Paekakariki Press - Library

A selection of publications held in the Typography and Printing Library of the Paekakariki Press.

0000463 "Monotype" Caster Instruction BookThe Monotype Corporation Limited1935
0001267Z253 .M66"Monotype" Caster Instruction BookThe Monotype Corporation Limited1946
0000928 A Book of Ballads - K12Chatto & Windus1935
0001286Z253 .C84A Book of TypefacesW. S. Cowell Ltd19529780571009367
0001211Z250 .W35A Catalogue of Type Faces, Ornaments Borders RulesWalter Nash & Company Ltd1930
0000601Z250 .W47 1951A short list shewing Types and decorative Borders with stock blocks and Devices used by the Westerham PressWesterham Press1951
0000691Z250 .C38 1941A Specimen Book of Printing TypesCaxton Press1941
0001421Z250 .C39 1940A Specimen Book of Printing TypesCaxton Press1940
0001214Z231.5 .U6 A17AAUP Book Show 1979Association of American University Presses1979
0001024 Adana Catalogue - No 204Adana (Printing Machines) Ltd.1969
0000581 Adana Catalogue - No 308Adana Printing Machines Ltd1971
0000582 Adana Catalogue - No 316Adana Printing Machines Ltd1979
0000583 Adana Catalogue - No 420 - Printers' StationeryAdana Printing Machines Ltd1979
0000045QA76.73.P67 A36 1990Adobe Type 1 Font FormatAddison-Wesley Pub. Coc19909780201570441
0001647PA2095 .A626 1990An Anthology of Latin Prose9780198721215
0001245Z250 .P55BodoniPillans & Wilson
0001095Z537.3 .B66 1997Book & Print in New ZealandVictoria University Press19979780864733313
0001277Z250 .C66Book FountsT. & A. Constable Ltd[19--]
0001448Z255 .B72Book Impositions, 1975British Printing Industries Federation[1975]
0001179Z250 .C635Book Types From Clowes: A Specimen Book of Type FacesClowes1965 [
0001141Z323 .B78 1986British Book Design & ProductionNational Book League
0001140Z323 .B78British Book ProductionNational Book League
0001422Z250 .B758 1958British Standard Specification[1962]
0000533 CarrongroveArgyll Publishing20009781902831169
0001208Z250 .S83Caslon Printing TypesH.W. Caslon Ltd1937
0001530PA2365.E5 C3 1977Cassell's Latin DictionaryCassell19339780025225701
0001309Z151.5 .C35 1976Catalogue of An Exhibition of Books and Printed Ephemera From Twenty-eight contemporary private presses, [held] 3 December 1976 London Borough of Camden, Libraries and Arts Department19769780901389251
0001415Z117 .E3 1976Catalogue of the Edward Clark Library9780902703124
0001142NA2800 .S3 1964Collected Papers On Acoustics. With A New Introd. By Frederick V. Hunt
0001447Z253 .C6Copyfitting Tables for "monotype" & "monophoto" FacesMonotype Corp1970
0000752 Cornerstone the boxes that are measured in emsHawthorne Baker1960
0001007TT57 Craft Tools of YesterdayPhoto Precision1974
0000233 Dover Digital Design Source #11 Typographical Borders and Ornaments. The Unabridged Classic Enshede CatalogDover Publications20109780486482378
0001219Z250 .E567 Drukkeriei Enchedé Haarlem HollandEnchede1968
0001374Z325.L63 Edward Lloyd and His World9780367206147
0001525Z250.A3 F79Efficient RemeltingFry's Metal Foundries Ltd1950
0000896TS1109 .E76Esparto PaperN. Neame1956
0000993Z245 .B86 1959Estimating for PrintersBritish Federation of Master Printers1970
0001523PA6121.A7 F70Fifty Latin LyricsLongmans, Green[1955]
0001288Z250 Fine Print On TypeLund Humphries19899780853315438
0000661HF3504 .F6 1901Fortunes Made in BusinessAmalgamated Press[1901,
0001419Z999 .C47 Highly Important Incunabula, Bibles, Early Greek Printing and Colour-plate Books From Beriah Botfield's Library1994
0001501Z244.3 Hints for the PressmanSchnellpressenfabrik1966
0001088Z327 .H63 1972Hodson's Booksellers, Publishers and Stationers Directory 1855Oxford Bibliographical Society19729780901420060
0000988Z232.T863 J345 2008Jan TschicholdThames & Hudson20089780500513989
0001212Z232. T863Jan TschicholdKunstgewerbemuseum1976
0001526PR9634.92 .L363 2016Landfall 230: November 20159781927322529
0000198N6768 .L36 20020Landing : Eight Collaborative Projects Between Artists & GeographersRoyal Holloway20029780902194588
0001643PA2091 .L3Latin for LawyersSweet and Maxwell, limited; [etc., etc.]1915
0001673Z329 .S46 2001Light On the Book TradeOak Knoll Press20049780712347976
0001385HB3584 Local Population Studies No. 1001968-
0001354 London Magazine
0001054NC1473 .L69 2014Loyal Subversion?9783525301678
0000145 Mechanism And Operation of Modern LinotypesLinotype and Machinery1951
0000770 Mechanism and Operation of Modern LinotypesLinotype and Machinery Limited1951
0001191PR1209 .G7 1952Metaphysical Lyrics & Poems of the Seventeenth CenturyOxford University Press1959
0000695Z231.5.P7 M6Modern Fine PrintingWilliam Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California1968
0000766 Monotype Book of Information 1970Montoype Corporation1970
0001197Z253 .M66Monotype Caster Instruction BookThe Monotype Corporation Limited1935
0001198Z253 .M66Monotype Caster Instruction BookThe Lanston Monotype Corporation Limited1920
0001199Z253 .M66Monotype Casting Machine ManualThe National Committee of Monotype Uers' Associations1952
0001272Z253 .M66Monotype Casting Machine ManualThe National Committee of Monotype Uers' Associations1952
0001300Z253 .M66Monotype Keyboard Adjustment BookMonotype Corporation[1953]
0001612Z116.A3 N49 2004xNew Book DesignLaurence King Pub20049781856693660
0001174PN147 .N42 2005New Hart's RulesOxford University Press2005
0001098N8560 .M32513 19Old Master Prints and DrawingsAmsterdam University Pressc19979789053562437
0000444 Old-Time TransportationDover Publications, Inc19879780486995496
0001382CS413 .O94 2008Oxford Companion to Family and Local HistoryOxford University Press2008
0001396CS413 .O94 1996Oxford Companion to Family and Local HistoryOxford University Press1996
0000983PJ6640 .O94 2010Oxford Essential Arabic DictionaryOxford University Press20109780199561155
0001584PA2365.E5 09 1982Oxford Latin DictionaryLondon, Clarendon Press1968-
0001500TS1105 Paper MakingThe Section1950
0000747TS1085 .S63Paper TerminologySpalding and Hodge Ltd
0001402TS1085 .P36 1900zPaper TerminologySpalding & Hodge[19--]
0000056TS1105 .N3 1965Paper: Its Making, Merchanting and UsageNational Association of Paper Merchants[1965]
0001046HD8396 .P37 2005Papers for the PeopleMerlin Press2005
0001488Z1033.F5 P374Parenthesis 20 - Spring 2011Fine Press Book Association1998-
0001489Z1033.F5 P374Parenthesis 21 - Autumn 2011Fine Press Book Association1998-
0001490Z1033.F5 P374Parenthesis 22 - Spring 2012Fine Press Book Association1998-
0001491Z1033.F5 P374Parenthesis 24 - Spring 2013Fine Press Book Association1998-
0001492Z1033.F5 P374Parenthesis 25 - Autumn 2013Fine Press Book Association1998-
0001487Z1033.F5 P374Parenthesis 26 - Spring 2014Fine Press Book Association1998-
0001481Z1033.F5 P374Parenthesis 27 - Autumn 2014Fine Press Book Association1998-
0001483Z1033.F5 P374Parenthesis 28 - Spring 2015Fine Press Book Association1998-
0001482Z1033.F5 P374Parenthesis 29 - Autumn 2015Fine Press Book Association1998-
0001484Z1033.F5 P374Parenthesis 30 - Spring 2016Fine Press Book Association1998-
0001485Z1033.F5 P374Parenthesis 32 - Spring 2017Fine Press Book Association1998-
0001486Z1033.F5 P374Parenthesis 33 - Autumn 2017Fine Press Book Association1998-
0001479Z1033.F5 P374Parenthesis 34 - Spring 2018Fine Press Book Association1998-
0001480Z1033.F5 P374Parenthesis 35 - Autumn 2018Fine Press Book Association1998-
0001474Z1033.F5 P374Parenthesis 36 - Spring 2019Fine Press Book Association1998-
0001022 Parenthesis 36 - Spring 2020Fine Press Book Association2020
0001477Z1033.F5 P374Parenthesis 37 - Autumn 2019Fine Press Book Association1998-
0001476Z1033.F5 P374Parenthesis 39 - Autumn 2020Fine Press Book Association1998-
0001478Z1033.F5 P374Parenthesis 41 - Autumn 2021Fine Press Book Association1998-
0001475Z1033.F5 P374Parenthesis 42 - Spring 2022Fine Press Book Association1998-
0001473Z1033.F5 P374Parenthesis 43 - Autumn 2022Fine Press Book Association1998-
0001472Z1033.F5 P374Parenthesis 44 - Spring 2023Fine Press Book Association1998-
0000518Z990 .P5Philobiblon Eine Zeitschrift fur Bucherliebhaber; ViII. 1934 Heft 4Herbert Reichner1934
0000161Z250.3 .P5Pictorial Archive of Printer's Ornaments From the Renaissance to the 20th CenturyDover Publications19809780486239446
0000580 Platen - Handbook of the International Small Printers' AssociationInternational Small Printers' Association1964
0000736TR970 .E6Practical Methods of Photo-engravingEmploying Photo-Engravers Association of America1925-
0000737TR970 .E6Practical Methods of Photo-engravingEmploying Photo-Engravers Association of America1925-
0001145 Printers, Pedlars, Sailors, Nuns9781916142428
0000762 Printing and Publishing The Times1948
0001260Z121 .L73 1963Printing and the Mind of ManMessrs F.W. Bridges & Sons Ltd. and The Association of British Manufacturers of Printers' Machinery (Proprietary) Ltd.1963
0001065Z124 .T58 1930Printing in the Twentieth CenturyThe Times Publishing Company Ltd.1930
0000023Z250.A3 F7 1936Printing MetalsThe Foundries1936
0000685Z249 .G73 1969Printing patents. Abridgements of patent specifications relating to printing, 1617-1857.Printing Historical Society19699780900003004
0001672Z325 .P85 2005Printing PlacesOak Knoll Press20059780712349062
0001425Z118 .P7Printing Reproduction Pocket Pal
0000769Z250 .M5 1925Printing Type Specimens - Miller & RichardMiller & Richard1932
0001107Z250 .C375Printing Types1948
0001209Z250 .S83Printing TypesStephenson, Blake & Co. Ltd1937
0000468Z245 .F43`Profit for Printers or What is "Cost"?Federation of Master Printers and Allied Trades1907
0000787PN5117 .P8Progress of British Newspapers in the 19th Century IllustratedSimpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co Ltd1901
0000559Z254 .B75 1958Proof Correction and Copy Preparation. BS 1219:1958British Standards Institution1958
0001456RA424 .P83 2008Public HealthRutgers University Pressc2008-9780813542317
0000355KD1340.A65 P8Publishing Agreements - A Book of PrecedentsGeorge Allen & Unwin19849780046550165
0000578 Riscatype Pocketbook of TypefacesRiscatype
0000711Z120 .D66173Rules Rolls and Records of the Double Crown ClubDouble Crown Club1980
0001412Z664 S46 PRESenate House Library, University of London9781857598124
0001328Z250 .L9568Some Ludlow TypefacesLudlow Typograph Company1960
0000790 Spare Parts List for Monotype Composition and Rule CastersThe Monotype Corporation Limited1960
0001048Z250 .M66Specimen BookMoorgate typesetting Co. Ltd1955
0001215Z250.5 .M65 S63Specimen Book of Monotype Printing Types, Borders, Ornaments and RulesThe Monotype Corporation Limited1948
0001305Z250 .M643Specimens of Book, Newspaper, Jobbing and Ornamental TypesMiller and Richardc.1865
0001271Z250.W65 .C37Specimens of wood typeH.W. Caslon & Co. Ltd.
0000699 St Bride Catalogue1919
0000859 Standard Printing Paper SizesThe Monotype Corporation Limited
0001250Z250.A2 M686Stanley MorisonThe trustees of the British Museum19719780714103297
0001146 Street Literature and the Circulation of Songs9781916142404
0001423PN147 .S795 1995Style BookG.P. Publications19959781869561239
0001185Z250 .J36Style of the HouseJames Upton Ltd
0001495Z253 .M66Tabular Composition on a 'Monotype' KeyboardThe Monotype Corporation Limited
0001331PR9635.7 .T4Ten Modern New Zealand PoetsLongman Paul19749780582687950
0000917 The "Monotype" Super Caster Instruction BookThe Monotype Corporation Limited
0001365Z253 .M6The "Monotype" Super Caster Instruction Book
0000465 The 'Monotype' Keyboard Operator's ManualThe National Committee of Monotype Users' Associations1950
0000616 The 'Monotype' Keyboard Operator's ManualThe National Committee of Monotype Users' Associations1958
0000464 The 'Monotype' Super Caster ManualThe National Committee of Monotype Users' Associations1953
0000773 The Association of British Manufacturers of Printers MachineryThe Association of British Manufacturers of Printers Machinery1950
0000760 The Bank of England Printing WorksThe Bank of England1957
0000704PR2411 .S6 1911The book of Sir Thomas MoreV. Ridler1961
0001017Z151.5 .B67 2008The British Book TradeBritish Library20089780712349574
0000814PR1195.H8 The Chatto Book of Nonsense PoetryChatto & Windus19889780701137212
0000972NK520.G7 L62 1970The Crystal Palace Exhibition Illustrated CatalogueDover Publications Inc19709780486225036
0000592Z151 .H57The History of PrintingThe Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge1855
0001406Z1005 The Influence of D.F. McKenzieMerchiston Publishing20109780955356155
0001560PN6175 .L45 1865The Jest BookMacmillan1865
0001464AS122 .W653The Journal of William Morris Studies - Vol. XXIV 1-2William Morris Society2002-
0000562 The Library - The Transactions of the Bibliographical Society Vol 15 No 3The Bibliographical Society Society and Oxford University Press2014
0000561 The Library - The Transactions of the Bibliographical Society Vol 16 No 1The Bibliographical Society Society and Oxford University Press2015
0001210Z253 .L2745The Mechanism of the "Monotype" KeyboardThe Lanston Monotype Corporation, Limited1920
0001202Z253 .M752The Monotype Keyboard Operator's ManualThe National Committee of Monotype Users' Associatians1950
0001042HN13 .N48 1989The New Cultural HistoryUniversity of California Pressc1989
0000764 The Original Heidelberg Cylinder 21" x 28" Operation ManualHeidelberg1963
0001335PR1225 .O89The Oxford Book of Contemporary Verse, 1945-1980Oxford University Press19809780192141088
0001529DE5 .O9 1970The Oxford Classical DictionaryClarendon Press19709780198691174
0001076PN6081 .095 1979The Oxford Dictionary of QuotationsOxford University Press19799780192115607
0001170PR9624.3 .O94 1991The Oxford History of New Zealand Literature in EnglishOxford University Press19919780195582116
0001418NK1535.P39 P39 2006The Pentagram PapersChronicle Books2006
0001410N4700 1989The Printmakers of Atelier 17Austin/Desmond Contemporary Books[1989]
0001231Z151 .S215The Private Press TodaySt Bride Foundation2015
0000066TR970 .B3The Process Engraver's CompendiumFederation of master process engravers[1932?
0000735TR925 .P76 1932The Process Engraver's CompendiumFederation of master process engravers[1932?
0000738TR925 .P76 1932The Process Engraver's CompendiumFederation of master process engravers[1932?
0000063Z250 .Y462 1966The Riscatype Catalogue of Popular TypefacesYendall & Company][ca. 1
0001270Z250 .Y462 1966The Riscatype Catalogue of Popular TypefacesYendall & Company][ca. 1
0001400Z7914.P2 T447 1950The Story of PaperFederation of Master Printers1950
0000071NK3630 .S8The Studio Book of AlphabetsStudio Publications[1953]
0001089DA533 .V5The Victorian Countryside Vol. 2Routledge & Kegan Paul19819780710007353
0001251Z250 .W524wThe Western type bookHamish Hamilton1970
0000177 Three Hundred Illustrations with Scripture TextsW.H. Broom & Rouse1886
0000158Z250.3 .T72 1986Treasury Of Book Ornament And DecorationDover Publications19869780486251677
0001025 Type and TypesettingAdana (Printing Machines) Ltd.1969
0000037Z250 .M147 1965Type for BooksCory, Adams & Mackay1965
0000701 Typeface nomenclatureBritish Standards Institution1958
0000590 Types on Anglo-American point-systemType-Foundry D. Stempel AG1960
0001443Z246 .T97 1991Typography NowInternos Books19919780904866902
0001109NK1447.6.M6 A4 2009V&A PatternV&Ac2009
0000160Z250.3 .B782 1976Victorian Frames, Borders, And Cuts From The 1882 Type Catalog Of George Bruce's Son And CoDover Publications19769780486233208
0000175Z250.3 .B782 1976Victorian Frames, Borders, And Cuts From The 1882 Type Catalog Of George Bruce's Son And CoDover Publications19769780486233208
0000913PN5117 V53 2005Victorian Print MediaOxford University Press20059780199270378
0000904 Victorian Printing MachinesPlymouth College of Art & Design1972
0000159NE1092 .V5 1982Victorian Spot Illustrations, Alphabets, And Ornaments From Porret's Type CatalogDover Publications19829780486242712
0001424Z1006 .T468 VVocabularium BibliothecariiUNESCO1953
0001164NK1535.M67 A4 1996William MorrisPhilip Wilson1996
0000190NC242.M72 W54 1973William Morris: Ornamentation And Illustrations From The Kelmscott ChaucerDover Publications19739780486229706
0001165NC242.M72 W54 1973William Morris: Ornamentation and Illustrations From the Kelmscott ChaucerDover[1973]9780486229706

0000195Z266 .A23 2010Bookbinding: A Step-by-step GuideAbbott, KathyCrowood20109781847971531
0001072PR868.P5252 A27 2019Plagiarizing the Victorian NovelAbraham, Adam9781108675406
0000916LF510 .C63 1954Ackermann's OxfordAckermann, RudolphPenguin1954
0000647Z232.A145 A45A ledger of Charles Ackers, printer of The London MagazineAckers, CharlesPublished for the Oxford Bibliographical Society by the Oxford U.P1968
0000836Z232.A145 A45A Ledger of Charles Ackers - Printer of the London MagazineAckers, CharlesThe Oxford University Press1968
0001634Z232.A145 A45A Ledger of Charles Ackers - Printer of the London MagazineAckers, CharlesThe Oxford University Press1968
0001506PR6051.C64 ChattertonAckroyd, Peter
0001304Z268 .A25 1948The House of Kitcat.Adams, JohnG. & J. Kitcat Ltd.1948
0001323PN5123.L37 A63 1966Mark LemonAdrian, Arthur ALondon1966
0001451PN5123.L37 A63 1966Mark LemonAdrian, Arthur A
0001023Z4 .A63 1916The Printed BookAldis, Harry Gidney
0001203Z4 .A63 1916The Printed BookAldis, Harry Gidney1951
0001291Z246 .D47 1991Designer's Guide to TypographyAldrich-Ruenzel; Fennell, John (ed.)Phaidon1991
0001654PE1146 The Oxford Spelling DictionaryAllen, R. E. (ed.)Oxford University Press19869780198691433
0001081PN137 .A5Writers On WritingAllen, Walter ErnestPhoenix House[1948]
0000995Z1003 .A57The English Common ReaderAltick, Richard DUniversity of Chicago Press[1957]
0001013DA533 .A574 1991The Printed Image and the Transformation of Popular Culture, 1790-1860Anderson, PatriciaClarendon Press19919780198112365
0000551HD9838.N45 N482Papermaking PioneersAngus, John H.New Zealand Paper Mills Limited1976
0001522TX713 .A62The Roman Cookery BookApicius, Marcus GaviusGeorge Harrap & Co Ltd1958
0000289TP949 .A6Printing Ink TechnologyApps, Ernest ArthurLeonard Hill (Books) Ltd1958
0000910HD1535.E54 A76 1988Farmworkers in England and WalesArmstrong, AlanIowa State University Press19889780813800028
0001284Z232.E8 A7Robert Estienne, Royal PrinterArmstrong, ElizabethCambridge University Press1954
0000396Z244 .A83Ink on PaperArnold, Edmund C.Harper & Row, New York1963
0000921 Unpublished Letters of William Morris - Labour Monthly Pamphlet: 1951 No 6Arnot, R. Page (ed.)The Trinity Trust Ltd
0001078Z232.C787 .A7 2012Do You Want It Good Or Do You Want It Tuesday ?Artmonsky, RuthArtmonsky Arts[2012]
0001079HF5813.G7 A78 2014Moving the Hearts and Minds of MenArtmonsky, Ruth
0001401Z222.N52 C5A History of the Canterbury Master Printers' Association, 1889-1989Arts, A. E. JPrinting Industries Association of Canterbury1989
0000461 Landfall 210: 'the mouth of beasts'Ascroft, Nick (ed.)Otago University Press20059781877276897
0000749PR972 .A7 1970bChap-books of the Eighteenth CenturyAshton, JohnSeven Dials Press Ltd19699780851290300
0001086DA685.B65 A84 2012Victorian BloomsburyAshton, RosemaryYale University Press20129780300154474
0001372HC255 .A8The Industrial Revolution, 1760-1830Ashton, T. SOxford University Press1948
0000147Z253 .A85Operation And Mechanism Of The Linotype And IntertypeAshworth, JackStaples Press1955
0000498Z244 .A87Art and Practice of Printing, The (6 vols)Atkins, WilliamSir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd1933
0000602Z244 .A87Art and Practice of Printing, The (6 vols)Atkins, WilliamSit Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd1932
0000004Z244 .A87The Art and Practice of PrintingAtkins, WilliamSir. I. Pitman & sons, ltd1932-3
0000031PN6271 .F32 1970The Faber Book of AphorismsAuden, W.H.;Kronenberger, Louis (ed.)Faber and Faber19709780571060139
0001346PA6156 .A9 1919Ausonius - Loeb Classical Library No 96Ausonius, Decimus MagnusHarvard University Press1919-1
0000236Z245 .A888Printers' ArithmeticAvis, F. C[1971]9780211268468
0000767Z250.A3 F7 1932Printing Metals, Their Production, Nature and UseAvis, F. CCapper Pass & Son Ltd1932
0000474Z245 .A95 1951A Primary Course in Printers' CostingAvis, F. C.F. C. Avis1951
0000411Z250.A2 P923Edward Philip Prince - Type PunchcutterAvis, F. C.F. C. Avis19679780571089659
0000768Z245 .A888Printers' ArithmeticAvis, F. C.The Leagrave Press Ltd1949
0000585Z245 .A89Printing Machine and Paper ProblemsAvis, F. C.F. C. Avis1950
0000124Z250 .A95Type Face ManualAvis, Frederick Compton1959
0001536PN5129.M33 G82 1971bGuardian; Biography of A NewspaperAyerst, DavidCollins19719780002113298

0000415Z232.S525 F7Frank Sidgewick's DiaryBaer, Ann (ed.)Blackwell for the Shakespeare Head Press19759780900659263
0000166HF5841 .B34 1978Street JewelleryBaglee, ChristopherNew Cavendish Books19789780904568165
0000816TT186 .B27 2001Routing - A Workshop HandbookBailey, AnthonyGuild of Master Craftsman Publications20019781861082077
0001161Z325.S53 B35 2021John SharpeBain, IainPrivate Libraries Association20219780900002496
0000052Z325 .B35 2005Penguin By DesignBaines, PhilAllen Lane20059780713998399
0000038Z250.A2 C372 1973William Caslon, 1693-1766Ball, JohnsonRoundwood Press19739780900093135
0001333QA95 .B2 1947Mathematical Recreations and EssaysBall, W. W. RouseMacmillan1947
0001103Z250.A2 B18 2013The Cambridge University Press Collection of Private Press TypesBalston, Thomas
0000424Z271 .B199 1993The Craft of BookbindingBanister, ManlyDover19939780486278520
0000715Z244.3 .B25 1986The print production handbookBann, DavidMacdonald1986, 9780356107882
0000771Z244.3 .B25 1986The Print Production HandbookBann, DavidMacdonald Illustrated19859780356107882
0001176Z792.U57 B37 1995Arks for LearningBarber, GilesOxford Bibliographical Society19959780901420510
0000739 The Sun Compendium for Users of Photo-process Engraving ... Compiled and edited by T. S. BarberBARBER, Thomas SSun Engraving Co1929
0000934 British Birds - K1Barclay-Smith, PhyllisThe King Penguin Books1939
0000940QL690.G7 B37Garden Birds - K19Barclay-Smith, PhyllisThe King Penguin Books1946
0000662HF5429.6.G8 B37 1998Victorian ShoppingBaren, MauriceMichael O'Mara19989781854793027
0000024Z250.A2 B15Stanley MorisonBarker, NicolasHarvard University Press19729780674834255
0000028Z250 .A2B16Stanley Morison, 1889-1967Barker, NicolasCowell19699780902304000
0000788PN1126 .B37 2016Visible VoicesBarker, NicolasCarcanet Press20169781847772121
0000499Z253 .B36Computer Typesetting - Experiments and ProspectsBarnett, Michael P.The M.I.T. Press1965
0000775Z232.M3 B19 1991Aldus and his Dream BookBarolini, HelenItalica Press19929780934977227
0001281Z232.O33 B34The Officina BodoniBarr, JohnThe British Library19789780714103983
0000718PN5129.L A Farewell to Fleet StreetBarson, Susie; Saint, AndrewHistoric Buildings and Monuments Commission for England in association with Allison & Busby19889780850319712
0000987Z246 .B3 2005Futurist Typography and the liberated textBartram, AlanBritish Library20059780712348867
0000631Z250 .B32Printing Types of the World Bastien, Alfred; Freshwater, G. J.Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd 1931
0000489QH81 .B33 1936Through the WoodsBates, H. E.Victor Gollancz Ltd1936
0000689Z123 .B33The Printing and Making of BooksBatey, CharlesOxford University Press1956,
0000690Z123 .B33The Printing and Making of BooksBatey, CharlesOxford University Press1954
0001366Z123 .B33The Printing and Making of BooksBatey, CharlesOxford University Press1956,
0000563PR5238 .B32 1981Christina Rossetti - A Divided LifeBattiscombe, GeorginaConstable & Company Ltd19819780094619500
0001122Z124 .B34 1994L'effet GutenbergBaudin, FernandEditions du Cercle de la Librairiec19949782765405559
0001645PA2107 .B4 1991Latin for All OccasionsBeard, Henry NAngus & Robertson19939781592400805
0001633DG231 .B43 2015SPQRBeard, Mary9780871404237
0000962D13 .B39 2007Writing Local HistoryBeckett, J. VManchester University Press2007
0000019NE1225 .B4 1921Wood EngravingBeedham, R. JohnFaber and Faber Limited1921
0000929NC1479 .B45 1943The Poets' Corner - K12Beerbohm, MaxThe King Penguin Books1943
0001278Z232 .B45Eye witness of an EraBell, Anthony1981
0001084DA685.B65 B45 1995Elders and BettersBell, QuentinMurray19959780719554346
0000508PR6045.O72 Z549Virginia Woolf - Vol 1Bell, QuentinThe Hogarth Press19669780701202910
0000509PR6045.O72 Z549Virginia Woolf - Vol 2Bell, QuentinThe Hogarth Press19669780701203719
0000705PR6003.E45 M7 1973A Moral AlphabetBelloc, HilaireDuckworth19739780715607503
0001177Z325.O94 B35 2003On the PressBelson, MickRobert Boyd Publications20039781899536696
0001428NC242.B3 Aubrey Beardsley, An Account of His LifeBenkovitz, Miriam JHamish Hamilton19819780241103821
0000965HD8390 .B848 1981The British Worker - Photographs of Working Life 1839-1939Bennet, Nicola (ed.)Arts Council of Great Britain19819780728702806
0001153Z331.86 B46 2021The Dublin Book Trade 1801-1850Benson, CharlesThe Bibliographcal Society20219780948170256
0001113ML1092 Electronic Synthesiser ProjectsBerry, M. KBabani19819780859340564
0000548 The Encylopaedia of Type FacesBerry, W. Turner; Johnson, A.F.;Jaspert, W. P. (ed.)Blandford Press1962
0000535Z250 .B5Encyclopaedia of Type FacesBerry, William Turner. [from old catalog]Blandford Press1953
0001092PR6003.E77 A6 1989John Betjeman's Collected PoemsBetjeman, JohnHodder & Stoughton19899780719519376
0000015Z116.A3 N29 2001The Art of the BookBettley, JamesV&A Publications20019781851773336
0000016NE1212.B5 A45 19621800 Woodcuts By Thomas Bewick and His SchoolBewick, ThomasDoverc1962
0000025N6797.B48 A2 1981My LifeBewick, ThomasFolio Society1981
0000011Z250 .B57 1952An Approach to TypeBiggs, John RBlandford Press1961
0000698Z253.5 .B53 1973Basic TypographyBiggs, John RFaber19739780571085873
0000077NE1225 .B48 1963aThe Craft of WoodcutsBiggs, John RSterling Pub. Co[1963]
0001157Z244 .B58The Use of TypeBiggs, John RBlandford Press1954
0000577Z250 An Approach to TypeBiggs, John R.Blandford Press1961
0000538TR925 .B35Illustration and ReproductionBiggs, John R.Blandford Press1950
0000680Z117 .B59 1969A bibliography of printing, compiled by E.C. Bigmore and C.W.H. Wyman. Repr. [in facs.]Bigmore, Edward Clements1969
0001569DA355 .B65 1959The Reign of Elizabeth, 1558-1603Black, J. BClarendon Press1959
0001441Z232.C17 B58 1984Cambridge University Press, 1584-1984Black, MichaelCambridge University Press19849780521264730
0000168Z250.A2 B57 200420th Century TypeBlackwell, LewisLaurence King20049781856693516
0001010Z232.C38 B6 1971bThe Biography and Typography of William Caxton, England's First PrinterBlades, WilliamMuller19719780584109160
0000844Z329.S79 B5The Stationers' Company - A History 1403-1959Blagden, CyprianAllen and Unwin1960
0000183Z232.C38 B635 1976Caxton: England's First PublisherBlake, N. F.Osprey19769780850451061
0001253Z250 .C344Type specimensBlake, StephensonThe Caslon Letter Foundry Sheffield1953
0000302NE1217.B6 K4The Illustrations of William Blake for Thornton's VirgilBlake, WilliamNonesuch Press1937
0000950PR4146 .B67 1954William BlakeBlake, WilliamPenguin Books1958
0001547Z256 .B53Printing From Type On High-speed PlatensBlaker, W. A. JT. C. Thompson & Son Ltd1957
0001546Z256 .B53Printing in Colour On High-speed PlatensBlaker, W. A. JT. C. Thompson & Son Ltd1957
0000622NC960 .B62 1958aA History of Book IllustrationBland, DavidFaber and Faber Limited1958
0000617Z1023 .B63 1962The Illustration of BooksBland, DavidFaber and Faber1962
0000709Z232.M887 B55Some Aspects of Seventeenth Century English Printing With Special Reference to Joseph MoxonBliss, Carey SWilliam Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California1965
0000822PR2638 .C4A Celebration of Ben JonsonBlissett, William;Patrick, Julian; Van Fossen, R.W. (ed.)University of Toronto Press1973
0001511Z325 .T24Keats's PublisherBlunden, E. CJ. Cape[1936]
0000510N8375.C6 B55 1964aCockerell - A Life of Sydney Carlyle Cockerell {1867-1962}Blunt, WilfredAlfred A Knopf1965
0000530 Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 21 2014Bolton, Claire (ed.)Printing Historical Society20149770079532009
0000781Z232.Z18 B65 2016The Fifteenth-Century Practices of Johann Zainer, ULM, 1473-1478Bolton, ClaireThe Oxford Bibliographical Society20169780901420596
0001299Z232.Z18 B65 2016The Fifteenth-Century Practices of Johann Zainer, ULM, 1473-1478Bolton, ClaireThe Oxford Bibliographical Society20169780901420596
0001666Z232.Z18 B65 2016The Fifteenth-century Printing Practices of Johann Zainer, Ulm, 1473-1478Bolton, Claire9780901420596
0000996PR728.M4 B6English MelodramaBooth, Michael RH. Jenkins[1965]
0001195HT133 .B65 1991The English Urban RenaissanceBorsay, PeterClarendon Press
0000106PN5129.L62 B67 1990The Essential Fleet StreetBoston, RayBlandford19909780713721362
0001437D810.E5 B68BirkbeckBourke, Joanna9780192846631
0000780PN5114 .B7English Newspapers: Chapters in the history of journalism 2 volumesBourne, FoxChatto & Windus1887
0001393HC254 .B55 1965Industrial Society in England Towards the End of the Eighteenth CenturyBowden, WittThe Macmillan Company1925
0000470 Printing Theory and Practice - No 03 - Mechanical TypesettingBower, W. M.;Mitchell, C.; Pheby, E.; Waite, H. E.Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd1947
0001638Z1008.V55 1960Studies in Bibliography - Vol 13Bowers, Fredson (ed.)The Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia1960
0001637Z1008.V55 1969Studies in Bibliography - Vol 22Bowers, Fredson (ed.)The Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia1969
0001670Z1008.V55 1980Studies in Bibliography - Vol 33Bowers, Fredson (ed.)The Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia1980
0001677Z1008.V55 1992Studies in Bibliography - Vol 45Bowers, Fredson (ed.)The Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia1992
0001680Z1001 .B78Principles of Bibliographical DescriptionBowers, Fredson ThayerSt. Paul's Bibliographies19869780906795378
0000162NE628.2 .C36Catchpenny PrintsBowles & CarverDover Publications, Inc20119780486225692
0000040PE1075 .B66 2003The Adventure of EnglishBragg, MelvynHodder & Stoughton20039780340829912
0001124PR868.P68 B73 1998The Reading LessonBrantlinger, PatrickIndiana University Pressc19989780253212498
0001058TJ1218 .B79Basic Lathework (Workshop Practice): 45Bray, StanSpecial Interest Model20109781854862617
0001411NE1143 .E54 2013An Engraver's ProgressBrett, SimonOblong Creative20139780957599208
0000390NE1143 .B87 1987EngraversBrett, SimonSilent Books19879781851830039
0000810NE1143 .B74 1987Engravers - A Handbook For the NinetiesBrett, SimonSilent Books19879781851830039
0000401NE1225 .B74Wood EngravingBrett, SimonA. & C. Black Publishers Ltd20109781408127261
0000809NE1225 .B74Wood EngravingBrett, SimonA. & C. Black20009781408127261
0000092Z244 .B74An Approach To Print: A Basic Guide To The Printing ProcessesBrewer, RoyBlandford Press19719780713705317
0000119Z250.A2 G53 1973bEric Gill; The Man Who Loved LettersBrewer, RoyF. Muller19739780584103519
0000564NE863 .B7 1983Printing with Wood Blocks, Stencils & EngravingsBridgewater, Alan & GillDavid & Charles19839780715383094
0000288Z325.L66 B75 2008A History of Longmans and Their Books 1724-1990: Longevity in PublishingBriggs, AsaBritish Library / Oak Knoll Press20089780712348737
0000335Z280 .E8Essays in the History of PublishingBriggs, Asa (ed.)Longman19749780582365216
0001388HT133 B85Victorian CitiesBriggs, AsaOdhams Press[c1963
0000053Z246 .B74 2002The Elements of Typographic StyleBringhurst, RobertHartley & Marks, Publishersc20049780881791327
0001679Z286.S4 B76 1984The Lamp of LearningBrock, William HTaylor & Francis[1984]9780850662535
0001620TR1010 .B76 1983Browns Index to Photocomposition TypographyBrown, BruceGreenwood Pub.,[1983]9780946824007
0000546NE1334.G7 B76 2012An Alphabet of LondonBrown, ChristopherMerrell Publishers Limited20129781858945736
0000600NE1334.G7 B76 2012An Alphabet of LondonBrown, ChristopherMerrell Publishers Ltd20129781858945736
0000898PN5117 .B76 1985Victorian News and NewspapersBrown, LucyClarendon Press19859780198226246
0000998PN5117 .B76 1985Victorian News and NewspapersBrown, LucyClarendon Press19859780198226246
0001660NC977 .B827 2005Early Victorian Illustrated BooksBuchanan-Brown, JohnBritish Library20059780712347945
0000515NE2130 .W7Etching & EngravingBuckland-Wright, JohnThe Studio Publications1953
0000192TR970 .B8Photo-engravingBull, A. JE. Arnold & co1934
0001066Z120.N543 B8The Story of the National Union of Printing, Bookbinding and Paper WorkersBundock, Clement JPrinted at the University Press1959
0000495Z258 .B87 1983Colour Printing and Colour PrintersBurgh, R. M.Paul Harris Publishing19839780862280123
0000700Z244.3 .B95Printing itBurke, CliffordBallantine Books[1972]9780345026941
0000834P40 .S544 1987The Social History of LanguageBurke, Peter (ed.)Cambridge University Press19879780901420091
0000976Z244 .P95Printing Theory and Practice - No 09 - Printing InksBurns, R.Sit Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd1946
0000050TR330 .B95Practical Guide to Photographic & Photo-mechanical PrintingBurton, W. KMarion and Co1892
0000334PN162 .B8Copy-EditingButcher, JudithCambridge University Press19759780521205504
0000754PN162 .B8Copy-EditingButcher, JudithCambridge University Press19759780521205504
0001336PR4353 .M35Selected PoetryByron, George Gordon ByronOxford University Press20089780199538782

0000506NC1002.L63 C33 2004Logo Font & Lettering BibleCabarga, LeslieDavid & Charles20049780715316993
0001554PA6156 .C19 2014Caesar - The Gallic War - Loeb Classical Library No 72Caesar, JuliusHarvard University Press20149780674990807
0001627PA6156 .C18 2006Casar II - The Civil Wars - Loeb Classical Library No. 39Caesar, JuliusHeinemann19149780674990432
0001628PA6156 .C347 2014Caesar III - Alexandrian War; African War ; Spanish War - Loeb Classical Library No 402Caesar, JuliusHarvard University Press20149780674994430
0001056TJ1225 .C85Milling Operations in the Lathe (Workshop Practice): 5Cain, TubalArgus Booksc19849780852428405
0001059TJ1218 .C85Workholding in the Lathe (Workshop Practice): 13Cain, TubalArgus19879780852429082
0001577PA6156 .A2 1934Minor Latin Poets - Loeb Classical Library No 116Calpurnius Siculus; Aetna; Laus Pisonis; Publilius Syrus; GrattiusHarvard University Press1934
0000846Z278 .C35 2014The Bookshop BookCampbell, Jen9781472116666
0001351Z253 .C295 2011The Compositor in LondonCannon, Isidore CyrilSt Bride Library20119780950416175
0000485Z325.M9 C37 2008The Seven Lives of John Murray - The story of a Publishing DynastyCarpenter, HumphreyJohn Murray20089780719565328
0001650PZ90.L3 D6Ludovici Carroll Alicia in Terra MirabiliCarroll, LewisMacmillan[c1964
0001649PZ90.L3 D63Ludovici Carroll Fabella Lepida in Qua Aliud Aliciae Somniurn NarravitCarroll, LewisNovi Eboraci1966
0000717Z250.A2 C36A view of early typography up to about 1600Carter, Harry GrahamClarendon Press19699780198181378
0000744NE1217.J4 C3Orlando JewittCarter, Harry GrahamOxford University Press1962
0000030Z1006 .C37 1952ABC for Book CollectorsCarter, JohnHart-Davis1952
0001136 Parenthesis 40 - Spring 2021Carter, Sebastian (ed.)FPBA
0000070Z250.A2 C364 2002Twentieth Century Type DesignersCarter, SebastianLund Humphries20029780853318514
0000743TR970 .C36 1962Ilford Graphic Arts Manual Vol 1. PhotoengravingCartwright, H. M.Ilford Ltd1961
0000402NE490 .C39Prints of the Twentieth Century: A HistoryCastleman, RivaThames & Hudson19769780500201527
0000757PN5123.C3 A3My Life's PilgrimageCatling, ThomasJohn Murray1911
0001556PA6164 .C38 1988Catullus, Tibullus, and Pervigilium Veneris - Loeb - No 6Catullus, Gaius ValeriusHarvard University Press19889780674990074
0000692PN1031 .S75 1946Illusion and RealityCaudwell, ChristopherLawrence & Wishart[1946]
0001180Z1033.F5 C38 2001Fine Printing and Private PressesCave, RoderickBritish Library20010-7123-6394-7
0000490Z232.G63 C38 2002A History of the Golden Cockerel Press - 1920-1960Cave, Roderick; Manson, SarahThe British Library & Oak Knoll Press20029780712347785
0001096Z271.3.M37 C48 1986The Practical Guide to Marbling PaperChambers, AnneThames and Hudson1986
0001173PR2893 .C5Sources for A Biography of ShakespeareChambers, E. KClarendon Press1946
0000730TR925 .C4Camera and process workChambers, EricErnest Benn1964
0000948PR6023.A66 Z64 1986An Enormous Yes in Memorium Philip LarkinChambers, Harry (ed.)Peterloo Poets1986
0000445TA660.J64 C48 2002Classic Joints with Power ToolsChan, YeungLark Books20029781579902797
0000951HJ5404.Z7 C48 1981The Newspaper & Almanac Stamps of Great Britain & IrelandChandley, john H.; Dagnall, H.G.B. Philatelic Publications Ltd.19819780907630005
0000054Z124 .C47 1999A Short History of the Printed WordChappell, WarrenHartley & Marks Publishersc19999780881791549
0001038D16 .C438 1993Cultural HistoryChartier, RogerPolity19939780745613239
0000783PR1850 1985The William Morris Kelmscott ChaucerChaucer, GeoffreyOmega Books19859781850070825
0001106Z250.6.M3 C5The Printing of MathematicsChaundy, T. WOxford University Press1954
0000179Z246 .C44 2005Designing TypeCheng, KarenYale University Press20069780300111507
0000632Z8.G7 C46 1997Towards Today's BookChick, Arthur Farrand Press 19979781850830429
0001115TK7881 .C48 1979Electronics in IndustryChute, George MMcGraw-Hill, Gregg Division19799780070109346
0001280Z232.B66 C53, B64Bodoni MuseumCiavarella, AngeloArtegrafica Silva1988
0001653PA6156.C5 .C534 1958Cicero - Pro Sestio and In Vatinium - Loeb Classical Library No 309Cicero, M. Ts.n.]9780674993419
0001619PA6296 .C2x 1923Cicero - De Senectute, De Amicitia, De Divinatione - Loeb No. 154Cicero, Marcus TulliusHarvard University Press19239780674991705
0001674PA6296 .D8 1928De Re Publica. De LegibusCicero, Marcus TulliusHarvard University Press19889780674992351
0001583PA6279.A4 M33Cicero X - In Catilinam I-IV - Pro Murena - Pro Sulla - Pro Flacco - Loeb 324Cicero, Marcus Tullius9780674993587
0001629PA6156.C5 A4 1923Cicero IX -Pro Archia Poeta etc. Loeb Classical Library No 158Cicero, Marcus TulliusHarvard University Press1923
0000341 1268 Old-Time Cuts and OrnamentsCirker, Blanche (ed.)Dover Publications20069780486997810
0001240Z124 .C6A Chronology of PrintingClair, Colin Cassell19699780304933792
0000150Z124 .C614A History of European PrintingClair, ColinAcademic Press19769780121748500
0000085Z151 .C55 1965A History of Printing in Britain Clair, ColinCassell1965
0000086Z232.P71 C55Christopher Plantin Clair, ColinCassell1960
0000652TS1105 .C65Modern paper-makingClapperton, Robert Henderson; Henderson, WilliamB. Blackwell1941
0001571DA435 .C55 1961The Later Stuarts, 1660-1714Clark, G. NClarendon Press[1961]
0001587DA482.W2 Lefty Lewis and the WaldegravesClarke, StephenThe Book Collector20229781739912017
0000906Z232.S9 C58 2011The Strawberry Hill Press and Its Printing HouseClarke, StephenYale University Press20119780300170405
0001144PR4496 .C57 1991The Secret Life of Wilkie CollinsClarke, William MI.R. Deec1991
0001062TJ1222 .C58 1984Screwcutting in the Lathe (Workshop Practice): 3Cleeve, MartinArgus Books19849780852428382
0000639TR925 .C59 1951Ilford Manual of Process WorkClerc, Louis PhilippeIlford1951
0000153Z244 .C5A Guide To Printing, An Introduction For Print BuyersClowes, William BeaufoyHeinemann1963
0001186TP949 .C65A History of Coates Brothers & Company Limited, 1877-1977Coates, J. B. MEva Svensson Westerham Press1977
0000593Z271 .C66 1937Bookbinding and the Care of BooksCockerell, DouglasSir Isaac Pitman & Sons1937
0001077PN6081 .C548 1980The Penguin Dictionary of Modern QuotationsCohen, J. MAllen Lane19809780713910926
0000317QK306 .C64 2007Out of the WoodsCohu, WillShort Books20079781904977834
0001384HC255 .C623 1992Myth, History, and the Industrial RevolutionColeman, Donald CuthbertHambledon Press1992
0001330PR2976 .C54Coleridge's Essays and Lectures On Shakespeare & Some Other Old Poets & DramatistsColeridge, Samuel Taylor[1907]
0000798Z657 .C69History of the Taxes On KnowledgeCollet, Collet DobsonT. F. Unwin1899
0001377DA145 .C58 1959Roman BritainCollingwood, R. GThe Clarendon press1959
0001306Z271 .C69 1948Book Crafts for JuniorsCollins, Arthur FrederickDryad Press[1948]
0000059Z254 .C76 1946Authors' & Printers' DictionaryCollins, F. HowardOxford University Press1946
0000615Z254 .C76 1946Authors' & Printers' DictionaryCollins, F. HowardOxford University Press1953
0001499Z695.9 .C64 1962aIndexing BooksCollison, Robert LErnest Benn Ltd1962
0000076NC978.5.N384 A4 1986John NashColvin, ClareMinoriesc19869780948252013
0000536NC978.5 A4 1986John Nash - Book DesignsColvin, ClareThe Minories19869780948252013
0001352Z269 .C65Books for the MillionsComparato, Frank EStackpole Co[1971]9780811702638
0000855Z249 .C65Chronicles of Genius and FollyComparato, Frank E.Labyrinthos1979
0001471PR5221.R35 Reynolds ReimaginedConary, Jennifer; Shannon, Mary (ed.)9781003152521
0001310PR3361 .M395 2011The Works of William Congreve / |c Edited in Three Volumes By D.F. McKenzie ; Prepared for Publication By C.YCongreve, William, |d 1670-17299780199297467
0001311PR3361 .M395 2011The Works of William Congreve / |c Edited in Three Volumes By D.F. McKenzie ; Prepared for Publication By C.YCongreve, William, |d 1670-1729Oxford University Press20119780199297474
0001312PR3361 .M395 2011The Works of William Congreve / |c Edited in Three Volumes By D.F. McKenzie ; Prepared for Publication By C.YCongreve, William, |d 1670-1729Oxford University Press20119780198118848
0001510NC973 .C66 2009Faber and Faber Connolly, Joseph9780571240012
0000330 New Poems 1953 A PEN AnthologyConquest, Robert; Hamburger, Michael; Sergeant, Howard (ed.)Michael Joseph1953
0001039DA530 .C8 1999The Longman Companion to Britain in the Nineteenth Century, 1815-1914Cook, ChrisLongman1999
0000412Z240.A1 COO 2013Incunabula in the Westminster Abbey and Westminster School LibrariesCook, Christopher D.The Bibliographical Society20139780948170239
0000611NC978 .C64 2010Illustrated Periodicals of the 1860s - Contexts & CollaborationsCooke, SimonPrivate Libraries Association20109780712350952
0000455 Landfall 216: UtopiasCorballis, Tim (ed.)Otago University Press20099781877372957
0001259Z116 .C7A printer and his worldCorrigan, Andrew J.Faber and Faber Ltd.1944
0000272 A Book of Typefaces, Rules and OrnamentsCourier Printing and Publishing Co LtdCourier Printing and Publishing Co Ltd1967
0000935 The Dirverting History of John Gilpin - K70Cowper, WilliamThe King Penguin Books1953
0000605Z271 .C88Bookbinding for AmateursCrane, W. J. E.L. Upcott Gill1885
0000260Z1023 .C89 1896Of the Decorative Illustration of Books Old and NewCrane, WalterSenate18969781859580592
0000619Z1023 .C89 1901Von der Dekorativen Illustration des Buches in Alter und Neuer ZeitCrane, WalterHermann Seemann Nachfolger1901
0000285NE1147.6.C A55 1974Quaint Cuts in the Chap Book StyleCrawhill, JosephDover Publications Inc19749780484230209
0001148DA683 .C95 2012Violent VictoriansCrone, RosalindManchester University Press20129780719086847
0000801HC258.L7 .C94East London IndustriesCrory, William Glenny1876
0001131TS1105 .C7 1936A Text-book of Paper-makingCross, C. FE. & F. N. Spon, ltd1936
0001453DA565.C9 A2Reminiscences of Thirty-five Years of My LifeCrowe, Joseph ArcherJ. Murray1895
0000791DA550 .C7Roaring Century, 1846-1946Cruikshank, R. JH. Hamilton[1946]
0001147PR461 .C7 1935bThe Victorians and Their BooksCruse, AmyGeorge Allen & Unwin[1935]
0000687Z232.C17 C697To Be a PrinterCrutchley, BrookeBodley Head19809780370303048
0001243Z232.C17 C697To Be a PrinterCrutchley, BrookeBodley Head19809780370303048
0001175PE1075 .C798 2012The Story of English in 100 WordsCrystal, DavidProfile20119781846684272
0000068NC973 .C8Designing A Book JacketCurl, PeterStudio Publications[1956]
0000258Z257 .C8 1963Processes of Graphic Reproduction in PrintingCurwen, HaroldFaber & Faber Ltd1963
0000728Z257 .C8 1967Processes of Graphic Reproduction in PrintingCurwen, HaroldFaber1966
0001201Z257 .C8 1967Processes of Graphic Reproduction in PrintingCurwen, HaroldFaber1966

0000842HJ5404 .D34x 1994Creating a Good Impression Dagnall, HHMSO19949780116414182
0000841HJ2601 .D34 1998The Taxation of Paper in Great Britain 1643-1861Dagnall, HPublished by the author in collaboration with The British Association of Paper Historians19989780951549773
0000677Z246 .D23 1967Design with TypeDair, CarlUniversity of Toronto Press1967
0001182Z232.Y44 D3Printers' Pride, the House of Yelf At Newport, Isle of Wight, 1816-1966Daish, Alfred NewmanYelf Bros1967
0001520NE1147.6.D3 A4 1978The Brothers DalzielDalziel, GeorgeBatsford19789780713415308
0000719PR871 .D3Popular Fiction 100 Years AgoDalziel, MargaretCohen & West1957
0000786Z325 The Bankcrupt BooksellerDarling, Will. Y.Robert Grant & Son Ltd1960
0001040Z116.A2 D37 2009The Case for BooksDarnton, RobertPublicAffairs20099781586488260
0000908HF5813.G7 D3 1930aThe Dickens AdvertiserDarwin, BernardElkin Matthews & Marrot1930
0001570DA390 .D3 1949The Early Stuarts, 1603-1660Davies, GodfreyClarendon Press[1949]
0000974Z244 .P95Printing Theory and Practice - No 25 - Paper for PrintersDawe, E. A.Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd1947
0000638TS1105 .D35Paper converting and usageDay, Frederick TTrade Journals1954
0000785TS1085 .D3An A.B.C. Index of Papers. Trade Terms, Names, Qualities, Weights, Sizes, Finishes, Testing, Choice Etc. Etc. Day, Frederick T.Trade Journals Ltd1959
0000347TS1105 .D33Paper and Printing ManualDay, Frederick T.Trade Journals Ltd1950
0000507Z116.A2 D3913 1966Book Typography 1815-1965 in Europe and the United States of AmericaDay, KennethErnest Benn Ltd1966
0000095HF5825 .D3 1956The Typography of Press AdvertisementDay, KennethE. Benn1956
0000543NK3600 .D3 1914Lettering in OrnamentDay, Lewis F.B. T. Batsford Ltd1914
0000425Z250.5.S24 J66 2006Sans SerifDe Jong, Cees W.Thames & Hudson20069780500513118
0000721NE1143 .D45X 1981The Victorian Woodblock IllustratorsDe Maré, EricFraser19809780900406584

0000571HF5813.G7 V7Victorian Advertisementsde Vries, Leonard; Laver, JamesJohn Murray19689780719518386

0000287Z232.C38 .D43 1976A Biography of William CaxtonDeacon, RichardFrederick Muller Limited19769780584100228
0001373HC254.5 .D3 1965The First Industrial RevolutionDeane, PhyllisCambridge University Press19799780521226677
0000514TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 52 - 1958Delafons, Allan (ed.)Percy Lund, Humphries & Co. Ltd1958
0000123TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 53 - 1959Delafons, Allan (ed.)Lund Humphries1959
0000363TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 54 - 1960Delafons, Allan (ed.)Lund Humphries1960
0000129TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 55 - 1961Delafons, Allan (ed.)Lund Humphries1961
0000121TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 56 - 1962Delafons, Allan (ed.)Lund Humphries1962
0000152Z243.G7 D4The Structure Of The Printing IndustryDelafons, AllanMacdonald1965
0000320Z244.3 .D4PrintingDelgado, AlanA. Wheaton1969
0000309Z256 .D43Letterpress Machine ProblemsDeller, JackSir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd1963
0000239Z256 .D43Printers' RollersDeller, JackCharles Skilton Ltd1959
0000252Z256 .D43The Art of Letterpress MachiningDeller, JackPitman1951
0000854Z256 .D43The Art of Letterpress MachiningDeller, JackPitman1969
0000014NB1180 .D5 2004The Mouldmaker's HandbookDelpech, Jean-PierreA. & C. Black20049780713667707
0001101TL500 .N6 no. 33The Construction of Research FilmsDensham, D. H.Published by Pergamon Press1959
0000574PN5129.W35 D4Our Local Press - A short historical account of the newspapers of WalthamstowDesmond, R. G. C.Walthamstow Antiquarian Society1955
0000623Z992 .D541The Biblomania or Book MadnessDibdin, Thomas FrognallTiger of the Stripe19589781904799016
0000229DA679 .D54 1993Dickens's Dictionary of London 1888Dickens, CharlesOld House Books19939781873590041
0000774 Sketches by BosDickens, CharlesChapman & Hall
0001493Z231 D53The John Dicks PressDicks, Guy20059781411642850
0000357PR6007.I39 Z52The Ante-RoomDickson, LovatMacmillan & Co Ltd1959
0000358PR6007.I39 Z53 1963The House of WordsDickson, LovatMacmillan & Co Ltd1963
0001087CT787.G375 D558 2004A Profound SecretDimbleby, JoscelineDoubleday20049780385603232
0000452 Landfall 219: On MusicDireen, Bill (ed.)Otago University Press20109781877372988
0000668Z112 .D57The Hand-produced BookDiringer, DavidHutchinson's Scientific and Technical Publications[1953]
0000386HE2043 .D63 2011British Railway TicketsDobrzynski, JanShire Publications20119780747808442
0001589DA483.W2 D6 1927Horace WalpoleDobson, AustinH. Milford, Oxford universiy press1927
0001361NE1143.5.B4 D63 1884Thomas Bewick and His PupilsDobson, AustinChatto and Windus1884
0001615PR4606 .B7 1917A Bookman's BudgetDobson, Henry AustinH. Milford1917
0001111Z1003 .D68BooksDonaldson, GeraldVan Nostrand Reinholdc19819780442219017
0000776PR468.T48 D66 1992Author and Printer in Victorian EnglandDooley, Allan C.The University Press of Virginia19929780813914015
0000343PQ4329 .D625 1976The Doré Illustrations for Dante's Divine ComedyDoré, GustaveDover Publications19769780486232317
0000802DA683 .J56The London of Gustave DoréDoré, GustaveWordsworth19879781853269011
0000426Z232.T863 D68 2006Jan Tschichold, Designer - The Penguin YearsDoubleday, Richard B.Lund Humphries20069780853319467
0001178ML1092 .D6 1957The Electronic Musical Instrument ManualDouglas, AlanI. Pitman[1957]
0000575NE1227 .D6A Manual on Wood EngravingDoust, L. A.Frederick Warne & Co Ltd1948
0000379NE1330 .D6The Art of Lino CuttingDoust, L. A.Frederic Warne & Co. Ltd[1936]
0001459Z253 .D63Factors in the Choice of Type FacesDowding, Geoffrey1957
0000570Z124 Into Print - Selected Writings on Printing History, Typography and Book ProductionDreyfus, JohnThe British Library19949780712303439
0001537PL1171 .D7 1964Chinese CalligraphyDriscoll, LucyParagon Book Reprint Corp1964
0000862Z240 .D85Early Printed BooksDuff, E. GordonKegan Paul, Trench, Trèubner & Co1893
0001125Z250.A2 S58 2000The Skilled Compositor, 1850-1914Duffy, PatrickAshgate Pubc20009780754602552
0000804HX243.L42 D86James Leatham (1865-1945)Duncan, RobertAberdeen People's Press19789780906074039
0001172HX243.L42 D86James Leatham (1865-1945)Duncan, RobertAberdeen People's Press19789780906074039
0001659Z326 .D9 1984Pictures to PrintDyson, AnthonyFarrand Press9781850830016

0001505Z250.A2 E27 1991Rookledge's International Handbook of Type DesignersEason, RonSarema Press19919781870758093
0000613Z250.A2 E27 1991Rookledge's International Handbook of Type DesignersEason, Ron; Rookledge, SarahSarema Press19919781870758093
0000366Z276 .E3The Art of the BookEde, Charles, [from old catalog]The Studio Publications 1951
0001183DA688 .E3BloomsburyEdel, LeonLippincottc19799780397010431
0001362PR9634.92 .L363 2021Landfall 242 - Spring 2021Edmeades, Lynley (ed.)9781990048111
0001353PR9634.92 .L363 2022Landfall 243Edmeades, Lynley (ed.)9781990048371
0001528PR9634.92 .L363 2023Landfall 246 - Spring 2023Edmeades, Lynley (ed.)9781990048647
0000458 Landfall 213: RussiaEdmond, Jacob; O'Brien, Gregory; Pavlov, Eveny; Wedde, Ian (ed.)Otago University Press20079781877372926
0000453 Landfall 218: IslandsEggleton, David (ed.)Otago University Press20099781877372971
0000451 Landfall 220: Open HouseEggleton, David (ed.)Otago University Press20109781877372995
0000450 Landfall 221: Outside InEggleton, David (ed.)Otago University Press20119781877578403
0000449 Landfall 222: Christchurch and BeyondEggleton, David (ed.)Otago University Press20119781877578410
0000448 Landfall 223: Fantastic!Eggleton, David (ed.)Otago University Press20129781877578427
0000447 Landfall 224: Home & BuildingEggleton, David (ed.)Otago University Press20129781877578434
0000808 Landfall 225: My AucklandEggleton, David (ed.)Otago University Press20139781877578441
0000446 Landfall 226: Heaven and HellEggleton, David (ed.)Otago University Press20139781877578458
0000501PR9634.92 .L363 2014Landfall 227: Vital SignsEggleton, David (ed.)Otago University Press20149781877578465
0000544PR9634.92 .L363 2014Landfall 228: Spring 2014Eggleton, David (ed.)Otago University Press20149781877578472
0000598PR9634.92 .L363 2015Landfall 229: May 2015Eggleton, David (ed.)Otago University Press20159781877578908
0000784PR9634.92 Landfall 231: aotearoaEggleton, David (ed.)Otago University Press20169781927322239
0000943PR9634.92 Landfall 233 - 70th Anniversary IssueEggleton, David (ed.)Otago University Press20179780947522520
0001189PR9634.92 Landfall 234 - Spring 2017Eggleton, David (ed.)9781988531168
0001642PE1582.L3 Nil DesperandumEhrlich, EugeneR. Hale1986, 9780709026310
0001045Z325 .E45Some Patterns and Trends in British Publishing, 1800-1919Eliot, SimonBibliographical Society1994
0001433HF5813.G7 E41A History of English AdvertisingElliott, Blanche BeatriceBusiness Publications Limited in association with B. T. Batsford[c1962
0000572TP949 .E5Printing Inks. Their chemistry and technology. Ellis, CarletonReinhold Publishing Corporation1940
0001319PE1075 E46 1999The Routes of EnglishElmes, SimonBBC Education1999
0001320PE1075 .E46 1999The Routes of EnglishElmes, SimonBBC Education1999
0001321PE1075 .E46 1999The Routes of EnglishElmes, SimonBBC Education19999781901710243
0000964MLCM 2018/ Crime, Police, and Penal PolicyEmsley, Clive
0001398HV9960.E85 E57 2007Crime, Police, and Penal PolicyEmsley, CliveOxford University Press20071-281-16052-0
0000789NE1200 .E5 1985Dictionary of Victorian wood engraversEngen, Rodney KCambridge19859780859641395
0000670 U.K. Fine Press Book Fair 2009English, Toby (ed.)Fine Press Book Association2009
0001575DA560 .E6England, 1870-1914Ensor, R. C. KThe Clarendon press1936
0000318NC998 .E85 2007Graphic Design: A New HistoryEskilson, Stephen JLawrence King Publishing Ltd20079781856695123
0000723Z250.A2 E8TYPE for books and advertisingEttenberg, Eugene M.D. Vam Mostrand Company, Inc.1947
0000933NC1866.C5 E87 1947Compliments of the Season - K38Ettlinger, L.D. ; Holloway, R.G.The King Penguin Books1947
0000494PN4775 .E9 1974Editing and DesignEvans, HaroldHeinemann19749780434905522
0001063NC1479.C9 E83The Man Who Drew the Drunkard's DaughterEvans, HilaryF. Muller19789780584102598
0001375HD9831.9.D5 E8The Endless WebEvans, Joan

0001540PR878.S6 F3Proper Stations: Class in Victorian FictionFaber, RichardFaber and Faber Ltd19719780571095667
0001469Z325.F32 F334 2019Faber & FaberFaber, Toby9780571339044
0001254Z40 .F3 1949A book of scriptsFairbank, AlfredPenguin Books1949
0000952Z40 .F3 1952A Book of Scripts - K48Fairbank, AlfredThe King Penguin Books1952
0000207Z40 .F3 1952A Book of ScriptsFairbank, Alfred JPenguin Books1952
0000971NE1217.F3 A4Graven ImageFarleigh, JohnMacmillan & Co1940
0000640HF5825 .F2Advertisement production for newspapers and periodicalsFarmer, Courtney DouglasPitman[1950]
0001678Z325 .F42 1985The Provincial Book Trade in Eighteenth-century EnglandFeather, J. PCambridge University Press19859780521303347
0000209Z325 .F414 1991A History of British PublishingFeather, JohnRoutledge20009780415026543
0001256Z4 .F413 1990The coming of the book Febvre, Lucien and Martin, Henri-JeanVerso editions19849780860917977
0001123Z326 .F44 1986Modes of Production of Victorian NovelsFeltes, N. NUniversity of Chicago Press19869780226241173
0001060TJ1218 .F46The Mini-lathe (Workshop Practice): 43Fenner, DavidSpecial Interest Model Books20089781854862549
0000636 A Portfolio of Railway Notices 1825 - 1892Fenton, E W (ed.)The Holland Press1964
0000676Z244.A2 F45La Science Pratique de l'ImprimerieFertel, Martin-DominiqueGregg19719780576721516
0000554Z250 .F475Vincent Figgins Type SpecimensFiggins, VincentPrinting Historical Society1967
0001247Z250 .F475Vincent Figgins Type SpecimensFiggins, VincentPrinting Historical Society1967
0000969TR925 .P4Penrose AnnualFishenden, R. B. (ed.)Lund Humphries & co., ltd. [etc.]18-
0000968TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 40 - 1938Fishenden, R. B. (ed.)Lund Humphries & co., ltd. [etc.]18-
0000423TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 41 - 1939Fishenden, R. B. (ed.)Lund Humphries & Co Ltd1939
0000534TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 43 - 1949Fishenden, R. B. (ed.)Lund Humphries & Co. Ltd1949
0000599TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 44 - 1950Fishenden, R. B. (ed.)Lund Humphries & Co. Ltd1950
0000282TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 45 - 1951Fishenden, R. B. (ed.)Lund Humphries1951
0000361TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 46 - 1952Fishenden, R. B. (ed.)Lund Humphries1952
0000362TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 47 - 1953Fishenden, R. B. (ed.)Lund Humphries1953
0000421TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 48 - 1954Fishenden, R. B. (ed.)Lund Humphries1960
0001274TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 48 - 1954Fishenden, R. B. (ed.)Lund Humphries1960
0000283TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 49 - 1955Fishenden, R. B. (ed.)Lund Humphries1955
0000420TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 50 - 1956Fishenden, R. B. (ed.)Lund Humphries Ltd1956
0000133TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 51 - 1957Fishenden, R. B. (ed.)Lund Humphries1957
0001220TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 51 - 1957Fishenden, R. B. (ed.)Lund Humphries1957
0000338 Compendium for Printers and Buyers of Printing with special reference to Book ProductionFisher, A. Rigby (ed.)Hutchinson Printing Trust Limited1947
0000641Z244 .F58xPrinting Theory and Practice - No 13 - Transferring and ProofingFisher, R. ESir Isaac Pitman & Sons1961
0000967PR4569 .F5The History Of Pickwick: Characters Localities Allusions & IllustrationsFitzgerald, PercyChapman and Hall, Limited1891
0001532PR4149.B4 Z64 2019The Life and Loves of E. NesbitFitzsimons, EleanorDuckworth Books20199781419738975
0000110Z244.5 .F77Organisation and Management for Master PrintersForsaith, John WStaples Press1949
0000221NC1806.9 .F67 2006Masters of Poster DesignFoster, JohnRockport Publishers Inc20069781582534340
0000039PE1460 .F6 2002The King's EnglishFowler, H. WOxford University Press20029780198605072
0001315PE1460 .F6 1940The King's EnglishFowler, H. WOxford University Press1940
0001264PS745 .A2 1967Apology for printersFranklin, Benjamin[s.n.]1967
0000537Z231.5.P7 F7 1969bThe Private PressesFranklin, ColinStudio Vista Limited19699780289796207
0000502Z250.A3 Efficient RemeltingFry's Metal Foundries LtdFry's Metal Foundries Ltd1960
0000222Z250.A3 F7 1936Printing MetalsFry's Metal Foundries LtdFry's Metal Foundries Ltd1936
0001350Z250.A3 F7 1966Printing MetalsFry's Metal Foundries LtdFry's Metal Foundries Ltd1966
0000223 Efficient RemeltingFry's Metals LtdFry's Metals Ltd1960
0000555Z250 .F799 1828Specimen of Modern Printing Types by Edmund FryFry, EdmundPrinting Historical Society19869780900003080
0001162PN1042 .F79 2005eThe Ode Less TravelledFry, StephenArrow Books20059781407088433

0000471TR927 .G3 1950Modern Illustration ProcessesGamble, Charles W.Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd1950
0000725TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 11 - 1905-6Gamble, William (ed.)A. W. Penrose & Co Ltd1906
0000907TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 12 - 1906-7Gamble, William (ed.)A. W. Penrose & Co., Ltd.1907
0001152TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 17 - 1911-1912Gamble, William (ed.)Lund Humphries & co., Ltd. [etc.]18-
0001551TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 18 - 1912-1913Gamble, William (ed.)Lund Humphries & co., Ltd. [etc.]1913
0000909TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 19 - 1913-1914Gamble, William (ed.)Lund Humphries & co., ltd. [etc.]18-
0001621TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 19 - 1913-1914Gamble, William (ed.)Lund Humphries & co., Ltd. [etc.]1914
0001550TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 21 - 1916Gamble, William (ed.)Lund Humphries & co., ltd. [etc.]1916
0000994TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 22 - 1920Gamble, William (ed.)Percy Lund, Humphries & Co., Ltd.1920
0000269TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 23 - 1921Gamble, William (ed.)Percy Lund, Humphries & Co Ltd1921
0000275TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 24 - 1922Gamble, William (ed.)Lund, Humphries & Company Ltd1923
0000296TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 26 - 1924Gamble, William (ed.)Percy Lund Humphries & Co Ltd1924
0000303TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 27 - 1925Gamble, William (ed.)Percy Lund Humphries & Co Ltd1925
0000304TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 28 - 1926Gamble, William (ed.)Percy Lund Humphries & Co Ltd1926
0000565TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 29 - 1927Gamble, William (ed.)Percy Lund Humphries & Co Ltd1927
0000310TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 30 - 1928Gamble, William (ed.)Percy Lund Humphries & Co Ltd1928
0000238TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 31 - 1929Gamble, William (ed.)Percy Lund Humphries & Co Ltd1929
0000430TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 33 - 1931Gamble, William (ed.)Percy Lund Humphries & Co Ltd1931
0000297TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 34 - 1932Gamble, William (ed.)Percy Lund Humphries & Co Ltd1932
0000566TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 35 - 1933Gamble, William (ed.)Percy Lund Humphries & Co Ltd1933
0000407 Printing Theory and Practice - No 06 - Proof and Platen PressesGanderton, V. S.Ptiman1953
0000408 Printing Theory and Practice - No 07 - Cylinder PressesGanderton, V. S.Pitman1965
0000469 Printing Theory and Practice - No 08 - Mechanical FeedersGanderton, Vernon S.Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd1946
0000978Z244 P95Printing Theory and Practice - 10 - Miscellaneous Printing Processes, EtcGanderton, Vernon StanleyPitman1952
0000484NE1147.6.B B5 2003Bewick Studies - Essays in Celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the Birth of Thomas Bewick 1753-1828Gardner-Medwin, David (ed.)British Library20039780712348522
0000439ND467.5.P7 G37 2012Wives and Stunners - The Pre-Raphaelites and Their MusesGarnett, HenriettaMacmillan20129780230709409
0000034NE1143 .G37 1986A History of British Wood Engraving Garrett, AlbertBloomsbury Books19869780906223291
0000443NE1143 .G37 1978bA History of British Wood EngravingGarrett, AlbertMidas Books19789780859360777
0001083NE1143 .G37A History of Wood EngravingGarrett, AlbertBloomsbury Books19789780906223291
0000048NE1143.3 .G37British Wood Engraving of the 20th CenturyGarrett, AlbertScolar Press19809780859676045
0000219Z116.A2 G27A New Introduction to BibliographyGaskell, PhilipOxford University Press19729780198181507
0000897Z249 .G37x 1877The Printing Machine Manager's Complete Practical HandbookGaskill, Jackson1877
0000483PR935 .G38 2000City of Laughter - Sex and Satire in Eighteenth-Century LondonGatrell, VicWalker & Company, New York20009780802716024
0000812ND467.5.P7 G3 1943The Pre-Raphaelite DreamGaunt, WilliamThe Reprint Society1943
0000046P211 G28 1984A History of WritingGaur, AlbertineBritish Library19879780712301459
0000138QK41 .G3 1969Leaves From Gerard's Herball. Arranged For Garden LoversGerard, JohnDover Publications19699780486223438
0000918TL616 .G5BallooningGibbs-Smith, Charles HarvardPenguin Books1948
0000922NB497.G55 A28 1940AutobiographyGill, EricJonathan Cape1940
0000944NB497.G55 A28 1943AutobiographyGill, EricJ. Cape1943
0000253NB497.G55 A3 1940Autobiography - Eric GillGill, EricJonathan Cape1940
0000697NK3631.G54 H37 1978The letter forms and type designs of Eric GillGill, EricE. Svensson19799780903696074
0000136PQ2613.I57 H613 1989The Man Who Planted TreesGiono, JeanPeter Owen19899780720610215
0000557Z118 .G55 1960Glossary of the BookGlaister, Geoffrey AshallGeorge Allen And Unwin Ltd1960
0001237Z250.A2 G54 2001Printing type designsGlen, DuncanAkros Publications20019780861421107
0001241Z250.A2 G54 2001Printing type designsGlen, DuncanAkros Publications20019780861421107
0001099Z232.N57 G55History of the Government Printing OfficeGlue, W. AGovt. Print1966
0000963HV6944 .G63 2014Crime and Justice Since 1750Godfrey, Barry S9780415708562
0001399HV6944 .G63 2014Crime and Justice Since 1750Godfrey, Barry S9780415708562
0000516NE628 .G63Printmaking in BritainGodfrey, Richard T.Phaidon1978978071481830
0000256PR5083 .G6Warrior Bard - The Life of William MorrisGodwin, Edward & StephaniGeorge G. Harrap & Co Ltd1947
0001416Z249 .G54 1906Freidrich Koenig Und Die Erfindung Der Erfindung Der SchnillpresseGoebel, TheodorF. Krais1906
0000997DA485 .G52 1985The Civilisation of the CrowdGolby, J. MSchocken Books1985, 9780805239881
0000847NC978 .G668 2005Beyond Decoration - The Illustrations of John Everett MillaisGoldman, PaulBritish Libraryc20059780712347754
0000191Z1023 .G65 1994Victorian Illustrated Books 1850-1870Goldman, PaulPublished for the Trustees of the British Museum19949780714126005
0001507DG210 .G6 1835Pinnock's Improved Edition of Dr. Goldsmith's Abridgement of the History of RomeGoldsmith, OliverWhittaker & Co.1834
0000115TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 70 - 1977-78Goodacre, Clive (ed.)Northwood Publications19789780719825996
0000442TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 71 - 1979Goodacre, Clive (ed.)Northwood Publications1979
0000130TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 72 - 1980Goodacre, Clive (ed.)Northwood Publications19809780719826290
0000511TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 73 - 1981Goodacre, Clive (ed.)Northwood Publications19819780719826399
0000205TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 69 - 1976Goodacre, Clive; Greenwood, Stanley (ed.)Northwood Publications19769780719825491
0001225Z250.7 .G67 2001Making Digital Type Look GoodGordon, BobIlex Press Limited20019780500283134
0001285PN1009.A1 P52 1975bEarly Children's Books & Their IllustrationGottlieb, GeraldPierpont Morgan Library19759780875980515
0000380NK3600 .G68The Alphabet and Elements of LetteringGoudy, W. FredericBracken Books19899781851703272
0000114Z244.A2 G69 1881The Letter-press Printer: A Complete Guide To The Art of Printing ;Gould, JosephFarrington and Co1881
0000263Z232.W865 G68 1988The Ornamental Stock of Henry Woodfall 1719-1747Goulden, Richard J.Bibliographical Society19889780948170041
0000427NK3625.V53 F36 1984Fanciful Victorian InitialsGrafton, Carol Belanger (ed.)Dover Publications Inc19849780486246048
0000467Z471 .G7What Happens in Book PublishingGrannis, Chandler BColumbia University Press1957
0000348PR6025.O35 Z67 1967Harold Monro and the Poetry BookshopGrant, JoyRoutledge and Kegan Paul1967
0000576TS1109 .G77A Laboratory Handbook of Pulp and Paper ManufactureGrant, JuliusEdward Arnold & Co1942
0000491ND497.R8 G7 1947Rossetti, Dante & OurselvesGray, NicoletteFaber & Faber1947
0000782PR4577 .G7Pictorial PickwickianaGrego, JosephChapman and Hall1899
0000247PR1209 .G7Metaphysical Lyrics & Poems Of The Seventeenth Century : Donne To ButlerGrierson, Herbert John Clifford, SirClarendon Press1921
0001371HC253 .G75 2013Liberty's DawnGriffin, Emma
0000553NE400 .G74Prints and PrintmakingGriffiths, AntonyBritish Museum Publications19809780714107691
0001255TJ1160 .G7Pictorial guide to engineering workshop practiceGrisbrook, H. & Phillipson, C.Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd.19689787100147958
0000394Z278 .G778Publishers on PublishingGross, GeraldSecker & Warburg1961

0000116TR925 .H25 1924Commercial Engraving & Printing : A Manual Of Practical Instruction & Reference Covering Commercial Illustrating & PrintingHackleman, Charles WCommercial Engraving Publishing Company1924
0000713TR925 .H25 1924Commercial engraving and printingHackleman, Charles WCommercial Engraving Publishing Company1924
0000720PR1309.H6 The Penny Dreadful, or, Strange, horrid & sensational tales!Haining, Peter (ed.)Gollancz19759780575017795
0001194PS3558.A34 Q7Quadruped OctavesHall, H. GastonWalter Ritchiec1983
0001061TJ1218 .H35 2007Lathework (Workshop Practice): 34Hall, HaroldSpecial Interest Model20039781854862303
0001467TJ1225 .H35Milling - A Complete Course, No. 35.Hall, HaroldSpecial Interest Model Books20049781854862327
0001466TJ1225 .H35The Milling Machine and Accessories, No. 49.Hall, HaroldSpecial Interest Model Books20119781854862662
0001018Z124 .H215 1999TypeHaller, LynnNorth Light Booksc1999
0000991Z124 .H215 1999Type - The Creative EdgeHaller, LynnNorth Light Books19999780891349518
0000193Z271 .H18 1951Bookcraft And BookbindingHalliday, JSir Isaac Pitman & Sons1951
0001295Z232.T85 H35 2005Fifty Years of Hand-printingHalliwell, StevenRivendale Press2005
0000794NC242.D6 H3English Masters of Black and White - Richard DoyleHambourg, DariaArt and Technics Ltd1848
0000903JC328.3 .H35 1963James Mill and the Art of RevolutionHamburger, JosephYale University Press1963
0000664DU483.9.T4 H365 1973The Streets of TimaruHamilton, J. BSouth Canterbury Historical Society1975
0000244Z152.L8 H3Printing In London, From 1476 To Modern TimesHandover, P. MAllen & Unwin1960
0001611Z124 .H25 1966Typographia: An Historical Sketch of the Origin and Progress of the Art of PrintingHansard, Thomas CursonGregg P1966]
0000180NC1883.3.S H36 2005Classic Book Jackets : The Design Legacy of George SalterHansen, Thomas SPrinceton Architectural Press20059781568984919
0000914PN3451 .H3Tellers and ListenersHardy, BarbaraAthlone Press19759780485111538
0001539PR878.E46 H37 1985Forms of Feeling in Victorian FictionHardy, Barbara NathanOhio University Press19859780821408278
0000246PR4741 .G7A Choice of Thomas Hardy's PoemsHardy, ThomasMacmillan19699780353100091
0001327Z119.A1 A4Alphabet and Image No 2Harling, Robert (ed.)Art and Technics1946
0001325Z119.A1 A4Alphabet and Image No 3Harling, Robert (ed.)Art and Technics1946
0001324Z119.A1 A4Alphabet and Image No 4Harling, Robert (ed.)Art and Technics1947
0000132Z119.A1 A4Alphabet and Image No 5Harling, Robert (ed.)Shenval Press1948
0000113Z119.A1 A4Alphabet and Image No 6Harling, Robert (ed.)Shenval Press1946
0001326Z119.A1 A4Alphabet and Image No 7Harling, Robert (ed.)Art and Technics1948
0000400Z119.A1 A4Alphabet and Image No 8Harling, Robert (ed.)Art & Technics1948
0000741E2540 .H3 1912MetalographyHARRAP, CharlesRaithby, Lawrence & Co1912
0001296Z4 .H32A Book About BooksHarrison, FrederickJ. Murray[1943]
0001502NC997.A1 C65x 1927Posters and PublicityHarrison, JohnW. E. Rudge1927
0000606Z116.A2 H3Modern Book ProducctionHarrop, DorothyClive Bingley19689780851570105
0000259Z232.O98 H18 1966Charles Earl Stanhope and the Oxford University PressHart, HoracePrinting Historical Society1966
0000635NE962.H35 H37 1985Hands - A Pictorial Archive from Nineteenth-Century SourcesHarter, JimDover Publications Inc19859780486249599
0000610Z1023 .H387The History of the Illustrated Book - The Western TraditionHarthan, JohnThames and Hudson19819780500233160
0001287Z1023 .H387The History of the Illustrated Book - The Western TraditionHarthan, JohnThames and Hudson19819780500233160
0001439PR878.I4 H3 1970Victorian Novelists and Their IllustratorsHarvey, JohnSidgwick & Jackson1970
0000642NK1510 .H32A text-book of Elementary DesignHatton, Richard George1894
0001591Z232.S9 H2 1901Horace Walpole and the Strawberry Hill Press, 1757-1789Havens, Munson AldrichKirgate Press1901
0001538PN5123.M355 H3Radical Journalist: H. W. Massingham (1860-1924)Havighurst, Alfred FCambridge University Press[1974]9780521203555
0000733NC950 .H35Line drawing for reproductionHavinden, AshleyThe Studio Publications1941
0001383CS434 .H39 1992Criminal AncestorsHawkings, David TAlan Sutton19929780862998172
0001143TJ147 .H3The Book of Remarkable MachineryHawks, EllisonG.G. Harrap & company ltd[1928]
0000440N6767.5.P7 H39 2004Lizzie Sidall - The tradgedy of a Pre Raphaelite super modelHawksley, LucindaAndre Deutch20049780233002583
0000367NE885 .H4 1913Chats on Old PrintsHayden, ArthurT. Fisher Unwin1906
0000772TT180 .H386The Complete Book of WoodworkHayward, Charles, H.Evans Brothers Limited19559780356107882
0001151PR468.P57 H39 2004The Revolution in Popular LiteratureHaywood, IanCambridge University Press20049780521835466
0000291Z245 .H39 Office Organisation for PrintersHazell, W. HowardFederation of Master Printers1920
0001588Z232.S9 H25A Bibliography of the Strawberry Hill PressHazen, Allen TYale university press9780712905718
0000410TR1010 .H4A Manual for PhototypesettingHeath, L. G.; Faux, IanLithographic Training Services Ltd19789780906091036
0000262 The Heidelberg Printing Machines of the K Line Series - Master ManualHeidelberger Druckmaschinenen AktiengesellschaftHeidelberger Druckmaschinenen Aktiengesellschaft1959
0000957PN4709 .I6Inky Way Annual - Book IIHeighway, Arthur J. (ed.)World's Press News Publishing Co. Ltd. 1949
0000956PN4709 .I6Inky Way Annual, 1947-8Heighway, Arthur J.World's Press News Publishing Coy. Ltd1947
0001130Z250 .E295 2004The Education of A TypographerHeller, Steven (ed.)Allworth Pressc20049781581153484
0000230Z250.A2 H44 2007New Vintage Type - Classic Fonts for the Digital AgeHeller, Steven; Anderson, GailThames & Hudson20099780500241370
0000532 Vintage type and GraphicsHeller, Steven; Fili, LouiseAllworth Press20119781581158922
0000522Z232.C38 H455 2010William Caxton and early printing in EnglandHellinga, LotteBritish Library20109780712350884
0001378BR758 H46 1996Religion and Political Culture in Britain and IrelandHempton, David9780521479257
0000234PR5083 .H4 1967William Morris - his Life, Work and friendsHenderson, PhilipThames & Hudson1967
0001518NE1155.5.M3 A4 1980Frans Masereel, 1889-1972Herman, JosefJourneyman Press1980
0001397HD6055 H61Wives & Mothers in Victorian IndustryHewitt, MargaretGreenwood Press19759780837170787
0000867PN5117 .H48 2014The Dawn of the Cheap Press in Victorian BritainHewitt, MartinBloomsbury Academic20159781474243322
0000279Z254 .H4Style for Print and Proof-CorrectingHewitt, R. A.Blandford Press, London1957
0000089Z271 .H61 1935Bookbinding for SchoolsHewitt-Bates, J. S. (James Samuel),The Dryad Press1948
0001073DA533 .H52The Illustrated London News' Social History of Victorian BritainHibbert, ChristopherAngus and Robertson19759780207956577
0001648PA6519.A8 H55 2007Latin Love LessonsHiggins, CharlotteShort Books20079781906021139
0001657TS1105.H64 A Handbook of PapermakingHigham, Robert R. AOxford University Press1963
0000512ND2756.T9 H55 1990The Light of Early Italian PaintingHills, PaulVale University Press19909780300036176
0000043TS1095.G7 H55 1988Papermaking in Britain, 1488-1988Hills, Richard LeslieAthlone Press19889780485113464
0001047HCP260 .P6The Idea of PovertyHimmelfrabFaber & Faber19849780571121779
0000992PR973 .C8 1966Curiosities of Street LiteratureHindley, CharlesThe Broadsheet King1966
0000595NC960 .H53 1894A Handbook of IllustrationHinton, A. HorsleyDawbarn and Ward Limited1894
0001064NK3630.4.B67 H56 1977Borders Ad LibHinwood, Tony[s.p.]1985
0000278T49 .H6 1916Henley's Twentieth Century Home & Workshop FormulasHiscox, Gardner D.The Norman W. Henley Publishing Company1916
0000857ND497.F75 H63 2014Lucian FreudHoban, Phoebe20149780544114593
0000397Z256 .H68Handbook for PressmenHoch, Fred W.Fred W. Hoch Associates, Inc, New York1943
0000359Z325.G64 H63Gollancz - The Story of a Publishing House, 1928-1978Hodges, SheilaVictor Gollancz Ltd19789780575024472
0001533NC978 .H56 1982Image and TextHodnett, EdwardScolar Press19829780859676038
0001449DA566.4 .H537 2001Between Two WorldsHoggart, RichardAurum20019781854107824
0001119DA566.4 .H54 1992The Uses of LiteracyHoggart, RichardTransaction Publishersc19929780887388927
0000621Z43.42.J64 H65 2007Edward Johnston - Master CalligrapherHolliday, PeterThe British Library20079780712349277
0000165HF5811 .H65 1985The Art of AdvertisingHolme, BryanPeerage19859781850520467
0001404DS721 .N39Science and Civilisation in ChinaHolorenshaw, HenryUniversity Press1954-
0001184DA533 .H75 1997The World of William HoneHone, WilliamShelfmark[1997]
0001391HC258.B6 H79BirminghamHopkins, EricWeidenfeld & Nicholson19899780297794738
0001390HC258.B6 H79The Rise of the Manufacturing TownHopkins, EricSutton Publishing19989780750917827
0001297Z253 .H67 2006Chasing MonotypesHopkins, Richard L.Hill & Dale2006
0001290 The Tragic Saga of James W. Paige's Marvelous Typesetting MachineHopkins, Richard L.Hill & Dale Private Press and Typography2014
0001234Z126.5 .H67 2021Tolbert Lanston and the MonotypeHopkins, Richard L.University of Tampa Press20219781597321006
0001338PA6156.H6 A4 1932Horace - Satires, Epistles, and Ars Poetica - Loeb Classical Library No 194HoraceHarvard University Press1961
0000837 Bibliographia Lectures 1975 - 1988 by the recipients of the Marc Fitch Prize for BibliographyHorden, John (ed.)Leopard's Head Press19929780904920215
0000734TR970 .H65Photo-engraving PrimerHorgan, Stephen HAmerican Photographic Publishing Co1920
0001381HV9146 .H73 2010Young OffendersHorn, P. L. RAmberley2010
0000387NC997 .H58 1956Handbook of Early Advertising ArtHornung, Clarence P.Dover Publications Inc1956
0000666Z118 .H65The Printer's TermsHostettler, RudolfA. Redman1949
0000654P301.5.P86 H68 2013Shady Characters Houston, Keith Particular Books 20139781846146473
0000706Z151.5 .H837 1996The Victorian PrinterHudson, GrahamShire Publications Ltd19969780747803300
0001014NC1284.G7 H83 2008The Design & Printing of Ephemera in Britain & America, 1720-1920Hudson, Graham SBritish Library2008
0000961HC254.5 .H77 1992The Industrial RevolutionHudson, PatE. Arnold1992
0001389HC255 H88The Industrial RevolutionHudson, Pat9780713165319
0001222Z43 .H84 1995cStep by Step CalligraphyHufton, SusanPhoenix Illustrated1997
0001068NE485 .H86 1998Engraved On SteelHunnisett, BasilAshgatec1998
0000660TS1090 .H816 1978PapermakingHunter, DardDover Publications19789780486236193
0001121TS1090 .H816 1978PapermakingHunter, DardDover Publications1978, 9780486236193
0001052Z696.A4 Classification Made SimpleHunter, Eric JGowerc19889780566056055
0000290Z244 .H84Letterpress Composition and Machine-workHurst, C. AE. Benn[c1963
0000970TS230 .H87 1996Metal Casting - Appropriate technology in the small foundryHurst, SteveITGD Publishing19969781853391972
0001001LA631.7 .H8 1971Education in EvolutionHurt, J. SHart-Davis19719780246640413
0000527Z250.5.S4 H8A Manual of Script TypefacesHutchings, R. S.Cory, Adams & Mackay Ltd1965
0000524Z250 .H95The Western Heritage of Type DesignHutchings, R.S.Cory, Adams & Mackay Ltd1963
0000266Z244 .H8xModern Letterpress Printing Volume III Materials & Methods in the Machine RoomHutchings, RS; Skilton, CharlesCharles Skilton Ltd1954
0000526Z250 .H948 1965A Manual of Decorated TypefacesHutchings. R. S.Cory Adams & Mackay Ltd1965
0001249Z244 .H8TypographicsHutchins, MichaelStudio Vista/Reinhold Art1969978289368992
0000091Z250.A2 H84Fournier, The Compleat TypographerHutt, AllenFrederick Muller Ltd19729780584103502
0001227Z250.A2 H84Fournier, The Compleat TypographerHutt, AllenFrederick Muller Ltd19729780584103502
0000541PN5118 .H8 1967Newspaper DesignHutt, AllenOxford University Press19679780192129369

0000257Z232.B872 I85 1993William Bulmer, The Fine Printer in ContextIsaac, PeterBain & Williams19939781873359044
0000360PR5083 .N6William Davison's New Specimen of Cast-Metal Ornaments and Wood TypesIsaac, PeterPrinting Historical Society19909789000003099
0000727Z232.D25 I83 1990William Davison's new specimen of cast-metal ornaments and wood typesIsaac, Peter C. GPrinting Historical Societyc19909780900003097
0001244Z232.D25 I8William Davison of AlnwickIsaac, Peter C. G.Oxford University Press1968
0001671Z325 .H83 1999The Human Face of the Book TradeIsaac, Peter; McKay, Barry (ed.)St. Paul's Bibliographies19999781873040546
0000758Z249 .I73The Story of the Newspaper Printing PressIsaacs, George AlfredCo-operative printing society limited1931

0000441TT870.J3222 2014Cut and Fold Techniques for Promotional MaterialsJackson, PaulLaurence King Publishing20139781780670942
0001567DA245 .J3The Fifteenth Century, 1399-1485Jacob, E. FClarendon Press1961
0000708Z118 .J16A Pocket Dictionary of Publishing TermsJacob, HenryMacdonald and Jane's19769780354040167
0000300Z244 .J17PrintingJacobi, Charles T.George Bell and Sons1904
0000588Z116 .J16 1892Some Notes on Books and Printing - A Guide for Authors and OthersJacobi, Charles T.Chiswick Press1892
0000406Z244 .J168PrintingJacobi, Charles ThomasGeorge Bell and Sons1890
0000301Z116 .J16 1912Some Notes on Books and PrintingJacobi, Charles ThomasCharles Whittingham and Co.1912
0000212Z244 .J162The Printers' Handbook of Trade Recipes, HintsJacobi, Charles ThomasCharles Thomas Jacobi1905
0000032Z118 .J18 1969The Printers' VocabularyJacobi, Charles ThomasGale Research Co1888
0001527PL726.6 .J33 2015Writing Technology in Meiji JapanJacobowitz, Seth David9780674088412
0000591PR1143 .E5English Popular Literature 1819-1851James, LouisColumbia University Press19769780231041409
0000586PR878.L3 J3Fiction for the Working Man 1830-1850James, LouisOUP1963
0001044PR1143 .P7Print and the People 1819-1851James, LouisAllen Lane19769780713907780
0000607NC978 .J3English Book Illustration - K31James, PhilipThe King Penguin Books1947
0000989HF5770 .J363 1998Shelf Space - Modern Package Design, 1945 - 1965Jankowski, JerryChronicle Books20089780811817844
0000529ND497.H7 J37The Ingenious Mr HogarthJarrett, DerekMichael Joseph19769780718114893
0000013Z250 .J36 2001The Encyclopaedia of Type FacesJaspert, W. PincusCassell20019781841881393
0001465CD935 .J46Selected Writings of Sir Hilary JenkinsonJenkinson, HilaryAlan Sutton Publishing Ltd19809780904387520
0000120Z231 .J4Pioneers in PrintingJennett, SeaÌ?nRoutledge &. K. Paul1958
0000042Z116.A2 J47 1967The Making of BooksJennett, SeanFaber1967
0001445PR4825.J4 A6 1970The Best of Mr. PunchJerrold, DouglasUniversity of Tennessee Press19709780870491153
0001509Z250.A2 G375 2022Claude GaramontJimenès, Rémi9782867423116
0000399 Modern Composing Room EquipmentJohn Meerloo Co LtdJohn Meerloo Co Ltd1928
0000293PN160 .W5 1950The Manuscript - A Guide for its PreparationJohn Wiley & Sons, IncJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc1941
0000307PN160 .W5 1941The Manuscript - A Guide for its PreparationJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.John Wiley & Sons, Inc.1941
0001676Z124 .J64 1998The Nature of the BookJohns, AdrianUniversity of Chicago Press19989780226401225
0000005Z250.A2 J6 1959Type DesignsJohnson, A. FGrafton1959
0000517Z701 .J63 1978The Practical Guide to Book Repair and ConservationJohnson, Arthur W.Thames and Hudson19789780500014547
0000339NC242.M72 W54 1973Ornamentation & Illustrations from The Kelmscott ChaucerJohnson, Fridolf (ed.)Dover Publications19739780486229706
0000681Z124 .J66Typographia, or the Printers InstructorJohnson, J. W[s.n.]1824
0000157NC975 .C45 1990Children And Their WorldJohnson, Judy M. (ed.)Dover Publications19909780486264578
0000264Z250.A2 J63 2000Alphabets to Order - The Literature of Nineteenth-Century Typefounders' SpecimensJohnston, AlastairOak Knoll Press, The British Library20009780712347020
0000172NK3600 .J6Writing & Illuminating & LetteringJohnston, EdwardSir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd1906
0000542NK3600 .J6 1932Writing & Illuminating & LetteringJohnston, EdwardPitman1932
0001308Z43 .J776Formal Penmanship and Other PapersJohnston, EdwardHastings House19719780803822825
0001067NK3631.J63 J63 1976Edward JohnstonJohnston, PriscillaFaber and Faber1959
0001000PE1137 .J55 1946An English Pronouncing DictionaryJones, DanielJ. M. Dent & Sons1917
0000316PR1175 .N36 1996The Nations Favourite PoemsJones, Griff Rhys (ed.)BBC Books19969780563387824
0001508Z325.B83 Butterworths, History of A Publishing HouseJones, H. KayButterworths19809780406176066
0000100Z250.A2 Stanley Morison DisplayedJones, HerbertMuller19769780584103526
0000006Z253 .J77Type in ActionJones, HerbertSidgwick and Jackson[1938]
0001228Z253 .J77Type in ActionJones, HerbertSidgwick and Jackson1950
0001625Z1001 .J79Readings in Descriptive BibliographyJones, John BushKent State University Press[1974]9780873381536
0001355PA2095 .J66 2016Reading Latin: Text and VocabularyJones, P. VCambridge University Press19869781107618701
0001357PA2094.5 .J665 2018An Independent Study Guide to Reading LatinJones, Peter V9781107615601
0001356PA2095 .J66 2016Reading Latin: Grammar and ExercisesJones, Peter V9781107632264
0001110NE2347.6.J67 A2 2010Stanley Jones and the Curwen StudioJones, StanleyHerbert20109781408102862
0000281 Joyce & Co, Alphabetical Price ListJoyce & CoJoyce & Co (Printing Materials) Ltd1949
0000227 Display WorkJoyner, GeorgeThe Reliance Press1924
0000364Z244 .J89Fine PrintingJoyner, George1895
0000140PN162 .J8 1982Copyediting : A Practical GuideJudd, KarenHale19959780709053460
0001235Z252.5.R4 .J8LetterpressJury, DavidRotoVision SA200497828880467843
0001236Z252.5.R4 .J8LetterpressJury, DavidRotoVision SA20049782888931638

0000482Z253.M483 K34 2000Ottmar Mergenthaler - The Man and his MachineKahan, BasilOak Knoll Press20009781584560074
0000079Z244.3 .K19 1939Printing and the Allied TradesKarch, Robert RandolphPitman publishing corporation1939
0001188PR4830 .F39The Poetical Works of John KeatsKeats, JohnLondon19569780192541321
0001644PR4581 .K355 2023The Life and Lies of Charles DickensKelly, HelenaIcon Books20239781837731046
0000492Z250.A2 K4 1977American Wood Type: 1828-1900Kelly, Rob RoyDa Capo Press19779780306800597
0000657Z250 .W86 1977Wood Type AlphabetsKelly, Rob Roy (ed.)Dover Publications19779780486235332
0000800LC5256.G7 K4George BirkbeckKelly, ThomasLiverpool U.P1957
0001085PR6021.E712 Z463 2011A Boy at the Hogarth PressKennedy, Richard9781843914617
0000525Z118 .K35Dictionary of Printing Papermaking and BookbindingKenneison, W.C.; Spilman, A.J.B. G. Newnes1963
0001135 Prospect of LondonKersting, A.F.; Thorne, AnthonyBatsford
0001387HC254.5 K51Making Sense of the Industrial RevolutionKing, StevenManchester University Press20019780719050213
0000779Z330.6.Pe K57 2016Pennies, Profits and Poverty: A Biographical Directory of Wealth and Want in Bohemian Fleet StreetKirkpatrick, RobertCreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform20169781518690990
0001155Z250.5.W65 K58 2015Alan Kitching's A-Z of LetterpressKitching, Alan9781780674810
0000047Z250.A2 K54x 1991T & TKlein, ManfredArchitecture Design and Technology19919781854548481
0001094NC960 .K55 1970The Illustrated Book: Its Art and CraftKlemin, Dianadistributed by Crown[1970]
0001050TR1010 .K58How to Build A Basic Typesetting SystemKleper, Michael LGraphic Arts Research Center, Rochester Institute of Technology : available from Graphic Dimensionsc19799780899380025
0001521NK1535.K55 A52 1977Florid Victorian OrnamentKlimsch, Ferdinand KarlDover Publications19779780486234908
0001498Z244 .K71PrintingKnights, Charles CButterworth1932
0000724PN6080 .O95 1998The Oxford Book of 20th Century QuotationsKnowles, Elizabeth (ed.)Oxford University Press19989780198601036
0000155PN6080 .O955 1999The Oxford Dictionary Of Modern QuotationsKnowles, ElizabethOxford University Press19989780198601036
0000432Z253.4.T47 K58 1986Computers & Typesetting, Volume A: The TeXbookKnuth, Donald E.Addison-Wesley Professional19869780201134476
0000433Z253.4.T47 K58 1986Computers & Typesetting, Volume B: TeX: The ProgramKnuth, Donald E.Addison Wesley Professional19869780201134377
0000434Z250.8.M46 K58 1986Computers & Typesetting, Volume C: The Metafont BookKnuth, Donald E.Addison Wesley Professional19869780201134452
0000435Z250.8.M46 K58 1986Computers & Typesetting, Volume D: MetafontKnuth, Donald E.Addison Wesley Professional19869780201134384
0000497Z250.8.M46 K58 1986Computers & Typesetting, Volume E: Computer Modern TypefacesKnuth, Donald E.Addison Wesley Professionalc19869780201134469
0000437Z249.3 .K59 1999Digital TypographyKnuth, Donald E.Center for the Study of Language and Information19989781575860114
0001580QA76.6 .K64 1997The Art of Computer Programming Vol. 1Knuth, Donald ErvinAddison-Wesleyc19979780201896831
0001579QA76.6 .K64 1997The Art of Computer Programming Vol. 2Knuth, Donald ErvinAddison-Wesleyc19979780201896848
0001578QA76.6 .K64 1997The Art of Computer Programming Vol. 3Knuth, Donald ErvinAddison-Wesleyc19979780201896855
0001581QA76.6 .K64 1997The Art of Computer Programming Vol. 4AKnuth, Donald ErvinAddison-Wesleyc19979780201038040
0001582QA76.6 .K64 1997The Art of Computer Programming Vol. 4BKnuth, Donald ErvinAddison-Wesleyc19979780201038040
0001043PZ1 .F1815Fact Into FictionKovacevic, IvankaLeicester University Press19759780718511302
0000731Z252 .K94Historical treatises, abstracts & papers on stereotypingKubler, George A[Printed by J.J. Little and Ives Company]1936
0001623Z252 .K94 1936bHistorical Treatises, Abstracts & Papers On StereotypingKubler, George APrinted by Brooklyn Eagle Press1936

0000137Z244.3 .W28 1984Do-it-yourself Graphic DesignLaing, JohnEbury Press19849780852233108
0000007TS1105 .L36 2006Papermaking for PrintmakersLamb, ElspethA.&C. Black20069780713665871
0000196NE850 .L28Approaches To PrintingLancaster, JohnEvans Bros19749780237447014
0000342PZ8.L15 Cr12The Crimson Fairy BookLang, AndrewDover Publications19679780486217994
0000344PZ8.L15 Or12The Orange Fairy BookLang, AndrewDover Publications19069780486219097
0000346Z278 .L3The Practice of BooksellingLangdon-Davies, B. N.Phoenix House Ltd1951
0001138Z249 .L35 2004Printing Digital Type On the Hand-operated Flatbed Cylinder PressLange, GeraldChatwin Books20189781633980709
0001302Z253 L2745The Lanston Monotype Casting MachineLanston Monotype CorporationLanston Monotype Corporation1905
0000438Z253 .L27 1916The Monotype SystemLanston Monotype Machine Co.Lanston Monotype Machine Co.1916
0000480Z253 .L27 1916The Monotype System: A Book for Owners and OperatorsLanston Monotype Machine Co.Lanston Monotype Machine Co.1916
0000280Z253 .L298Compositor's Work in PrintingLarken, H. W.Staples Printers Limited1969
0000765Z253 .L298Compositor's Work in PrintingLarken, H. W.Staples1964
0000184PS586 .L23The New York Times Book of VerseLask, ThomasThe Macmillan Company1976
0000194PS586 .L23The New York Times Book Of VerseLask, ThomasMacmillan19709780025684508
0000927 Fashion and Fashion Plates 1800-1900 - K7Laver, JamesThe King Penguin Books1943
0001470TA481 .L39 2022Measuring and Marking Metals for Home MachinistsLaw, Ivan R9781497101937
0000217Z250 .L34 1990Anatomy of a TypefaceLawson, AlexanderDavid R Godine19909780879833334
0000763Z252.5.O5 L37Offset LithographyLawson, L. E.Vista Books, London1963
0001454PN5130.P8 L43 2010The Punch BrotherhoodLeary, PatrickThe British Library Board20109780712309233
0001171PR5083 L43William MorrisLeatham, JamesThoemmes19949781855062573
0000805PR5083 .L43 1994William Morris, Master of Many Crafts ... Third Edition. [With A Portrait.]Leatham, JamesClerkhill Press1908
0000901PR4581 .L43Dickens the NovelistLeavis, F. RChatto & Windus19709780701116446
0000835PR99 .L35The Common PursuitLeavis, F.R.Chatto & Windus1958
0001035PN5117 .L4 1976The Origins of the Popular Press in England, 1855-1914Lee, Alan JCroom Helm19769780874718560
0000792DA690.W515 C48 1992A Cézanne in the Hedge and other memories of Charleston and BloomsburyLee, Hugh (ed.)University of Chicago Pressc19929780226470030
0000939GV1787 .L32English Ballet - K20Leeper, JanetThe King Penguin Books1944
0001379KD3310 .L44 1998The Solidarities of StrangersLees, LynnCambridge University Press19989780521572613
0000305PN155 .L39 1982An Author's Guide to PublishingLegat, MichaelRobert Hale19829780709005100
0000729Z250 .L51Typographical printing-surfacesLegros, Lucien AlphonseLongmans, Green and Co1916
0000596DA110 .L34Country MattersLeighton, ClareVictor Gollancz Limited1937
0000135SB455 .L4 2010Four HedgesLeighton, ClareLittle Toller Books20109780956254535
0001392PN147 .L44 2000The Forest for the TreesLerner, BetsyRiverhead Booksc2000
0001071NC978.5.B77 L47 2004PhizLester, Valerie BrowneChatto & Windus20049780701177423
0000902Z250 .C86 1948A Handbook of Printing Types with Notes On the Style of Composition and Graphic Processes Used By CowellsLewis, JohnW. S. Cowell1948
0000477Z244 .L54A Handbook of Type and IllustrationLewis, JohnFaber & Faber1956
0000493Z124 .L66Anatomy of PrintingLewis, JohnFaber and Faber Ltd19709780571087686
0001289Z124 .L66Anatomy of PrintingLewis, JohnFaber and Faber Ltd19709780571087686
0000722NC1280 .L45Collecting Printed EphemeraLewis, JohnStudio Vista19769780289703939
0001080NK3600 .L45 1954Graphic DesignLewis, JohnRoutledge & K. Paul1954
0000033Z116.A3 L45 1962aPrinted EphemeraLewis, JohnPublished in the U.S.A. by Dover for W.S. Cowellc1962
0000211Z232 .L48 1994Such Things HappenLewis, JohnUnicorn Press19949780906290064
0000149Z244 .L53Typography: Design and PracticeLewis, JohnBarrie & Jenkins19779780214203138
0000142Z116.A3 L674The Twentieth Century Book : Its Illustration And DesignLewis, John Noel ClaudeHerbert Press19849780906969410
0001282Z116.A3 L674The Twentieth Century Book : Its Illustration And DesignLewis, John Noel ClaudeStudio Vista19679780906969410
0000164Z250 .L59 1967Typography: Basic Principles: Influences And Trends Since The 19th CenturyLewis, John Noel ClaudeStudio Vista1967
0001223TR657 .L47 1969The graphic reproduction and photography of works of artLewis, John; Smith, EdwinW. S. Cowell Ltd19699780571090341
0000558Z244 Publishing & Printing at HomeLewis, Roy; Easson, John B.David & Charles19849780715385104
0001585DA483.W2 L43Rescuing Horace WalpoleLewis, W. Spublished for the Yale University Library by Yale University Press19789780300022780
0001586Z989 .L5 1951Collector's ProgressLewis, Wilmarth SheldonKnopf1951
0001417PL1171 .L416 1984Everyday Chinese CharactersLin, MiaolingDuckworth[1984]
0001316NE1080 .L55 1970The Woodblock EngraversLindley, Kenneth ArthurDavid & Charles Ltd19709780877490579
0000579Z244.3 .L52 1980Basic Printing - The beginners' guide to printing at homeLindley, Peter BBritish Printing Society1980
0000368PR5083 .L5William MorrisLindsay, JackTaplinger Publishing Co, Inc19759780800883393
0000864PR6023.I58 S6A Sociable PloverLinklater, EricR. Hart-Davis1957
0000267Z118 .D5xA Dictionary of Printing TermsLinotype & Machinery LtdLinotype & Machinery Ltd1962
0000182PR6062.I8 AllotmentsLister, R. P.Silent Books19919781851830251
0001149N6797.C3 L5Edward CalvertLister, RaymondG. Bell[1962]
0000214PE1625 .L53 1936The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary On Historical PrinciplesLittle, WilliamClarendon Press1936
0000702Z8.C5 L493 1985The story of Chinese booksLiu, GuojunForeign Languages Press19859780835113045
0001513Z325.W3 L5Adventure in PublishingLiveing, Edward G. DWard, Lock1954
0000990NC997 .L54 1998Graphic Design and DesignersLivingston, AlanThames & Hudson19989780500202593
0001669PA6452 .A2 1955Livy VIII - Books XXVII-XXX- Loeb Classical Library No 381LivyWilliam Heinemann Ltd19489780674997394
0000984PN6081 .L57 2008Advanced BanterLloyd, JohnFaber & Faber20089780571233724
0000475 Stencilling on FabricsLoasby, Wren19919781854040077
0000900Z271 .M35 2017Making BooksLondon Centre for Book ArtsPavilion20179781911216209
0001293Z269.2.S38 L68 1980James Scott and William Scott BookbindersLoudon, J. H.The Moretus Press19809780859675390
0000755NC1479.L65 A2 1956Low's AutobiographyLow, DavidMichael Joseph1956
0000481Z246.W357 L69 2013Printer's DevilLoxley, SimonDavid R. Godinec20139781567923674
0001592Z124 .L95 1965The History and Art of PrintingLuckombe, PhilipGregg Press1965
0000620Z250.3 .L8413 198Typographical OrnamentsLuidl, Pgilipp; Huber, HelmutBlandford Press19859780713716412
0000061Z246 .L850 1961Beginner's Guide to Design in PrintingLuker, Leslie Gordon1961
0001301Z247 Beginners Guide to Paper, Ink and Rollers Luker, Leslie GordonAdana (Printing Machines) Ltd19739780950378602
0000090Z269.5 .L84 1974Beginners Guide to Warehousing, Bookbinding and BlocksLuker, Leslie GordonAdana (Printing Machines) Ltd19749780950378619
0000099Z244 .L85Science For PrintersLuker, Leslie GordonC. Griffin1951
0000029NE2130 .L8 1962The Art of EtchingLumsden, E. SDover Publications[1962]
0000603Z246 .L87 2010Thinking with TypeLupton, EllenPrinceton Architectural Press20109781568989693
0000556Z253 .L96Die Monotype - Fachbuch für Taster und GiesserLürssen, EricFachbuchverlag GMBH1954

0000240NB497.G55 M34 1989Eric GillMacCarthy, FionaFaber and Faber19899780571137541
0000315ND467.5.P7 M33 2011The Last Pre-Raphaelite - Edward Burne Jones and the Victorian ImaginationMacCarthy, FionaFaber & Faber20119780571228614
0000241PR5083 M23 1994William MorrisMacCarthy, FionaFaber19949780571142507
0001158PR5083 Willima Morris, Art and LifeMaccarthy, FionaThe Art Workers' Guild1994
0000949 Pembroke PoetsMacfarlane, Roert; Quentin, David (ed.)Pembroke College1997
0001108PR5083 .M25 1899The Life of William MorrisMackail, J. WLongmans, Green & co1899
0000686Z244.A2 M2 1878The American PrinterMacKellar, ThomasMacKellar, Smiths & Jordan1878
0001568DA325 .M3The Earlier TudorsMackie, J. DClarendon Press1952
0000865PR6025.A24 B3Ballades and Other VerseMackintosh, Hugh Stewart. [from old catalog]Hart-Davis1953
0000170Z250.A2 A19 2006An A-Z Of Type DesignersMacmillan, NeilLaurence King20069781856693950
0001496Z253 .M33'Set in Cyrillic.' A Practical Guide for Operators of 'monotype' Machines Engaged in Setting Texts in RussianMacpherson, IanMonotype Corporation Limited
0001279Z232.O98 O9 1926The Oxford University PressMadan, FalconerOxford1905
0000026Z244 .M17 1932Printing, Its History, Practice, and ProgressMaddox, Harry AlfredPitman1932
0001313HD9831.5 .M34 1997Productivity and Performance in the Paper IndustryMagee, Gary BryanCambridge University Press19979780521581974
0001617DG274 .M34 1991Historia Augusta I - Loeb Classical Library No 139Magie, David (ed.)Harvard University Press19219780674991545
0001618DG274 .M34 1921Historia Augusta II - Loeb Classical Library No 140Magie, David (ed.)9780434991402
0001167PR5087.P6 M36 2008Crossing the 'river of Fire'Mahamdallie, HassanRedwords2008
0001070NC1475 .M34 2013Comedy, Caricature and the Social Order, 1820-50Maidment, BrianManchester University Press20139789781526122871
0001444Z126.Z7 The Gutenberg Revolution Man, JohnReview20029780747245049
0000324 Mander's Printing InksMander Bros, WolverhamptonMander Bros, Wolverhamptonc193
0001334PR9639.3.M254 L54 2007LiftedManhire, BillCarcanet2007
0001037Z1003 .M297 1982From Author to ReaderMann, Peter HRoutledge & K. Paul19829780710090898
0001154PS3525.A58 W5 1994The Wild PartyMarch, Joseph MoncurePicadorc19949780330336567
0001661Z232.B93 M3William Bulmer, Thomas BensleyMarrot, H. VFleuron Ltd1930
0000384NE850 .M37Imaginative PrintmakingMarsh, Robert & GlendaPitman Publishing19759780273004899
0000945PG3476.M3725 B3313 2012BaggageMarshak, STate20139781849761314
0001344PA6156 .M3 1919Martial Epigrams II - Loeb Classical Library No 95MartialW. Heinemann1919
0001343PA6156 .M3 1919Martial Epigrams I - Loeb Classical Library No 94MartialW. Heinemann1919
0000218Z232.M39 A4J. H. Mason R.D.IMason, JohnThe Twelve By Eight1961
0000643Z244 .P95Printing Theory and Practice - No 24 - Machine RulingMason, JohnSir Isaac Pitman & Sons1946
0000807Z271.3.M37 .M38 1999The Ultimate Marbling HandbookMaurer-Mathison, Diane VWatson-Guptill Publicationsc19999780823055753
0001512Z330.6.L6 M39 1984The London Book Trades, 1735-1775Maxsted, IanJ. Maxted1984
0000926Z118 .P7Printing Reproduction Pocket PalMay, Leslie H. (ed.)Advertising Agency Production Association1969
0000163ND1260 .M35The Artist's Handbook Of Materials And TechniquesMayer, RalphThe Viking Press1940
0000838 The Influence of D.F. McKenzieMcCleery, Alistair; Brabon, Benjamin A. (ed.)Merchiston Publishing20109780955356155
0000188Z232.B95 M3At The Sign Of The CraneMcConnell, BrianBurrup, Mathieson1978
0001455PN5129 .M35The ThundererMcKane, Christopher9780993468094
0000912Z329 .S46 2001Light On the Book TradeMcKay, Barry; Hinks, John; Bell, Maureen (ed.)Oak Knoll Press20049780712347976
0001409Z232 .C17 M156An Early Printing House At WorkMcKenzie, D. FWai-Te-Ata Press1965
0000915Z8494.2 .M3F.R. LeavisMcKenzie, D. FChatto & Windus1966
0000669Z122.5.G73 M3Stationers' Company Apprentices, 1605-1640McKenzie, D. FBibliographical Society of the University of Virginia1961
0000667Z122.5.G73 M32Stationers' Company Apprentices, 1641-1700McKenzie, D. FOxford Bibliographical Society19749780901420091
0000001Z325.C26 M3The Cambridge University Press, 1696-1712McKenzie, D. FCambridge University Press1966
0000084Z1001 .M398 1999Bibliography and The Sociology of Texts McKenzie, D. F.Cambridge University Press19999780521644952
0000824Z1001 .M398 1986Bibliography and the Sociology of textsMcKenzie, D. F.The British Library19869780712300858
0000831Z1001 .M398 1999Bibliography and the Sociology of TextsMcKenzie, D. F.Cambridge University Press19999780521644952
0001407Z1001 .M398 1999Bibliography and the Sociology of TextsMcKenzie, D. F.Cambridge University Press19999780521644952
0000080Z1005 .M325 2002Making Meaning : "Printers Of The Mind" and Other Essays McKenzie, D. F.University Of Massachusetts Press20029781558493360
0000827DU423.A1 M34 1985Oral Culture, Literacy & Print in early New Zealand: the Treaty of WaitangiMcKenzie, D. F.Victoria University Press19859780864730435
0000242Z122.5.G73 M32Stationers' Company Apprentices, 1641-1700McKenzie, D. F.Oxford Bibliographical Society19749780901420091
0000243Z122.5.G73 M33Stationers' Company Apprentices, 1701-1800McKenzie, D. F.Oxford Bibliographical Society19749780901420312
0001635Z122.5.G73 M33Stationers' Company Apprentices, 1701-1800McKenzie, D. F.Oxford Bibliographical Society19749780901420312
0000828Z8494.2 .M3F.R. Leavis, a Check List, 1924 - 1964McKenzie, D. F.; Allum, M-PChatto & Windus, London1966
0000823Z1001 .M398 1984Il passato è il prologo. Due saggi di sociologia dei testiMcKenzie, D. F.Bonnard, Sylvestre20029788886842402
0001414Z1001 .M398 1984Il passato è il prologo. Due saggi di sociologia dei testiMcKenzie, D. F.Bonnard, Sylvestre20029788886842402
0000830 Bibliografia e sociolgia dei testiMcKenzie, D. F.Bonnard, Sylvestre19999788886842082
0000829 La bibliographie et la sociologie des textesMcKenzie, D. F.Editions du Cercle de la Librairie19919782765404750
0000825Z1001 .M398 2004Di Shakespeare e CongreveMcKenzie, D. F.Bonnard, Sylvestre20049788886842662
0000833Z122.5.G73 M32Stationers' Company Apprentices 1641 - 1700McKenzie, D. FThe Oxford Bibliographical Society19749780901420091
0000832Z122.5.G73 M33Stationers' Company Apprentices 1701 - 1800McKenzie, D. FThe Oxford Bibliographical Society19789780901420312
0000027Z1001 .M16 1967An Introduction to Bibliography for Literary StudentsMcKerrow, Ronald BrunleesAt the Clarendon Press1967
0001566DA225 .M34 1991The Fourteenth Century, 1307-1399McKisack, MayOxford University Press19919780192852502
0000931 The Bayeux Tapestry - K10Mclagan, EricThe King Penguin Books1943
0000826Z688.A95 A88 1985Australian and New Zealand Studies - British Library Occasional Papers 4McLaren-Turner, Patricia (ed.)The British Library19859780712300483
0001218N6797.B39 A3 1989Edward Bawden War Artist and his letters home 1940-45McLean, Ruari (ed.)Scolar Press9780859676953
0000793NC242.C7 M3English Masters of Black and White - George Cruikshank, his life and work as a book illustratorMcLean, RuariArt and Technics1948
0000127Z124 .M44 2000How Typography HappensMcLean, RuariThe British Library; Oak Knoll Press20009781584560197
0001011Z232.T863 M29 1997Jan TschicholdMcLean, RuariLund Humphries Publishers19979780853316688
0000081Z232.T863 M3 1975bJan Tschichold : Typographer McLean, RuariLund Humphries19759780853313489
0000255Z325.C85 M3Joseph Cundall, A Victorian PublisherMcLean, RuariPrivate Libraries Association19759780900002137
0000313Z151 .M3 1959Modern Book DesignMcLean, RuariFaber & Faber1958
0000655NK3600 .M3 1969Pictorial AlphabetsMcLean, RuariStudio Vista19699780289796382
0000953PZ8.3 .N7 1976The Noah' Ark A.B.CV. and 8 other Victorian Alphabet Books in ColorMcLean, Ruari (ed.)Dover Publications19769780486233550
0000051Z244.3 .M45The Thames and Hudson Manual of TypographyMcLean, RuariThames and Hudson19929780500680223
0000398NE1217.H35 M3The Wood Engravings of Joan HassallMcLean, RuariSchocken Books, New York19819780805206753
0000185Z116.A44 M385 2000True To TypeMcLean, RuariOak Knoll;Werner Shaw20009781884718960
0001246Z250.A2 T97 1995Typographers on typeMcLean, Ruari (ed.)Lund Humphries Publishers19959780853316572
0000139Z116.A3 M25 1963aVictorian Book Design & Colour PrintingMcLean, RuariFaber & Faber1963
0001263Z116 .M15 1966The Gutenberg galaxyMcLuhan, MarshallRoutledge & Kegan Paul Ltd.1967
0000329PE64.F7 M38 2001The Warden of English - The Life of H. W. FowlerMcMorris, JennyOxford University Press20019780198662549
0000174Z4 .M15 1989The BookMcMurtrie, Douglas CBracken Books19899781851703265
0001032P91 .M375 1993Communication Models for the Study of Mass CommunicationsMcQuail, DenisLongman19939780582036505
0001036P90 .M35 1994Mass Communication TheoryMcQuail, DenisSage19949780803977853
0001033HM258 .M224Sociology of Mass CommunicationsMcQuail, DenisPenguin19729780140809619
0001317Z1022 .M43 1945Bibliography of the Penny Bloods of Edward LloydMedcraft, JohnJ.A. Birkbeck1945
0001641PA2319 .M42 1938Latin Phrase-bookMeissner, CarlMacmillan1895
0000966NK1530 .M46 1983Art Nouveau BordersMenten, TheodoreDover Publications Inc19839780486244310
0000365PN6084.H8 M4 1986The Penguin Dictionary of Modern Humorous QuotationsMetcalf, FredViking19869780670800353
0000065Z151 .M5English Printed BooksMeynell, FrancisCollins1946
0000658Z232.N82 M46My LivesMeynell, FrancisThe Bodley Head19719780370013039
0000505Z250 .M615Pages from BooksMeynell, Gerard TMonotype Corporation Ltd, The1931
0000759Z271 .M53The Restoration of Leather BindingsMiddleton, Bernard C.Library Technology Program19729780838931332
0000167Z325 .N67 M654 A History of J W Northend Ltd, Printers Of Sheffield 1889-1989Millington, RoyJ W Northend Ltd19899780901100245
0000569Z250.A2 M654 2002Stephenson Blake - The Last of the Old English TypefoundersMillington, RoyThe British Library / Oak Knoll Press20029780712347952
0000584Z245 .M65The Printer's EstimatorMills, HaroldF C Avis1963
0001646PZ90.L3 M53 1980A.A. Milnei Domus Anguli PuensisMilne, A. Asumptibus Methuen[1997]9780416194906
0000333N6999.R62 M55 2009Design - RodchenkoMilner, JohnAntique Collectors' Club20099781851495917
0001450PR4803.H44 Z7177The Language of Gerard Manley HopkinsMilroy, JamesDeutsch19779780233969169
0000604 L'Allegro il PenserosoMilton, JohnAlan Wingate1947
0001395DA110 M66Rural Life in Victorian EnglandMingay, G. EHeinemann1977, 9780434467501
0001053LC156.G72 E56 1991The Rise of Popular Literacy in Victorian EnglandMitch, David FranklinUniversity of Pennsylvania Pressc19929780812230758
0001019HA1135 .M52Abstract of British Historical StatisticsMitchell, B. RCambridge University Press19719780521057387
0001004HA1135 .M52Second Abstract of British Historical StatisticsMitchell, B. RUniversity Press19719780521080019
0001420N6822.5.M63 A4 2019Moholy-NagyMoholy-Nagy, La´szlo´9783862067541
0000460 Landfall 211: 'borderline'Mok, Tze Ming (ed.)Otago University Press20069781877372902
0000694Z244.A2 M7 1971Traité Élémentaire de l'imprimerie ; ou, Le manuel de l'imprimeur /Momoro, Antoine FranðcoisGregg19719780576721554
0000169 Font. The SourcebookMonem, NadineBlack Dog Publishing20089781906155414
0000261 Monotype Book of InformationMonotype Corporation LtdMonotype Corporation Ltd
0000274 Monotype Keyboard ManualMonotype Corporation LtdMonotype Corporation Ltd
0000496 Casting Good TypeMonotype Corporation Ltd, TheMonotype Corporation Ltd, The
0001100Z249 .M67A Brief Essay On the Printing PressMoran, JamesRichardson Printing Ink Co[1963]
0000417 Book Design and Production - Vol 2: Number 1: 1959Moran, James (ed.)Printing News Limited1959
0000012Z124 .M82 1974fPrinting in the 20th CenturyMoran, JamesNorthwood Publications19749780719825293
0000409Z249 .M748 1973Printing Presses - Historical Development from the fifteenth century to Modern TimesMoran, JamesFaber & Faber19739780571089659
0000549Z249 .M748 1973Printing Presses - History & Development from the 15th Century to Modern TimesMoran, JamesUniversity of California Press19789780520029040
0000049Z250.A2 M69Stanley Morison: His Typographic AchievementMoran, JamesLund Humphries19719780853313007
0000294Z119 .B627The Black Art (Complete series)Moran, JamesJames Moran1941
0000745Z253 .M78The Composition of Reading MatterMoran, JamesWace[1965]
0000337 The Monotype Recorder Vol 43 No 3 Autumn 1968 - Stanley Morison 1889-1967Moran, JamesThe Monotype Corporation Limited19689780521205504
0001258Z232.W87 M6Wynkyn de WordeMoran, JamesWynkyn de Worde Society1960
0001458Z232.W87 M6Wynkyn De WordeMoran, JamesWynkyn de Worde Society1960
0000947Z325.M23 M6 1944The House of Macmillan - 1843 -- 1943Morgan, CharlesMacmillan & Co. Ltd1944
0000753Z124 .M86 1927A review of recent typography in England, the United States, France & GermanyMorison, StanleyFleuron1927
0000679Z246 .M86First Principles of TypographyMorison, Stanley[s.n.]1936
0001322PN147 .C27 no.1First Principles of TypographyMorison, StanleyCambridge University Press19679789074372145
0000105Z250 .M86 1949Four Centuries of Fine PrintingMorison, StanleyErnest Benn[1949]
0000022Z250.A2 M86 1962On Type Designs, Past and PresentMorison, StanleyE. Benn1962
0000633Z250.A3 M8On Type Faces: examples of the use of type for the printing of booksMorison, StanleyMedici Society1923
0000861Z250.A2 R325Talbot Baines Reed, Author, Bibliographer, TypefounderMorison, StanleyUniversity Press1960
0000999PN5129.L7 T512The History of the Times - Vol 1 - 1785 - 1841Morison, StanleyThe Office of The Times1935
0001075PN5129.L7 T5 1935The History of the Times - Vol 2 - 1841 - 1884Morison, StanleyThe Times1935-
0000064Z116.A3 M65The Typographic Arts. Two LecturesMORISON, StanleySylvan Press1949
0000663Z232.C17 M6 1973A Tally of TypesMorison, StanleyCambridge University Press19739780521097864
0000476PR5071 .S6The Introductions to the Collected Works of William MorrisMorris, MayOriole Editions: New York19739780882110462
0000456 Landfall 215: Waiting for GodzoneMorris, Paul; Grimshaw, Mike (ed.)Otago University Press20089781877372940
0000454 Landfall 217: Flung: the ex-pat issueMorris, Paula (ed.)Otago University Press20099781877372964
0000977N7445 .M87Art and its Producers, and the Arts & Crafts of TodayMorris, WilliamChiswick Press for Longmans1901
0000125NK1147 .A8 1893Arts and Crafts EssaysMorris, WilliamRivington, Percival & Co.1893
0000429NA440 .M86Gothic Architecture: A Lecture for the Arts and Crafts Exhibition SocietyMorris, WilliamKelmscott Press1893
0001169HX811 .M783 1984News From Nowhere, and Selected Writings and DesignsMorris, WilliamPenguin19869780140431155
0000973TT520 .M83 1899Some Hints on Pattern-DesigningMorris, WilliamLongmans & Co1899
0000213PR5078 .D4 1896 EThe Defence Of Guenevere, And Other PoemsMorris, WilliamLongmans, Green1896
0001163Z116.A3 M65425 198The Ideal BookMorris, WilliamUniversity of California Press19829780520045637
0001517PR5079 .N6 1982xThe Novel On Blue PaperMorris, WilliamJourneyman Pressc19829780904526516
0000899PR5072 .L4 1969The Unpublished Lectures of William MorrisMorris, WilliamWayne State University Press19699780814313947
0000003PR5079 .W6 1980The Wood Beyond the WorldMorris, WilliamOxford University Press19809780192813015
0001168PR5079 .W6 1980The Wood Beyond the WorldMorris, WilliamOxford University Press19809780192813015
0000428PQ1459 .E3413 189The Tale of the Emperor Coustans and of Over the Sea Morris, William (Translator)Kelmscott Press1894
0000629PR5083 .A4 1984Collected Letters of William Morris, Vol I - 1848-1880Morris, William Princeton University Press 19849780691612799
0000925PR5083 .A2 1951Unpublished Letters of William MorrisMorris, WilliamTrinity Trust1951
0000627PR5083 .A4 1984Collected Letters of William Morris Vol IIa - 1881-1884Morris, WilliamPrinceton University Press20149780691603698
0000626PR5083 .A4 1984Collected Letters of William Morris Vol IIb - 1885-1888Morris, WilliamPrinceton University Press20149780691607641
0000628PR5083 .A4 1984Collected Letters of William Morris Vol III - 1889-1892Morris, WilliamPrinceton Universtiy Press20149780691603272
0000625PR5083 .A4 1984Collected Letters of William Morris Vol IV - 1893-1896Morris, WilliamPrinceton University Press20149780691608181
0000545NK1535.M67 M67 2004William Morris By HimselfMorris, WilliamTime Warner20049780316727983
0000716Z246 .M88Le Format des LivresMortet, CharlesâE. Champion1925
0000853Z253 .M79Mechanical Composition - Part 1: Line CompositionMorton, AlanPergamon Press19699780080139647
0000851Z253 .M79Mechanical Composition - Part 3: Mototype Caster and MetallurgyMorton, AlanPergamon Press1969
0000895 Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 01Mosley, James (ed.)Printing Historical Society19659770007953005
0000894 Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 02Mosley, James (ed.)Printing Historical Society19669770007953005
0000893 Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 03Mosley, James (ed.)Printing Historical Society19679770007953005
0000892 Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 04Mosley, James (ed.)Printing Historical Society19689770007953005
0000891 Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 05Mosley, James (ed.)Printing Historical Society19699770007953005
0000890 Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 06Mosley, James (ed.)Printing Historical Society19709770007953005
0000889 Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 07Mosley, James (ed.)Printing Historical Society19719770007953005
0000888 Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 08Mosley, James (ed.)Printing Historical Society19729770007953005
0000887 Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 09Mosley, James (ed.)Printing Historical Society1973/49770007953005
0000886 Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 10Mosley, James (ed.)Printing Historical Society1974/59770007953005
0000885 Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 11Mosley, James (ed.)Printing Historical Society1975/69770007953005
0000884 Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 12Mosley, James (ed.)Printing Historical Society1977/89770007953005
0000883 Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 13Mosley, James (ed.)Printing Historical Society1978/99770007953005
0000882 Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 14Mosley, James (ed.)Printing Historical Society1979/09770007953005
0000881 Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 15Mosley, James (ed.)Printing Historical Society1980/19770007953005
0000880 Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 16Mosley, James (ed.)Printing Historical Society1981/29770007953005
0000879 Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 17Mosley, James (ed.)Printing Historical Society1982/39770007953005
0000878 Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 18Mosley, James (ed.)Printing Historical Society19849770007953005
0000877 Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 19/20Mosley, James (ed.)Printing Historical Society1985/79770007953005
0000875 Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 21Mosley, James (ed.)Printing Historical Society19929770007953005
0000874 Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 22Mosley, James (ed.)Printing Historical Society19939770007953005
0000868Z119 .P95613Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 23Mosley, James (ed.)Printing Historical Society19949770007953005
0000871 Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 24Mosley, James (ed.)Printing Historical Society19959770007953005
0000872 Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 25Mosley, James (ed.)Printing Historical Society19969770007953005
0000873 Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 26Mosley, James (ed.)Printing Historical Society19979770007953005
0000870Z119 Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 27Mosley, James (ed.)Printing Historical Society19989770007953005
0000869Z119 .P95613Journal of the Printing Historical Society No 28Mosley, James (ed.)Printing Historical Society19999770007953005
0000573 Mouldtype - Metal Rule and Border SpecimensMouldtype Foundry LtdMouldtype Foundry Ltd1950
0001497Z250 .M68The Mouldtype Specimen Book No. 63Mouldtype Foundry LtdMouldtype Foundry Ltd1968
0000710Z244.A2 M93 1958Mechanick exercises on the whole art of printing, 1683-4Moxon, JosephOxford University Press1958
0001658TS1105 M85The British Paper & Board Makers Association, 1872-1972Muir, AugustusBritish Paper & Board Makers Association1972
0000321Z1023 .M92Victorian Illustrated BooksMuir, PercyB T Batsford19719780713407259
0000308PR19 .H32The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English LiteratureMulgan, John; ed.Oxford University Press1954
0000352Z325.S6 M8From Swan Sonnenschein to George Allen & Unwin LtdMumby, F. A.; Stallybrasss, Francess, H. S.George Allen & Unwin Ltd1955
0000265Z323 .M95 1930Publishing and BooksellingMumby, Frank ArthurJonathan Cape1930
0001008Z323 .M95 1949Publishing and BooksellingMumby, Frank ArthurJ. Cape[1949]
0000911D16 .M963 1997Deconstructing HistoryMunslow, AlunRoutledge19979780415131926
0001403PN6083 .M877 1996A Gentleman Publisher's Commonplace BookMurray, John GJohn Murray19969780719556234
0000594 A Gentleman Publisher's Commonplace BookMurray, John G.John Murray19969780719556234
0000271Z243.G7 M87 1954The Typographical AssociationMusson, Albert EdwardOxford University Press1954
0000714Z243.G7 M87 1954The Typographical AssociationMusson, Albert EdwardOxford University Press1954
0000923Z324 .M9The British Book Trade From Caxton to the Present DayMyers, RobinDeutsch in association with the National Book League[1973]9780233963532
0001562DA152 .M97 1986The English SettlementsMyres, J. N. LClarendon Press19869780198217190
0000644Z244.3 .M9A Primer In Book ProductionMyrick, Frank B.Bookbinding & book production1945

0000748TS1095.J3 N3 1966A life of Ts'ai Luing [i.e. Lung] and Japanese paper-makingNarita, KiyofusaDainihon Press1966,
0000982 Journal of the Printing Historical Society - No 31Nash, Paul (ed.)Printing Historical Society2016
0000226 The Monotype Casting Machine ManualNational Committee of Monotype Users' AssociationsSimson Shand Ltd1952
0000866PR6064.A8 I3If I May ShareNaumann, AnthonyCollins1964
0000336Z286 N48 N39 1918The Principles and Practice of Newspaper MakeupNaylor, T. E.Raithby, Lawrence & Company Limited1918
0000924 Landfall 235 - Autumn 2018Neale, Emma (ed.)Otago University Press20189781988537843
0000986 Landfall 237 - May 2019Neale, Emma (ed.)Otago University Press20199781988531731
0000981 Landfall 238 - Spring 2019Neale, Emma (ed.)Otago University Press20199781988531809
0001364PR9634.92 .L363 2021Landfall 240 - Feb 2021Neale, Emma (ed.)9781988592633
0001363PR9634.92 .L363Landfall 241 - Autumn 2021Neale, Emma (ed.)9781990048012
0001461Z251.A6 N46 2020Arabic TypographyNemeth, Titus (ed.)9783721210170
0000208NK3600 .N39Decorative Alphabets and InitialsNesbitt, AlexanderDover Publications, Inc19599780486205441
0001233NK3600 .N39Decorative Alphabets and InitialsNesbitt, AlexanderDover Publications, Inc19599780486205441
0000232NK3600 .N39Dover Digital Design Source #2 Decorative Initials And AlphabetsNesbitt, AlexanderDover Publications20109780486990620
0001020BL2765.G7 N48Literacy and SocietyNeuburg, Victor EWoburn Press19719780713000146
0001012LA631.5 .N48Popular Education in Eighteenth Century EnglandNeuburg, Victor EWoburn Pressc19719780713000009
0000797PR149.P66 N4Popular LiteratureNeuburg, Victor EPenguin Books19779780713001587
0001055PR149.P66 N42 1983The Popular Press Companion to Popular LiteratureNeuburg, Victor EBowling Green State University Popular Pressc19839780879722333
0000646Z252 .N49Printing Theory and Practice - No 20 - Stereotyping and ElectrotypingNewell, L. FPitman1952
0001116PR5083 .I55William Morris TodayNewman, Teresa, Watkinson, RayInstitute of Contemporary Arts9780905263342
0001610CT788.S164 N53 1998A Victorian HouseholdNicholson, ShirleySutton Pub19989780750918268
0001656TS1105.N65 Paper and Paper MakingNorris, F. HOxford University Press1952
0000345Z325.M23 N6Letters to MacMillanNowell-Smith, SimonMacMillan1967
0000018PR5083 .N6William MorrisNoyes, AlfredMacmillan1908
0001503TS1117 .N87Theory and Operation of the Fourdrinier Paper MachineNuttall, Geoffrey HerbertPhillips[1967]

0000821NC978.5.H844 O255 2016Arthur HughesOakley, MaroussiaPrivate Libraries Association20169780900002786
0000817TJ151 Machinery's Handbook ... Sixteenth Edition. Oberg, ErikIndustrial Press1959
0001631Z232.J54 O46The Jenson Roman, Or the Most Influential Type in the History of PrintingOlocco, Riccardo9788898030682
0000750Z244 .O52Typography and mechanics of the newspaperOlson, Kenneth ED. Appleton and Company1930
0001359Z253 .O49De Grondslag van het Bedrijf der Lettergieterij Amsterdam voorheen N. TetterodeOly, P.J.W.Stichting Lettergieten19839789082136401
0001515NC1479.S26 O76 2010Linley SambourneOrmond, LeoneePaul Holberton Pub20109781907372032
0000204PR6065.S98 D37 2002DartOswald, AliceFaber and Faber20029780571214105
0000203PR6065.S98 W44 2009Weeds and Wild FlowersOswald, AliceFaber & Faber20099780571237494
0000478Z124 .O86A History of Printing - Its development through fine hundred yearsOswald, John ClydeD. Appleton and Company1928
0001105PR9639.3.D35 Z8 1996A Fighting WithdrawalOvenden, KeithOxford University Pressc1996
0001639PA6522 A1Ovid I - Heroides ; And, Amores - Loeb Classical Library No 41OvidHarvard University Press19779780434990412
0001632PA6156 .O89 1988Ovid VI - Tristia, Ex Ponto - Loeb Classical Library No 151OvidHarvard University Press19889780434001514
0000101Z232.M39 O9J. H. Mason 1875-1951, Scholar-printerOwens, Leslie TMuller19769780584103533

0000109Z232.B2 P37 1975John Baskerville of BirminghamPardoe, F. EF. Muller19759780584103540
0000567NK1535.M67 A4 1996aWilliam MorrisParry, Linda (ed.)Philip Wilson Publishers19969780856674426
0000245PR1174 .P59Poetry for PleasureParsons, Ian edChatto & Windus19779780701122799
0000819PE1611 .P3 1963The Gentle Art of Lexicography - a memoirPartridge, EricAndre Deutsch1963
0000416Z244 .P35Printing SciencePateman, F.; Young, L. C.Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd1963
0000462 Landfall 209: '1984'Paton, Justin (ed.)Otago University Press20059781877276880
0001026LC5056.G7 P35The Politics of Working-class Education in Britain, 1830-50Paz, D. GManchester University Pressc19809780719008115
0000189Z116.A2 P43 1995Book ProductionPeacock, JohnBlueprint19959781857130089
0001358PR5458 .P4 1977The Smith of SmithsPearson, Edward Hesketh GibbonsThe Folio Society1977
0000671Z124 .P375Printing, a short history of the artPeddie, Robert AlexanderGrafton & Co1927
0000199ND1358.4 .P43 1991Canaletto And The Venetian VedutistiPedrocco, FilippoScala/Riverside19919788881172320
0000618NC978 Dictionary of British Book Illustrators The Twentieth CenturyPeppin, BrigidJohn Murray19839780719539855
0000187Z250 .P42 2004Rookledge's Classic International TypefinderPerfect, ChristopherLaurence King20049781856694063
0000466Z232.M87 The Kelmscott Press - A History of William Morris's Typographical AdventurePeterson, William S.University of California Press19899780520061385
0000905Z232.W17 P48Virtual PartnerPeterson, William S.The William Morris Society20159780903283342
0001652PA6156 .P4 1913Petronius - Satyricon; Seneca - Apocolocyntosis - Loeb Classical Library No 15Petronius ArbiterW. Heinemann1913
0001405NK8553 .P49 2004Carta DecorataPezzati, SofiaEdifir-Edizioni Firenzec20049788879701945
0000840NE2420 .P55 2016John Phillips's Lithographic Notebook - Facsimile reproductionPhillips, JohnThe Printing Historical Society20169780900003165
0000806DA682 .P53 2000Dr Johnson's LondonPicard, LizaWeidenfeld & Nicolson20009780297842187
0000975Z116 .P53 1946Printing Theory and Practice - No 02 - Compositors' WorkPickering, C. L.Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd1946
0000055 Bookwork and ImpositionPickering, Charles LPitman1948
0001431HC255 .P5Human Documents of the Industrial Revolution in BritainPike, RoystonAllen & Unwin19669780049420595
0001430DA560 .P45Human Documents of the Victorian Golden Age (1850-1875)Pike, RoystonAllen & Unwin[1967]
0001370HD6137 .P66 1969Women Workers and the Industrial Revolution, 1750-1850Pinchbeck, IvyCass19699780714613512
0000093Z244 .P57 2001Production for Graphic Designers Pipes, AlanLaurence King20019781856692687
0000856Z151 .P67 1965The English Book TradePlant, MarjorieAllen and Unwin[1965]
0001463PA6156 .P5 1916Plautus I - Loeb Classical Library No 60Plautus, Titus MacciusW. Heinemann1916-9780434990603
0001342PA6156 .P5Plautus II - Loeb Classical Library No 61Plautus, Titus MacciusWilliam Heinemann1916
0001329PA6156 .P5Plautus IV - Loeb Classical Library No 260Plautus, Titus Maccius
0001553PA6570.A3 .P538 2013Plautus V - Three dollar day etc - Loeb Classical Library 328Plautus, Titus Maccius9780674996816
0001559PA6156 .P5 1963Plautus III - Loeb Classical Library No 163Plautus, Titus MacciusWilliam Heinemann19249780674991811
0001557PA6156 .P6 1963Pliny Letters I - Loeb Classical Library No 55Pliny1963
0000325Z151 .P72 1914A Short History of English Printing - 1476-1900Plomer, Henry RKegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co Ltd1914
0000540TS1124.5 .P56Papermaking techniques bookPlowman, JohnQuarto Publishing plc20019781840923353
0000550 Early Korean PrintingPokee, SohnKorean Overseas Information Service1983
0000863Z1023 .P77 1893Early Illustrated BooksPollard, Alfred WKegan Paul, Trench, Trèubner & Co1893
0000597Z124 .P76 1973Fine BooksPollard, Alfred W.EP Publishing Ltd19739780854099221
0001564DA195 .P66 1988From Domesday Book to Magna Carta, 1087-1216Poole, Austin LaneOxford University Press19519780192852878
0001190PR3620 The Poetical Works of Alexander PopePope, AlexanderMacmillan and Co., Limited1930
0001132Z244 .P67Stonework: How and WhyPossnett, VernonRiathby, Lawrence & Co., Ltd[1913]
0000200NE628.4 .P69 2008Art and Print: The Curwen StoryPowers, AlanTate Publishing Ltd20089781854377210
0001565DA225 .P65 1962The Thirteenth Century, 1216-1307Powicke, F. MClarendon Press1962
0000328PR1175 Poetic HeritagePress, JohnA. Deutsch[1957]
0000403 Director's Choice - Senate House Library, University of LondonPressler, ChristopherScala20129780757597851
0001514PN5130.P8 P7 1957A History of PunchPrice, Richard Geoffrey GeorgeCollins1957
0001049TH7687 .E94Air Conditioning for PrintersPritchard, Evelyn JPatra1962
0001555PA6644 .A2 1967Propertius - Loeb Classical Library No 18Propertius, SextusHarvard University1912

0001667PA6156 .Q5 1921Quintilian - The Instituto Oratoria of Quintilian VII-IX - Loeb Classical LibrarQuintilianus, Marcus FabiusW. Heinemann1921-19780434991259

0000082Z244 .R155Letterpress Machine Work Radford, Richard GeorgeStaples Press1951
0001413NK1370 .R35 2003History of Modern DesignRaizman, David SethLaurence Kingc20039781856693486
0000932 A Book of Roses - K2Ramsbottom, J.The King Penguin Books1939
0000104Z250.A2 T95 2003Type & TypographyRandle, JohnMark Batty20039780971568761
0001675Z325 .R27 2007The Business of BooksRaven, JamesYale University Pressc20079780300122619
0001112NC978 .R37 1991The Illustrator and the Book in England From 1790 to 1914Ray, Gordon NPierpont Morgan Library in association with Dover19919780486269559
0000936 Wood Engraving - K30Rayner, JohnThe King Penguin Books1947
0001041PN5122 .R4Press and People, 1790-1850Read, DonaldE. Arnold[1961]
0001318HD9831.9.B68 R4 1981Bowater, A HistoryReader, W. JCambridge University Press19819780521241656
0000958HQ759.98 .R43 1996MicrohistoriesReay, BarryCambridge University press1996
0001630Z271.3.M37 R44 1996Making Your Own Marbled and Decorated PapersReese, Jane HNorth Light Booksc19969780891347125
0000459 Landfall 212: The Capital of NowhereReeve, Richard (ed.)Otago University Press20069781877372900
0000254NC978 .R4 1975Illustrators of the Eighteen SixtiesReid, ForrestDover Publications, Inc19759780486231211
0000146Z246 .R352 1946Modern And Historical Typography : An Illustrated GuideReiner, ImreZollikofer1946
0001128NC1849.P67 R46 2011DesignRennie, PaulAntique Collectors' Club20119781851495962
0001127DA22.A1 R46 2007Festival of Britain 1951Rennie, PaulAntique Collectors' Club20079781851495337
0000513ND497.T8 R4TurnerReynolds, GrahamBook Club Associates, London1975
0001440Z243.G7 R49 1989Britannica's TypesettersReynolds, SianEdinburgh University Pressc19899780852246344
0001429NC248.D6 R52Gustave DoréRichardson, JoannaCassell19809780304304554
0000088Z271 Bookbinding: A Manual of Techniques Richmond, PamelaCrowood19899781852238865
0001663NC1810 .R55The Rise and Fall of the PosterRickards, MauriceDavid & Charles[1971]9780715353158
0000002NC1280 .R53This Is EphemeraRickards, MauriceDavid and Charles19789780715376720
0000286NC1280 .R53This Is Ephemera Rickards, MauriceDavid and Charles19779780715376720
0000298Z122.5.G43 R57 1962 RDepositio Cornuti TypographiciRist, JohannMaximillian Editions/Bertram Rota1962
0000656Z252.5 .R584 2011Handmade type workshopRivers, CharlotteThames & Hudson20119780500289457
0000295Z253 .R64Typographic DesignRoberts, RaymondErnest Benn Ltd1966
0000650Z253 .R68 1946Elementary Typography : prepared for the use of elementary students of TypographyRogers, BernardSir Isaac Pitman & Sons1946
0001248Z250.5.C44 R64 1996The Centaur TypesRogers, BrucePurdue University Press19969781557530769
0001027PR935 .R6Grub Street: Studies in A SubcultureRogers, PatMethuen19729780416116908
0000035NE1147.6.P37 R64 2005The Wood Engravings of Agnes Miller ParkerRogerson, IanBritish Library20059780976224549
0001034Z1039.L3 R67 2001The Intellectual Life of the British Working ClassesRose, JonathanYale University Pressc20019780300088861
0000457 Landfall 214: Open HouseRoss, Jack (ed.)Otago University Press20079781877372933
0000176PR5237 .G6 1933Goblin MarketRossetti, Christina GeorginaG.G. Harrap1933
0001166PR5246 .R55The Works of Christina RossettiRossetti, Christina GeorginaWordsworth Poetry Library19959781853264290
0001193PR5241 .R67 1891The Poetical Works of Dante Gabriel RossettiRossetti, Dante GabrielEllis1891
0000197ND497.R8 H46Dante Gabriel RossettiRossetti, Dante GabrielAcademy Editions; St. Martin's Press19739780856700224
0001239Z232 .R675On the roadRounsfell, J.W.Caliban Books19829780904573688
0000778HV6950.E5 C75 2005Criminal Conversations: Victorian Crimes, Social Panic and Moral OutrageRowbotham, Judith The Ohio State University Press20159780814253496
0000761 The 'Line' is onRowles, George E.London Society of Compositors1948
0000118Z43 .R88From Scribble To ScriptRudland, PeterAllen & Unwin1955
0000128Z249 .R76 1998Printing On The Iron HandpressRummonds, Richard-GabrielOak Knoll Press ;British Library19979781884718397
0001159TT778.C3 R89 1995Beth Russell's William Morris NeedlepointRussell, BethConran Octopus19959781850297178
0000860NE1147.6.R R87 2013RaviliousRussell, James20139780957666504
0000946NE1147.6.R38 R87 2013Ravillious Wood EngravingsRussell, JamesMainstone Press20139780957666504
0001636ND497.B16 R8 1993Francis BaconRussell, JohnThames and Hudson19939780500202715
0001082NC1477 .R87The English Comic AlbumRussell, LeonardLondon[1948]
0001266Z235 .R95 1956A Suite of FleuronsRyder, JohnPhoenix House Ltd.1956
0000547Z250.3 .R93 1976Flowers & FlourishesRyder, JohnThe Bodley Head19769780370113081
0001206Z250.3 .R93 1976Flowers & FlourishesRyder, JohnThe Bodley Head19769780370113081
0000075Z244.3 .R9Printing for PleasureRyder, JohnPhoenix House1955
0001204Z116.A3 R96The Case for LegibilityRyder, JohnThe Bodley Head19679780370301587
0000609Z121 .P58 1973The Art of the Printed Book, 1455-1955Ryskamp, Charles (ed.)The Bodley Head Ltd, London19739780370001319

0000250NE1095 .S3 1994The Art of the Woodcut - Masterworks from the 1920sSalaman, Malcolm C.Dover Publications19949780486473598
0000682TT290 S25 1986bDictionary of leather-working tools, c. 1700-1950, and the tools of allied tradesSalaman, R. AAllen & Unwin19869780046210304
0001104TT186 .S24Dictionary of Tools Used in the Woodworking and Allied Trades, C. 1700-1970Salaman, R. AAllen & Unwin19759780046210205
0001626PA6156 .S3 1931Sallust - Loeb Classical Library No 116Sallust, Gaius Sallustius CrispusHarvard University Press1931
0001535GV1785.H45 S25HelpmannSalter, ElizabethAngus and Robertson19789780207956706
0001561DA145 .S26Roman BritainSalway, PeterClarendon Press19819780198217176
0000141PN6081 .S3 1954Book of QuotationsSamuel, Herbert Louis Samuel, ViscountJ. Barrie1954
0000938 A Book of Common BirdsSandars, EdmundOxford University Press1946
0001360N7483.S26 S25 1986Sandberg : bij voorkeur een ruwe contour.Sandberg, Willem Jacob Henri BerendLelystad1986
0000795NC242.T3 S3English Masters of Black and White - John TennielSarzano, FrancesArt and Technics1948
0000486Z249 .S23 1992American Iron PressesSaxe, Stephen O.Oak Knoll Books19929780938768357
0000340NK8643.45 .S38 1998DesignageSchartzman, ArnoldChronicle Books19989780811819626
0001432CD950 .S29The Management of ArchivesSchellenberg, TedColumbia University Press19659780231028127
0001446NC703 .S35Design FundamentalsScott, Robert GillamMcGraw-Hill1951
0000350 Thomas Haydock, 1772-1859, Catholic booksellerScragg, BrendaUniversity of Newcastle upon Tyne1999
0000552Z250 Sear's Stereotype Ornaments - 1825Sears, Matthew UrlwinThe Printing Historical Society19909780900003110
0000850Z997.A2 G84 2017Edmund Geste and His BooksSelwyn, David GThe Bibliographical Society20179780948170249
0000010Z993 .S45Making A BookplateSeverin, Mark F.Studio Publications[1949]
0000839 Shakespeare's Sonnets - Facsimilie of 1609 quarto editionShakepeare, WilliamNoel Douglas1926
0001457PN5129.L62 S53 2015Dickens, Reynolds, and Mayhew On Wellington StreetShannon, Mary L9781472442048
0000820PN5124.P4 V49 1982The Victorian Periodial Press: Samples and SoundingsShattock, Joanne; Wolff, Michael (ed.)Leicester University Press19829780718511906
0000703 Style BookShearer, A. R. (ed.)New Zealand Government Printing Office1971
0001376TS1096.W495 S53William Nash of St. Paul's CrayShears, William Sydney
0001368PR3677 .A6 1797Poems By William Shenstone, Esq.Shenstone, WilliamGeorge Nicholson Poughill1798
0000020Z701 .S5Cleaning and Caring for BooksShep, R. LSheppard19839780900661242
0000312Z232.P68 S5John Pitts - Ballad PrinterShepard, LesliePrivate Libraries Association19699780900000249
0000777Z1029.3 .S5 1973The History of Street LiteratureShepard, LeslieDavid & Charles19739780715358818
0000276Z244 .S5Advanced Typography for StudentsShepherd, E. G.Macdonald & Evans Ltd1960
0000277Z244 .S52Typography for StudentsShepherd, E. G.Macdonald & Evans Ltd1958
0000979Z250 .S544Design & PrintShepherd, Edward GeorgeMacdonald & Evans Ltd19639780584100228
0001114TK7871.58.O6 S47Operational AmplifiersShepherd, I. ELongman19819780582460898
0001232Z271. S54Hand-Made BooksShepherd, RobSearch Press19949780855327545
0001314HD9831.5 .S5Paper Making in the British Isles. An Historical and Geographical StudyShorter, Alfred HenryDavid and Charles19719780715353806
0001394HQ728 S55The Making of the Modern FamilyShorter, EdwardCollins19769780002115421
0001369KD979 The Law Society's Conveyancing HandbookSilvermann, Frances (ed.)Law Society20049781853285585
0001093PN6738.L58 S56 2003Literary LifeSimmonds, PosyJonathan Cape20039780224072694
0001137Z244 .S587 1968Introduction to PrintingSimon, HerbertThe Curwen Press1968
0000292Z232.C98 S55 1973bSong and Words - A History of the Curwen PressSimon, HerbertGeorge Allen & Unwin Ltd19739780646550114
0000074Z244.3 .S6 1954Introduction to TypographySimon, OliverPenguin Books in association with Faber and Faber1954
0001213Z244.3 .S6 1946Introduction to TypographySimon, OliverFaber and Faber1945
0000299Z232.S59 A3 1956Printer and PlaygroundSimon, OliverFaber and Faber[1956]
0001229Z232.S59 .A3 1956Printer and PlaygroundSimon, OliverFaber and Faber[1956]
0000067Z244.3 .S6 1963Introduction to TypographySimon, Oliver JosephFaber & Faber1963
0000712Z244.3 .S6 1954Introduction to Typography. (Revised edition.)Simon, Oliver JosephPenguin Books1954
0000202Z253 .S58The Intertype - Its Function Care, Operation and AdjustmentSinclair, MacDHarris-Intertype Limited1929
0000746TS1105 .S64 1920Paper technologySindall, R. WC. Griffin1920
0000614PR4825.J4 Z87 2002Douglas Jerrold 1803-1857Slater, MichaelDuckworth20029780715628249
0000393Z253 .S62What a Compositor Should KnowSlater, W. H.The Borough Publishing Company1928
0000531Z250.A2 S66 2014History of the Monotype CorporationSlinn, Judy; Carter, Sebastian; Southall, RichardPrinting Historical Society; Vanburgh Press20149870900003158
0001298Z250.A2 S66 2014History of the Monotype CorporationSlinn, Judy; Carter, Sebastian; Southall, RichardPrinting Historical Society; Vanburgh Press20149870900003158
0001494TT09 .S66Home Workshop Hints and Tips, No. 26Smeed, Vic (ed.)Nexus Special Interests19979781854861450
0001462PN4801 .S54The NewspaperSmith, AnthonyThames and Hudsonc19799780500012048
0000122TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 67 - 1974Smith, Bryan (ed.)Northwood Publications19749780719825095
0000270TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 68 - 1975Smith, Bryan H. (ed.)Northwood Publications Ltd19759780719825392
0000803PZ3.S6441 W5The Working Man's Way In the WorldSmith, Charles ManbyPrinting Historical Society1967
0001534PZ3.S6441 W5The Working Man's Way In the WorldSmith, Charles ManbyPrinting Historical Society1967
0000351Z278 .S5A Guide to Book-PublishingSmith, Datus C.R. R. Bowker Co.1966
0001426CT788.L48 S63 1973Radical Artisan, William James Linton, 1812-97Smith, F. BManchester University Press[1973]9780874711806
0000688Z244.A2 S61965The Printer's GrammarSmith, JohnGregg Press1965
0000173Z271 .S66 1992Non-adhesive BindingSmith, Keith ASigma Foundation; Distributed by K.A. Sm19929780927159050
0000389TR970 .S67Photo-engraving in ReliefSmith, William JosephSir I. Pitman & sons, ltd1932
0000742TR970 .S67Photo-engraving in ReliefSmith, William JosephSir I. Pitman & sons, ltd1932
0000818PR1145 .S55Victorian ByewaysSnelling, Vera M (ed.)Staples Press[1949]
0000231Z250 .C593 1989Circus AlphabetsSolo, Dan XDover Publications, Inc19899780486261553
0000422Z250.A2 S68 2005Printer's Type in the Twentieth CenturySouthall, RichardBritish Library20059780712348126
0000568 A Dictionary of Typography and its Accessory ArtsSouthward, John (ed.)Joseph M. Powell1875
0000021Z256 .S6Artistic Printing Southward, John"Printers' Register" Office1892
0000057Z244 .S72 1954Modern PrintingSouthward, JohnMontfort Press1954-
0000108Z244 .S72Modern PrintingSouthward, JohnRaithby, Lawrence & company, ltd1900
0000111Z244 .S72 1924Modern PrintingSouthward, John[s.n.]1924
0000634Z244 .S72 1954Modern PrintingSouthward, JohnMontfort Press1954-
0000097Z244 .S75 1911Practical PrintingSouthward, JohnR. Laurence & C1911
0000102Z244 .S75Practical PrintingSouthward, John"Printers' Register" Office1884
0000235Z244 .S75Practical PrintingSouthward, John"Printers' Register" Office1882
0000487Z124 .S72Progress in Printing and the Graphic Arts During the Victorian EraSouthward, John18979781108009133
0001545Z249 .S74The Principles and Progress of Printing Machinery. With An Account of Modern Printing Machines, By F.J.F. WilsonSouthward, JohnE. Menken[1890]
0000630Z253 .S72 1891Type-composing Machines of the Past, the Present, and the Future. A PaperSouthward, John1890
0000519NX543 .S66 2013The Bloomsbury GroupSpalding, FrancesNational Portrait Galleryc20059781855144767
0000811NX543 .S66 2005The Bloomsbury GroupSpalding, FrancesNational Portrait Galleryc20059781855144767
0000520PR6045.O72 Z835Virginia WoolfSpalding, FrancesNational Portrait Gallery20149781855144811
0000036Z232.M87 S73The Kelmscott Press and William Morris Master-craftsmanSparling, Henry HallidayMacmillan and co., limited1924
0000268TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 57 - 1964Spencer, Herbert (ed.)Lund Humphries1964
0000151TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 58 - 1965Spencer, Herbert (ed.)Lund Humphries1965
0000215TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 59 - 1966Spencer, Herbert (ed.)Lund Humphries1966
0001221TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 61 - 1968Spencer, Herbert (ed.)Lund Humphries1969
0000206TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 62 - 1969Spencer, Herbert (ed.)Lund Humphries1969
0000637TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 63 - 1970Spencer, Herbert (ed.)Lund Humphries19709780853312536
0000210TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 64 - 1971Spencer, Herbert (ed.)Lund Humphries19719780853312901
0000504TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 65 - 1972Spencer, Herbert (ed.)Lund Humphries19729780853313229
0000503TR925 .P4Penrose Annual No 66 - 1973Spencer, Herbert (ed.)Lund Humphries19739780853313502
0000331 New Poems 1956 A PEN AnthologySpender, Stephen; Jennings, Elizabeth; Abse, Dannie (ed.)Michael Joseph1956
0001438HD9831.5 .S7The Paper TradeSpicer, Albert DykesMethuen & co[1907]
0000849NC1478 .P873Cartoons From 'Punch' [4 Vols]Spielmann, Marion Harry (ed.)Bradbury, Agnew1906
0001452QC523 .S673 1892Electricity: Its Theory, Sources, and ApplicationsSprague, John TE. & F.N. Spon1892
0001640PA6697.E5 Statius II Theabaid 8-12, Achilleid, Loeb Classical Library No 498Statius, P. PapiniusHarvard University Press20039780674012097
0001276 Thomas Bewick 1753 - 1828Steedman, Robert (ed.)Steedman1978
0000528Z43 .S814Lettering for Schools and Colleges, for the Office & Workshop, Containing 42 Complete AlphabetsSteeley, Frank1902
0000539Z253 .S782 1948Printing Design and LayoutSteer, VincentVirtue[193-?
0000674Z124 .S8 1955Five Hundred Years of Printing, EtcSteinberg, Sigfrid HeinrichPenguin Books1955
0001563DA152 .S74 1971Anglo-Saxon EnglandStenton, F. MClarendon Press19719780198217169
0000354PS2478 .S8A Curious History in Book EditingStephens, KateAntigone Press1927
0001021LA631.5 .S84 1998Education in Britain, 1750-1914Stephens, W. BMacmillan1998
0000062Z250 .S83Stephenson Blake Printing TypesStephenson, Blake & Co. LtdCaslon Letter Foundry1969
0000216Z250 .S83Stephenson Blake Printing TypesStephenson, Blake & Co. LtdCaslon Letter Foundry1969
0000284Z250 .S83Stephenson Blake Printing TypesStephenson, Blake & Co. LtdCaslon Letter Foundry1969
0000930 Seashore Life and Pattern - K15Stephenson, T. A.The King Penguin Books1944
0001187ZN249 S827A Catalogue of Nineteenth Century Printing PressesSterne, Harold EOak Knoll Press2001
0000521Z159 .S74Book Makers - British Publishing in the Twentieth CenturyStevenson, IainThe British Library20109780712309615
0001460PR5489.C5 A Child's Garden of VersesStevenson, Robert Louis BalfourDavid Campbellc19929781857159080
0000919TT360 .S75SignworkStewart, BillCollinsc19849780003830682
0000144HQ1111 .L55 1992Like A Fish Needs A BicycleStibbs, Anne (ed.)Bloomsbury19929780747511731
0001273Z253 .R62 Hot-metal typesetting into the twenty-first centuryStockwell, RobertThe Southwark Press1983
0000942 A book of Lillies - K14Stoker, Fred1943
0000143Z1001 .S84The Function of BibliographyStokes, Roy BishopDeutsch19699780233960128
0000349Z1001 .E75 1967Esdaile's Manual of BibliographyStokes, Roy BishopGeorge Allen & Unwin Ltd1967
0000955Z257 .S75Preparing Art for PrintingStone, BernardReinhold[1965]
0001283NE1147.6.S8 A4 1977Reynolds StoneStone, ReynoldsJohn Murray19779780719534348
0000732Z151.5 S76 2005The Albion PressStone, ReynoldsPrinting Historical Society20059780900003134
0000684Z244.A2 S8The Printer's GrammarStower, CGregg Press1965
0001655Z244 .S873The Printing IndustryStrauss, VictorPrinting Industries of America[1967]
0000756TS1109 .S83 1990The Art & Craft of Handmade PaperStudley, VanceDover19909780486264219
0001192PR3718 .A1The Poems, Plays, and Other Remains of Sir John SucklingSuckling, JohnReeves and Turner18929780836951691
0001340PA6156 .S9Suetonius I - Loeb Classical Library No 31SuetoniusHarvard University Press9780674995703
0001341PA6156 .S9Suetonius II - Loeb Classical Library No 38Suetonius9780674995659
0000171NC978 .S855 2005The British Pre-raphaelite Illustrators : A History of Their Published Prints : With Critical Biographical Essays, More Than 52Suriano, Gregory ROak Knoll Press; British Library20059781584561606
0001442Z325.O94 S94 1978The Oxford University PressSutcliffe, Peter HClarendon Press19789780199510849
0000920NK3630.3.S S88 1989The Art & Craft of Sign-writingSutherland, WilliamCrescent Books1989, 9780517682180
0000858HF5811 .S9 1968The Mad Old AdsSutphen, RichardW. H. Allen1968
0000678Z250 .S935 1968An atlas of typeformsSutton, JamesLund Humphries1968
0001294Z250 .S96Typefaces for BooksSutton, JamesBritish Library, |c 199019909780712301909
0000696Z244.3 .S97Techniques of TypographySwann, CalLund Humphries1980, 9780853314424
0001091NA6315.G72 L67Railway Architecture of Greater LondonSymes, RodneyOsprey Publishing19739780850451238

0001339PA6156 .T25 1970Tacitus - Agricola - Loeb Classical Library No 35Tacitus, CorneliusW. Heinemann1970
0001434PA6156 .T25 1951Tacitus - Histories IV-V; Annals I-IIII - Loeb Classical Library No 249Tacitus, Cornelius
0001347PA6156 .T25 1951Tacitus - The Annals IV-VI, XI-XII - Loeb Classical Library No 312Tacitus, Cornelius
0001348PA6156 .T25 1951Tacitus - The Annals XIII-XVI - Loeb Classical Library No 322Tacitus, Cornelius9780674993556
0000044QA76.73.P67 P67 1990PostScript Language Reference ManualTaft, EdAddison-Wesleyc19909780201181272
0000060Z244 .T3 1949Printing TodayTarr, John COxford University Press1949
0000479Z253 .T19How to Plan PrintTarr, John CharlesCrosby, Lockwood & Son Ltd1938
0001134Z253 .T19How to Plan PrintTarr, John CharlesCrosby, Lockwood & Son Ltd1949
0001252Z253 .T19How to Plan PrintTarr, John CharlesCrosby, Lockwood & Son Ltd1949
0000251NE1147.6.B T38 1994John BewickTattersfield, NigelOak Knoll Press19949781584560531
0001367NE1147.6.B47 T37 2011The Complete Illustrative Works of Thomas BewickTattersfield, NigelThe British Library2011
0001576DA566 .T38 1985English History, 1914-1945Taylor, A. J. POxford University Press19659780195003048
0001543DA45 .T3 1993The Trouble MakersTaylor, A. J. PPimlico19939780712659222
0000675Z116 .T3Printing and progressTaylor, Archer;Arlt, Gustave O.University of California Press1941
0001624N6490 .T37 1980The Art Nouveau Book in BritainTaylor, John RussellP. Harrisc19809780904505856
0001664PA6156 .T4 1912Terence I - Loeb Classical LibraryTerenceHarvard University Press1959
0001435PA6756.A1 B36 1965Terence I -The woman of Andros etc - Loeb Classical Library No 22TerenceHarvard University Press2001
0001558PA6156 .T4 1912Terence II -Phormio; The Mother-in-law - Loeb Classical LibraryTerenceW. Heinemann1912
0000228 Attachments and Accessories for Monotype Type Composing MachinesThe Monotype Corporation LtdThe Monotype Corporation Ltd
0000224 Monotype Keyboard Adjustment BookThe Monotype Corporation LtdThe Monotype Corporation Ltd1937
0000225 Monotype Keyboard Instruction BookThe Monotype Corporation LtdThe Monotype Corporation Ltd1937
0000356Z4 .T48Fine BooksThomas, Alan G.Weidenfeld and Nicolson1967
0000414Z250 .T44A Book of Printed AlphabetsThomas, DavidSidgwick & Jackson Ltd1937
0000707 Vocabularium bibliothecarii, English, French, GermanThompson, AnthonyUNESCO[1958]
0001118HD8388 .T47 1968The Making of the English Working ClassThompson, E. PPenguin1968
0001549PR5083 .T6William Morris, Romantic to RevolutionaryThompson, EdwardLawrence & Wishart1955
0000131N8550 .T42 1996Matting and Framing Made EasyThompson, JaneanWatson Guptil19969780823030477
0000058Z253 .T48 1928The Mechanism of the LinotypeThompson, John SmithThe Inland printer company1928
0001548PR5083 .T63 1967The Work of William MorrisThompson, Paul RichardHeinemann1967
0000112Z325.D42 JA Tour of The Temple Press; An Account By James Thornton, M.A., Of Printing And Binding Books at The Works of J. M. Dent & SonsThornton, James CholmondeleyJ.M. Dent & sons ltd1935
0000069Z244 .T53Printing for BusinessThorp, JosephJohn Hogg1919
0001468TJ1225 .T47Vertical Milling in the Home Workshop, No. 3Throp, ArnoldSpecial Interest Model Books19849780852428436
0000126Z232.C65 T53 2002The Doves PressTidcombe, MarianneThe British Library & Oak Knoll Press20029781584560845
0000960DA1 .T55 1992English Local HistoryTiller, KateA. Sutton19929780862999582
0001386DA1 .T55 1992English Local HistoryTiller, KateA. Sutton19929780862999582
0001436TS1096.B75 T54Bridge Hall MillsTillmanns, MartinCompton Press19789780900193668
0001662Z116 .T58A Dictionary of Printers and PrintingTimperley, C. HH. Johnson1839
0000008Z116 .T59The Printer's Manual. London, 1838Timperley, Charles Henry1965
0000848TS1109 .T596 1983The Art of PapermakingToale, BernardDavis Publicationsc19839780871921406
0000473Z330.6.L6 T6A Directory of Printers and Others in Allied Trades - London & VincinityTodd, William B.Printing Historical Society19729780900003042
0001504Z330.6.L6 T6A Directory of Printers and Others in Allied Trades - London & VincinityTodd, William B.Printing Historical Society19729780900003042
0001651PR6039.O32 H6165 2012Hobbitus IlleTolkien, J. R. R9780007445219
0000941N352 .T58Children as Artists - K16Tomlinson, R. R.The King Penguin Books1944
0000500 CHAMP FLEVRYTory, GeofroyDover Publications, Inc1967
0000959D13 .T62 2010The Pursuit of HistoryTosh, JohnLongman2010
0001133Z250.A2 T762 1988The Typographic SceneTracy, WalterGordon Fraser19889780860921127
0001408Z675 .R45 T777 CCommitted to PrintTraue, J. EVictoria University Press1991
0001519DA145 .E44Caesar's Invasion of BritainTremayne, PeterOrbis Publ19789780856130182
0000418PZ4.T814 BiThe Big TomatoTrevelyan, RaleighLongmans1966
0000237Z325.H25 T7 1952Printer to the HouseTrewin, J. CMethuen[1952]
0000645HF5823 .T7An Introduction to AdvertisingTrimble, William EdwinSir I. Pitman & sons, ltd1932
0001516PN1993.5.U65 T7 1982The Time of the ToadTrumbo, DaltonJourneyman Pressc19829780904526783
0000985Z116 T7513 1995The New TypographyTschichold, JanUniversity of California Press20089780520520123
0001016Z1037 .T92Pages and Pictures From Forgotten Children's BooksTuer, Andrew WhiteThe Leadenhall Press1898-9
0000726TS1109 .T87 1983Handmade Paper TodayTurner, SilvieLund Humphries19839780853314578
0000017Z151 .T93Printing 1770-1970Twyman, MichaelEyre & Spottiswoode19709780443264207
0000672Z151 .T93Printing 1770-1970Twyman, MichaelEyre & Spottiswoode19709780443264207
0001665NK3049 Reproducing the Bayeux TapestryTwyman, Michael978090003198
0000009Z124 .T89 1998The British Library Guide to PrintingTwyman, MichaelBritish Libraryc19989780712345880

0000134NE1147.6.B U35 2006Nature's Engraver : A Life of Thomas BewickUglow, Jennifer SFaber and Faber20069780571223749
0001029NE2890 .U55Pictorial Printing ProcessesUllyett, KennethPitman1949
0000523 Point Widths of Initial LettersUniversity Press, Cambridge (ed.)Cambridge University Press1957
0001196 Point Widths of Initial LettersUniversity Press, Cambridge (ed.)Cambridge University Press1957
0001265 Point Widths of Initial LettersUniversity Press, Cambridge (ed.)Cambridge University Press1957
0000843Z329.L653 U57The Stationer's Company 1918 - 1977Unwin, PhilipErnest Benn Limited19949780510000196
0000560Z323 .U53 1960The Truth about PublishingUnwin, StanleyGeorge Allen & Unwin Ltd1960
0000388Z250.A2 U6 1937Printing Types - Their History, Forms and UseUpdike, D. B.Oxford University Press, London1937
0000683Z250.A2 U6 1937Printing TypesUpdike, Daniel BerkeleyOxford University Pressc1937
0001531DC232 .U73 2001The Man Who Broke Napoleon's CodesUrban, Mark9780571205134

0001668PA6156 .V25 1934aValerius Flaccus - Argonautica - Loeb Classical Library No 286Valerius Flaccus, GaiusHeinemann19349780674993167
0001074PR878.S62 V37 2018An Underground History of Early Victorian FictionVargo, Gregory9781107197855
0000186TS1200 .V4 1960The Manufacture Of Paper Containers: The Revised Text Book On Paper Box And Bag MakingVerstone, Philip EasonLewis Publications Ltd1960
0001006LC156.G72 E58 1989Literacy and Popular CultureVincent, DavidCambridge University Press19899780521334662

0000648NC997 .W27LayoutWade, CecilSir I. Pitman & sons, ltd1934
0000937 Heraldry in England - K22Wagner, AnthonyThe King Penguin Books1946
0000096Z250 .W23 1936Alternative Type Faces Waite, Harold ETechnical Pub. Co1936
0000319Z257 .W34Victorian Book IllustrationWakeman, GeoffreyDavid & Charles19739780715359365
0001051Z232.W17 W35 2019Emery WalkerWalker, Emery9781584563839
0000815NE1225 .W35 2010The Woodcut Artist's HandbookWalker, George AFireflyc20109781554076352
0000431NE1225 .W35 2010The Woodcut Artist's HandbookWalker, George A.Firefly20109781554076352
0000852TR970 .W34 1969Letterpress PlatemakingWallis, F. G.; Cannon, R. V.Pergamon Press19699780080138664
0000201Z232.J397 W3Leonard JayWallis, L. W.Charles Skilton Ltd1963
0000413Z118 .W2Printing Trade AbbreviationsWallis, L. W.F. C. Avis1960
0000314Z232.J726 W35 2004George W. Jones - Printer LaureateWallis, LawrenceThe Plough Press20049780902813205
0001605DA483.W2 A25*The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 12. 1781-1783Walpole, HoraceClarendon press1903-
0001594DA483.W2 A25*The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 2. 1743-1750Walpole, HoraceClarendon press1903-
0001613DA506.W2 A13 1963Horace WalpoleWalpole, HoraceMacmillan[1963]
0001590Z232.S9 W2Journal of the Printing-office At Strawberry HillWalpole, HoracePrinted at the Chiswick press for Constable and company limited [London] and Houghton Mifflin company [Boston]1923
0001604DA483.W2 A25Supplement to the Letters of Horace Walpole V1Walpole, HoraceClarendon press1903-
0001616DA483.W2 A25Supplement to the Letters of Horace Walpole V2Walpole, HoraceClarendon press1903-
0001602DA483.W2 A25The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 10. 1777-1779Walpole, HoraceClarendon press1903-
0001603DA483.W2 A25The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 11. 1779-1781Walpole, HoraceClarendon press1903-
0001606DA483.W2 A25The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 13. 1783-1787Walpole, HoraceClarendon press1903-
0001607DA483.W2 A25The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 14. 1787-1791Walpole, HoraceClarendon press1903-
0001608DA483.W2 A25The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 15. 1791-1797Walpole, HoraceClarendon press1903-
0001609DA483.W2 A25The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 16. Tables and indices.Walpole, HoraceClarendon press1903-
0001595DA483.W2 A25The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 3. 1750-1756Walpole, HoraceClarendon press1903-
0001596DA483.W2 A25The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 4. 1756-1760Walpole, HoraceClarendon press1903-
0001597DA483.W2 A25The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 5. 1760-1764Walpole, HoraceClarendon press1903-
0001598DA483.W2 A25The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 6. 1764-1766Walpole, HoraceClarendon press1903-
0001599DA483.W2 A25The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 7. 1766-1771Walpole, HoraceClarendon press1903-
0001600DA483.W2 A25The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 8. 1771-1774Walpole, HoraceClarendon press1903-
0001601DA483.W2 A25The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 9. 1774-1776Walpole, HoraceClarendon press1903-
0001593DA483.W2 A25The Letters of Horace Walpole Vol 1. 1732-1743Walpole, HoraceClarendon press1903-
0001614DA483.W2 A499Letters of Horace WalpoleWalpole, HoraceFolio Society1951
0000472Z325.W29 A3An Occupation for GentlemenWarburg, FrederickHutchinson & Co Ltd1959
0000154NE1112.W37 A4 2004Gods' Man : A Novel In WoodcutsWard, LyndDover Publications20049780486435008
0001005LA636 .W36 1976English Popular Education, 1780-1975Wardle, DavidCambridge University Pressc19769780521212021
0001380HV9069 .W36 2018Criminal ChildrenWatkins, Emma9781526738080
0001097NC735 .W36The Craft of Old-master DrawingsWatrous, JamesUniversity of Wisconsin Press1957
0001102Z271 .W36 1996Hand Bookbinding, A Manual of InstructionWatson, Aldren AuldDover Publications1996
0001230Z271 .W36 1996Hand Bookbinding, A Manual of InstructionWatson, Aldren AuldBell Publishing Company, Inc1963
0000659TS1124.5 Creative handmade paperWatson, DavidSearch19919780855327125
0000693Z152.S42 W3 1965The History of the Art of PrintingWatson, JamesGregg Press1965
0001573DA505 .W38The Reign of George III, 1760-1815Watson, John StevenClarendon Press1960
0000087ND497.R8 W3 1975Rossetti, His Life And Works Waugh, EvelynDuckworth19759780715607725
0000323TT186 .W4 2002Making Woodwork Aids and DevicesWearing, RobertGuild of Master Craftsman Publishers Ltd20029781861081292
0001524TS1096.G8 W42One Hundred Years of PapermakingWeatherill, Lorna[s.n.]c1974
0000148NC978 .W42 2008DesignWebb, BrianAntique Collectors' Club[2008]9781851495719
0001126NC1850.K3 W43 2007DesignWebb, BrianAntique Collector's Clubc20079781851495207
0000332NC978.5.B3 A4 2005Design - Edward Bawden, Eric RaviliousWebb, Brian; Skipwith, PeytonAntique Collectors' Club20059781851495009
0001129NC999.6.G7 H34 2011Design: Henrion, F. H. K.Webb, Brian;Artmonsky, RuthAntique Collectors' Club20119781851496327
0001028HD8389 .W42The British Working Class ReaderWebb, Robert KieferG. Allen & Unwin[1955]9780678005781
0001622U35 .W48 1985The Roman Imperial Army of the First and Second Centuries A.DWebster, GrahamBarnes & Noble Books19859780713626971
0000612NE1217.B4 W4Thomas BewickWeekley, MontagueOxford University Press1953
0001427PS144.L6 W4The London YankeesWeintraub, StanleyHarcourt Brace Jovanovichc19799780151529780
0001057TT154 .W45Workshop Materials (Workshop Practice): 30Weiss, AlexNexus Special Interests19999781854861924
0000249NE1150.35. G46 1994German Expressionist WoodcutsWeller, ShaneDover Publications19949780486280691
0001307AE1 .W43The Circle of KnowledgeWells, James MNewberry Library1968
0001002LA631.7 .W47 1975bEducation and the Industrial RevolutionWest, E. GBatsford19759780713427783
0001156Z246 .W48 1990Working with StyleWest, SuzanneWatson-Guptill19909780823058723
0000353Z473.W57 A3 1968The Making of a PublisherWeybright, VictorWeidenfeld and Nicolson1968
0000156Z244 .P85 1965Practical Printing and BindingWhetton, HarryOdhams Books[c1965
0001303Z244 .P85 1965Practical Printing and BindingWhetton, HarryOdhams Books[c1965
0000395 Questions and Answers in TypographyWhetton, HarryRaithby, Lawrence & Co. Ltd, Leicester1913
0000587Z244.3 .W574 1920Hints and WrinklesWhetton, HarryRaithby, Lawrence & Co Ltd1920
0000649HF5415 .W545 1950The Administration of Marketing and SellingWhitehead, HaroldSir Isaac Pitman & Sons1950
0000796NC242.D8 W5English Masters of Black-and-White - George du MaurierWhiteley, Derek PepysArt and Technics1948
0001015N332.G33 B487 1984BauhausWhitford, FrankThames and Hudson1984
0000220NK1447.6.M6 M4William Morris: Story Memory MythWhittaker, EsmeTwo Temple Place20119780957062801
0001003Z6956.G6 W54A Descriptive Finding List of Unstamped British Periodicals, 1830-1836Wiener, Joel HBibliographical Society1970
0000653HJ4708.A7 W53The War of the Unstamped Wiener, Joel HCornell University Press 19699780801405228
0000488PS3545.I34 B7 1929The Bridge of San Luis ReyWilder, Thornton NivenLongmans, Green & Co1929
0000845 Buchdruck-Schnellpressen und Endlos-Rotationsmaschinen des 19. JahrhundertsWilkes, WalterTechnische Universitat20049783886071524
0001345DA677 .W5In the Shadow of St. Paul's CathedralWilles, Margaret9780300249835
0001572DA498 .W5 1962The Whig Supremacy, 1714-1760Williams, BasilClarendon Press1962
0001160PN5114 .W53The English NewspaperWilliams, KeithSpringwood Books19779780905947150
0001031CB69 Culture and SocietyWilliams, RaymondHogarth19879780701207922
0001030DA566.4 .W48The Long RevolutionWilliams, RaymondChatto & Windus1961
0001292Z250 .W737Photocomposition at the Alden Press, OxfordWilliamson, Hugh (ed.)Alden Press1981
0000665Z116.A3 W5Methods of Book DesignWilliamson, Hugh Albert FordyceOxford University Press1956
0001207Z116.A3 .W5Methods of Book DesignWilliamson, Hugh Albert FordyceOxford University Press1956
0001216Z116.A3 W5Methods of Book DesignWilliamson, Hugh Albert FordyceYale University Press1983
0000078Z116.A3 W5Methods of Book Design : The Practice of an Industrial CraftWilliamson, Hugh Albert FordyceOxford University Press1956
0000419Z232.H73 W54 1966Leonard and Virginia Woolf as PublishersWillis, J HUniversity Press of Virginia19669780813913612
0000673Z116.A3 W53The Design of BooksWilson, AdrianReinhold Pub. Corp1967
0000589Z252 .W674Stereotyping and ElectrotypingWilson, Frederick J. F.E. Menken1890
0000799Z249 .W74A Practical Treatise Upon the Modern Printing Machinery and Letterpress PrintingWilson, Frederick. John Farlow; Grey, DouglasCassell & Co1888
0001009PE1617.O94 W558 2003The Meaning of EverythingWinchester, SimonOxford University Press20039780198607021
0001139ML3805 .W5533Music, Sound and SensationWinckel, FritzDover Publications[1967]
0000391Z252 .W68Stereotyping and ElectrotypingWinter, Arthur F.Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd1948
0000651TS1105 .W55 1942Modern pulp and paper makingWitham, G. SReinhold publishing corporation1942
0000178Z247 .W8Pressmen's Ink HandbookWolfe, Herbert JayDorland Books1952
0000392Z232.W86 W64 1980Berthold Wolpe - A Retrospective SurveyWolpe, BertholdFaber & Faber Ltd19809780905209159
0001226Z232.W86 W64 1980Berthold Wolpe - A Retrospective SurveyWolpe, BertholdFaber & Faber Ltd19809780571116553
0001238 Caslon architecturalWolpe, Berthold1964
0000740TR980 .W66Printing Theory and Practice - No 19 - PhotogravureWood, FranklinPitman1952
0000624Z151 .W66The Victorian Provincial Printer and the StageWood, RobertNewcastle Imprint Club1972
0000608DA533 .W88Victorian DelightsWood, RobertEvan Brothers Limited, London19679780237352226
0001349PA2365.E5 W6 1955The Englishman's Pocket Latin-English and English-Latin DictionaryWoodhouse, S. CRoutldge & Kegan Paul1955
0001120DA530 .W6 1962The Age of ReformWoodward, E. LThe Clarendon pressc1962
0001574DA530 .W6 1939The Age of Reform, 1815-1870Woodward, E. LThe Clarendon press[1939]
0001542JA94.W6 A26 1964aBeginning AgainWoolf, LeonardHogarth Press1964
0000980JA94.W6 A27 1967Downhill All the WayWoolf, LeonardThe Hogarth Press19679780156261456
0001541JA94.W6 A29 1969Downhill All the WayWoolf, LeonardHogarth Press19699780701203269
0000813 Poetical Works of William Wordsworth V.5Wordsworth, WilliamO.U.P1959 (
0001090PR5850 1951The Poetical Works of WordsworthWordsworth, WilliamOxford University Press1904
0001332PR5850 .F32 1932The Poetical Works of WordsworthWordsworth, William
0001275TT205 The Home MetalworkerWorthington, Julian (ed.)Oribis Publishing19829780856134166

0001069Z271 .Y68 1995Bookbinding & Conservation By HandYoung, Laura SOak Knoll Press1995

0000083Z271 .Z17 2007The Art of Bookbinding : The Classic Victorian Handbook Zaehnsdorf, Joseph WilliamDover Publications20079780486457338