ed.) | A. W. Penrose & Co Ltd | 1906 | |
0000907 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 12 - 1906-7 | Gamble, William (ed.) | A. W. Penrose & Co., Ltd. | 1907 | |
0001152 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 17 - 1911-1912 | Gamble, William (ed.) | Lund Humphries & co., Ltd. [etc.] | 18- | |
0001551 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 18 - 1912-1913 | Gamble, William (ed.) | Lund Humphries & co., Ltd. [etc.] | 1913 | |
0000909 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 19 - 1913-1914 | Gamble, William (ed.) | Lund Humphries & co., ltd. [etc.] | 18- | |
0001621 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 19 - 1913-1914 | Gamble, William (ed.) | Lund Humphries & co., Ltd. [etc.] | 1914 | |
0001550 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 21 - 1916 | Gamble, William (ed.) | Lund Humphries & co., ltd. [etc.] | 1916 | |
0000994 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 22 - 1920 | Gamble, William (ed.) | Percy Lund, Humphries & Co., Ltd. | 1920 | |
0000269 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 23 - 1921 | Gamble, William (ed.) | Percy Lund, Humphries & Co Ltd | 1921 | |
0000275 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 24 - 1922 | Gamble, William (ed.) | Lund, Humphries & Company Ltd | 1923 | |
0000296 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 26 - 1924 | Gamble, William (ed.) | Percy Lund Humphries & Co Ltd | 1924 | |
0000303 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 27 - 1925 | Gamble, William (ed.) | Percy Lund Humphries & Co Ltd | 1925 | |
0000304 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 28 - 1926 | Gamble, William (ed.) | Percy Lund Humphries & Co Ltd | 1926 | |
0000565 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 29 - 1927 | Gamble, William (ed.) | Percy Lund Humphries & Co Ltd | 1927 | |
0000310 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 30 - 1928 | Gamble, William (ed.) | Percy Lund Humphries & Co Ltd | 1928 | |
0000238 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 31 - 1929 | Gamble, William (ed.) | Percy Lund Humphries & Co Ltd | 1929 | |
0000430 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 33 - 1931 | Gamble, William (ed.) | Percy Lund Humphries & Co Ltd | 1931 | |
0000297 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 34 - 1932 | Gamble, William (ed.) | Percy Lund Humphries & Co Ltd | 1932 | |
0000566 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 35 - 1933 | Gamble, William (ed.) | Percy Lund Humphries & Co Ltd | 1933 | |
0000407 | Printing Theory and Practice - No 06 - Proof and Platen Presses | Ganderton, V. S. | Ptiman | 1953 | ||
0000408 | Printing Theory and Practice - No 07 - Cylinder Presses | Ganderton, V. S. | Pitman | 1965 | ||
0000469 | Printing Theory and Practice - No 08 - Mechanical Feeders | Ganderton, Vernon S. | Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd | 1946 | ||
0000978 | Z244 P95 | Printing Theory and Practice - 10 - Miscellaneous Printing Processes, Etc | Ganderton, Vernon Stanley | Pitman | 1952 | |
0000484 | NE1147.6.B B5 2003 | Bewick Studies - Essays in Celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the Birth of Thomas Bewick 1753-1828 | Gardner-Medwin, David (ed.) | British Library | 2003 | 9780712348522 |
0000439 | ND467.5.P7 G37 2012 | Wives and Stunners - The Pre-Raphaelites and Their Muses | Garnett, Henrietta | Macmillan | 2012 | 9780230709409 |
0000034 | NE1143 .G37 1986 | A History of British Wood Engraving | Garrett, Albert | Bloomsbury Books | 1986 | 9780906223291 |
0000443 | NE1143 .G37 1978b | A History of British Wood Engraving | Garrett, Albert | Midas Books | 1978 | 9780859360777 |
0001083 | NE1143 .G37 | A History of Wood Engraving | Garrett, Albert | Bloomsbury Books | 1978 | 9780906223291 |
0000048 | NE1143.3 .G37 | British Wood Engraving of the 20th Century | Garrett, Albert | Scolar Press | 1980 | 9780859676045 |
0000219 | Z116.A2 G27 | A New Introduction to Bibliography | Gaskell, Philip | Oxford University Press | 1972 | 9780198181507 |
0000897 | Z249 .G37x 1877 | The Printing Machine Manager's Complete Practical Handbook | Gaskill, Jackson | 1877 | ||
0000483 | PR935 .G38 2000 | City of Laughter - Sex and Satire in Eighteenth-Century London | Gatrell, Vic | Walker & Company, New York | 2000 | 9780802716024 |
0000812 | ND467.5.P7 G3 1943 | The Pre-Raphaelite Dream | Gaunt, William | The Reprint Society | 1943 | |
0000046 | P211 G28 1984 | A History of Writing | Gaur, Albertine | British Library | 1987 | 9780712301459 |
0000138 | QK41 .G3 1969 | Leaves From Gerard's Herball. Arranged For Garden Lovers | Gerard, John | Dover Publications | 1969 | 9780486223438 |
0000918 | TL616 .G5 | Ballooning | Gibbs-Smith, Charles Harvard | Penguin Books | 1948 | |
0000922 | NB497.G55 A28 1940 | Autobiography | Gill, Eric | Jonathan Cape | 1940 | |
0000944 | NB497.G55 A28 1943 | Autobiography | Gill, Eric | J. Cape | 1943 | |
0000253 | NB497.G55 A3 1940 | Autobiography - Eric Gill | Gill, Eric | Jonathan Cape | 1940 | |
0000697 | NK3631.G54 H37 1978 | The letter forms and type designs of Eric Gill | Gill, Eric | E. Svensson | 1979 | 9780903696074 |
0000136 | PQ2613.I57 H613 1989 | The Man Who Planted Trees | Giono, Jean | Peter Owen | 1989 | 9780720610215 |
0000557 | Z118 .G55 1960 | Glossary of the Book | Glaister, Geoffrey Ashall | George Allen And Unwin Ltd | 1960 | |
0001237 | Z250.A2 G54 2001 | Printing type designs | Glen, Duncan | Akros Publications | 2001 | 9780861421107 |
0001241 | Z250.A2 G54 2001 | Printing type designs | Glen, Duncan | Akros Publications | 2001 | 9780861421107 |
0001099 | Z232.N57 G55 | History of the Government Printing Office | Glue, W. A | Govt. Print | 1966 | |
0000963 | HV6944 .G63 2014 | Crime and Justice Since 1750 | Godfrey, Barry S | 9780415708562 | ||
0001399 | HV6944 .G63 2014 | Crime and Justice Since 1750 | Godfrey, Barry S | 9780415708562 | ||
0000516 | NE628 .G63 | Printmaking in Britain | Godfrey, Richard T. | Phaidon | 1978 | 978071481830 |
0000256 | PR5083 .G6 | Warrior Bard - The Life of William Morris | Godwin, Edward & Stephani | George G. Harrap & Co Ltd | 1947 | |
0001416 | Z249 .G54 1906 | Freidrich Koenig Und Die Erfindung Der Erfindung Der Schnillpresse | Goebel, Theodor | F. Krais | 1906 | |
0000997 | DA485 .G52 1985 | The Civilisation of the Crowd | Golby, J. M | Schocken Books | 1985, | 9780805239881 |
0000847 | NC978 .G668 2005 | Beyond Decoration - The Illustrations of John Everett Millais | Goldman, Paul | British Library | c2005 | 9780712347754 |
0000191 | Z1023 .G65 1994 | Victorian Illustrated Books 1850-1870 | Goldman, Paul | Published for the Trustees of the British Museum | 1994 | 9780714126005 |
0001507 | DG210 .G6 1835 | Pinnock's Improved Edition of Dr. Goldsmith's Abridgement of the History of Rome | Goldsmith, Oliver | Whittaker & Co. | 1834 | |
0000115 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 70 - 1977-78 | Goodacre, Clive (ed.) | Northwood Publications | 1978 | 9780719825996 |
0000442 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 71 - 1979 | Goodacre, Clive (ed.) | Northwood Publications | 1979 | |
0000130 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 72 - 1980 | Goodacre, Clive (ed.) | Northwood Publications | 1980 | 9780719826290 |
0000511 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 73 - 1981 | Goodacre, Clive (ed.) | Northwood Publications | 1981 | 9780719826399 |
0000205 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 69 - 1976 | Goodacre, Clive; Greenwood, Stanley (ed.) | Northwood Publications | 1976 | 9780719825491 |
0001225 | Z250.7 .G67 2001 | Making Digital Type Look Good | Gordon, Bob | Ilex Press Limited | 2001 | 9780500283134 |
0001285 | PN1009.A1 P52 1975b | Early Children's Books & Their Illustration | Gottlieb, Gerald | Pierpont Morgan Library | 1975 | 9780875980515 |
0000380 | NK3600 .G68 | The Alphabet and Elements of Lettering | Goudy, W. Frederic | Bracken Books | 1989 | 9781851703272 |
0000114 | Z244.A2 G69 1881 | The Letter-press Printer: A Complete Guide To The Art of Printing ; | Gould, Joseph | Farrington and Co | 1881 | |
0000263 | Z232.W865 G68 1988 | The Ornamental Stock of Henry Woodfall 1719-1747 | Goulden, Richard J. | Bibliographical Society | 1988 | 9780948170041 |
0000427 | NK3625.V53 F36 1984 | Fanciful Victorian Initials | Grafton, Carol Belanger (ed.) | Dover Publications Inc | 1984 | 9780486246048 |
0000467 | Z471 .G7 | What Happens in Book Publishing | Grannis, Chandler B | Columbia University Press | 1957 | |
0000348 | PR6025.O35 Z67 1967 | Harold Monro and the Poetry Bookshop | Grant, Joy | Routledge and Kegan Paul | 1967 | |
0000576 | TS1109 .G77 | A Laboratory Handbook of Pulp and Paper Manufacture | Grant, Julius | Edward Arnold & Co | 1942 | |
0000491 | ND497.R8 G7 1947 | Rossetti, Dante & Ourselves | Gray, Nicolette | Faber & Faber | 1947 | |
0000782 | PR4577 .G7 | Pictorial Pickwickiana | Grego, Joseph | Chapman and Hall | 1899 | |
0000247 | PR1209 .G7 | Metaphysical Lyrics & Poems Of The Seventeenth Century : Donne To Butler | Grierson, Herbert John Clifford, Sir | Clarendon Press | 1921 | |
0001371 | HC253 .G75 2013 | Liberty's Dawn | Griffin, Emma | |||
0000553 | NE400 .G74 | Prints and Printmaking | Griffiths, Antony | British Museum Publications | 1980 | 9780714107691 |
0001255 | TJ1160 .G7 | Pictorial guide to engineering workshop practice | Grisbrook, H. & Phillipson, C. | Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. | 1968 | 9787100147958 |
0000394 | Z278 .G778 | Publishers on Publishing | Gross, Gerald | Secker & Warburg | 1961 | |
0000116 | TR925 .H25 1924 | Commercial Engraving & Printing : A Manual Of Practical Instruction & Reference Covering Commercial Illustrating & Printing | Hackleman, Charles W | Commercial Engraving Publishing Company | 1924 | |
0000713 | TR925 .H25 1924 | Commercial engraving and printing | Hackleman, Charles W | Commercial Engraving Publishing Company | 1924 | |
0000720 | PR1309.H6 | The Penny Dreadful, or, Strange, horrid & sensational tales! | Haining, Peter (ed.) | Gollancz | 1975 | 9780575017795 |
0001194 | PS3558.A34 Q7 | Quadruped Octaves | Hall, H. Gaston | Walter Ritchie | c1983 | |
0001061 | TJ1218 .H35 2007 | Lathework (Workshop Practice): 34 | Hall, Harold | Special Interest Model | 2003 | 9781854862303 |
0001467 | TJ1225 .H35 | Milling - A Complete Course, No. 35. | Hall, Harold | Special Interest Model Books | 2004 | 9781854862327 |
0001466 | TJ1225 .H35 | The Milling Machine and Accessories, No. 49. | Hall, Harold | Special Interest Model Books | 2011 | 9781854862662 |
0001018 | Z124 .H215 1999 | Type | Haller, Lynn | North Light Books | c1999 | |
0000991 | Z124 .H215 1999 | Type - The Creative Edge | Haller, Lynn | North Light Books | 1999 | 9780891349518 |
0000193 | Z271 .H18 1951 | Bookcraft And Bookbinding | Halliday, J | Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons | 1951 | |
0001295 | Z232.T85 H35 2005 | Fifty Years of Hand-printing | Halliwell, Steven | Rivendale Press | 2005 | |
0000794 | NC242.D6 H3 | English Masters of Black and White - Richard Doyle | Hambourg, Daria | Art and Technics Ltd | 1848 | |
0000903 | JC328.3 .H35 1963 | James Mill and the Art of Revolution | Hamburger, Joseph | Yale University Press | 1963 | |
0000664 | DU483.9.T4 H365 1973 | The Streets of Timaru | Hamilton, J. B | South Canterbury Historical Society | 1975 | |
0000244 | Z152.L8 H3 | Printing In London, From 1476 To Modern Times | Handover, P. M | Allen & Unwin | 1960 | |
0001611 | Z124 .H25 1966 | Typographia: An Historical Sketch of the Origin and Progress of the Art of Printing | Hansard, Thomas Curson | Gregg P | 1966] | |
0000180 | NC1883.3.S H36 2005 | Classic Book Jackets : The Design Legacy of George Salter | Hansen, Thomas S | Princeton Architectural Press | 2005 | 9781568984919 |
0000914 | PN3451 .H3 | Tellers and Listeners | Hardy, Barbara | Athlone Press | 1975 | 9780485111538 |
0001539 | PR878.E46 H37 1985 | Forms of Feeling in Victorian Fiction | Hardy, Barbara Nathan | Ohio University Press | 1985 | 9780821408278 |
0000246 | PR4741 .G7 | A Choice of Thomas Hardy's Poems | Hardy, Thomas | Macmillan | 1969 | 9780353100091 |
0001327 | Z119.A1 A4 | Alphabet and Image No 2 | Harling, Robert (ed.) | Art and Technics | 1946 | |
0001325 | Z119.A1 A4 | Alphabet and Image No 3 | Harling, Robert (ed.) | Art and Technics | 1946 | |
0001324 | Z119.A1 A4 | Alphabet and Image No 4 | Harling, Robert (ed.) | Art and Technics | 1947 | |
0000132 | Z119.A1 A4 | Alphabet and Image No 5 | Harling, Robert (ed.) | Shenval Press | 1948 | |
0000113 | Z119.A1 A4 | Alphabet and Image No 6 | Harling, Robert (ed.) | Shenval Press | 1946 | |
0001326 | Z119.A1 A4 | Alphabet and Image No 7 | Harling, Robert (ed.) | Art and Technics | 1948 | |
0000400 | Z119.A1 A4 | Alphabet and Image No 8 | Harling, Robert (ed.) | Art & Technics | 1948 | |
0000741 | E2540 .H3 1912 | Metalography | HARRAP, Charles | Raithby, Lawrence & Co | 1912 | |
0001296 | Z4 .H32 | A Book About Books | Harrison, Frederick | J. Murray | [1943] | |
0001502 | NC997.A1 C65x 1927 | Posters and Publicity | Harrison, John | W. E. Rudge | 1927 | |
0000606 | Z116.A2 H3 | Modern Book Producction | Harrop, Dorothy | Clive Bingley | 1968 | 9780851570105 |
0000259 | Z232.O98 H18 1966 | Charles Earl Stanhope and the Oxford University Press | Hart, Horace | Printing Historical Society | 1966 | |
0000635 | NE962.H35 H37 1985 | Hands - A Pictorial Archive from Nineteenth-Century Sources | Harter, Jim | Dover Publications Inc | 1985 | 9780486249599 |
0000610 | Z1023 .H387 | The History of the Illustrated Book - The Western Tradition | Harthan, John | Thames and Hudson | 1981 | 9780500233160 |
0001287 | Z1023 .H387 | The History of the Illustrated Book - The Western Tradition | Harthan, John | Thames and Hudson | 1981 | 9780500233160 |
0001439 | PR878.I4 H3 1970 | Victorian Novelists and Their Illustrators | Harvey, John | Sidgwick & Jackson | 1970 | |
0000642 | NK1510 .H32 | A text-book of Elementary Design | Hatton, Richard George | 1894 | ||
0001591 | Z232.S9 H2 1901 | Horace Walpole and the Strawberry Hill Press, 1757-1789 | Havens, Munson Aldrich | Kirgate Press | 1901 | |
0001538 | PN5123.M355 H3 | Radical Journalist: H. W. Massingham (1860-1924) | Havighurst, Alfred F | Cambridge University Press | [1974] | 9780521203555 |
0000733 | NC950 .H35 | Line drawing for reproduction | Havinden, Ashley | The Studio Publications | 1941 | |
0001383 | CS434 .H39 1992 | Criminal Ancestors | Hawkings, David T | Alan Sutton | 1992 | 9780862998172 |
0001143 | TJ147 .H3 | The Book of Remarkable Machinery | Hawks, Ellison | G.G. Harrap & company ltd | [1928] | |
0000440 | N6767.5.P7 H39 2004 | Lizzie Sidall - The tradgedy of a Pre Raphaelite super model | Hawksley, Lucinda | Andre Deutch | 2004 | 9780233002583 |
0000367 | NE885 .H4 1913 | Chats on Old Prints | Hayden, Arthur | T. Fisher Unwin | 1906 | |
0000772 | TT180 .H386 | The Complete Book of Woodwork | Hayward, Charles, H. | Evans Brothers Limited | 1955 | 9780356107882 |
0001151 | PR468.P57 H39 2004 | The Revolution in Popular Literature | Haywood, Ian | Cambridge University Press | 2004 | 9780521835466 |
0000291 | Z245 .H39 | Office Organisation for Printers | Hazell, W. Howard | Federation of Master Printers | 1920 | |
0001588 | Z232.S9 H25 | A Bibliography of the Strawberry Hill Press | Hazen, Allen T | Yale university press | 9780712905718 | |
0000410 | TR1010 .H4 | A Manual for Phototypesetting | Heath, L. G.; Faux, Ian | Lithographic Training Services Ltd | 1978 | 9780906091036 |
0000262 | The Heidelberg Printing Machines of the K Line Series - Master Manual | Heidelberger Druckmaschinenen Aktiengesellschaft | Heidelberger Druckmaschinenen Aktiengesellschaft | 1959 | ||
0000957 | PN4709 .I6 | Inky Way Annual - Book II | Heighway, Arthur J. (ed.) | World's Press News Publishing Co. Ltd. | 1949 | |
0000956 | PN4709 .I6 | Inky Way Annual, 1947-8 | Heighway, Arthur J. | World's Press News Publishing Coy. Ltd | 1947 | |
0001130 | Z250 .E295 2004 | The Education of A Typographer | Heller, Steven (ed.) | Allworth Press | c2004 | 9781581153484 |
0000230 | Z250.A2 H44 2007 | New Vintage Type - Classic Fonts for the Digital Age | Heller, Steven; Anderson, Gail | Thames & Hudson | 2009 | 9780500241370 |
0000532 | Vintage type and Graphics | Heller, Steven; Fili, Louise | Allworth Press | 2011 | 9781581158922 | |
0000522 | Z232.C38 H455 2010 | William Caxton and early printing in England | Hellinga, Lotte | British Library | 2010 | 9780712350884 |
0001378 | BR758 H46 1996 | Religion and Political Culture in Britain and Ireland | Hempton, David | 9780521479257 | ||
0000234 | PR5083 .H4 1967 | William Morris - his Life, Work and friends | Henderson, Philip | Thames & Hudson | 1967 | |
0001518 | NE1155.5.M3 A4 1980 | Frans Masereel, 1889-1972 | Herman, Josef | Journeyman Press | 1980 | |
0001397 | HD6055 H61 | Wives & Mothers in Victorian Industry | Hewitt, Margaret | Greenwood Press | 1975 | 9780837170787 |
0000867 | PN5117 .H48 2014 | The Dawn of the Cheap Press in Victorian Britain | Hewitt, Martin | Bloomsbury Academic | 2015 | 9781474243322 |
0000279 | Z254 .H4 | Style for Print and Proof-Correcting | Hewitt, R. A. | Blandford Press, London | 1957 | |
0000089 | Z271 .H61 1935 | Bookbinding for Schools | Hewitt-Bates, J. S. (James Samuel), | The Dryad Press | 1948 | |
0001073 | DA533 .H52 | The Illustrated London News' Social History of Victorian Britain | Hibbert, Christopher | Angus and Robertson | 1975 | 9780207956577 |
0001648 | PA6519.A8 H55 2007 | Latin Love Lessons | Higgins, Charlotte | Short Books | 2007 | 9781906021139 |
0001657 | TS1105.H64 | A Handbook of Papermaking | Higham, Robert R. A | Oxford University Press | 1963 | |
0000512 | ND2756.T9 H55 1990 | The Light of Early Italian Painting | Hills, Paul | Vale University Press | 1990 | 9780300036176 |
0000043 | TS1095.G7 H55 1988 | Papermaking in Britain, 1488-1988 | Hills, Richard Leslie | Athlone Press | 1988 | 9780485113464 |
0001047 | HCP260 .P6 | The Idea of Poverty | Himmelfrab | Faber & Faber | 1984 | 9780571121779 |
0000992 | PR973 .C8 1966 | Curiosities of Street Literature | Hindley, Charles | The Broadsheet King | 1966 | |
0000595 | NC960 .H53 1894 | A Handbook of Illustration | Hinton, A. Horsley | Dawbarn and Ward Limited | 1894 | |
0001064 | NK3630.4.B67 H56 1977 | Borders Ad Lib | Hinwood, Tony | [s.p.] | 1985 | |
0000278 | T49 .H6 1916 | Henley's Twentieth Century Home & Workshop Formulas | Hiscox, Gardner D. | The Norman W. Henley Publishing Company | 1916 | |
0000857 | ND497.F75 H63 2014 | Lucian Freud | Hoban, Phoebe | 2014 | 9780544114593 | |
0000397 | Z256 .H68 | Handbook for Pressmen | Hoch, Fred W. | Fred W. Hoch Associates, Inc, New York | 1943 | |
0000359 | Z325.G64 H63 | Gollancz - The Story of a Publishing House, 1928-1978 | Hodges, Sheila | Victor Gollancz Ltd | 1978 | 9780575024472 |
0001533 | NC978 .H56 1982 | Image and Text | Hodnett, Edward | Scolar Press | 1982 | 9780859676038 |
0001449 | DA566.4 .H537 2001 | Between Two Worlds | Hoggart, Richard | Aurum | 2001 | 9781854107824 |
0001119 | DA566.4 .H54 1992 | The Uses of Literacy | Hoggart, Richard | Transaction Publishers | c1992 | 9780887388927 |
0000621 | Z43.42.J64 H65 2007 | Edward Johnston - Master Calligrapher | Holliday, Peter | The British Library | 2007 | 9780712349277 |
0000165 | HF5811 .H65 1985 | The Art of Advertising | Holme, Bryan | Peerage | 1985 | 9781850520467 |
0001404 | DS721 .N39 | Science and Civilisation in China | Holorenshaw, Henry | University Press | 1954- | |
0001184 | DA533 .H75 1997 | The World of William Hone | Hone, William | Shelfmark | [1997] | |
0001391 | HC258.B6 H79 | Birmingham | Hopkins, Eric | Weidenfeld & Nicholson | 1989 | 9780297794738 |
0001390 | HC258.B6 H79 | The Rise of the Manufacturing Town | Hopkins, Eric | Sutton Publishing | 1998 | 9780750917827 |
0001297 | Z253 .H67 2006 | Chasing Monotypes | Hopkins, Richard L. | Hill & Dale | 2006 | |
0001290 | The Tragic Saga of James W. Paige's Marvelous Typesetting Machine | Hopkins, Richard L. | Hill & Dale Private Press and Typography | 2014 | ||
0001234 | Z126.5 .H67 2021 | Tolbert Lanston and the Monotype | Hopkins, Richard L. | University of Tampa Press | 2021 | 9781597321006 |
0001338 | PA6156.H6 A4 1932 | Horace - Satires, Epistles, and Ars Poetica - Loeb Classical Library No 194 | Horace | Harvard University Press | 1961 | |
0000837 | Bibliographia Lectures 1975 - 1988 by the recipients of the Marc Fitch Prize for Bibliography | Horden, John (ed.) | Leopard's Head Press | 1992 | 9780904920215 | |
0000734 | TR970 .H65 | Photo-engraving Primer | Horgan, Stephen H | American Photographic Publishing Co | 1920 | |
0001381 | HV9146 .H73 2010 | Young Offenders | Horn, P. L. R | Amberley | 2010 | |
0000387 | NC997 .H58 1956 | Handbook of Early Advertising Art | Hornung, Clarence P. | Dover Publications Inc | 1956 | |
0000666 | Z118 .H65 | The Printer's Terms | Hostettler, Rudolf | A. Redman | 1949 | |
0000654 | P301.5.P86 H68 2013 | Shady Characters | Houston, Keith | Particular Books | 2013 | 9781846146473 |
0000706 | Z151.5 .H837 1996 | The Victorian Printer | Hudson, Graham | Shire Publications Ltd | 1996 | 9780747803300 |
0001014 | NC1284.G7 H83 2008 | The Design & Printing of Ephemera in Britain & America, 1720-1920 | Hudson, Graham S | British Library | 2008 | |
0000961 | HC254.5 .H77 1992 | The Industrial Revolution | Hudson, Pat | E. Arnold | 1992 | |
0001389 | HC255 H88 | The Industrial Revolution | Hudson, Pat | 9780713165319 | ||
0001222 | Z43 .H84 1995c | Step by Step Calligraphy | Hufton, Susan | Phoenix Illustrated | 1997 | |
0001068 | NE485 .H86 1998 | Engraved On Steel | Hunnisett, Basil | Ashgate | c1998 | |
0000660 | TS1090 .H816 1978 | Papermaking | Hunter, Dard | Dover Publications | 1978 | 9780486236193 |
0001121 | TS1090 .H816 1978 | Papermaking | Hunter, Dard | Dover Publications | 1978, | 9780486236193 |
0001052 | Z696.A4 | Classification Made Simple | Hunter, Eric J | Gower | c1988 | 9780566056055 |
0000290 | Z244 .H84 | Letterpress Composition and Machine-work | Hurst, C. A | E. Benn | [c1963 | |
0000970 | TS230 .H87 1996 | Metal Casting - Appropriate technology in the small foundry | Hurst, Steve | ITGD Publishing | 1996 | 9781853391972 |
0001001 | LA631.7 .H8 1971 | Education in Evolution | Hurt, J. S | Hart-Davis | 1971 | 9780246640413 |
0000527 | Z250.5.S4 H8 | A Manual of Script Typefaces | Hutchings, R. S. | Cory, Adams & Mackay Ltd | 1965 | |
0000524 | Z250 .H95 | The Western Heritage of Type Design | Hutchings, R.S. | Cory, Adams & Mackay Ltd | 1963 | |
0000266 | Z244 .H8x | Modern Letterpress Printing Volume III Materials & Methods in the Machine Room | Hutchings, RS; Skilton, Charles | Charles Skilton Ltd | 1954 | |
0000526 | Z250 .H948 1965 | A Manual of Decorated Typefaces | Hutchings. R. S. | Cory Adams & Mackay Ltd | 1965 | |
0001249 | Z244 .H8 | Typographics | Hutchins, Michael | Studio Vista/Reinhold Art | 1969 | 978289368992 |
0000091 | Z250.A2 H84 | Fournier, The Compleat Typographer | Hutt, Allen | Frederick Muller Ltd | 1972 | 9780584103502 |
0001227 | Z250.A2 H84 | Fournier, The Compleat Typographer | Hutt, Allen | Frederick Muller Ltd | 1972 | 9780584103502 |
0000541 | PN5118 .H8 1967 | Newspaper Design | Hutt, Allen | Oxford University Press | 1967 | 9780192129369 |
0000257 | Z232.B872 I85 1993 | William Bulmer, The Fine Printer in Context | Isaac, Peter | Bain & Williams | 1993 | 9781873359044 |
0000360 | PR5083 .N6 | William Davison's New Specimen of Cast-Metal Ornaments and Wood Types | Isaac, Peter | Printing Historical Society | 1990 | 9789000003099 |
0000727 | Z232.D25 I83 1990 | William Davison's new specimen of cast-metal ornaments and wood types | Isaac, Peter C. G | Printing Historical Society | c1990 | 9780900003097 |
0001244 | Z232.D25 I8 | William Davison of Alnwick | Isaac, Peter C. G. | Oxford University Press | 1968 | |
0001671 | Z325 .H83 1999 | The Human Face of the Book Trade | Isaac, Peter; McKay, Barry (ed.) | St. Paul's Bibliographies | 1999 | 9781873040546 |
0000758 | Z249 .I73 | The Story of the Newspaper Printing Press | Isaacs, George Alfred | Co-operative printing society limited | 1931 | |
0000441 | TT870.J3222 2014 | Cut and Fold Techniques for Promotional Materials | Jackson, Paul | Laurence King Publishing | 2013 | 9781780670942 |
0001567 | DA245 .J3 | The Fifteenth Century, 1399-1485 | Jacob, E. F | Clarendon Press | 1961 | |
0000708 | Z118 .J16 | A Pocket Dictionary of Publishing Terms | Jacob, Henry | Macdonald and Jane's | 1976 | 9780354040167 |
0000300 | Z244 .J17 | Printing | Jacobi, Charles T. | George Bell and Sons | 1904 | |
0000588 | Z116 .J16 1892 | Some Notes on Books and Printing - A Guide for Authors and Others | Jacobi, Charles T. | Chiswick Press | 1892 | |
0000406 | Z244 .J168 | Printing | Jacobi, Charles Thomas | George Bell and Sons | 1890 | |
0000301 | Z116 .J16 1912 | Some Notes on Books and Printing | Jacobi, Charles Thomas | Charles Whittingham and Co. | 1912 | |
0000212 | Z244 .J162 | The Printers' Handbook of Trade Recipes, Hints | Jacobi, Charles Thomas | Charles Thomas Jacobi | 1905 | |
0000032 | Z118 .J18 1969 | The Printers' Vocabulary | Jacobi, Charles Thomas | Gale Research Co | 1888 | |
0001527 | PL726.6 .J33 2015 | Writing Technology in Meiji Japan | Jacobowitz, Seth David | 9780674088412 | ||
0000591 | PR1143 .E5 | English Popular Literature 1819-1851 | James, Louis | Columbia University Press | 1976 | 9780231041409 |
0000586 | PR878.L3 J3 | Fiction for the Working Man 1830-1850 | James, Louis | OUP | 1963 | |
0001044 | PR1143 .P7 | Print and the People 1819-1851 | James, Louis | Allen Lane | 1976 | 9780713907780 |
0000607 | NC978 .J3 | English Book Illustration - K31 | James, Philip | The King Penguin Books | 1947 | |
0000989 | HF5770 .J363 1998 | Shelf Space - Modern Package Design, 1945 - 1965 | Jankowski, Jerry | Chronicle Books | 2008 | 9780811817844 |
0000529 | ND497.H7 J37 | The Ingenious Mr Hogarth | Jarrett, Derek | Michael Joseph | 1976 | 9780718114893 |
0000013 | Z250 .J36 2001 | The Encyclopaedia of Type Faces | Jaspert, W. Pincus | Cassell | 2001 | 9781841881393 |
0001465 | CD935 .J46 | Selected Writings of Sir Hilary Jenkinson | Jenkinson, Hilary | Alan Sutton Publishing Ltd | 1980 | 9780904387520 |
0000120 | Z231 .J4 | Pioneers in Printing | Jennett, SeaÌ?n | Routledge &. K. Paul | 1958 | |
0000042 | Z116.A2 J47 1967 | The Making of Books | Jennett, Sean | Faber | 1967 | |
0001445 | PR4825.J4 A6 1970 | The Best of Mr. Punch | Jerrold, Douglas | University of Tennessee Press | 1970 | 9780870491153 |
0001509 | Z250.A2 G375 2022 | Claude Garamont | Jimenès, Rémi | 9782867423116 | ||
0000399 | Modern Composing Room Equipment | John Meerloo Co Ltd | John Meerloo Co Ltd | 1928 | ||
0000293 | PN160 .W5 1950 | The Manuscript - A Guide for its Preparation | John Wiley & Sons, Inc | John Wiley & Sons, Inc | 1941 | |
0000307 | PN160 .W5 1941 | The Manuscript - A Guide for its Preparation | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | 1941 | |
0001676 | Z124 .J64 1998 | The Nature of the Book | Johns, Adrian | University of Chicago Press | 1998 | 9780226401225 |
0000005 | Z250.A2 J6 1959 | Type Designs | Johnson, A. F | Grafton | 1959 | |
0000517 | Z701 .J63 1978 | The Practical Guide to Book Repair and Conservation | Johnson, Arthur W. | Thames and Hudson | 1978 | 9780500014547 |
0000339 | NC242.M72 W54 1973 | Ornamentation & Illustrations from The Kelmscott Chaucer | Johnson, Fridolf (ed.) | Dover Publications | 1973 | 9780486229706 |
0000681 | Z124 .J66 | Typographia, or the Printers Instructor | Johnson, J. W | [s.n.] | 1824 | |
0000157 | NC975 .C45 1990 | Children And Their World | Johnson, Judy M. (ed.) | Dover Publications | 1990 | 9780486264578 |
0000264 | Z250.A2 J63 2000 | Alphabets to Order - The Literature of Nineteenth-Century Typefounders' Specimens | Johnston, Alastair | Oak Knoll Press, The British Library | 2000 | 9780712347020 |
0000172 | NK3600 .J6 | Writing & Illuminating & Lettering | Johnston, Edward | Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd | 1906 | |
0000542 | NK3600 .J6 1932 | Writing & Illuminating & Lettering | Johnston, Edward | Pitman | 1932 | |
0001308 | Z43 .J776 | Formal Penmanship and Other Papers | Johnston, Edward | Hastings House | 1971 | 9780803822825 |
0001067 | NK3631.J63 J63 1976 | Edward Johnston | Johnston, Priscilla | Faber and Faber | 1959 | |
0001000 | PE1137 .J55 1946 | An English Pronouncing Dictionary | Jones, Daniel | J. M. Dent & Sons | 1917 | |
0000316 | PR1175 .N36 1996 | The Nations Favourite Poems | Jones, Griff Rhys (ed.) | BBC Books | 1996 | 9780563387824 |
0001508 | Z325.B83 | Butterworths, History of A Publishing House | Jones, H. Kay | Butterworths | 1980 | 9780406176066 |
0000100 | Z250.A2 | Stanley Morison Displayed | Jones, Herbert | Muller | 1976 | 9780584103526 |
0000006 | Z253 .J77 | Type in Action | Jones, Herbert | Sidgwick and Jackson | [1938] | |
0001228 | Z253 .J77 | Type in Action | Jones, Herbert | Sidgwick and Jackson | 1950 | |
0001625 | Z1001 .J79 | Readings in Descriptive Bibliography | Jones, John Bush | Kent State University Press | [1974] | 9780873381536 |
0001355 | PA2095 .J66 2016 | Reading Latin: Text and Vocabulary | Jones, P. V | Cambridge University Press | 1986 | 9781107618701 |
0001357 | PA2094.5 .J665 2018 | An Independent Study Guide to Reading Latin | Jones, Peter V | 9781107615601 | ||
0001356 | PA2095 .J66 2016 | Reading Latin: Grammar and Exercises | Jones, Peter V | 9781107632264 | ||
0001110 | NE2347.6.J67 A2 2010 | Stanley Jones and the Curwen Studio | Jones, Stanley | Herbert | 2010 | 9781408102862 |
0000281 | Joyce & Co, Alphabetical Price List | Joyce & Co | Joyce & Co (Printing Materials) Ltd | 1949 | ||
0000227 | Display Work | Joyner, George | The Reliance Press | 1924 | ||
0000364 | Z244 .J89 | Fine Printing | Joyner, George | 1895 | ||
0000140 | PN162 .J8 1982 | Copyediting : A Practical Guide | Judd, Karen | Hale | 1995 | 9780709053460 |
0001235 | Z252.5.R4 .J8 | Letterpress | Jury, David | RotoVision SA | 2004 | 97828880467843 |
0001236 | Z252.5.R4 .J8 | Letterpress | Jury, David | RotoVision SA | 2004 | 9782888931638 |
0000482 | Z253.M483 K34 2000 | Ottmar Mergenthaler - The Man and his Machine | Kahan, Basil | Oak Knoll Press | 2000 | 9781584560074 |
0000079 | Z244.3 .K19 1939 | Printing and the Allied Trades | Karch, Robert Randolph | Pitman publishing corporation | 1939 | |
0001188 | PR4830 .F39 | The Poetical Works of John Keats | Keats, John | London | 1956 | 9780192541321 |
0001644 | PR4581 .K355 2023 | The Life and Lies of Charles Dickens | Kelly, Helena | Icon Books | 2023 | 9781837731046 |
0000492 | Z250.A2 K4 1977 | American Wood Type: 1828-1900 | Kelly, Rob Roy | Da Capo Press | 1977 | 9780306800597 |
0000657 | Z250 .W86 1977 | Wood Type Alphabets | Kelly, Rob Roy (ed.) | Dover Publications | 1977 | 9780486235332 |
0000800 | LC5256.G7 K4 | George Birkbeck | Kelly, Thomas | Liverpool U.P | 1957 | |
0001085 | PR6021.E712 Z463 2011 | A Boy at the Hogarth Press | Kennedy, Richard | 9781843914617 | ||
0000525 | Z118 .K35 | Dictionary of Printing Papermaking and Bookbinding | Kenneison, W.C.; Spilman, A.J.B. | G. Newnes | 1963 | |
0001135 | Prospect of London | Kersting, A.F.; Thorne, Anthony | Batsford | |||
0001387 | HC254.5 K51 | Making Sense of the Industrial Revolution | King, Steven | Manchester University Press | 2001 | 9780719050213 |
0000779 | Z330.6.Pe K57 2016 | Pennies, Profits and Poverty: A Biographical Directory of Wealth and Want in Bohemian Fleet Street | Kirkpatrick, Robert | CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform | 2016 | 9781518690990 |
0001155 | Z250.5.W65 K58 2015 | Alan Kitching's A-Z of Letterpress | Kitching, Alan | 9781780674810 | ||
0000047 | Z250.A2 K54x 1991 | T & T | Klein, Manfred | Architecture Design and Technology | 1991 | 9781854548481 |
0001094 | NC960 .K55 1970 | The Illustrated Book: Its Art and Craft | Klemin, Diana | distributed by Crown | [1970] | |
0001050 | TR1010 .K58 | How to Build A Basic Typesetting System | Kleper, Michael L | Graphic Arts Research Center, Rochester Institute of Technology : available from Graphic Dimensions | c1979 | 9780899380025 |
0001521 | NK1535.K55 A52 1977 | Florid Victorian Ornament | Klimsch, Ferdinand Karl | Dover Publications | 1977 | 9780486234908 |
0001498 | Z244 .K71 | Printing | Knights, Charles C | Butterworth | 1932 | |
0000724 | PN6080 .O95 1998 | The Oxford Book of 20th Century Quotations | Knowles, Elizabeth (ed.) | Oxford University Press | 1998 | 9780198601036 |
0000155 | PN6080 .O955 1999 | The Oxford Dictionary Of Modern Quotations | Knowles, Elizabeth | Oxford University Press | 1998 | 9780198601036 |
0000432 | Z253.4.T47 K58 1986 | Computers & Typesetting, Volume A: The TeXbook | Knuth, Donald E. | Addison-Wesley Professional | 1986 | 9780201134476 |
0000433 | Z253.4.T47 K58 1986 | Computers & Typesetting, Volume B: TeX: The Program | Knuth, Donald E. | Addison Wesley Professional | 1986 | 9780201134377 |
0000434 | Z250.8.M46 K58 1986 | Computers & Typesetting, Volume C: The Metafont Book | Knuth, Donald E. | Addison Wesley Professional | 1986 | 9780201134452 |
0000435 | Z250.8.M46 K58 1986 | Computers & Typesetting, Volume D: Metafont | Knuth, Donald E. | Addison Wesley Professional | 1986 | 9780201134384 |
0000497 | Z250.8.M46 K58 1986 | Computers & Typesetting, Volume E: Computer Modern Typefaces | Knuth, Donald E. | Addison Wesley Professional | c1986 | 9780201134469 |
0000437 | Z249.3 .K59 1999 | Digital Typography | Knuth, Donald E. | Center for the Study of Language and Information | 1998 | 9781575860114 |
0001580 | QA76.6 .K64 1997 | The Art of Computer Programming Vol. 1 | Knuth, Donald Ervin | Addison-Wesley | c1997 | 9780201896831 |
0001579 | QA76.6 .K64 1997 | The Art of Computer Programming Vol. 2 | Knuth, Donald Ervin | Addison-Wesley | c1997 | 9780201896848 |
0001578 | QA76.6 .K64 1997 | The Art of Computer Programming Vol. 3 | Knuth, Donald Ervin | Addison-Wesley | c1997 | 9780201896855 |
0001581 | QA76.6 .K64 1997 | The Art of Computer Programming Vol. 4A | Knuth, Donald Ervin | Addison-Wesley | c1997 | 9780201038040 |
0001582 | QA76.6 .K64 1997 | The Art of Computer Programming Vol. 4B | Knuth, Donald Ervin | Addison-Wesley | c1997 | 9780201038040 |
0001043 | PZ1 .F1815 | Fact Into Fiction | Kovacevic, Ivanka | Leicester University Press | 1975 | 9780718511302 |
0000731 | Z252 .K94 | Historical treatises, abstracts & papers on stereotyping | Kubler, George A | [Printed by J.J. Little and Ives Company] | 1936 | |
0001623 | Z252 .K94 1936b | Historical Treatises, Abstracts & Papers On Stereotyping | Kubler, George A | Printed by Brooklyn Eagle Press | 1936 | |
0000137 | Z244.3 .W28 1984 | Do-it-yourself Graphic Design | Laing, John | Ebury Press | 1984 | 9780852233108 |
0000007 | TS1105 .L36 2006 | Papermaking for Printmakers | Lamb, Elspeth | A.&C. Black | 2006 | 9780713665871 |
0000196 | NE850 .L28 | Approaches To Printing | Lancaster, John | Evans Bros | 1974 | 9780237447014 |
0000342 | PZ8.L15 Cr12 | The Crimson Fairy Book | Lang, Andrew | Dover Publications | 1967 | 9780486217994 |
0000344 | PZ8.L15 Or12 | The Orange Fairy Book | Lang, Andrew | Dover Publications | 1906 | 9780486219097 |
0000346 | Z278 .L3 | The Practice of Bookselling | Langdon-Davies, B. N. | Phoenix House Ltd | 1951 | |
0001138 | Z249 .L35 2004 | Printing Digital Type On the Hand-operated Flatbed Cylinder Press | Lange, Gerald | Chatwin Books | 2018 | 9781633980709 |
0001302 | Z253 L2745 | The Lanston Monotype Casting Machine | Lanston Monotype Corporation | Lanston Monotype Corporation | 1905 | |
0000438 | Z253 .L27 1916 | The Monotype System | Lanston Monotype Machine Co. | Lanston Monotype Machine Co. | 1916 | |
0000480 | Z253 .L27 1916 | The Monotype System: A Book for Owners and Operators | Lanston Monotype Machine Co. | Lanston Monotype Machine Co. | 1916 | |
0000280 | Z253 .L298 | Compositor's Work in Printing | Larken, H. W. | Staples Printers Limited | 1969 | |
0000765 | Z253 .L298 | Compositor's Work in Printing | Larken, H. W. | Staples | 1964 | |
0000184 | PS586 .L23 | The New York Times Book of Verse | Lask, Thomas | The Macmillan Company | 1976 | |
0000194 | PS586 .L23 | The New York Times Book Of Verse | Lask, Thomas | Macmillan | 1970 | 9780025684508 |
0000927 | Fashion and Fashion Plates 1800-1900 - K7 | Laver, James | The King Penguin Books | 1943 | ||
0001470 | TA481 .L39 2022 | Measuring and Marking Metals for Home Machinists | Law, Ivan R | 9781497101937 | ||
0000217 | Z250 .L34 1990 | Anatomy of a Typeface | Lawson, Alexander | David R Godine | 1990 | 9780879833334 |
0000763 | Z252.5.O5 L37 | Offset Lithography | Lawson, L. E. | Vista Books, London | 1963 | |
0001454 | PN5130.P8 L43 2010 | The Punch Brotherhood | Leary, Patrick | The British Library Board | 2010 | 9780712309233 |
0001171 | PR5083 L43 | William Morris | Leatham, James | Thoemmes | 1994 | 9781855062573 |
0000805 | PR5083 .L43 1994 | William Morris, Master of Many Crafts ... Third Edition. [With A Portrait.] | Leatham, James | Clerkhill Press | 1908 | |
0000901 | PR4581 .L43 | Dickens the Novelist | Leavis, F. R | Chatto & Windus | 1970 | 9780701116446 |
0000835 | PR99 .L35 | The Common Pursuit | Leavis, F.R. | Chatto & Windus | 1958 | |
0001035 | PN5117 .L4 1976 | The Origins of the Popular Press in England, 1855-1914 | Lee, Alan J | Croom Helm | 1976 | 9780874718560 |
0000792 | DA690.W515 C48 1992 | A Cézanne in the Hedge and other memories of Charleston and Bloomsbury | Lee, Hugh (ed.) | University of Chicago Press | c1992 | 9780226470030 |
0000939 | GV1787 .L32 | English Ballet - K20 | Leeper, Janet | The King Penguin Books | 1944 | |
0001379 | KD3310 .L44 1998 | The Solidarities of Strangers | Lees, Lynn | Cambridge University Press | 1998 | 9780521572613 |
0000305 | PN155 .L39 1982 | An Author's Guide to Publishing | Legat, Michael | Robert Hale | 1982 | 9780709005100 |
0000729 | Z250 .L51 | Typographical printing-surfaces | Legros, Lucien Alphonse | Longmans, Green and Co | 1916 | |
0000596 | DA110 .L34 | Country Matters | Leighton, Clare | Victor Gollancz Limited | 1937 | |
0000135 | SB455 .L4 2010 | Four Hedges | Leighton, Clare | Little Toller Books | 2010 | 9780956254535 |
0001392 | PN147 .L44 2000 | The Forest for the Trees | Lerner, Betsy | Riverhead Books | c2000 | |
0001071 | NC978.5.B77 L47 2004 | Phiz | Lester, Valerie Browne | Chatto & Windus | 2004 | 9780701177423 |
0000902 | Z250 .C86 1948 | A Handbook of Printing Types with Notes On the Style of Composition and Graphic Processes Used By Cowells | Lewis, John | W. S. Cowell | 1948 | |
0000477 | Z244 .L54 | A Handbook of Type and Illustration | Lewis, John | Faber & Faber | 1956 | |
0000493 | Z124 .L66 | Anatomy of Printing | Lewis, John | Faber and Faber Ltd | 1970 | 9780571087686 |
0001289 | Z124 .L66 | Anatomy of Printing | Lewis, John | Faber and Faber Ltd | 1970 | 9780571087686 |
0000722 | NC1280 .L45 | Collecting Printed Ephemera | Lewis, John | Studio Vista | 1976 | 9780289703939 |
0001080 | NK3600 .L45 1954 | Graphic Design | Lewis, John | Routledge & K. Paul | 1954 | |
0000033 | Z116.A3 L45 1962a | Printed Ephemera | Lewis, John | Published in the U.S.A. by Dover for W.S. Cowell | c1962 | |
0000211 | Z232 .L48 1994 | Such Things Happen | Lewis, John | Unicorn Press | 1994 | 9780906290064 |
0000149 | Z244 .L53 | Typography: Design and Practice | Lewis, John | Barrie & Jenkins | 1977 | 9780214203138 |
0000142 | Z116.A3 L674 | The Twentieth Century Book : Its Illustration And Design | Lewis, John Noel Claude | Herbert Press | 1984 | 9780906969410 |
0001282 | Z116.A3 L674 | The Twentieth Century Book : Its Illustration And Design | Lewis, John Noel Claude | Studio Vista | 1967 | 9780906969410 |
0000164 | Z250 .L59 1967 | Typography: Basic Principles: Influences And Trends Since The 19th Century | Lewis, John Noel Claude | Studio Vista | 1967 | |
0001223 | TR657 .L47 1969 | The graphic reproduction and photography of works of art | Lewis, John; Smith, Edwin | W. S. Cowell Ltd | 1969 | 9780571090341 |
0000558 | Z244 | Publishing & Printing at Home | Lewis, Roy; Easson, John B. | David & Charles | 1984 | 9780715385104 |
0001585 | DA483.W2 L43 | Rescuing Horace Walpole | Lewis, W. S | published for the Yale University Library by Yale University Press | 1978 | 9780300022780 |
0001586 | Z989 .L5 1951 | Collector's Progress | Lewis, Wilmarth Sheldon | Knopf | 1951 | |
0001417 | PL1171 .L416 1984 | Everyday Chinese Characters | Lin, Miaoling | Duckworth | [1984] | |
0001316 | NE1080 .L55 1970 | The Woodblock Engravers | Lindley, Kenneth Arthur | David & Charles Ltd | 1970 | 9780877490579 |
0000579 | Z244.3 .L52 1980 | Basic Printing - The beginners' guide to printing at home | Lindley, Peter B | British Printing Society | 1980 | |
0000368 | PR5083 .L5 | William Morris | Lindsay, Jack | Taplinger Publishing Co, Inc | 1975 | 9780800883393 |
0000864 | PR6023.I58 S6 | A Sociable Plover | Linklater, Eric | R. Hart-Davis | 1957 | |
0000267 | Z118 .D5x | A Dictionary of Printing Terms | Linotype & Machinery Ltd | Linotype & Machinery Ltd | 1962 | |
0000182 | PR6062.I8 | Allotments | Lister, R. P. | Silent Books | 1991 | 9781851830251 |
0001149 | N6797.C3 L5 | Edward Calvert | Lister, Raymond | G. Bell | [1962] | |
0000214 | PE1625 .L53 1936 | The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary On Historical Principles | Little, William | Clarendon Press | 1936 | |
0000702 | Z8.C5 L493 1985 | The story of Chinese books | Liu, Guojun | Foreign Languages Press | 1985 | 9780835113045 |
0001513 | Z325.W3 L5 | Adventure in Publishing | Liveing, Edward G. D | Ward, Lock | 1954 | |
0000990 | NC997 .L54 1998 | Graphic Design and Designers | Livingston, Alan | Thames & Hudson | 1998 | 9780500202593 |
0001669 | PA6452 .A2 1955 | Livy VIII - Books XXVII-XXX- Loeb Classical Library No 381 | Livy | William Heinemann Ltd | 1948 | 9780674997394 |
0000984 | PN6081 .L57 2008 | Advanced Banter | Lloyd, John | Faber & Faber | 2008 | 9780571233724 |
0000475 | Stencilling on Fabrics | Loasby, Wren | 1991 | 9781854040077 | ||
0000900 | Z271 .M35 2017 | Making Books | London Centre for Book Arts | Pavilion | 2017 | 9781911216209 |
0001293 | Z269.2.S38 L68 1980 | James Scott and William Scott Bookbinders | Loudon, J. H. | The Moretus Press | 1980 | 9780859675390 |
0000755 | NC1479.L65 A2 1956 | Low's Autobiography | Low, David | Michael Joseph | 1956 | |
0000481 | Z246.W357 L69 2013 | Printer's Devil | Loxley, Simon | David R. Godine | c2013 | 9781567923674 |
0001592 | Z124 .L95 1965 | The History and Art of Printing | Luckombe, Philip | Gregg Press | 1965 | |
0000620 | Z250.3 .L8413 198 | Typographical Ornaments | Luidl, Pgilipp; Huber, Helmut | Blandford Press | 1985 | 9780713716412 |
0000061 | Z246 .L850 1961 | Beginner's Guide to Design in Printing | Luker, Leslie Gordon | 1961 | ||
0001301 | Z247 | Beginners Guide to Paper, Ink and Rollers | Luker, Leslie Gordon | Adana (Printing Machines) Ltd | 1973 | 9780950378602 |
0000090 | Z269.5 .L84 1974 | Beginners Guide to Warehousing, Bookbinding and Blocks | Luker, Leslie Gordon | Adana (Printing Machines) Ltd | 1974 | 9780950378619 |
0000099 | Z244 .L85 | Science For Printers | Luker, Leslie Gordon | C. Griffin | 1951 | |
0000029 | NE2130 .L8 1962 | The Art of Etching | Lumsden, E. S | Dover Publications | [1962] | |
0000603 | Z246 .L87 2010 | Thinking with Type | Lupton, Ellen | Princeton Architectural Press | 2010 | 9781568989693 |
0000556 | Z253 .L96 | Die Monotype - Fachbuch für Taster und Giesser | Lürssen, Eric | Fachbuchverlag GMBH | 1954 | |
0000240 | NB497.G55 M34 1989 | Eric Gill | MacCarthy, Fiona | Faber and Faber | 1989 | 9780571137541 |
0000315 | ND467.5.P7 M33 2011 | The Last Pre-Raphaelite - Edward Burne Jones and the Victorian Imagination | MacCarthy, Fiona | Faber & Faber | 2011 | 9780571228614 |
0000241 | PR5083 M23 1994 | William Morris | MacCarthy, Fiona | Faber | 1994 | 9780571142507 |
0001158 | PR5083 | Willima Morris, Art and Life | Maccarthy, Fiona | The Art Workers' Guild | 1994 | |
0000949 | Pembroke Poets | Macfarlane, Roert; Quentin, David (ed.) | Pembroke College | 1997 | ||
0001108 | PR5083 .M25 1899 | The Life of William Morris | Mackail, J. W | Longmans, Green & co | 1899 | |
0000686 | Z244.A2 M2 1878 | The American Printer | MacKellar, Thomas | MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan | 1878 | |
0001568 | DA325 .M3 | The Earlier Tudors | Mackie, J. D | Clarendon Press | 1952 | |
0000865 | PR6025.A24 B3 | Ballades and Other Verse | Mackintosh, Hugh Stewart. [from old catalog] | Hart-Davis | 1953 | |
0000170 | Z250.A2 A19 2006 | An A-Z Of Type Designers | Macmillan, Neil | Laurence King | 2006 | 9781856693950 |
0001496 | Z253 .M33 | 'Set in Cyrillic.' A Practical Guide for Operators of 'monotype' Machines Engaged in Setting Texts in Russian | Macpherson, Ian | Monotype Corporation Limited | ||
0001279 | Z232.O98 O9 1926 | The Oxford University Press | Madan, Falconer | Oxford | 1905 | |
0000026 | Z244 .M17 1932 | Printing, Its History, Practice, and Progress | Maddox, Harry Alfred | Pitman | 1932 | |
0001313 | HD9831.5 .M34 1997 | Productivity and Performance in the Paper Industry | Magee, Gary Bryan | Cambridge University Press | 1997 | 9780521581974 |
0001617 | DG274 .M34 1991 | Historia Augusta I - Loeb Classical Library No 139 | Magie, David (ed.) | Harvard University Press | 1921 | 9780674991545 |
0001618 | DG274 .M34 1921 | Historia Augusta II - Loeb Classical Library No 140 | Magie, David (ed.) | 9780434991402 | ||
0001167 | PR5087.P6 M36 2008 | Crossing the 'river of Fire' | Mahamdallie, Hassan | Redwords | 2008 | |
0001070 | NC1475 .M34 2013 | Comedy, Caricature and the Social Order, 1820-50 | Maidment, Brian | Manchester University Press | 2013 | 9789781526122871 |
0001444 | Z126.Z7 | The Gutenberg Revolution | Man, John | Review | 2002 | 9780747245049 |
0000324 | Mander's Printing Inks | Mander Bros, Wolverhampton | Mander Bros, Wolverhampton | c193 | ||
0001334 | PR9639.3.M254 L54 2007 | Lifted | Manhire, Bill | Carcanet | 2007 | |
0001037 | Z1003 .M297 1982 | From Author to Reader | Mann, Peter H | Routledge & K. Paul | 1982 | 9780710090898 |
0001154 | PS3525.A58 W5 1994 | The Wild Party | March, Joseph Moncure | Picador | c1994 | 9780330336567 |
0001661 | Z232.B93 M3 | William Bulmer, Thomas Bensley | Marrot, H. V | Fleuron Ltd | 1930 | |
0000384 | NE850 .M37 | Imaginative Printmaking | Marsh, Robert & Glenda | Pitman Publishing | 1975 | 9780273004899 |
0000945 | PG3476.M3725 B3313 2012 | Baggage | Marshak, S | Tate | 2013 | 9781849761314 |
0001344 | PA6156 .M3 1919 | Martial Epigrams II - Loeb Classical Library No 95 | Martial | W. Heinemann | 1919 | |
0001343 | PA6156 .M3 1919 | Martial Epigrams I - Loeb Classical Library No 94 | Martial | W. Heinemann | 1919 | |
0000218 | Z232.M39 A4 | J. H. Mason R.D.I | Mason, John | The Twelve By Eight | 1961 | |
0000643 | Z244 .P95 | Printing Theory and Practice - No 24 - Machine Ruling | Mason, John | Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons | 1946 | |
0000807 | Z271.3.M37 .M38 1999 | The Ultimate Marbling Handbook | Maurer-Mathison, Diane V | Watson-Guptill Publications | c1999 | 9780823055753 |
0001512 | Z330.6.L6 M39 1984 | The London Book Trades, 1735-1775 | Maxsted, Ian | J. Maxted | 1984 | |
0000926 | Z118 .P7 | Printing Reproduction Pocket Pal | May, Leslie H. (ed.) | Advertising Agency Production Association | 1969 | |
0000163 | ND1260 .M35 | The Artist's Handbook Of Materials And Techniques | Mayer, Ralph | The Viking Press | 1940 | |
0000838 | The Influence of D.F. McKenzie | McCleery, Alistair; Brabon, Benjamin A. (ed.) | Merchiston Publishing | 2010 | 9780955356155 | |
0000188 | Z232.B95 M3 | At The Sign Of The Crane | McConnell, Brian | Burrup, Mathieson | 1978 | |
0001455 | PN5129 .M35 | The Thunderer | McKane, Christopher | 9780993468094 | ||
0000912 | Z329 .S46 2001 | Light On the Book Trade | McKay, Barry; Hinks, John; Bell, Maureen (ed.) | Oak Knoll Press | 2004 | 9780712347976 |
0001409 | Z232 .C17 M156 | An Early Printing House At Work | McKenzie, D. F | Wai-Te-Ata Press | 1965 | |
0000915 | Z8494.2 .M3 | F.R. Leavis | McKenzie, D. F | Chatto & Windus | 1966 | |
0000669 | Z122.5.G73 M3 | Stationers' Company Apprentices, 1605-1640 | McKenzie, D. F | Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia | 1961 | |
0000667 | Z122.5.G73 M32 | Stationers' Company Apprentices, 1641-1700 | McKenzie, D. F | Oxford Bibliographical Society | 1974 | 9780901420091 |
0000001 | Z325.C26 M3 | The Cambridge University Press, 1696-1712 | McKenzie, D. F | Cambridge University Press | 1966 | |
0000084 | Z1001 .M398 1999 | Bibliography and The Sociology of Texts | McKenzie, D. F. | Cambridge University Press | 1999 | 9780521644952 |
0000824 | Z1001 .M398 1986 | Bibliography and the Sociology of texts | McKenzie, D. F. | The British Library | 1986 | 9780712300858 |
0000831 | Z1001 .M398 1999 | Bibliography and the Sociology of Texts | McKenzie, D. F. | Cambridge University Press | 1999 | 9780521644952 |
0001407 | Z1001 .M398 1999 | Bibliography and the Sociology of Texts | McKenzie, D. F. | Cambridge University Press | 1999 | 9780521644952 |
0000080 | Z1005 .M325 2002 | Making Meaning : "Printers Of The Mind" and Other Essays | McKenzie, D. F. | University Of Massachusetts Press | 2002 | 9781558493360 |
0000827 | DU423.A1 M34 1985 | Oral Culture, Literacy & Print in early New Zealand: the Treaty of Waitangi | McKenzie, D. F. | Victoria University Press | 1985 | 9780864730435 |
0000242 | Z122.5.G73 M32 | Stationers' Company Apprentices, 1641-1700 | McKenzie, D. F. | Oxford Bibliographical Society | 1974 | 9780901420091 |
0000243 | Z122.5.G73 M33 | Stationers' Company Apprentices, 1701-1800 | McKenzie, D. F. | Oxford Bibliographical Society | 1974 | 9780901420312 |
0001635 | Z122.5.G73 M33 | Stationers' Company Apprentices, 1701-1800 | McKenzie, D. F. | Oxford Bibliographical Society | 1974 | 9780901420312 |
0000828 | Z8494.2 .M3 | F.R. Leavis, a Check List, 1924 - 1964 | McKenzie, D. F.; Allum, M-P | Chatto & Windus, London | 1966 | |
0000823 | Z1001 .M398 1984 | Il passato è il prologo. Due saggi di sociologia dei testi | McKenzie, D. F. | Bonnard, Sylvestre | 2002 | 9788886842402 |
0001414 | Z1001 .M398 1984 | Il passato è il prologo. Due saggi di sociologia dei testi | McKenzie, D. F. | Bonnard, Sylvestre | 2002 | 9788886842402 |
0000830 | Bibliografia e sociolgia dei testi | McKenzie, D. F. | Bonnard, Sylvestre | 1999 | 9788886842082 | |
0000829 | La bibliographie et la sociologie des textes | McKenzie, D. F. | Editions du Cercle de la Librairie | 1991 | 9782765404750 | |
0000825 | Z1001 .M398 2004 | Di Shakespeare e Congreve | McKenzie, D. F. | Bonnard, Sylvestre | 2004 | 9788886842662 |
0000833 | Z122.5.G73 M32 | Stationers' Company Apprentices 1641 - 1700 | McKenzie, D. F | The Oxford Bibliographical Society | 1974 | 9780901420091 |
0000832 | Z122.5.G73 M33 | Stationers' Company Apprentices 1701 - 1800 | McKenzie, D. F | The Oxford Bibliographical Society | 1978 | 9780901420312 |
0000027 | Z1001 .M16 1967 | An Introduction to Bibliography for Literary Students | McKerrow, Ronald Brunlees | At the Clarendon Press | 1967 | |
0001566 | DA225 .M34 1991 | The Fourteenth Century, 1307-1399 | McKisack, May | Oxford University Press | 1991 | 9780192852502 |
0000931 | The Bayeux Tapestry - K10 | Mclagan, Eric | The King Penguin Books | 1943 | ||
0000826 | Z688.A95 A88 1985 | Australian and New Zealand Studies - British Library Occasional Papers 4 | McLaren-Turner, Patricia (ed.) | The British Library | 1985 | 9780712300483 |
0001218 | N6797.B39 A3 1989 | Edward Bawden War Artist and his letters home 1940-45 | McLean, Ruari (ed.) | Scolar Press | 9780859676953 | |
0000793 | NC242.C7 M3 | English Masters of Black and White - George Cruikshank, his life and work as a book illustrator | McLean, Ruari | Art and Technics | 1948 | |
0000127 | Z124 .M44 2000 | How Typography Happens | McLean, Ruari | The British Library; Oak Knoll Press | 2000 | 9781584560197 |
0001011 | Z232.T863 M29 1997 | Jan Tschichold | McLean, Ruari | Lund Humphries Publishers | 1997 | 9780853316688 |
0000081 | Z232.T863 M3 1975b | Jan Tschichold : Typographer | McLean, Ruari | Lund Humphries | 1975 | 9780853313489 |
0000255 | Z325.C85 M3 | Joseph Cundall, A Victorian Publisher | McLean, Ruari | Private Libraries Association | 1975 | 9780900002137 |
0000313 | Z151 .M3 1959 | Modern Book Design | McLean, Ruari | Faber & Faber | 1958 | |
0000655 | NK3600 .M3 1969 | Pictorial Alphabets | McLean, Ruari | Studio Vista | 1969 | 9780289796382 |
0000953 | PZ8.3 .N7 1976 | The Noah' Ark A.B.CV. and 8 other Victorian Alphabet Books in Color | McLean, Ruari (ed.) | Dover Publications | 1976 | 9780486233550 |
0000051 | Z244.3 .M45 | The Thames and Hudson Manual of Typography | McLean, Ruari | Thames and Hudson | 1992 | 9780500680223 |
0000398 | NE1217.H35 M3 | The Wood Engravings of Joan Hassall | McLean, Ruari | Schocken Books, New York | 1981 | 9780805206753 |
0000185 | Z116.A44 M385 2000 | True To Type | McLean, Ruari | Oak Knoll;Werner Shaw | 2000 | 9781884718960 |
0001246 | Z250.A2 T97 1995 | Typographers on type | McLean, Ruari (ed.) | Lund Humphries Publishers | 1995 | 9780853316572 |
0000139 | Z116.A3 M25 1963a | Victorian Book Design & Colour Printing | McLean, Ruari | Faber & Faber | 1963 | |
0001263 | Z116 .M15 1966 | The Gutenberg galaxy | McLuhan, Marshall | Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. | 1967 | |
0000329 | PE64.F7 M38 2001 | The Warden of English - The Life of H. W. Fowler | McMorris, Jenny | Oxford University Press | 2001 | 9780198662549 |
0000174 | Z4 .M15 1989 | The Book | McMurtrie, Douglas C | Bracken Books | 1989 | 9781851703265 |
0001032 | P91 .M375 1993 | Communication Models for the Study of Mass Communications | McQuail, Denis | Longman | 1993 | 9780582036505 |
0001036 | P90 .M35 1994 | Mass Communication Theory | McQuail, Denis | Sage | 1994 | 9780803977853 |
0001033 | HM258 .M224 | Sociology of Mass Communications | McQuail, Denis | Penguin | 1972 | 9780140809619 |
0001317 | Z1022 .M43 1945 | Bibliography of the Penny Bloods of Edward Lloyd | Medcraft, John | J.A. Birkbeck | 1945 | |
0001641 | PA2319 .M42 1938 | Latin Phrase-book | Meissner, Carl | Macmillan | 1895 | |
0000966 | NK1530 .M46 1983 | Art Nouveau Borders | Menten, Theodore | Dover Publications Inc | 1983 | 9780486244310 |
0000365 | PN6084.H8 M4 1986 | The Penguin Dictionary of Modern Humorous Quotations | Metcalf, Fred | Viking | 1986 | 9780670800353 |
0000065 | Z151 .M5 | English Printed Books | Meynell, Francis | Collins | 1946 | |
0000658 | Z232.N82 M46 | My Lives | Meynell, Francis | The Bodley Head | 1971 | 9780370013039 |
0000505 | Z250 .M615 | Pages from Books | Meynell, Gerard T | Monotype Corporation Ltd, The | 1931 | |
0000759 | Z271 .M53 | The Restoration of Leather Bindings | Middleton, Bernard C. | Library Technology Program | 1972 | 9780838931332 |
0000167 | Z325 .N67 M654 | A History of J W Northend Ltd, Printers Of Sheffield 1889-1989 | Millington, Roy | J W Northend Ltd | 1989 | 9780901100245 |
0000569 | Z250.A2 M654 2002 | Stephenson Blake - The Last of the Old English Typefounders | Millington, Roy | The British Library / Oak Knoll Press | 2002 | 9780712347952 |
0000584 | Z245 .M65 | The Printer's Estimator | Mills, Harold | F C Avis | 1963 | |
0001646 | PZ90.L3 M53 1980 | A.A. Milnei Domus Anguli Puensis | Milne, A. A | sumptibus Methuen | [1997] | 9780416194906 |
0000333 | N6999.R62 M55 2009 | Design - Rodchenko | Milner, John | Antique Collectors' Club | 2009 | 9781851495917 |
0001450 | PR4803.H44 Z7177 | The Language of Gerard Manley Hopkins | Milroy, James | Deutsch | 1977 | 9780233969169 |
0000604 | L'Allegro il Penseroso | Milton, John | Alan Wingate | 1947 | ||
0001395 | DA110 M66 | Rural Life in Victorian England | Mingay, G. E | Heinemann | 1977, | 9780434467501 |
0001053 | LC156.G72 E56 1991 | The Rise of Popular Literacy in Victorian England | Mitch, David Franklin | University of Pennsylvania Press | c1992 | 9780812230758 |
0001019 | HA1135 .M52 | Abstract of British Historical Statistics | Mitchell, B. R | Cambridge University Press | 1971 | 9780521057387 |
0001004 | HA1135 .M52 | Second Abstract of British Historical Statistics | Mitchell, B. R | University Press | 1971 | 9780521080019 |
0001420 | N6822.5.M63 A4 2019 | Moholy-Nagy | Moholy-Nagy, La´szlo´ | 9783862067541 | ||
0000460 | Landfall 211: 'borderline' | Mok, Tze Ming (ed.) | Otago University Press | 2006 | 9781877372902 | |
0000694 | Z244.A2 M7 1971 | Traité Élémentaire de l'imprimerie ; ou, Le manuel de l'imprimeur / | Momoro, Antoine Franðcois | Gregg | 1971 | 9780576721554 |
0000169 | Font. The Sourcebook | Monem, Nadine | Black Dog Publishing | 2008 | 9781906155414 | |
0000261 | Monotype Book of Information | Monotype Corporation Ltd | Monotype Corporation Ltd | |||
0000274 | Monotype Keyboard Manual | Monotype Corporation Ltd | Monotype Corporation Ltd | |||
0000496 | Casting Good Type | Monotype Corporation Ltd, The | Monotype Corporation Ltd, The | |||
0001100 | Z249 .M67 | A Brief Essay On the Printing Press | Moran, James | Richardson Printing Ink Co | [1963] | |
0000417 | Book Design and Production - Vol 2: Number 1: 1959 | Moran, James (ed.) | Printing News Limited | 1959 | ||
0000012 | Z124 .M82 1974f | Printing in the 20th Century | Moran, James | Northwood Publications | 1974 | 9780719825293 |
0000409 | Z249 .M748 1973 | Printing Presses - Historical Development from the fifteenth century to Modern Times | Moran, James | Faber & Faber | 1973 | 9780571089659 |
0000549 | Z249 .M748 1973 | Printing Presses - History & Development from the 15th Century to Modern Times | Moran, James | University of California Press | 1978 | 9780520029040 |
0000049 | Z250.A2 M69 | Stanley Morison: His Typographic Achievement | Moran, James | Lund Humphries | 1971 | 9780853313007 |
0000294 | Z119 .B627 | The Black Art (Complete series) | Moran, James | James Moran | 1941 | |
0000745 | Z253 .M78 | The Composition of Reading Matter | Moran, James | Wace | [1965] | |
0000337 | The Monotype Recorder Vol 43 No 3 Autumn 1968 - Stanley Morison 1889-1967 | Moran, James | The Monotype Corporation Limited | 1968 | 9780521205504 | |
0001258 | Z232.W87 M6 | Wynkyn de Worde | Moran, James | Wynkyn de Worde Society | 1960 | |
0001458 | Z232.W87 M6 | Wynkyn De Worde | Moran, James | Wynkyn de Worde Society | 1960 | |
0000947 | Z325.M23 M6 1944 | The House of Macmillan - 1843 -- 1943 | Morgan, Charles | Macmillan & Co. Ltd | 1944 | |
0000753 | Z124 .M86 1927 | A review of recent typography in England, the United States, France & Germany | Morison, Stanley | Fleuron | 1927 | |
0000679 | Z246 .M86 | First Principles of Typography | Morison, Stanley | [s.n.] | 1936 | |
0001322 | PN147 .C27 no.1 | First Principles of Typography | Morison, Stanley | Cambridge University Press | 1967 | 9789074372145 |
0000105 | Z250 .M86 1949 | Four Centuries of Fine Printing | Morison, Stanley | Ernest Benn | [1949] | |
0000022 | Z250.A2 M86 1962 | On Type Designs, Past and Present | Morison, Stanley | E. Benn | 1962 | |
0000633 | Z250.A3 M8 | On Type Faces: examples of the use of type for the printing of books | Morison, Stanley | Medici Society | 1923 | |
0000861 | Z250.A2 R325 | Talbot Baines Reed, Author, Bibliographer, Typefounder | Morison, Stanley | University Press | 1960 | |
0000999 | PN5129.L7 T512 | The History of the Times - Vol 1 - 1785 - 1841 | Morison, Stanley | The Office of The Times | 1935 | |
0001075 | PN5129.L7 T5 1935 | The History of the Times - Vol 2 - 1841 - 1884 | Morison, Stanley | The Times | 1935- | |
0000064 | Z116.A3 M65 | The Typographic Arts. Two Lectures | MORISON, Stanley | Sylvan Press | 1949 | |
0000663 | Z232.C17 M6 1973 | A Tally of Types | Morison, Stanley | Cambridge University Press | 1973 | 9780521097864 |
0000476 | PR5071 .S6 | The Introductions to the Collected Works of William Morris | Morris, May | Oriole Editions: New York | 1973 | 9780882110462 |
0000456 | Landfall 215: Waiting for Godzone | Morris, Paul; Grimshaw, Mike (ed.) | Otago University Press | 2008 | 9781877372940 | |
0000454 | Landfall 217: Flung: the ex-pat issue | Morris, Paula (ed.) | Otago University Press | 2009 | 9781877372964 | |
0000977 | N7445 .M87 | Art and its Producers, and the Arts & Crafts of Today | Morris, William | Chiswick Press for Longmans | 1901 | |
0000125 | NK1147 .A8 1893 | Arts and Crafts Essays | Morris, William | Rivington, Percival & Co. | 1893 | |
0000429 | NA440 .M86 | Gothic Architecture: A Lecture for the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society | Morris, William | Kelmscott Press | 1893 | |
0001169 | HX811 .M783 1984 | News From Nowhere, and Selected Writings and Designs | Morris, William | Penguin | 1986 | 9780140431155 |
0000973 | TT520 .M83 1899 | Some Hints on Pattern-Designing | Morris, William | Longmans & Co | 1899 | |
0000213 | PR5078 .D4 1896 E | The Defence Of Guenevere, And Other Poems | Morris, William | Longmans, Green | 1896 | |
0001163 | Z116.A3 M65425 198 | The Ideal Book | Morris, William | University of California Press | 1982 | 9780520045637 |
0001517 | PR5079 .N6 1982x | The Novel On Blue Paper | Morris, William | Journeyman Press | c1982 | 9780904526516 |
0000899 | PR5072 .L4 1969 | The Unpublished Lectures of William Morris | Morris, William | Wayne State University Press | 1969 | 9780814313947 |
0000003 | PR5079 .W6 1980 | The Wood Beyond the World | Morris, William | Oxford University Press | 1980 | 9780192813015 |
0001168 | PR5079 .W6 1980 | The Wood Beyond the World | Morris, William | Oxford University Press | 1980 | 9780192813015 |
0000428 | PQ1459 .E3413 189 | The Tale of the Emperor Coustans and of Over the Sea | Morris, William (Translator) | Kelmscott Press | 1894 | |
0000629 | PR5083 .A4 1984 | Collected Letters of William Morris, Vol I - 1848-1880 | Morris, William | Princeton University Press | 1984 | 9780691612799 |
0000925 | PR5083 .A2 1951 | Unpublished Letters of William Morris | Morris, William | Trinity Trust | 1951 | |
0000627 | PR5083 .A4 1984 | Collected Letters of William Morris Vol IIa - 1881-1884 | Morris, William | Princeton University Press | 2014 | 9780691603698 |
0000626 | PR5083 .A4 1984 | Collected Letters of William Morris Vol IIb - 1885-1888 | Morris, William | Princeton University Press | 2014 | 9780691607641 |
0000628 | PR5083 .A4 1984 | Collected Letters of William Morris Vol III - 1889-1892 | Morris, William | Princeton Universtiy Press | 2014 | 9780691603272 |
0000625 | PR5083 .A4 1984 | Collected Letters of William Morris Vol IV - 1893-1896 | Morris, William | Princeton University Press | 2014 | 9780691608181 |
0000545 | NK1535.M67 M67 2004 | William Morris By Himself | Morris, William | Time Warner | 2004 | 9780316727983 |
0000716 | Z246 .M88 | Le Format des Livres | Mortet, Charles | âE. Champion | 1925 | |
0000853 | Z253 .M79 | Mechanical Composition - Part 1: Line Composition | Morton, Alan | Pergamon Press | 1969 | 9780080139647 |
0000851 | Z253 .M79 | Mechanical Composition - Part 3: Mototype Caster and Metallurgy | Morton, Alan | Pergamon Press | 1969 | |
0000895 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 01 | Mosley, James (ed.) | Printing Historical Society | 1965 | 9770007953005 | |
0000894 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 02 | Mosley, James (ed.) | Printing Historical Society | 1966 | 9770007953005 | |
0000893 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 03 | Mosley, James (ed.) | Printing Historical Society | 1967 | 9770007953005 | |
0000892 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 04 | Mosley, James (ed.) | Printing Historical Society | 1968 | 9770007953005 | |
0000891 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 05 | Mosley, James (ed.) | Printing Historical Society | 1969 | 9770007953005 | |
0000890 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 06 | Mosley, James (ed.) | Printing Historical Society | 1970 | 9770007953005 | |
0000889 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 07 | Mosley, James (ed.) | Printing Historical Society | 1971 | 9770007953005 | |
0000888 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 08 | Mosley, James (ed.) | Printing Historical Society | 1972 | 9770007953005 | |
0000887 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 09 | Mosley, James (ed.) | Printing Historical Society | 1973/4 | 9770007953005 | |
0000886 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 10 | Mosley, James (ed.) | Printing Historical Society | 1974/5 | 9770007953005 | |
0000885 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 11 | Mosley, James (ed.) | Printing Historical Society | 1975/6 | 9770007953005 | |
0000884 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 12 | Mosley, James (ed.) | Printing Historical Society | 1977/8 | 9770007953005 | |
0000883 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 13 | Mosley, James (ed.) | Printing Historical Society | 1978/9 | 9770007953005 | |
0000882 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 14 | Mosley, James (ed.) | Printing Historical Society | 1979/0 | 9770007953005 | |
0000881 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 15 | Mosley, James (ed.) | Printing Historical Society | 1980/1 | 9770007953005 | |
0000880 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 16 | Mosley, James (ed.) | Printing Historical Society | 1981/2 | 9770007953005 | |
0000879 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 17 | Mosley, James (ed.) | Printing Historical Society | 1982/3 | 9770007953005 | |
0000878 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 18 | Mosley, James (ed.) | Printing Historical Society | 1984 | 9770007953005 | |
0000877 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 19/20 | Mosley, James (ed.) | Printing Historical Society | 1985/7 | 9770007953005 | |
0000875 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 21 | Mosley, James (ed.) | Printing Historical Society | 1992 | 9770007953005 | |
0000874 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 22 | Mosley, James (ed.) | Printing Historical Society | 1993 | 9770007953005 | |
0000868 | Z119 .P95613 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 23 | Mosley, James (ed.) | Printing Historical Society | 1994 | 9770007953005 |
0000871 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 24 | Mosley, James (ed.) | Printing Historical Society | 1995 | 9770007953005 | |
0000872 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 25 | Mosley, James (ed.) | Printing Historical Society | 1996 | 9770007953005 | |
0000873 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 26 | Mosley, James (ed.) | Printing Historical Society | 1997 | 9770007953005 | |
0000870 | Z119 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 27 | Mosley, James (ed.) | Printing Historical Society | 1998 | 9770007953005 |
0000869 | Z119 .P95613 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 28 | Mosley, James (ed.) | Printing Historical Society | 1999 | 9770007953005 |
0000573 | Mouldtype - Metal Rule and Border Specimens | Mouldtype Foundry Ltd | Mouldtype Foundry Ltd | 1950 | ||
0001497 | Z250 .M68 | The Mouldtype Specimen Book No. 63 | Mouldtype Foundry Ltd | Mouldtype Foundry Ltd | 1968 | |
0000710 | Z244.A2 M93 1958 | Mechanick exercises on the whole art of printing, 1683-4 | Moxon, Joseph | Oxford University Press | 1958 | |
0001658 | TS1105 M85 | The British Paper & Board Makers Association, 1872-1972 | Muir, Augustus | British Paper & Board Makers Association | 1972 | |
0000321 | Z1023 .M92 | Victorian Illustrated Books | Muir, Percy | B T Batsford | 1971 | 9780713407259 |
0000308 | PR19 .H32 | The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Literature | Mulgan, John; ed. | Oxford University Press | 1954 | |
0000352 | Z325.S6 M8 | From Swan Sonnenschein to George Allen & Unwin Ltd | Mumby, F. A.; Stallybrasss, Francess, H. S. | George Allen & Unwin Ltd | 1955 | |
0000265 | Z323 .M95 1930 | Publishing and Bookselling | Mumby, Frank Arthur | Jonathan Cape | 1930 | |
0001008 | Z323 .M95 1949 | Publishing and Bookselling | Mumby, Frank Arthur | J. Cape | [1949] | |
0000911 | D16 .M963 1997 | Deconstructing History | Munslow, Alun | Routledge | 1997 | 9780415131926 |
0001403 | PN6083 .M877 1996 | A Gentleman Publisher's Commonplace Book | Murray, John G | John Murray | 1996 | 9780719556234 |
0000594 | A Gentleman Publisher's Commonplace Book | Murray, John G. | John Murray | 1996 | 9780719556234 | |
0000271 | Z243.G7 M87 1954 | The Typographical Association | Musson, Albert Edward | Oxford University Press | 1954 | |
0000714 | Z243.G7 M87 1954 | The Typographical Association | Musson, Albert Edward | Oxford University Press | 1954 | |
0000923 | Z324 .M9 | The British Book Trade From Caxton to the Present Day | Myers, Robin | Deutsch in association with the National Book League | [1973] | 9780233963532 |
0001562 | DA152 .M97 1986 | The English Settlements | Myres, J. N. L | Clarendon Press | 1986 | 9780198217190 |
0000644 | Z244.3 .M9 | A Primer In Book Production | Myrick, Frank B. | Bookbinding & book production | 1945 | |
0000748 | TS1095.J3 N3 1966 | A life of Ts'ai Luing [i.e. Lung] and Japanese paper-making | Narita, Kiyofusa | Dainihon Press | 1966, | |
0000982 | Journal of the Printing Historical Society - No 31 | Nash, Paul (ed.) | Printing Historical Society | 2016 | ||
0000226 | The Monotype Casting Machine Manual | National Committee of Monotype Users' Associations | Simson Shand Ltd | 1952 | ||
0000866 | PR6064.A8 I3 | If I May Share | Naumann, Anthony | Collins | 1964 | |
0000336 | Z286 N48 N39 1918 | The Principles and Practice of Newspaper Makeup | Naylor, T. E. | Raithby, Lawrence & Company Limited | 1918 | |
0000924 | Landfall 235 - Autumn 2018 | Neale, Emma (ed.) | Otago University Press | 2018 | 9781988537843 | |
0000986 | Landfall 237 - May 2019 | Neale, Emma (ed.) | Otago University Press | 2019 | 9781988531731 | |
0000981 | Landfall 238 - Spring 2019 | Neale, Emma (ed.) | Otago University Press | 2019 | 9781988531809 | |
0001364 | PR9634.92 .L363 2021 | Landfall 240 - Feb 2021 | Neale, Emma (ed.) | 9781988592633 | ||
0001363 | PR9634.92 .L363 | Landfall 241 - Autumn 2021 | Neale, Emma (ed.) | 9781990048012 | ||
0001461 | Z251.A6 N46 2020 | Arabic Typography | Nemeth, Titus (ed.) | 9783721210170 | ||
0000208 | NK3600 .N39 | Decorative Alphabets and Initials | Nesbitt, Alexander | Dover Publications, Inc | 1959 | 9780486205441 |
0001233 | NK3600 .N39 | Decorative Alphabets and Initials | Nesbitt, Alexander | Dover Publications, Inc | 1959 | 9780486205441 |
0000232 | NK3600 .N39 | Dover Digital Design Source #2 Decorative Initials And Alphabets | Nesbitt, Alexander | Dover Publications | 2010 | 9780486990620 |
0001020 | BL2765.G7 N48 | Literacy and Society | Neuburg, Victor E | Woburn Press | 1971 | 9780713000146 |
0001012 | LA631.5 .N48 | Popular Education in Eighteenth Century England | Neuburg, Victor E | Woburn Press | c1971 | 9780713000009 |
0000797 | PR149.P66 N4 | Popular Literature | Neuburg, Victor E | Penguin Books | 1977 | 9780713001587 |
0001055 | PR149.P66 N42 1983 | The Popular Press Companion to Popular Literature | Neuburg, Victor E | Bowling Green State University Popular Press | c1983 | 9780879722333 |
0000646 | Z252 .N49 | Printing Theory and Practice - No 20 - Stereotyping and Electrotyping | Newell, L. F | Pitman | 1952 | |
0001116 | PR5083 .I55 | William Morris Today | Newman, Teresa, Watkinson, Ray | Institute of Contemporary Arts | 9780905263342 | |
0001610 | CT788.S164 N53 1998 | A Victorian Household | Nicholson, Shirley | Sutton Pub | 1998 | 9780750918268 |
0001656 | TS1105.N65 | Paper and Paper Making | Norris, F. H | Oxford University Press | 1952 | |
0000345 | Z325.M23 N6 | Letters to MacMillan | Nowell-Smith, Simon | MacMillan | 1967 | |
0000018 | PR5083 .N6 | William Morris | Noyes, Alfred | Macmillan | 1908 | |
0001503 | TS1117 .N87 | Theory and Operation of the Fourdrinier Paper Machine | Nuttall, Geoffrey Herbert | Phillips | [1967] | |
0000821 | NC978.5.H844 O255 2016 | Arthur Hughes | Oakley, Maroussia | Private Libraries Association | 2016 | 9780900002786 |
0000817 | TJ151 | Machinery's Handbook ... Sixteenth Edition. | Oberg, Erik | Industrial Press | 1959 | |
0001631 | Z232.J54 O46 | The Jenson Roman, Or the Most Influential Type in the History of Printing | Olocco, Riccardo | 9788898030682 | ||
0000750 | Z244 .O52 | Typography and mechanics of the newspaper | Olson, Kenneth E | D. Appleton and Company | 1930 | |
0001359 | Z253 .O49 | De Grondslag van het Bedrijf der Lettergieterij Amsterdam voorheen N. Tetterode | Oly, P.J.W. | Stichting Lettergieten | 1983 | 9789082136401 |
0001515 | NC1479.S26 O76 2010 | Linley Sambourne | Ormond, Leonee | Paul Holberton Pub | 2010 | 9781907372032 |
0000204 | PR6065.S98 D37 2002 | Dart | Oswald, Alice | Faber and Faber | 2002 | 9780571214105 |
0000203 | PR6065.S98 W44 2009 | Weeds and Wild Flowers | Oswald, Alice | Faber & Faber | 2009 | 9780571237494 |
0000478 | Z124 .O86 | A History of Printing - Its development through fine hundred years | Oswald, John Clyde | D. Appleton and Company | 1928 | |
0001105 | PR9639.3.D35 Z8 1996 | A Fighting Withdrawal | Ovenden, Keith | Oxford University Press | c1996 | |
0001639 | PA6522 A1 | Ovid I - Heroides ; And, Amores - Loeb Classical Library No 41 | Ovid | Harvard University Press | 1977 | 9780434990412 |
0001632 | PA6156 .O89 1988 | Ovid VI - Tristia, Ex Ponto - Loeb Classical Library No 151 | Ovid | Harvard University Press | 1988 | 9780434001514 |
0000101 | Z232.M39 O9 | J. H. Mason 1875-1951, Scholar-printer | Owens, Leslie T | Muller | 1976 | 9780584103533 |
0000109 | Z232.B2 P37 1975 | John Baskerville of Birmingham | Pardoe, F. E | F. Muller | 1975 | 9780584103540 |
0000567 | NK1535.M67 A4 1996a | William Morris | Parry, Linda (ed.) | Philip Wilson Publishers | 1996 | 9780856674426 |
0000245 | PR1174 .P59 | Poetry for Pleasure | Parsons, Ian ed | Chatto & Windus | 1977 | 9780701122799 |
0000819 | PE1611 .P3 1963 | The Gentle Art of Lexicography - a memoir | Partridge, Eric | Andre Deutsch | 1963 | |
0000416 | Z244 .P35 | Printing Science | Pateman, F.; Young, L. C. | Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd | 1963 | |
0000462 | Landfall 209: '1984' | Paton, Justin (ed.) | Otago University Press | 2005 | 9781877276880 | |
0001026 | LC5056.G7 P35 | The Politics of Working-class Education in Britain, 1830-50 | Paz, D. G | Manchester University Press | c1980 | 9780719008115 |
0000189 | Z116.A2 P43 1995 | Book Production | Peacock, John | Blueprint | 1995 | 9781857130089 |
0001358 | PR5458 .P4 1977 | The Smith of Smiths | Pearson, Edward Hesketh Gibbons | The Folio Society | 1977 | |
0000671 | Z124 .P375 | Printing, a short history of the art | Peddie, Robert Alexander | Grafton & Co | 1927 | |
0000199 | ND1358.4 .P43 1991 | Canaletto And The Venetian Vedutisti | Pedrocco, Filippo | Scala/Riverside | 1991 | 9788881172320 |
0000618 | NC978 | Dictionary of British Book Illustrators The Twentieth Century | Peppin, Brigid | John Murray | 1983 | 9780719539855 |
0000187 | Z250 .P42 2004 | Rookledge's Classic International Typefinder | Perfect, Christopher | Laurence King | 2004 | 9781856694063 |
0000466 | Z232.M87 | The Kelmscott Press - A History of William Morris's Typographical Adventure | Peterson, William S. | University of California Press | 1989 | 9780520061385 |
0000905 | Z232.W17 P48 | Virtual Partner | Peterson, William S. | The William Morris Society | 2015 | 9780903283342 |
0001652 | PA6156 .P4 1913 | Petronius - Satyricon; Seneca - Apocolocyntosis - Loeb Classical Library No 15 | Petronius Arbiter | W. Heinemann | 1913 | |
0001405 | NK8553 .P49 2004 | Carta Decorata | Pezzati, Sofia | Edifir-Edizioni Firenze | c2004 | 9788879701945 |
0000840 | NE2420 .P55 2016 | John Phillips's Lithographic Notebook - Facsimile reproduction | Phillips, John | The Printing Historical Society | 2016 | 9780900003165 |
0000806 | DA682 .P53 2000 | Dr Johnson's London | Picard, Liza | Weidenfeld & Nicolson | 2000 | 9780297842187 |
0000975 | Z116 .P53 1946 | Printing Theory and Practice - No 02 - Compositors' Work | Pickering, C. L. | Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd | 1946 | |
0000055 | Bookwork and Imposition | Pickering, Charles L | Pitman | 1948 | ||
0001431 | HC255 .P5 | Human Documents of the Industrial Revolution in Britain | Pike, Royston | Allen & Unwin | 1966 | 9780049420595 |
0001430 | DA560 .P45 | Human Documents of the Victorian Golden Age (1850-1875) | Pike, Royston | Allen & Unwin | [1967] | |
0001370 | HD6137 .P66 1969 | Women Workers and the Industrial Revolution, 1750-1850 | Pinchbeck, Ivy | Cass | 1969 | 9780714613512 |
0000093 | Z244 .P57 2001 | Production for Graphic Designers | Pipes, Alan | Laurence King | 2001 | 9781856692687 |
0000856 | Z151 .P67 1965 | The English Book Trade | Plant, Marjorie | Allen and Unwin | [1965] | |
0001463 | PA6156 .P5 1916 | Plautus I - Loeb Classical Library No 60 | Plautus, Titus Maccius | W. Heinemann | 1916- | 9780434990603 |
0001342 | PA6156 .P5 | Plautus II - Loeb Classical Library No 61 | Plautus, Titus Maccius | William Heinemann | 1916 | |
0001329 | PA6156 .P5 | Plautus IV - Loeb Classical Library No 260 | Plautus, Titus Maccius | |||
0001553 | PA6570.A3 .P538 2013 | Plautus V - Three dollar day etc - Loeb Classical Library 328 | Plautus, Titus Maccius | 9780674996816 | ||
0001559 | PA6156 .P5 1963 | Plautus III - Loeb Classical Library No 163 | Plautus, Titus Maccius | William Heinemann | 1924 | 9780674991811 |
0001557 | PA6156 .P6 1963 | Pliny Letters I - Loeb Classical Library No 55 | Pliny | 1963 | ||
0000325 | Z151 .P72 1914 | A Short History of English Printing - 1476-1900 | Plomer, Henry R | Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co Ltd | 1914 | |
0000540 | TS1124.5 .P56 | Papermaking techniques book | Plowman, John | Quarto Publishing plc | 2001 | 9781840923353 |
0000550 | Early Korean Printing | Pokee, Sohn | Korean Overseas Information Service | 1983 | ||
0000863 | Z1023 .P77 1893 | Early Illustrated Books | Pollard, Alfred W | Kegan Paul, Trench, Trèubner & Co | 1893 | |
0000597 | Z124 .P76 1973 | Fine Books | Pollard, Alfred W. | EP Publishing Ltd | 1973 | 9780854099221 |
0001564 | DA195 .P66 1988 | From Domesday Book to Magna Carta, 1087-1216 | Poole, Austin Lane | Oxford University Press | 1951 | 9780192852878 |
0001190 | PR3620 | The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope | Pope, Alexander | Macmillan and Co., Limited | 1930 | |
0001132 | Z244 .P67 | Stonework: How and Why | Possnett, Vernon | Riathby, Lawrence & Co., Ltd | [1913] | |
0000200 | NE628.4 .P69 2008 | Art and Print: The Curwen Story | Powers, Alan | Tate Publishing Ltd | 2008 | 9781854377210 |
0001565 | DA225 .P65 1962 | The Thirteenth Century, 1216-1307 | Powicke, F. M | Clarendon Press | 1962 | |
0000328 | PR1175 | Poetic Heritage | Press, John | A. Deutsch | [1957] | |
0000403 | Director's Choice - Senate House Library, University of London | Pressler, Christopher | Scala | 2012 | 9780757597851 | |
0001514 | PN5130.P8 P7 1957 | A History of Punch | Price, Richard Geoffrey George | Collins | 1957 | |
0001049 | TH7687 .E94 | Air Conditioning for Printers | Pritchard, Evelyn J | Patra | 1962 | |
0001555 | PA6644 .A2 1967 | Propertius - Loeb Classical Library No 18 | Propertius, Sextus | Harvard University | 1912 | |
0001667 | PA6156 .Q5 1921 | Quintilian - The Instituto Oratoria of Quintilian VII-IX - Loeb Classical Librar | Quintilianus, Marcus Fabius | W. Heinemann | 1921-1 | 9780434991259 |
0000082 | Z244 .R155 | Letterpress Machine Work | Radford, Richard George | Staples Press | 1951 | |
0001413 | NK1370 .R35 2003 | History of Modern Design | Raizman, David Seth | Laurence King | c2003 | 9781856693486 |
0000932 | A Book of Roses - K2 | Ramsbottom, J. | The King Penguin Books | 1939 | ||
0000104 | Z250.A2 T95 2003 | Type & Typography | Randle, John | Mark Batty | 2003 | 9780971568761 |
0001675 | Z325 .R27 2007 | The Business of Books | Raven, James | Yale University Press | c2007 | 9780300122619 |
0001112 | NC978 .R37 1991 | The Illustrator and the Book in England From 1790 to 1914 | Ray, Gordon N | Pierpont Morgan Library in association with Dover | 1991 | 9780486269559 |
0000936 | Wood Engraving - K30 | Rayner, John | The King Penguin Books | 1947 | ||
0001041 | PN5122 .R4 | Press and People, 1790-1850 | Read, Donald | E. Arnold | [1961] | |
0001318 | HD9831.9.B68 R4 1981 | Bowater, A History | Reader, W. J | Cambridge University Press | 1981 | 9780521241656 |
0000958 | HQ759.98 .R43 1996 | Microhistories | Reay, Barry | Cambridge University press | 1996 | |
0001630 | Z271.3.M37 R44 1996 | Making Your Own Marbled and Decorated Papers | Reese, Jane H | North Light Books | c1996 | 9780891347125 |
0000459 | Landfall 212: The Capital of Nowhere | Reeve, Richard (ed.) | Otago University Press | 2006 | 9781877372900 | |
0000254 | NC978 .R4 1975 | Illustrators of the Eighteen Sixties | Reid, Forrest | Dover Publications, Inc | 1975 | 9780486231211 |
0000146 | Z246 .R352 1946 | Modern And Historical Typography : An Illustrated Guide | Reiner, Imre | Zollikofer | 1946 | |
0001128 | NC1849.P67 R46 2011 | Design | Rennie, Paul | Antique Collectors' Club | 2011 | 9781851495962 |
0001127 | DA22.A1 R46 2007 | Festival of Britain 1951 | Rennie, Paul | Antique Collectors' Club | 2007 | 9781851495337 |
0000513 | ND497.T8 R4 | Turner | Reynolds, Graham | Book Club Associates, London | 1975 | |
0001440 | Z243.G7 R49 1989 | Britannica's Typesetters | Reynolds, Sian | Edinburgh University Press | c1989 | 9780852246344 |
0001429 | NC248.D6 R52 | Gustave Doré | Richardson, Joanna | Cassell | 1980 | 9780304304554 |
0000088 | Z271 | Bookbinding: A Manual of Techniques | Richmond, Pamela | Crowood | 1989 | 9781852238865 |
0001663 | NC1810 .R55 | The Rise and Fall of the Poster | Rickards, Maurice | David & Charles | [1971] | 9780715353158 |
0000002 | NC1280 .R53 | This Is Ephemera | Rickards, Maurice | David and Charles | 1978 | 9780715376720 |
0000286 | NC1280 .R53 | This Is Ephemera | Rickards, Maurice | David and Charles | 1977 | 9780715376720 |
0000298 | Z122.5.G43 R57 1962 R | Depositio Cornuti Typographici | Rist, Johann | Maximillian Editions/Bertram Rota | 1962 | |
0000656 | Z252.5 .R584 2011 | Handmade type workshop | Rivers, Charlotte | Thames & Hudson | 2011 | 9780500289457 |
0000295 | Z253 .R64 | Typographic Design | Roberts, Raymond | Ernest Benn Ltd | 1966 | |
0000650 | Z253 .R68 1946 | Elementary Typography : prepared for the use of elementary students of Typography | Rogers, Bernard | Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons | 1946 | |
0001248 | Z250.5.C44 R64 1996 | The Centaur Types | Rogers, Bruce | Purdue University Press | 1996 | 9781557530769 |
0001027 | PR935 .R6 | Grub Street: Studies in A Subculture | Rogers, Pat | Methuen | 1972 | 9780416116908 |
0000035 | NE1147.6.P37 R64 2005 | The Wood Engravings of Agnes Miller Parker | Rogerson, Ian | British Library | 2005 | 9780976224549 |
0001034 | Z1039.L3 R67 2001 | The Intellectual Life of the British Working Classes | Rose, Jonathan | Yale University Press | c2001 | 9780300088861 |
0000457 | Landfall 214: Open House | Ross, Jack (ed.) | Otago University Press | 2007 | 9781877372933 | |
0000176 | PR5237 .G6 1933 | Goblin Market | Rossetti, Christina Georgina | G.G. Harrap | 1933 | |
0001166 | PR5246 .R55 | The Works of Christina Rossetti | Rossetti, Christina Georgina | Wordsworth Poetry Library | 1995 | 9781853264290 |
0001193 | PR5241 .R67 1891 | The Poetical Works of Dante Gabriel Rossetti | Rossetti, Dante Gabriel | Ellis | 1891 | |
0000197 | ND497.R8 H46 | Dante Gabriel Rossetti | Rossetti, Dante Gabriel | Academy Editions; St. Martin's Press | 1973 | 9780856700224 |
0001239 | Z232 .R675 | On the road | Rounsfell, J.W. | Caliban Books | 1982 | 9780904573688 |
0000778 | HV6950.E5 C75 2005 | Criminal Conversations: Victorian Crimes, Social Panic and Moral Outrage | Rowbotham, Judith | The Ohio State University Press | 2015 | 9780814253496 |
0000761 | The 'Line' is on | Rowles, George E. | London Society of Compositors | 1948 | ||
0000118 | Z43 .R88 | From Scribble To Script | Rudland, Peter | Allen & Unwin | 1955 | |
0000128 | Z249 .R76 1998 | Printing On The Iron Handpress | Rummonds, Richard-Gabriel | Oak Knoll Press ;British Library | 1997 | 9781884718397 |
0001159 | TT778.C3 R89 1995 | Beth Russell's William Morris Needlepoint | Russell, Beth | Conran Octopus | 1995 | 9781850297178 |
0000860 | NE1147.6.R R87 2013 | Ravilious | Russell, James | 2013 | 9780957666504 | |
0000946 | NE1147.6.R38 R87 2013 | Ravillious Wood Engravings | Russell, James | Mainstone Press | 2013 | 9780957666504 |
0001636 | ND497.B16 R8 1993 | Francis Bacon | Russell, John | Thames and Hudson | 1993 | 9780500202715 |
0001082 | NC1477 .R87 | The English Comic Album | Russell, Leonard | London | [1948] | |
0001266 | Z235 .R95 1956 | A Suite of Fleurons | Ryder, John | Phoenix House Ltd. | 1956 | |
0000547 | Z250.3 .R93 1976 | Flowers & Flourishes | Ryder, John | The Bodley Head | 1976 | 9780370113081 |
0001206 | Z250.3 .R93 1976 | Flowers & Flourishes | Ryder, John | The Bodley Head | 1976 | 9780370113081 |
0000075 | Z244.3 .R9 | Printing for Pleasure | Ryder, John | Phoenix House | 1955 | |
0001204 | Z116.A3 R96 | The Case for Legibility | Ryder, John | The Bodley Head | 1967 | 9780370301587 |
0000609 | Z121 .P58 1973 | The Art of the Printed Book, 1455-1955 | Ryskamp, Charles (ed.) | The Bodley Head Ltd, London | 1973 | 9780370001319 |
0000250 | NE1095 .S3 1994 | The Art of the Woodcut - Masterworks from the 1920s | Salaman, Malcolm C. | Dover Publications | 1994 | 9780486473598 |
0000682 | TT290 S25 1986b | Dictionary of leather-working tools, c. 1700-1950, and the tools of allied trades | Salaman, R. A | Allen & Unwin | 1986 | 9780046210304 |
0001104 | TT186 .S24 | Dictionary of Tools Used in the Woodworking and Allied Trades, C. 1700-1970 | Salaman, R. A | Allen & Unwin | 1975 | 9780046210205 |
0001626 | PA6156 .S3 1931 | Sallust - Loeb Classical Library No 116 | Sallust, Gaius Sallustius Crispus | Harvard University Press | 1931 | |
0001535 | GV1785.H45 S25 | Helpmann | Salter, Elizabeth | Angus and Robertson | 1978 | 9780207956706 |
0001561 | DA145 .S26 | Roman Britain | Salway, Peter | Clarendon Press | 1981 | 9780198217176 |
0000141 | PN6081 .S3 1954 | Book of Quotations | Samuel, Herbert Louis Samuel, Viscount | J. Barrie | 1954 | |
0000938 | A Book of Common Birds | Sandars, Edmund | Oxford University Press | 1946 | ||
0001360 | N7483.S26 S25 1986 | Sandberg : bij voorkeur een ruwe contour. | Sandberg, Willem Jacob Henri Berend | Lelystad | 1986 | |
0000795 | NC242.T3 S3 | English Masters of Black and White - John Tenniel | Sarzano, Frances | Art and Technics | 1948 | |
0000486 | Z249 .S23 1992 | American Iron Presses | Saxe, Stephen O. | Oak Knoll Books | 1992 | 9780938768357 |
0000340 | NK8643.45 .S38 1998 | Designage | Schartzman, Arnold | Chronicle Books | 1998 | 9780811819626 |
0001432 | CD950 .S29 | The Management of Archives | Schellenberg, Ted | Columbia University Press | 1965 | 9780231028127 |
0001446 | NC703 .S35 | Design Fundamentals | Scott, Robert Gillam | McGraw-Hill | 1951 | |
0000350 | Thomas Haydock, 1772-1859, Catholic bookseller | Scragg, Brenda | University of Newcastle upon Tyne | 1999 | ||
0000552 | Z250 | Sear's Stereotype Ornaments - 1825 | Sears, Matthew Urlwin | The Printing Historical Society | 1990 | 9780900003110 |
0000850 | Z997.A2 G84 2017 | Edmund Geste and His Books | Selwyn, David G | The Bibliographical Society | 2017 | 9780948170249 |
0000010 | Z993 .S45 | Making A Bookplate | Severin, Mark F. | Studio Publications | [1949] | |
0000839 | Shakespeare's Sonnets - Facsimilie of 1609 quarto edition | Shakepeare, William | Noel Douglas | 1926 | ||
0001457 | PN5129.L62 S53 2015 | Dickens, Reynolds, and Mayhew On Wellington Street | Shannon, Mary L | 9781472442048 | ||
0000820 | PN5124.P4 V49 1982 | The Victorian Periodial Press: Samples and Soundings | Shattock, Joanne; Wolff, Michael (ed.) | Leicester University Press | 1982 | 9780718511906 |
0000703 | Style Book | Shearer, A. R. (ed.) | New Zealand Government Printing Office | 1971 | ||
0001376 | TS1096.W495 S53 | William Nash of St. Paul's Cray | Shears, William Sydney | |||
0001368 | PR3677 .A6 1797 | Poems By William Shenstone, Esq. | Shenstone, William | George Nicholson Poughill | 1798 | |
0000020 | Z701 .S5 | Cleaning and Caring for Books | Shep, R. L | Sheppard | 1983 | 9780900661242 |
0000312 | Z232.P68 S5 | John Pitts - Ballad Printer | Shepard, Leslie | Private Libraries Association | 1969 | 9780900000249 |
0000777 | Z1029.3 .S5 1973 | The History of Street Literature | Shepard, Leslie | David & Charles | 1973 | 9780715358818 |
0000276 | Z244 .S5 | Advanced Typography for Students | Shepherd, E. G. | Macdonald & Evans Ltd | 1960 | |
0000277 | Z244 .S52 | Typography for Students | Shepherd, E. G. | Macdonald & Evans Ltd | 1958 | |
0000979 | Z250 .S544 | Design & Print | Shepherd, Edward George | Macdonald & Evans Ltd | 1963 | 9780584100228 |
0001114 | TK7871.58.O6 S47 | Operational Amplifiers | Shepherd, I. E | Longman | 1981 | 9780582460898 |
0001232 | Z271. S54 | Hand-Made Books | Shepherd, Rob | Search Press | 1994 | 9780855327545 |
0001314 | HD9831.5 .S5 | Paper Making in the British Isles. An Historical and Geographical Study | Shorter, Alfred Henry | David and Charles | 1971 | 9780715353806 |
0001394 | HQ728 S55 | The Making of the Modern Family | Shorter, Edward | Collins | 1976 | 9780002115421 |
0001369 | KD979 | The Law Society's Conveyancing Handbook | Silvermann, Frances (ed.) | Law Society | 2004 | 9781853285585 |
0001093 | PN6738.L58 S56 2003 | Literary Life | Simmonds, Posy | Jonathan Cape | 2003 | 9780224072694 |
0001137 | Z244 .S587 1968 | Introduction to Printing | Simon, Herbert | The Curwen Press | 1968 | |
0000292 | Z232.C98 S55 1973b | Song and Words - A History of the Curwen Press | Simon, Herbert | George Allen & Unwin Ltd | 1973 | 9780646550114 |
0000074 | Z244.3 .S6 1954 | Introduction to Typography | Simon, Oliver | Penguin Books in association with Faber and Faber | 1954 | |
0001213 | Z244.3 .S6 1946 | Introduction to Typography | Simon, Oliver | Faber and Faber | 1945 | |
0000299 | Z232.S59 A3 1956 | Printer and Playground | Simon, Oliver | Faber and Faber | [1956] | |
0001229 | Z232.S59 .A3 1956 | Printer and Playground | Simon, Oliver | Faber and Faber | [1956] | |
0000067 | Z244.3 .S6 1963 | Introduction to Typography | Simon, Oliver Joseph | Faber & Faber | 1963 | |
0000712 | Z244.3 .S6 1954 | Introduction to Typography. (Revised edition.) | Simon, Oliver Joseph | Penguin Books | 1954 | |
0000202 | Z253 .S58 | The Intertype - Its Function Care, Operation and Adjustment | Sinclair, MacD | Harris-Intertype Limited | 1929 | |
0000746 | TS1105 .S64 1920 | Paper technology | Sindall, R. W | C. Griffin | 1920 | |
0000614 | PR4825.J4 Z87 2002 | Douglas Jerrold 1803-1857 | Slater, Michael | Duckworth | 2002 | 9780715628249 |
0000393 | Z253 .S62 | What a Compositor Should Know | Slater, W. H. | The Borough Publishing Company | 1928 | |
0000531 | Z250.A2 S66 2014 | History of the Monotype Corporation | Slinn, Judy; Carter, Sebastian; Southall, Richard | Printing Historical Society; Vanburgh Press | 2014 | 9870900003158 |
0001298 | Z250.A2 S66 2014 | History of the Monotype Corporation | Slinn, Judy; Carter, Sebastian; Southall, Richard | Printing Historical Society; Vanburgh Press | 2014 | 9870900003158 |
0001494 | TT09 .S66 | Home Workshop Hints and Tips, No. 26 | Smeed, Vic (ed.) | Nexus Special Interests | 1997 | 9781854861450 |
0001462 | PN4801 .S54 | The Newspaper | Smith, Anthony | Thames and Hudson | c1979 | 9780500012048 |
0000122 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 67 - 1974 | Smith, Bryan (ed.) | Northwood Publications | 1974 | 9780719825095 |
0000270 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 68 - 1975 | Smith, Bryan H. (ed.) | Northwood Publications Ltd | 1975 | 9780719825392 |
0000803 | PZ3.S6441 W5 | The Working Man's Way In the World | Smith, Charles Manby | Printing Historical Society | 1967 | |
0001534 | PZ3.S6441 W5 | The Working Man's Way In the World | Smith, Charles Manby | Printing Historical Society | 1967 | |
0000351 | Z278 .S5 | A Guide to Book-Publishing | Smith, Datus C. | R. R. Bowker Co. | 1966 | |
0001426 | CT788.L48 S63 1973 | Radical Artisan, William James Linton, 1812-97 | Smith, F. B | Manchester University Press | [1973] | 9780874711806 |
0000688 | Z244.A2 S61965 | The Printer's Grammar | Smith, John | Gregg Press | 1965 | |
0000173 | Z271 .S66 1992 | Non-adhesive Binding | Smith, Keith A | Sigma Foundation; Distributed by K.A. Sm | 1992 | 9780927159050 |
0000389 | TR970 .S67 | Photo-engraving in Relief | Smith, William Joseph | Sir I. Pitman & sons, ltd | 1932 | |
0000742 | TR970 .S67 | Photo-engraving in Relief | Smith, William Joseph | Sir I. Pitman & sons, ltd | 1932 | |
0000818 | PR1145 .S55 | Victorian Byeways | Snelling, Vera M (ed.) | Staples Press | [1949] | |
0000231 | Z250 .C593 1989 | Circus Alphabets | Solo, Dan X | Dover Publications, Inc | 1989 | 9780486261553 |
0000422 | Z250.A2 S68 2005 | Printer's Type in the Twentieth Century | Southall, Richard | British Library | 2005 | 9780712348126 |
0000568 | A Dictionary of Typography and its Accessory Arts | Southward, John (ed.) | Joseph M. Powell | 1875 | ||
0000021 | Z256 .S6 | Artistic Printing | Southward, John | "Printers' Register" Office | 1892 | |
0000057 | Z244 .S72 1954 | Modern Printing | Southward, John | Montfort Press | 1954- | |
0000108 | Z244 .S72 | Modern Printing | Southward, John | Raithby, Lawrence & company, ltd | 1900 | |
0000111 | Z244 .S72 1924 | Modern Printing | Southward, John | [s.n.] | 1924 | |
0000634 | Z244 .S72 1954 | Modern Printing | Southward, John | Montfort Press | 1954- | |
0000097 | Z244 .S75 1911 | Practical Printing | Southward, John | R. Laurence & C | 1911 | |
0000102 | Z244 .S75 | Practical Printing | Southward, John | "Printers' Register" Office | 1884 | |
0000235 | Z244 .S75 | Practical Printing | Southward, John | "Printers' Register" Office | 1882 | |
0000487 | Z124 .S72 | Progress in Printing and the Graphic Arts During the Victorian Era | Southward, John | 1897 | 9781108009133 | |
0001545 | Z249 .S74 | The Principles and Progress of Printing Machinery. With An Account of Modern Printing Machines, By F.J.F. Wilson | Southward, John | E. Menken | [1890] | |
0000630 | Z253 .S72 1891 | Type-composing Machines of the Past, the Present, and the Future. A Paper | Southward, John | 1890 | ||
0000519 | NX543 .S66 2013 | The Bloomsbury Group | Spalding, Frances | National Portrait Gallery | c2005 | 9781855144767 |
0000811 | NX543 .S66 2005 | The Bloomsbury Group | Spalding, Frances | National Portrait Gallery | c2005 | 9781855144767 |
0000520 | PR6045.O72 Z835 | Virginia Woolf | Spalding, Frances | National Portrait Gallery | 2014 | 9781855144811 |
0000036 | Z232.M87 S73 | The Kelmscott Press and William Morris Master-craftsman | Sparling, Henry Halliday | Macmillan and co., limited | 1924 | |
0000268 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 57 - 1964 | Spencer, Herbert (ed.) | Lund Humphries | 1964 | |
0000151 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 58 - 1965 | Spencer, Herbert (ed.) | Lund Humphries | 1965 | |
0000215 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 59 - 1966 | Spencer, Herbert (ed.) | Lund Humphries | 1966 | |
0001221 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 61 - 1968 | Spencer, Herbert (ed.) | Lund Humphries | 1969 | |
0000206 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 62 - 1969 | Spencer, Herbert (ed.) | Lund Humphries | 1969 | |
0000637 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 63 - 1970 | Spencer, Herbert (ed.) | Lund Humphries | 1970 | 9780853312536 |
0000210 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 64 - 1971 | Spencer, Herbert (ed.) | Lund Humphries | 1971 | 9780853312901 |
0000504 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 65 - 1972 | Spencer, Herbert (ed.) | Lund Humphries | 1972 | 9780853313229 |
0000503 | TR925 .P4 | Penrose Annual No 66 - 1973 | Spencer, Herbert (ed.) | Lund Humphries | 1973 | 9780853313502 |
0000331 | New Poems 1956 A PEN Anthology | Spender, Stephen; Jennings, Elizabeth; Abse, Dannie (ed.) | Michael Joseph | 1956 | ||
0001438 | HD9831.5 .S7 | The Paper Trade | Spicer, Albert Dykes | Methuen & co | [1907] | |
0000849 | NC1478 .P873 | Cartoons From 'Punch' [4 Vols] | Spielmann, Marion Harry (ed.) | Bradbury, Agnew | 1906 | |
0001452 | QC523 .S673 1892 | Electricity: Its Theory, Sources, and Applications | Sprague, John T | E. & F.N. Spon | 1892 | |
0001640 | PA6697.E5 | Statius II Theabaid 8-12, Achilleid, Loeb Classical Library No 498 | Statius, P. Papinius | Harvard University Press | 2003 | 9780674012097 |
0001276 | Thomas Bewick 1753 - 1828 | Steedman, Robert (ed.) | Steedman | 1978 | ||
0000528 | Z43 .S814 | Lettering for Schools and Colleges, for the Office & Workshop, Containing 42 Complete Alphabets | Steeley, Frank | 1902 | ||
0000539 | Z253 .S782 1948 | Printing Design and Layout | Steer, Vincent | Virtue | [193-? | |
0000674 | Z124 .S8 1955 | Five Hundred Years of Printing, Etc | Steinberg, Sigfrid Heinrich | Penguin Books | 1955 | |
0001563 | DA152 .S74 1971 | Anglo-Saxon England | Stenton, F. M | Clarendon Press | 1971 | 9780198217169 |
0000354 | PS2478 .S8 | A Curious History in Book Editing | Stephens, Kate | Antigone Press | 1927 | |
0001021 | LA631.5 .S84 1998 | Education in Britain, 1750-1914 | Stephens, W. B | Macmillan | 1998 | |
0000062 | Z250 .S83 | Stephenson Blake Printing Types | Stephenson, Blake & Co. Ltd | Caslon Letter Foundry | 1969 | |
0000216 | Z250 .S83 | Stephenson Blake Printing Types | Stephenson, Blake & Co. Ltd | Caslon Letter Foundry | 1969 | |
0000284 | Z250 .S83 | Stephenson Blake Printing Types | Stephenson, Blake & Co. Ltd | Caslon Letter Foundry | 1969 | |
0000930 | Seashore Life and Pattern - K15 | Stephenson, T. A. | The King Penguin Books | 1944 | ||
0001187 | ZN249 S827 | A Catalogue of Nineteenth Century Printing Presses | Sterne, Harold E | Oak Knoll Press | 2001 | |
0000521 | Z159 .S74 | Book Makers - British Publishing in the Twentieth Century | Stevenson, Iain | The British Library | 2010 | 9780712309615 |
0001460 | PR5489.C5 | A Child's Garden of Verses | Stevenson, Robert Louis Balfour | David Campbell | c1992 | 9781857159080 |
0000919 | TT360 .S75 | Signwork | Stewart, Bill | Collins | c1984 | 9780003830682 |
0000144 | HQ1111 .L55 1992 | Like A Fish Needs A Bicycle | Stibbs, Anne (ed.) | Bloomsbury | 1992 | 9780747511731 |
0001273 | Z253 .R62 | Hot-metal typesetting into the twenty-first century | Stockwell, Robert | The Southwark Press | 1983 | |
0000942 | A book of Lillies - K14 | Stoker, Fred | 1943 | |||
0000143 | Z1001 .S84 | The Function of Bibliography | Stokes, Roy Bishop | Deutsch | 1969 | 9780233960128 |
0000349 | Z1001 .E75 1967 | Esdaile's Manual of Bibliography | Stokes, Roy Bishop | George Allen & Unwin Ltd | 1967 | |
0000955 | Z257 .S75 | Preparing Art for Printing | Stone, Bernard | Reinhold | [1965] | |
0001283 | NE1147.6.S8 A4 1977 | Reynolds Stone | Stone, Reynolds | John Murray | 1977 | 9780719534348 |
0000732 | Z151.5 S76 2005 | The Albion Press | Stone, Reynolds | Printing Historical Society | 2005 | 9780900003134 |
0000684 | Z244.A2 S8 | The Printer's Grammar | Stower, C | Gregg Press | 1965 | |
0001655 | Z244 .S873 | The Printing Industry | Strauss, Victor | Printing Industries of America | [1967] | |
0000756 | TS1109 .S83 1990 | The Art & Craft of Handmade Paper | Studley, Vance | Dover | 1990 | 9780486264219 |
0001192 | PR3718 .A1 | The Poems, Plays, and Other Remains of Sir John Suckling | Suckling, John | Reeves and Turner | 1892 | 9780836951691 |
0001340 | PA6156 .S9 | Suetonius I - Loeb Classical Library No 31 | Suetonius | Harvard University Press | 9780674995703 | |
0001341 | PA6156 .S9 | Suetonius II - Loeb Classical Library No 38 | Suetonius | 9780674995659 | ||
0000171 | NC978 .S855 2005 | The British Pre-raphaelite Illustrators : A History of Their Published Prints : With Critical Biographical Essays, More Than 52 | Suriano, Gregory R | Oak Knoll Press; British Library | 2005 | 9781584561606 |
0001442 | Z325.O94 S94 1978 | The Oxford University Press | Sutcliffe, Peter H | Clarendon Press | 1978 | 9780199510849 |
0000920 | NK3630.3.S S88 1989 | The Art & Craft of Sign-writing | Sutherland, William | Crescent Books | 1989, | 9780517682180 |
0000858 | HF5811 .S9 1968 | The Mad Old Ads | Sutphen, Richard | W. H. Allen | 1968 | |
0000678 | Z250 .S935 1968 | An atlas of typeforms | Sutton, James | Lund Humphries | 1968 | |
0001294 | Z250 .S96 | Typefaces for Books | Sutton, James | British Library, |c 1990 | 1990 | 9780712301909 |
0000696 | Z244.3 .S97 | Techniques of Typography | Swann, Cal | Lund Humphries | 1980, | 9780853314424 |
0001091 | NA6315.G72 L67 | Railway Architecture of Greater London | Symes, Rodney | Osprey Publishing | 1973 | 9780850451238 |
0001339 | PA6156 .T25 1970 | Tacitus - Agricola - Loeb Classical Library No 35 | Tacitus, Cornelius | W. Heinemann | 1970 | |
0001434 | PA6156 .T25 1951 | Tacitus - Histories IV-V; Annals I-IIII - Loeb Classical Library No 249 | Tacitus, Cornelius | |||
0001347 | PA6156 .T25 1951 | Tacitus - The Annals IV-VI, XI-XII - Loeb Classical Library No 312 | Tacitus, Cornelius | |||
0001348 | PA6156 .T25 1951 | Tacitus - The Annals XIII-XVI - Loeb Classical Library No 322 | Tacitus, Cornelius | 9780674993556 | ||
0000044 | QA76.73.P67 P67 1990 | PostScript Language Reference Manual | Taft, Ed | Addison-Wesley | c1990 | 9780201181272 |
0000060 | Z244 .T3 1949 | Printing Today | Tarr, John C | Oxford University Press | 1949 | |
0000479 | Z253 .T19 | How to Plan Print | Tarr, John Charles | Crosby, Lockwood & Son Ltd | 1938 | |
0001134 | Z253 .T19 | How to Plan Print | Tarr, John Charles | Crosby, Lockwood & Son Ltd | 1949 | |
0001252 | Z253 .T19 | How to Plan Print | Tarr, John Charles | Crosby, Lockwood & Son Ltd | 1949 | |
0000251 | NE1147.6.B T38 1994 | John Bewick | Tattersfield, Nigel | Oak Knoll Press | 1994 | 9781584560531 |
0001367 | NE1147.6.B47 T37 2011 | The Complete Illustrative Works of Thomas Bewick | Tattersfield, Nigel | The British Library | 2011 | |
0001576 | DA566 .T38 1985 | English History, 1914-1945 | Taylor, A. J. P | Oxford University Press | 1965 | 9780195003048 |
0001543 | DA45 .T3 1993 | The Trouble Makers | Taylor, A. J. P | Pimlico | 1993 | 9780712659222 |
0000675 | Z116 .T3 | Printing and progress | Taylor, Archer;Arlt, Gustave O. | University of California Press | 1941 | |
0001624 | N6490 .T37 1980 | The Art Nouveau Book in Britain | Taylor, John Russell | P. Harris | c1980 | 9780904505856 |
0001664 | PA6156 .T4 1912 | Terence I - Loeb Classical Library | Terence | Harvard University Press | 1959 | |
0001435 | PA6756.A1 B36 1965 | Terence I -The woman of Andros etc - Loeb Classical Library No 22 | Terence | Harvard University Press | 2001 | |
0001558 | PA6156 .T4 1912 | Terence II -Phormio; The Mother-in-law - Loeb Classical Library | Terence | W. Heinemann | 1912 | |
0000228 | Attachments and Accessories for Monotype Type Composing Machines | The Monotype Corporation Ltd | The Monotype Corporation Ltd | |||
0000224 | Monotype Keyboard Adjustment Book | The Monotype Corporation Ltd | The Monotype Corporation Ltd | 1937 | ||
0000225 | Monotype Keyboard Instruction Book | The Monotype Corporation Ltd | The Monotype Corporation Ltd | 1937 | ||
0000356 | Z4 .T48 | Fine Books | Thomas, Alan G. | Weidenfeld and Nicolson | 1967 | |
0000414 | Z250 .T44 | A Book of Printed Alphabets | Thomas, David | Sidgwick & Jackson Ltd | 1937 | |
0000707 | Vocabularium bibliothecarii, English, French, German | Thompson, Anthony | UNESCO | [1958] | ||
0001118 | HD8388 .T47 1968 | The Making of the English Working Class | Thompson, E. P | Penguin | 1968 | |
0001549 | PR5083 .T6 | William Morris, Romantic to Revolutionary | Thompson, Edward | Lawrence & Wishart | 1955 | |
0000131 | N8550 .T42 1996 | Matting and Framing Made Easy | Thompson, Janean | Watson Guptil | 1996 | 9780823030477 |
0000058 | Z253 .T48 1928 | The Mechanism of the Linotype | Thompson, John Smith | The Inland printer company | 1928 | |
0001548 | PR5083 .T63 1967 | The Work of William Morris | Thompson, Paul Richard | Heinemann | 1967 | |
0000112 | Z325.D42 J | A Tour of The Temple Press; An Account By James Thornton, M.A., Of Printing And Binding Books at The Works of J. M. Dent & Sons | Thornton, James Cholmondeley | J.M. Dent & sons ltd | 1935 | |
0000069 | Z244 .T53 | Printing for Business | Thorp, Joseph | John Hogg | 1919 | |
0001468 | TJ1225 .T47 | Vertical Milling in the Home Workshop, No. 3 | Throp, Arnold | Special Interest Model Books | 1984 | 9780852428436 |
0000126 | Z232.C65 T53 2002 | The Doves Press | Tidcombe, Marianne | The British Library & Oak Knoll Press | 2002 | 9781584560845 |
0000960 | DA1 .T55 1992 | English Local History | Tiller, Kate | A. Sutton | 1992 | 9780862999582 |
0001386 | DA1 .T55 1992 | English Local History | Tiller, Kate | A. Sutton | 1992 | 9780862999582 |
0001436 | TS1096.B75 T54 | Bridge Hall Mills | Tillmanns, Martin | Compton Press | 1978 | 9780900193668 |
0001662 | Z116 .T58 | A Dictionary of Printers and Printing | Timperley, C. H | H. Johnson | 1839 | |
0000008 | Z116 .T59 | The Printer's Manual. London, 1838 | Timperley, Charles Henry | 1965 | ||
0000848 | TS1109 .T596 1983 | The Art of Papermaking | Toale, Bernard | Davis Publications | c1983 | 9780871921406 |
0000473 | Z330.6.L6 T6 | A Directory of Printers and Others in Allied Trades - London & Vincinity | Todd, William B. | Printing Historical Society | 1972 | 9780900003042 |
0001504 | Z330.6.L6 T6 | A Directory of Printers and Others in Allied Trades - London & Vincinity | Todd, William B. | Printing Historical Society | 1972 | 9780900003042 |
0001651 | PR6039.O32 H6165 2012 | Hobbitus Ille | Tolkien, J. R. R | 9780007445219 | ||
0000941 | N352 .T58 | Children as Artists - K16 | Tomlinson, R. R. | The King Penguin Books | 1944 | |
0000500 | CHAMP FLEVRY | Tory, Geofroy | Dover Publications, Inc | 1967 | ||
0000959 | D13 .T62 2010 | The Pursuit of History | Tosh, John | Longman | 2010 | |
0001133 | Z250.A2 T762 1988 | The Typographic Scene | Tracy, Walter | Gordon Fraser | 1988 | 9780860921127 |
0001408 | Z675 .R45 T777 C | Committed to Print | Traue, J. E | Victoria University Press | 1991 | |
0001519 | DA145 .E44 | Caesar's Invasion of Britain | Tremayne, Peter | Orbis Publ | 1978 | 9780856130182 |
0000418 | PZ4.T814 Bi | The Big Tomato | Trevelyan, Raleigh | Longmans | 1966 | |
0000237 | Z325.H25 T7 1952 | Printer to the House | Trewin, J. C | Methuen | [1952] | |
0000645 | HF5823 .T7 | An Introduction to Advertising | Trimble, William Edwin | Sir I. Pitman & sons, ltd | 1932 | |
0001516 | PN1993.5.U65 T7 1982 | The Time of the Toad | Trumbo, Dalton | Journeyman Press | c1982 | 9780904526783 |
0000985 | Z116 T7513 1995 | The New Typography | Tschichold, Jan | University of California Press | 2008 | 9780520520123 |
0001016 | Z1037 .T92 | Pages and Pictures From Forgotten Children's Books | Tuer, Andrew White | The Leadenhall Press | 1898-9 | |
0000726 | TS1109 .T87 1983 | Handmade Paper Today | Turner, Silvie | Lund Humphries | 1983 | 9780853314578 |
0000017 | Z151 .T93 | Printing 1770-1970 | Twyman, Michael | Eyre & Spottiswoode | 1970 | 9780443264207 |
0000672 | Z151 .T93 | Printing 1770-1970 | Twyman, Michael | Eyre & Spottiswoode | 1970 | 9780443264207 |
0001665 | NK3049 | Reproducing the Bayeux Tapestry | Twyman, Michael | 978090003198 | ||
0000009 | Z124 .T89 1998 | The British Library Guide to Printing | Twyman, Michael | British Library | c1998 | 9780712345880 |
0000134 | NE1147.6.B U35 2006 | Nature's Engraver : A Life of Thomas Bewick | Uglow, Jennifer S | Faber and Faber | 2006 | 9780571223749 |
0001029 | NE2890 .U55 | Pictorial Printing Processes | Ullyett, Kenneth | Pitman | 1949 | |
0000523 | Point Widths of Initial Letters | University Press, Cambridge (ed.) | Cambridge University Press | 1957 | ||
0001196 | Point Widths of Initial Letters | University Press, Cambridge (ed.) | Cambridge University Press | 1957 | ||
0001265 | Point Widths of Initial Letters | University Press, Cambridge (ed.) | Cambridge University Press | 1957 | ||
0000843 | Z329.L653 U57 | The Stationer's Company 1918 - 1977 | Unwin, Philip | Ernest Benn Limited | 1994 | 9780510000196 |
0000560 | Z323 .U53 1960 | The Truth about Publishing | Unwin, Stanley | George Allen & Unwin Ltd | 1960 | |
0000388 | Z250.A2 U6 1937 | Printing Types - Their History, Forms and Use | Updike, D. B. | Oxford University Press, London | 1937 | |
0000683 | Z250.A2 U6 1937 | Printing Types | Updike, Daniel Berkeley | Oxford University Press | c1937 | |
0001531 | DC232 .U73 2001 | The Man Who Broke Napoleon's Codes | Urban, Mark | 9780571205134 | ||
0001668 | PA6156 .V25 1934a | Valerius Flaccus - Argonautica - Loeb Classical Library No 286 | Valerius Flaccus, Gaius | Heinemann | 1934 | 9780674993167 |
0001074 | PR878.S62 V37 2018 | An Underground History of Early Victorian Fiction | Vargo, Gregory | 9781107197855 | ||
0000186 | TS1200 .V4 1960 | The Manufacture Of Paper Containers: The Revised Text Book On Paper Box And Bag Making | Verstone, Philip Eason | Lewis Publications Ltd | 1960 | |
0001006 | LC156.G72 E58 1989 | Literacy and Popular Culture | Vincent, David | Cambridge University Press | 1989 | 9780521334662 |
0000648 | NC997 .W27 | Layout | Wade, Cecil | Sir I. Pitman & sons, ltd | 1934 | |
0000937 | Heraldry in England - K22 | Wagner, Anthony | The King Penguin Books | 1946 | ||
0000096 | Z250 .W23 1936 | Alternative Type Faces | Waite, Harold E | Technical Pub. Co | 1936 | |
0000319 | Z257 .W34 | Victorian Book Illustration | Wakeman, Geoffrey | David & Charles | 1973 | 9780715359365 |
0001051 | Z232.W17 W35 2019 | Emery Walker | Walker, Emery | 9781584563839 | ||
0000815 | NE1225 .W35 2010 | The Woodcut Artist's Handbook | Walker, George A | Firefly | c2010 | 9781554076352 |
0000431 | NE1225 .W35 2010 | The Woodcut Artist's Handbook | Walker, George A. | Firefly | 2010 | 9781554076352 |
0000852 | TR970 .W34 1969 | Letterpress Platemaking | Wallis, F. G.; Cannon, R. V. | Pergamon Press | 1969 | 9780080138664 |
0000201 | Z232.J397 W3 | Leonard Jay | Wallis, L. W. | Charles Skilton Ltd | 1963 | |
0000413 | Z118 .W2 | Printing Trade Abbreviations | Wallis, L. W. | F. C. Avis | 1960 | |
0000314 | Z232.J726 W35 2004 | George W. Jones - Printer Laureate | Wallis, Lawrence | The Plough Press | 2004 | 9780902813205 |
0001605 | DA483.W2 A25 | *The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 12. 1781-1783 | Walpole, Horace | Clarendon press | 1903- | |
0001594 | DA483.W2 A25 | *The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 2. 1743-1750 | Walpole, Horace | Clarendon press | 1903- | |
0001613 | DA506.W2 A13 1963 | Horace Walpole | Walpole, Horace | Macmillan | [1963] | |
0001590 | Z232.S9 W2 | Journal of the Printing-office At Strawberry Hill | Walpole, Horace | Printed at the Chiswick press for Constable and company limited [London] and Houghton Mifflin company [Boston] | 1923 | |
0001604 | DA483.W2 A25 | Supplement to the Letters of Horace Walpole V1 | Walpole, Horace | Clarendon press | 1903- | |
0001616 | DA483.W2 A25 | Supplement to the Letters of Horace Walpole V2 | Walpole, Horace | Clarendon press | 1903- | |
0001602 | DA483.W2 A25 | The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 10. 1777-1779 | Walpole, Horace | Clarendon press | 1903- | |
0001603 | DA483.W2 A25 | The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 11. 1779-1781 | Walpole, Horace | Clarendon press | 1903- | |
0001606 | DA483.W2 A25 | The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 13. 1783-1787 | Walpole, Horace | Clarendon press | 1903- | |
0001607 | DA483.W2 A25 | The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 14. 1787-1791 | Walpole, Horace | Clarendon press | 1903- | |
0001608 | DA483.W2 A25 | The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 15. 1791-1797 | Walpole, Horace | Clarendon press | 1903- | |
0001609 | DA483.W2 A25 | The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 16. Tables and indices. | Walpole, Horace | Clarendon press | 1903- | |
0001595 | DA483.W2 A25 | The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 3. 1750-1756 | Walpole, Horace | Clarendon press | 1903- | |
0001596 | DA483.W2 A25 | The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 4. 1756-1760 | Walpole, Horace | Clarendon press | 1903- | |
0001597 | DA483.W2 A25 | The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 5. 1760-1764 | Walpole, Horace | Clarendon press | 1903- | |
0001598 | DA483.W2 A25 | The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 6. 1764-1766 | Walpole, Horace | Clarendon press | 1903- | |
0001599 | DA483.W2 A25 | The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 7. 1766-1771 | Walpole, Horace | Clarendon press | 1903- | |
0001600 | DA483.W2 A25 | The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 8. 1771-1774 | Walpole, Horace | Clarendon press | 1903- | |
0001601 | DA483.W2 A25 | The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 9. 1774-1776 | Walpole, Horace | Clarendon press | 1903- | |
0001593 | DA483.W2 A25 | The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 1. 1732-1743 | Walpole, Horace | Clarendon press | 1903- | |
0001614 | DA483.W2 A499 | Letters of Horace Walpole | Walpole, Horace | Folio Society | 1951 | |
0000472 | Z325.W29 A3 | An Occupation for Gentlemen | Warburg, Frederick | Hutchinson & Co Ltd | 1959 | |
0000154 | NE1112.W37 A4 2004 | Gods' Man : A Novel In Woodcuts | Ward, Lynd | Dover Publications | 2004 | 9780486435008 |
0001005 | LA636 .W36 1976 | English Popular Education, 1780-1975 | Wardle, David | Cambridge University Press | c1976 | 9780521212021 |
0001380 | HV9069 .W36 2018 | Criminal Children | Watkins, Emma | 9781526738080 | ||
0001097 | NC735 .W36 | The Craft of Old-master Drawings | Watrous, James | University of Wisconsin Press | 1957 | |
0001102 | Z271 .W36 1996 | Hand Bookbinding, A Manual of Instruction | Watson, Aldren Auld | Dover Publications | 1996 | |
0001230 | Z271 .W36 1996 | Hand Bookbinding, A Manual of Instruction | Watson, Aldren Auld | Bell Publishing Company, Inc | 1963 | |
0000659 | TS1124.5 | Creative handmade paper | Watson, David | Search | 1991 | 9780855327125 |
0000693 | Z152.S42 W3 1965 | The History of the Art of Printing | Watson, James | Gregg Press | 1965 | |
0001573 | DA505 .W38 | The Reign of George III, 1760-1815 | Watson, John Steven | Clarendon Press | 1960 | |
0000087 | ND497.R8 W3 1975 | Rossetti, His Life And Works | Waugh, Evelyn | Duckworth | 1975 | 9780715607725 |
0000323 | TT186 .W4 2002 | Making Woodwork Aids and Devices | Wearing, Robert | Guild of Master Craftsman Publishers Ltd | 2002 | 9781861081292 |
0001524 | TS1096.G8 W42 | One Hundred Years of Papermaking | Weatherill, Lorna | [s.n.] | c1974 | |
0000148 | NC978 .W42 2008 | Design | Webb, Brian | Antique Collectors' Club | [2008] | 9781851495719 |
0001126 | NC1850.K3 W43 2007 | Design | Webb, Brian | Antique Collector's Club | c2007 | 9781851495207 |
0000332 | NC978.5.B3 A4 2005 | Design - Edward Bawden, Eric Ravilious | Webb, Brian; Skipwith, Peyton | Antique Collectors' Club | 2005 | 9781851495009 |
0001129 | NC999.6.G7 H34 2011 | Design: Henrion, F. H. K. | Webb, Brian;Artmonsky, Ruth | Antique Collectors' Club | 2011 | 9781851496327 |
0001028 | HD8389 .W42 | The British Working Class Reader | Webb, Robert Kiefer | G. Allen & Unwin | [1955] | 9780678005781 |
0001622 | U35 .W48 1985 | The Roman Imperial Army of the First and Second Centuries A.D | Webster, Graham | Barnes & Noble Books | 1985 | 9780713626971 |
0000612 | NE1217.B4 W4 | Thomas Bewick | Weekley, Montague | Oxford University Press | 1953 | |
0001427 | PS144.L6 W4 | The London Yankees | Weintraub, Stanley | Harcourt Brace Jovanovich | c1979 | 9780151529780 |
0001057 | TT154 .W45 | Workshop Materials (Workshop Practice): 30 | Weiss, Alex | Nexus Special Interests | 1999 | 9781854861924 |
0000249 | NE1150.35. G46 1994 | German Expressionist Woodcuts | Weller, Shane | Dover Publications | 1994 | 9780486280691 |
0001307 | AE1 .W43 | The Circle of Knowledge | Wells, James M | Newberry Library | 1968 | |
0001002 | LA631.7 .W47 1975b | Education and the Industrial Revolution | West, E. G | Batsford | 1975 | 9780713427783 |
0001156 | Z246 .W48 1990 | Working with Style | West, Suzanne | Watson-Guptill | 1990 | 9780823058723 |
0000353 | Z473.W57 A3 1968 | The Making of a Publisher | Weybright, Victor | Weidenfeld and Nicolson | 1968 | |
0000156 | Z244 .P85 1965 | Practical Printing and Binding | Whetton, Harry | Odhams Books | [c1965 | |
0001303 | Z244 .P85 1965 | Practical Printing and Binding | Whetton, Harry | Odhams Books | [c1965 | |
0000395 | Questions and Answers in Typography | Whetton, Harry | Raithby, Lawrence & Co. Ltd, Leicester | 1913 | ||
0000587 | Z244.3 .W574 1920 | Hints and Wrinkles | Whetton, Harry | Raithby, Lawrence & Co Ltd | 1920 | |
0000649 | HF5415 .W545 1950 | The Administration of Marketing and Selling | Whitehead, Harold | Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons | 1950 | |
0000796 | NC242.D8 W5 | English Masters of Black-and-White - George du Maurier | Whiteley, Derek Pepys | Art and Technics | 1948 | |
0001015 | N332.G33 B487 1984 | Bauhaus | Whitford, Frank | Thames and Hudson | 1984 | |
0000220 | NK1447.6.M6 M4 | William Morris: Story Memory Myth | Whittaker, Esme | Two Temple Place | 2011 | 9780957062801 |
0001003 | Z6956.G6 W54 | A Descriptive Finding List of Unstamped British Periodicals, 1830-1836 | Wiener, Joel H | Bibliographical Society | 1970 | |
0000653 | HJ4708.A7 W53 | The War of the Unstamped | Wiener, Joel H | Cornell University Press | 1969 | 9780801405228 |
0000488 | PS3545.I34 B7 1929 | The Bridge of San Luis Rey | Wilder, Thornton Niven | Longmans, Green & Co | 1929 | |
0000845 | Buchdruck-Schnellpressen und Endlos-Rotationsmaschinen des 19. Jahrhunderts | Wilkes, Walter | Technische Universitat | 2004 | 9783886071524 | |
0001345 | DA677 .W5 | In the Shadow of St. Paul's Cathedral | Willes, Margaret | 9780300249835 | ||
0001572 | DA498 .W5 1962 | The Whig Supremacy, 1714-1760 | Williams, Basil | Clarendon Press | 1962 | |
0001160 | PN5114 .W53 | The English Newspaper | Williams, Keith | Springwood Books | 1977 | 9780905947150 |
0001031 | CB69 | Culture and Society | Williams, Raymond | Hogarth | 1987 | 9780701207922 |
0001030 | DA566.4 .W48 | The Long Revolution | Williams, Raymond | Chatto & Windus | 1961 | |
0001292 | Z250 .W737 | Photocomposition at the Alden Press, Oxford | Williamson, Hugh (ed.) | Alden Press | 1981 | |
0000665 | Z116.A3 W5 | Methods of Book Design | Williamson, Hugh Albert Fordyce | Oxford University Press | 1956 | |
0001207 | Z116.A3 .W5 | Methods of Book Design | Williamson, Hugh Albert Fordyce | Oxford University Press | 1956 | |
0001216 | Z116.A3 W5 | Methods of Book Design | Williamson, Hugh Albert Fordyce | Yale University Press | 1983 | |
0000078 | Z116.A3 W5 | Methods of Book Design : The Practice of an Industrial Craft | Williamson, Hugh Albert Fordyce | Oxford University Press | 1956 | |
0000419 | Z232.H73 W54 1966 | Leonard and Virginia Woolf as Publishers | Willis, J H | University Press of Virginia | 1966 | 9780813913612 |
0000673 | Z116.A3 W53 | The Design of Books | Wilson, Adrian | Reinhold Pub. Corp | 1967 | |
0000589 | Z252 .W674 | Stereotyping and Electrotyping | Wilson, Frederick J. F. | E. Menken | 1890 | |
0000799 | Z249 .W74 | A Practical Treatise Upon the Modern Printing Machinery and Letterpress Printing | Wilson, Frederick. John Farlow; Grey, Douglas | Cassell & Co | 1888 | |
0001009 | PE1617.O94 W558 2003 | The Meaning of Everything | Winchester, Simon | Oxford University Press | 2003 | 9780198607021 |
0001139 | ML3805 .W5533 | Music, Sound and Sensation | Winckel, Fritz | Dover Publications | [1967] | |
0000391 | Z252 .W68 | Stereotyping and Electrotyping | Winter, Arthur F. | Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd | 1948 | |
0000651 | TS1105 .W55 1942 | Modern pulp and paper making | Witham, G. S | Reinhold publishing corporation | 1942 | |
0000178 | Z247 .W8 | Pressmen's Ink Handbook | Wolfe, Herbert Jay | Dorland Books | 1952 | |
0000392 | Z232.W86 W64 1980 | Berthold Wolpe - A Retrospective Survey | Wolpe, Berthold | Faber & Faber Ltd | 1980 | 9780905209159 |
0001226 | Z232.W86 W64 1980 | Berthold Wolpe - A Retrospective Survey | Wolpe, Berthold | Faber & Faber Ltd | 1980 | 9780571116553 |
0001238 | Caslon architectural | Wolpe, Berthold | 1964 | |||
0000740 | TR980 .W66 | Printing Theory and Practice - No 19 - Photogravure | Wood, Franklin | Pitman | 1952 | |
0000624 | Z151 .W66 | The Victorian Provincial Printer and the Stage | Wood, Robert | Newcastle Imprint Club | 1972 | |
0000608 | DA533 .W88 | Victorian Delights | Wood, Robert | Evan Brothers Limited, London | 1967 | 9780237352226 |
0001349 | PA2365.E5 W6 1955 | The Englishman's Pocket Latin-English and English-Latin Dictionary | Woodhouse, S. C | Routldge & Kegan Paul | 1955 | |
0001120 | DA530 .W6 1962 | The Age of Reform | Woodward, E. L | The Clarendon press | c1962 | |
0001574 | DA530 .W6 1939 | The Age of Reform, 1815-1870 | Woodward, E. L | The Clarendon press | [1939] | |
0001542 | JA94.W6 A26 1964a | Beginning Again | Woolf, Leonard | Hogarth Press | 1964 | |
0000980 | JA94.W6 A27 1967 | Downhill All the Way | Woolf, Leonard | The Hogarth Press | 1967 | 9780156261456 |
0001541 | JA94.W6 A29 1969 | Downhill All the Way | Woolf, Leonard | Hogarth Press | 1969 | 9780701203269 |
0000813 | Poetical Works of William Wordsworth V.5 | Wordsworth, William | O.U.P | 1959 ( | ||
0001090 | PR5850 1951 | The Poetical Works of Wordsworth | Wordsworth, William | Oxford University Press | 1904 | |
0001332 | PR5850 .F32 1932 | The Poetical Works of Wordsworth | Wordsworth, William | |||
0001275 | TT205 | The Home Metalworker | Worthington, Julian (ed.) | Oribis Publishing | 1982 | 9780856134166 |
0001069 | Z271 .Y68 1995 | Bookbinding & Conservation By Hand | Young, Laura S | Oak Knoll Press | 1995 | |
0000083 | Z271 .Z17 2007 | The Art of Bookbinding : The Classic Victorian Handbook | Zaehnsdorf, Joseph William | Dover Publications | 2007 | 9780486457338 |